PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLN: 13-34 December 10, 2013 File Code #: R02 MEMO TO: Martha Rogers, Director of Education FROM: Jennifer Passy, Manager of Planning Janice Wright, Superintendent of Finance RE: James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 Report Classification: INFORMATION BACKGROUND On October 22, 2013 the Board of Trustees approved PLN: 13-25 “James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #1” which initiated the boundary review process for establishing new attendance areas for James McQueen PS, J.D. Hogarth PS and John Black PS. ISSUE In accordance with the School Boundary Review Procedures Manual (320-A), Report #2 is to provide: a) Alternative scenarios to address the accommodation issues; b) Staff analysis of the alternative scenarios developed; c) A list of recommended options including justification for the recommendations; d) The proposed timeline for implementation of the Boundary changes; and e) A communication plan. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT memo PLN: 13-34 entitled “James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2” be received. RATIONALE See the attached report “James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2”. JAMES MCQUEEN PS BOUNDARY REVIEW REPORT #2 Presented to the Business Operations Committee Upper Grand District School Board December 10, 2013 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Board approved the initiation of the James McQueen PS Boundary Review on October 22, 2013. The Staff Committee has met three times, considered the goals, objectives and constraints of the review which were contained in Report #1 and discussed possible school boundary scenarios. The Staff Committee has made a link available on the Board’s website to receive correspondence from the public. The Goals, Objectives and Constraints for this review are: Goals 1. Create viable boundaries or grade structures for James McQueen PS, J.D. Hogarth PS and John Black PS. Objectives 1. Develop grade structure or attendance areas for James McQueen PS, J.D. Hogarth PS and John Black PS that establish viable and sustainable programs. 2. Alleviate the overcapacity pressure forecasted at James McQueen PS. 3. Maximize the number of students within walking distance to schools. 4. Minimize the impact on students where transitions are proposed. Constraints 1. The James McQueen PS site is not suited to accommodating an addition or portable(s). 2. The attendance area needs to be established in time to allow communication of the boundary change to families prior to Kindergarten registration and to allow for staffing decisions which commence in February 2014. 2.0 ENROLMENT BACKGROUND 2.1 James McQueen PS James McQueen PS offers Grades JK-6 Regular Track (RT) and Grades JK-4 French Immersion (FI). The current On the Ground (OTG) capacity of James McQueen PS is 371 pupil places. The Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) renovation planned at James McQueen PS will convert three existing classrooms into two purpose built FDK rooms. The school will offer FDK in September 2014 and at that time will have an OTG Capacity of 366 pupil places. The Dual Track (DT) nature of the school (both RT and FI programs) results in inefficient loading of classroom space. Based on past work by the Planning Department, a DT school typically results in the building’s capacity being reduced by three pupils per classroom. Therefore, the Effective Capacity of James 1 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 McQueen PS is currently 321 pupil places. The Effective Capacity of the school will be 318 pupil places in 2014. The enrolment at James McQueen PS in September 2013 was 338.5 FTE students (Kindergarten students still counted as half time). Chart 1 illustrates the historical and projected Status Quo enrolment forecast for James McQueen PS. Chart 1 also shows the change in the schools’ OTG Capacity as a result of the FDK renovations. The Status Quo enrolment forecast for James McQueen PS shows continual growth in FI enrolment between 2013 and the duration of the forecast period. There is a significant jump anticipated in the FI enrolment in 2014 as a result of accommodating a large number of Kindergarten students full time. Conversely, there is a much smaller impact on the RT enrolment from FDK. Beyond 2014, the RT enrolment is projected to remain relatively stable. In total, there are almost 100 more students projected at James McQueen PS in 2014. Chart 1 - James McQueen PS Status Quo Enrolment James McQueen PS Status Quo Enrolment 600 FDK Year 500 400 300 200 100 0 JK-6 RT 2.2 JK-4 FI OTG Capacity Effective Capacity J. D. Hogarth PS J.D. Hogarth PS offers Grades JK-8 RT and Grades 5-8 FI. J.D. Hogarth PS currently has an OTG capacity of 368 pupil places. When the four classroom addition and interior FDK renovations are completed for FDK implementation in September 2014, the OTG capacity will increase to 478 pupil places. When considering the impact of DT programming in the school, the Effective Capacity is reduced to approximately 415 pupil places. The OTG and Effective Capacity calculations do not reflect the portable capacity which exists on the site. There are currently plans to replace the existing four classroom port-a-pak with another four classroom 2 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 port-a-pak, which combined with the two classroom eco-pak will ensure six additional classrooms are available on the site. The enrolment at J.D. Hogarth PS in September 2013 was 483.5 FTE students. Chart 2 illustrates the historical and projected Status Quo enrolment forecast for J.D. Hogarth PS. Chart 2 also shows the change in the school’s OTG Capacity as a result of the FDK addition and renovations. The Status Quo enrolment forecast for J.D. Hogarth PS shows a stable projection for the RT program, and slight growth in the FI program to the end of the forecast period. Chart 2 - J.D. Hogarth PS Status Quo Enrolment J.D. Hogarth PS Status Quo Enrolment 700 FDK Year 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 JK-8 RT 5-8 FI OTG Capacity Effective Capacity Existing Portable Capacity 2.3 John Black PS John Black PS offers Grades JK-8 RT, with students graduating from Victoria Terrace PS attending John Black PS for Grades 7 and 8. John Black PS currently has an OTG capacity of 314 pupil places. The enrolment at John Black PS in September 2013 was 260 students. Chart 3 illustrates the historical and projected Status Quo enrolment forecast for John Black PS. The Status Quo enrolment forecast shows a gradual decline in the school’s enrolment to the end of the forecast period. The utilization of John Black PS is projected to be approximately 68% by 2022. 3 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 Chart 3 - John Black PS Status Quo Enrolment John Black PS Status Quo Enrolment 350 FDK Year & Addition of Grade 8 class 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 JK-8 RT 3.0 OTG Capacity FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON Since 2009, the FI program in the Township of Centre Wellington has been housed in two schools. Students have attended James McQueen PS for Grades JK-4 and J.D. Hogarth PS for Grades 5-8. FI has been increasing in popularity across the jurisdiction and the Township of Centre Wellington’s FI enrolment has followed the trend experienced elsewhere within the Board’s jurisdiction. Chart 4 illustrates the growth in the FI program in the Township since 2009. Chart 4 - French Immersion Growth in Centre Wellington French Immersion Growth in Centre Wellington 350 300 250 200 5-8 FI 150 JK-4 FI 100 50 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 4 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 4.0 BOUNDARY SCENARIOS Since the presentation of Report #1 (PLN: 13‐25) on October 8, 2013, the Boundary Review Committee has met on three occasions and has been engaged in scenario development. The committee considered a total of ten different scenario options. The committee initially considered scenarios that would maintain the JK-6 RT program at James McQueen PS. Due to the inefficiencies in space utilization in a DT school, it became necessary to look at both the RT program and the FI program in this review. The committee also developed scenarios that would maintain the FI program between two sites, as it currently operates, through a shift of additional grades of FI to J.D. Hogarth PS. It became evident after reviewing these scenarios that due to the size of the FI program, it would be necessary to explore the option of an additional FI site in the Township of Centre Wellington. After careful discussion and debate, the committee concluded that only one of the ten scenarios developed presents a viable accommodation option. Scenario 1 is Staff’s preferred scenario. Staff has included two of the Committee’s discarded scenarios in this report in order to illustrate the issues in maintaining the RT program at James McQueen PS and maintaining the FI program in only two locations. 4.1 Scenario 2 - Discarded Scenario 2 proposed maintaining the JK-6 RT program at James McQueen PS, and shifting additional FI grades from James McQueen PS to J.D. Hogarth PS. Scenario 2 had the following grade structures: James McQueen PS – JK-6 RT, JK-1 FI J.D. Hogarth PS – JK-8 RT, Grades 2-8 FI John Black PS – JK-8 RT (7+8 RT from James McQueen PS) This scenario maintained the RT program and retained a primary FI program at James McQueen PS. FI students graduated to Grade 2 at J.D. Hogarth PS. Grade 6 RT students from James McQueen PS were directed to John Black PS instead of J.D. Hogarth PS for Grades 7 & 8. Table 1: Scenario 2 Enrolment Projections Scenario 2 OTG Capacity Effective Capacity 2014 2018 JK/SK 1-6 7/8 James McQueen PS JK-6 RT 46 95 0 140 James McQueen PS JK-1 FI 117 52 0 168 163 146 0 309 J.D. Hogarth PS JK-8 RT 75 228 106 J.D. Hogarth PS 2-8 FI 0 183 44 75 411 31 31 James McQueen PS Total J.D. Hogarth PS Total 366 478 John Black PS JK-8 RT John Black PS Total 314 318 415 Total JK/SK 2022 1-6 7/8 Total JK/SK 1-6 7/8 Total 37 116 0 153 123 60 0 183 35 110 0 145 126 62 0 188 160 176 0 336 161 171 0 333 409 78 242 75 227 0 238 67 396 76 230 78 383 305 0 249 84 150 636 78 480 333 142 700 76 478 162 716 116 111 259 32 94 135 261 32 96 131 259 116 111 259 32 94 135 261 32 96 131 259 *totals may not match due to rounding 5 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 The Committee concluded that Scenario 2 was not viable because it did not provide enough relief at James McQueen PS and it added too much pressure to J.D. Hogarth PS. James McQueen’s enrolment would surpass its effective capacity by 2015, and J.D. Hogarth PS would reach 700 students by 2018. John Black PS, on the other hand, is underutilized for the duration of the projection period. 4.2 Scenario 3 – Discarded Scenario 3 proposed a JK-2 DT school at James McQueen PS. Scenario 3 had the following grade structures: James McQueen PS – JK-2 RT, JK-2 FI J.D. Hogarth PS – JK-8 RT, Grades 3-8 FI John Black PS – JK-8 RT (Grades 3-8 RT from James McQueen PS) Scenario 3 maintained the current FI feed from James McQueen PS to J.D. Hogarth PS. However, FI students would attend J.D Hogarth PS in Grade 3 instead of Grade 5. Scenario 3 proposed a significant change for the James McQueen PS RT students, as they would transition to John Black PS for Grades 3-8. Table 2 – Scenario 3 Enrolment Projections Scenario 3 OTG Capacity Effective Capacity 2014 JK/SK 2018 1-6 7/8 Total JK/SK 2022 1-6 7/8 Total JK/SK 1-6 7/8 Total James McQueen PS JK-2 RT 46 33 0 78 37 38 0 75 35 37 0 72 James McQueen PS JK-2 FI 117 100 0 217 123 118 0 241 126 120 0 246 163 133 0 296 160 156 0 316 161 157 0 319 J.D. Hogarth PS JK-8 RT 75 228 106 409 78 242 75 396 76 230 78 383 J.D. Hogarth PS 3-8 FI 0 135 44 179 0 181 67 248 0 190 84 275 75 362 150 588 78 423 142 643 76 420 162 658 31 178 111 321 32 171 136 339 32 169 131 332 31 178 111 321 32 171 136 339 32 169 131 332 James McQueen PS Total J.D. Hogarth PS Total 366 478 John Black PS JK-8 RT John Black PS Total 314 318 415 *totals may not match due to rounding The shift between James McQueen PS and J.D. Hogarth PS is an established move for the FI students. A shift of RT students out of their home school in Grade 3 represented a significant change in the RT program. In addition, Scenario 3 did not provide a balance between the RT and FI programs. Despite equivalent grade structures, the RT program accounted for less than 25% of the entire school population. The Committee felt that this scenario was not viable due to the significant impact of the removal of RT students from their home school. In addition, enrolment at John Black PS would reach a high over 340 pupils and would surpass the septic system capacity of the school. 4.3 Scenario 1 – Staff’s Preferred Scenario The Committee concluded that there was only one viable scenario to be included in Report #2 and presented to the public. Scenario 1 proposes an FI boundary change in Centre Wellington and the establishment of a new FI location at John Black PS. Scenario 1 has the following grade structures: 6 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 James McQueen PS – JK-5 RT, JK-3 FI (West of Highway 6) J.D. Hogarth PS – JK-8 RT, 4-8 FI John Black PS – JK-8 RT, JK-3 FI (East of Highway 6) Scenario 1 establishes two primary FI programs in the Township of Centre Wellington. James McQueen PS will accommodate JK-3 FI students who live west of Highway 6 and in the Victoria Terrace PS RT attendance area. A new JK-3 FI program at John Black PS will accommodate FI students residing east of Highway 6. Staff is recommending that the program at John Black PS begin JK-1 in September 2014, and grow by one grade per year until it is a JK-3 program in 2016. In 2014 and 2015, Grade 2 and Grade 3 FI students (currently in Grade 1 and Grade 2) will be grandparented at James McQueen PS until they graduate to J.D. Hogarth PS for Grade 4. Unlike Scenarios 2 & 3, James McQueen RT students will continue to graduate to JD Hogarth PS. There are no changes to the James McQueen PS RT attendance area boundary, however Grade 5 students will graduate to J.D. Hogarth PS one year earlier for Grade 6. James McQueen PS will have a JK-5 RT program. Table 3 – Scenario 1 Projections Scenario 1 OTG Capacity Effective Capacity James McQueen PS JK-5 RT 2014 2018 JK/SK 1-6 7/8 46 79 0 Total JK/SK 125 37 2022 1-6 7/8 95 0 Total JK/SK 132 35 1-6 7/8 Total 90 0 126 76 121 0 197 81 112 0 193 83 114 0 198 122 199 0 322 118 207 0 325 119 205 0 323 J.D. Hogarth PS JK-8 RT 75 243 117 435 78 262 108 448 76 249 121 446 J.D. Hogarth PS 4-8 FI 0 94 44 138 0 130 67 196 0 138 85 223 75 337 162 573 78 391 175 645 76 387 207 669 John Black PS JK-8 RT 31 117 100 248 32 94 104 230 32 96 87 215 John Black PS JK-3 FI (JK-1 in 2014) 40 21 0 61 42 58 0 100 43 60 0 102 72 137 100 309 74 152 104 330 75 155 87 318 James McQueen PS JK-3 FI James McQueen PS Total J.D. Hogarth PS Total John Black PS Total 366 478 314 318 415 279 *totals may not match due to rounding Scenario 1 keeps James McQueen PS close to its Effective Capacity of 318 students, and provides more of a balance between the RT and FI programs. As was previously noted, scenario development throughout the Boundary Review process highlighted the necessity for an additional FI site in the Township of Centre Wellington. The Committee felt that a boundary split along Highway 6 provides a logical division between the two FI sites. Although a new FI site has been added, students in Centre Wellington will still only attend two elementary schools for FI - John Black PS or James McQueen PS for primary grades, and J.D. Hogarth PS for junior and intermediate grades. The boundary maps for Scenario 1 are located in Appendix A. 5.0 Transportation Considerations An objective of this review is to maximize the number of students within walking distance to schools. By keeping a JK-5 RT program at James McQueen PS, Scenario 1 maintains much of the current walkable 7 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 students at James McQueen PS. Creating an east/west FI boundary split maximizes the number of students who are able to walk to James McQueen PS and John Black PS. Bussing will be provided for those students who are eligible. Once a scenario is confirmed by the Board, Service de transport de Wellington‐Dufferin Student Transportation Services (STWDSTS) will determine transportation eligibility. The website will be updated in April 2014 to include transportation eligibility information for the new boundaries as well as recommended walking routes. 6.0 Implementation Timelines Due to projected FDK pressures in 2014, Staff is recommending that any boundary changes and grade shifts become effective September 2014. The implementation timelines applicable to Scenario 1 are suggested to be as follows: James McQueen JK-5 RT students who reside in the James McQueen PS RT boundary would attend James McQueen PS. Grade 6 RT students from James McQueen PS would attend J.D. Hogarth PS. JK-3 FI students who reside in the new James McQueen JK-3 FI boundary (west of Highway 6, and including the Victoria Terrace RT boundary) would attend James McQueen PS. Grade 2 and Grade 3 FI students (current Grade 1 and Grade 2 students) who reside in the new John Black PS JK-3 FI boundary (east of Highway 6) would be grandparented at James McQueen PS until they graduate to J.D. Hogarth PS for Grade 4. J.D. Hogarth Grade 5 RT students from James McQueen PS would attend J.D. Hogarth PS for Grade 6. Grade 3 FI students from James McQueen PS and John Black PS (as of 2016) would graduate to J.D. Hogarth for Grade 4. John Black 2014/15 JK-1 FI students who reside in the new John Black PS FI boundary (east of Highway 6) would attend John Black PS. 2015/16 JK-2 FI students who reside in the new John Black FI boundary (east of Highway 6) would attend John Black PS. 2016/17 JK-3 FI students who reside in the new John Black PS FI boundary (east of Highway 6) would attend John Black PS. 7.0 Communication Plan This Communication Plan focuses on giving the public an opportunity to be fully informed of the scenarios, and continue to provide input to the Staff Committee. 8 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 Report #2 was posted on the Board’s website on December 6, 2013 Report #2 will be presented to the Business Operations Committee on December 10, 2013. A Public Information Session will be held in the gymnasium at J.D. Hogarth PS on December 12, 2013 from 7:00-9:00pm. A letter will be sent home to parents and guardians of James McQueen PS, J.D. Hogarth PS and John Black PS students, informing them of the release of Report #2 and to solicit attendance at the Public Information Session. Newspaper ads for the Public Information Session scheduled for December 12, 2013 will be developed and booked. A media release will be sent to local newspapers, radio and TV stations. Web pages in the Planning Department section of the Board website will be updated and will include links to the report, letters and other documents as required. Information on delegation opportunities will be included with a link to the web page containing delegation requirements. The Boundary Review web page is promoted on the home page of the Board’s website, and the home pages of James McQueen PS, J.D. Hogarth PS and John Black PS with links to the Planning Department web pages. The Planning Department web page includes a form that gives community members the opportunity to sign up and receive email alerts when significant new content is added to the site. The submission form for receiving community input is included on the website with the response deadline (December 20, 2013). o This feedback will be shared on the website without attribution. Due to time constraints and staff resources, individual responses cannot be provided. This information will be posted with the form. A PDF version of the comment form, which can be printed and dropped off at James McQueen PS, J.D. Hogarth PS and John Black PS or the Board office will be available. The Public Information Session will provide another vehicle for communication to the community, and an opportunity for the public to provide comments (comment sheets), and discuss the scenarios with staff and the local trustee. A final Communication Plan will be included in the Final Boundary Review Report. 9 James McQueen PS Boundary Review – Report #2 8.0 Next Steps Public Information Session December 12, 2013 J.D. Hogarth PS, Gymnasium 7:00pm-9:00pm Public Input Deadline December 20, 2013 Final Boundary Review Report Distribution January 10, 2014 Business Operations Committee January 14, 2014 Staff presentation of Final Boundary Review Report Opportunity for delegations Board Meeting January 28, 2014 Board Decision related to Final Boundary Review Report Opportunity for delegations Additional opportunities for delegating at Standing Committee and Board meetings include: December 17, 2013 Board Meeting 10 APPENDIX A MAPS 11 James McQueen PS JK - 5 RT Attendance Area C L L CT IE Map 1 HIGHWAY 6 Scenario 1 O BURNETT CT SR 19 GORDON ST VICTORIA CRES ELIZABETH CRES R STRATHALLAN ST IL L H D O PARKSIDE DR W W K ST T RI C A P T ST W NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. UGDSB Planning Dept., Nov. 2013 NDVIEW RA AVE JA MES ST GOWRIE ST N ST DAVID ST S Legend School WELLINGTON ST 0 Document Path: S:\Planning\Boundary reviews\James McQueen - 2013\Maps\James McQueen PS JK-5 RT Scenario1.mxd ALBERT ST E James McQueen PS G R RD ANGUS ST BR ATHOL ST ALBERT ST W MCALLISTE R RD TW BRAESIDE SOUTH RIVE BERGIN AVE ST E G ID ST BL AI R I UN S ON PERTH ST ANGELICA ST RAGLAN ST ST QUE EN ST E TW EN S QUE N CO UN K PAR AVE FERGUS ST WELLINGTON RD 18 HO LQU ST ANDREW ST E GOWRIE ST S W LN N ST A W DRE T VOS PRO AVE S HILL ST E ER OW N T ST ST NST ON JO H ST ER HEN KITC E ST GARAFRAXA ST E T NS T ER S TOW LE MAP G EOR ST G LN ST W JOH FORFAR ST E FORFAR ST W EN MAID BEATTY LINE N GARAFRA XA ST W ST DAVID ST N PERRY ST HOLMAN C RE S HILL WOODSIDE ST BLACK ST PAR K SIDE DR E CHURCHILL CRES W W O L REVE L COLBORNE ST IP IL H P CT D CAMPBELL A V E DR MILLAGE LN 250 ST 500 m A B John Black PS JK - 6 RT Attendance Area Map 2 24 26 Scenario 1 AY 6 HIG MAPLETON 22 24 HW 23 25 5 SR 21 21 23 CENTRE WELLINGTON ERO 20TH S ID AD 22 20 1 NICHOL-PEEL TL WELLINGTON RD 17 SR 20 SECOND LINE OA D5 11 TH IR D ST H VE SE N ST SR 9 9 H ST 8 GHT 10 EI E 3 LIN THIRD LINE T 19 TO N RD 10 11 ST 4 2 FIFTH LINE IX 5 WELLINGTON RD 26 6 GRAND RIVER 3 COUN TY RO AD 5 ON RD 18 SIXTH LINE 7 N 6 INTH 8 BELWOOD LAKE EAST-WEST GARAFRAXA TL 7 RD 9 SCOTLAND ST YR 12 12 3 1 ERIN-GAR FIRST LINE 28 27 9 Document S:\Planning\Boundary reviews\James McQueen - 2013\Maps\John Black PS JK-6 RT Scenario1.mxd SEVENTH LINE SIXTH LINE FIFTH LINE 29 UGDSB Planning Dept., Nov. 2013 FOURTH LINE WELLINGT O N RD 29 JONES BASELINE THIRD LINE 30 SIXTH LINE NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. Legend SR 30 31 14 AF RA XA TL TOWN OF ERIN AR AFRA XA TL 32 13 ER AMOSA-G 1 GUELPH ST 2 12 EAST-WEST GARAFRAX A TL 13 13 11 SEVENTH LINE SIXTH LINE FIFTH LINE WELLINGTON RD 16 THIRD LINE FIRST LINE HIGHW A Y 6 14 14 N TOWER ST S 15 BEATTY LINE N 16 15 WE LLING WEL LINGT BELSYDE A V E E FOURTH LINE 10 17 16 ST DAVID ST GRAND RIVER T UN ROAD 10 TH SIDE GARAFRAXA S T E SECOND LINE 8 19 VII 17 SR 18 ST W VI IV III II XVI XV XIV CO SR 15 REW V 19 I ROAD 15 TH SIDE SR 15 SR 10 ND ST A VIII 20 JONES BASELINE 21 SR 5 School School Boundary S R 27 Municipal Boundary 0 0.5 1 2 km B 25 A John Black PS Gr 7- 8 RT Attendance Area Map 3 24 26 Scenario 1 5 MAPLETON 23 25 WELLINGTON NORTH 22 24 21 H ENT 23 E SIX T 22 LINE EROAD 20T H S ID 20 1 NICHOL-PEEL TL WELLINGTON RD 17 SR 20 EAST-WEST GARAFRAX A TL SEVENTH LINE SIXTH LINE FIFTH LIN E 16 WELLINGTON RD 16 THIRD LINE 17 FIRST LINE 19 VII VI II III IV V 19 VIII 20 JONES BASELINE 21 I Y6 HIGH WA SR 5 17 ROAD 15 TH SIDE 15 SR 15 13 15 TH IR D ST 9 GHT 8 7 ST INTH GRAND RIVER FIFTH LINE THIRD LINE 3 1 ERIN-GAR SEVENTH LINE ¯ 28 27 9 Document S:\Planning\Boundary reviews\James McQueen - 2013\Maps\John Black PS 7-8 RT Scenario1 V2.mxd FIRST LINE m n SIXTH LINE 29 NOTE: This map isSIXTH for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. LINE UGDSB Planning Dept., Dec. 2013 Legend SR 30 FOURTH LINE WELLIN G T ON RD 29 JONES BASELINE 6 AY HW HIG 14 30 13 31 12 AF RA XA TL TOWN OF ERIN A XA TL A-GAR AFR ER AMOS 32 11 1 GUELPH ST 2 10 8 2 SCOTLAND ST 4 SECOND LINE IX 5 WELLINGTON RD 26 6 BELSYDE A V E E ON RD 18 3 COUN TY RO AD 5 WEL LINGT SIXTH LINE 7 N 6 GARTSHORE ST SR 9 RD BELWOOD LAKE 8 TOWER ST S ST EI E 3 LIN 9 m n 5 H ST 10 GRAND RIVER H VE SE N T 11 N ST W AD 10 19 TO N R D EAST-WEST GARAFRAXA TL 12 ST DAVID ST REW RO 11 13 WE LLING CENTRE WELLINGTON ND ST A TY ROAD 10 TH SIDE SR 15 SR 18 N OU 12 14 XVI XV XIV C SECOND LINE BEATTY LINE N 14 16 SR 10 School School Boundary Municipal Boundary S R 27 East Fergus DA Boundary 0 0.5 1 2 km Scenario 1 BARKER ST TOM S T GART SHORE ST HERRICK ST RIVER ST HILLS IDE DR THISTLE ST TT GE VIL L ER D ST E Y ST R ST GATE DARROCH SCOTLAND ST WAY BURNSIDE ST ST DAVID ST S SHORTREED AVE MCTAVISH ST ST N ROBERTSON ST ABERDEEN ST RILEY CRES SCOTT MILL IGA WALKE AN DENNY TA IT CRES EN B L VD ELKIN CT B EIRNES CT S RE MCQ U E PL PATTISON P L ES CUMMINGS C CAMERON ST GOWRIE ST S ST E G ID BR ANGUS ST HARCO URT BARNETT CHAMBERS CR ST BELSYDE AVE W INETT WAY T OWER ST S RD ELORA ST CRES GZOWSKI ST JAMES ST GOWRIE ST N PERRY ST ST IR BL A PERTH ST BEATTY LINE N ANGELICA ST GUELPH RD AVE R H WELLINGTON ST HIGHLAND RD ARGYLL ST ARV N ST GRANDVIE W WA GI SOU TH R IVER RD MCALLIST E BRA ESIDE OR FERRIER ST EL PRINCESS ST ST ALBERT ST E PRINCES ST ALICE ST D ALBERT ST W UNION ST E ON Q M LA W N ST UEE ST CRAIGHE A D DR ST GEORGE ST E A WALKWAY QUEEN ST E ER RAGLAN ST TN ID S LN TOW U O NI NS TON WEL LING RD 19 S CRES ST ANDR EW ST E ST W R EW TW LA G V ST DA T VO S PRO Q UH ST AN D DOU GARAFRAXA ST E HILL ST E TN ER S C OL ST W COE G LE N A VE TOW N FERGUS ST ST OU N ICK ST E ST NST O N R AV N EN L JO H ENE AT R ST P E BA N T LE S H KIT C ST MA ID MA P L ADA BRE K ST ST W C BRO HIL L N JOH WOODSIDE ST GARAFRA X A ST W WELLINGTON RD 18 Map 4 JD Hogarth PS JK - 5 RT Attendance Area ST STEPHENS CT JONES BASELINE SECOND LINE HIGHWA Y 6 GUELPH ST South Fergus DA Legend School School Boundary JD Hogarth PS South Fergus DA NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. UGDSB Planning Dept., Nov. 2013 Document S:\Planning\Boundary reviews\James McQueen - 2013\Maps\JD Hogarth JK-5 RT Scenario1.mxd 0 375 750 m Scenario 1 19 INGTO N RD GLENGARRY W ELL GARTSHORE ST GOW ST BARKER ST TOM ST ANDERSON ST S RIVER ST ST ROBERTSON ST C R ES RD V EY ST WALK E R ST WATT ST SHORTREED AVE DR BURNSIDE ANGUS ST THISTLE ST MCTAVISH ST N ES C T BE IR PL ST ANDERSO N ST N CAMERON ST GOWRIE ST N T GOWRIE ST S V ISON ABERDEEN ST FIRST LINE CRES CRES HARPER GZOWSKI ST VICTORIA T ERRACE JAMES ST ST DAVID ST N S E G ID BR TOWER ST S ATHO L ST PERTH ST ST DAVID ST S L LI TAI T DA MI BLVD QU EEN MC LVD M ILLB URN B FLANN SU NNY WELLIN GTON R D 18 DENNY GATE SCOTLAND ST R D ST IR BL A RD GR GUELPH FLORENC E AVE ELKIN CT ST ND HIGHLAND RD ARGYLL ST OR AN GE VIL LE O ST E FERRIER ST ERY S UNION ST E ATCHISON LN ALICE ST HA R RE QUE EN ST E ST RILEY C CRES ST ANDRE W ST E ALBER T PATTIS O N PL BARNETT CHAMBERS ST PAT RICK ST E IN BR RD WELLINGTON ST DVIEW AN AVE ELORA ST CRES ST GEORGE ST E M ALBER T ST W DIANNE CRES LA ST W N ST L AS C RES EL G ST ARNAUD TN TW NS A ESI DE S O U TH RIVE R RD N E QU E DOUG HILL ST E ER S K PAR AVE U L OS T TOW TW WS DR E O NI FORFAR ST E ES BRAE C R V PRO 18 O N ST A ST UN N RD QUH EN L ON COL ST W EDI N BURGH AVE ST MA ID GT BON ACCORD ST ST WOO DSIDE ST PE RRY ST HO LM AN CR ES LI N FERGUS ST IL L PA E EL OM A R AV E N JOH CK BRO ST T LE S MA P W LINE H O D O REVEL W RKSIDE D R W GARAFRAX A ST W R EN E STORN OWAY DR STRATHA LLAN ST GAN BURNETT CT IP IL PH CT AV BEATTY LINE N CRES ELIZABETH CRES BLACK ST HIL L GORDON ST VICTORIA R LD N CT GIBBONS DR CRES CAMPBE L L MILLAGE LN FIRST GR EG SO SR 19 CT H KIT C CT PEGLAR COLLIE O RNE ST AITKEN HIGHWAY 6 SR 18 STEELE ST RYAN ST C O LB Map 5 JD Hogarth PS Gr 6 - 8 RT Attendance Area WELLINGTON RD 29 South Fergus DA SECOND LINE JONES BASELINE AY 6 HW School Boundary H IG School GUELPH ST Legend JD Hogarth PS ERAM OS A-G DA Assigned to JD Hogarth PS AR AF RA XA TL Please refer to the Eramosa Option Area Eramosa map for further details. Option Area Eramosa Option Area NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. UGDSB Planning Dept., Nov. 2013 Document S:\Planning\Boundary reviews\James McQueen - 2013\Maps\JD Hogarth PS 6-8 RT Scenario1.mxd 0 0.5 1 2 km James McQueen PS JK-3 FI Attendance Area INE TH L W G E L LIN R T ON 8 SR 1 D 12 EE N IN E TH L E H LIN 7 BEATTY LINE N SR 15 UGDSB Planning Dept., Nov. 2013 T AR AF RAX A WE LLIN G FIFTH LINE TL TON RD 22 THIRD LINE School m n OUSTIC S R 20 Municipal Boundary GUELPH-ERAMOSA School Boundary MILL RD DA Boundary NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. Document S:\Planning\Boundary reviews\James McQueen - 2013\Maps\James McQueen PS JK-3 FI Scenario1 V2.mxd 8 G T ON R D 1 Legend CAMPBELL RD SR 6 S WELLINGTON RD 51 WELLINGTON RD 3 8 RD 3 F OO WELLINGTON RD 39 WS RD TOWNSHIP 8 6 NOTE: In 2014/15 Grade 2 & 3 FI students will be grandparented at James McQueen PS until they graduate to J.D. Hogarth PS for Grade 4. CRO L IN SR 30 EIGHTH LINE SR 16 EL FOURTH LINE ST JONES BASELINE H IG H WA Y6 ENNOTVILLE SR 14 WELLINGTON RD 16 TH S T SCOTLAND ER AMOS A-G FOURTH LINE SECOND LINE E FOURTH LINE E SIXTH LINE E EIGHTH LINE E W ST S RI V ER R D SECOND LINE SR 6 N WEISENBERG RD SR 10 NIN FERGUS GUELPH ST WELLINGTON RD 7 EL W TH U LI NG TO N RD 21 m n SO SR 4 INVERHAUGH FIRST LINE 19 D R N E ST TOWER RD O THIRD LINE SR 10 D TON R R COL W ELL ING E 3 LI N T B EAS T M ILL S FIRST LINE CENTRE WELLINGTON FIFTH LINE SALEM SR 20 THIRD LINE WELLINGTON RD 18 GERRIE RD SR 10 MIDDLEBROOK RD 9 SR 15 SR 18 SR 16 E W EL LI NG TO N 10 FOURTH LINE EIGHTH LINE W THIRD LINE W FIRST LINE W FLORADALE WEST MONTROSE RD SECOND LINE INE TH L SR 5 SR 5 NOAH RD NICHOL-PEEL TL WELLINGTON RD 17 ALMA WELLINGTON RD 29 WELLINGTON RD 17 JONES BASELINE R FOU T YA ON Y6 H WA HI G 1 SR 2 FLORADALE RD GT SR 25 0 SR 2 SR 7 SIXT EN T RD 8 9 SR 1 9 SR 1 N TO LL IN WELLINGTON NORTH 9 SR 1 R TE TO N L INE RD MAPLETON WE SR 30 FO U L I NG TO N E H LIN L INE H LF T TW E L I NG H SIX T T EIGH WE L WE L 8 SR 1 E2 ¯ PARKER LIN SR EEN 7 SR 1 8 SR 1 ARTHUR T EIGH 6 SR 1 Map 6 JONES BASELINE Scenario 1 0 1 2 4 6 km John Black PS JK-3 FI Attendance Area Scenario 1 Map 7 E SIX T MAPLETON H ENT 20TH SID LINE NICHOL-PEEL TL ER OA D SR 20 THIRD LINE WE LLINGTON R 9TH LINE EAST-WEST GARAFRAXA TL TH T H ST WE LLINGTO N RD 18 SIXTH LINE E SECOND LINE m n FIFTH LINE V BELSYDE A VE E S COU NT Y ROAD AR AF RAX A TL WELLINGTON RD 22 CAMPBELL RD SR 6 S EIGHTH LINE GUELPH-NICHOL TL SEVENTH LINE SIXTH LINE OUSTIC m n NOTE: In 2014/15 John Black PS will house JK-1 FI. A grade will be added in each subsequent year until the school accommodates GUELPH-ERAMOSA JK-3 FI. NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. UGDSB Planning Dept., Nov. 2013 RD 22 TOWN OF ERIN Legend FIRST LINE HIG TON WE LL ING SR 27 FIFTH LINE FOURTH LINE THIRD LINE HW A Y6 ENNOTVILLE WELLINGTON RD 29 SR 30 JONES BASELINE SR 6 N FOURTH LINE 0 1 School 22 GT ON RD WE LLIN Municipal Boundary School Boundary In 2014/15 Grade 2 & 3 FI students will be grandparented at James McQueen PS until they SR 20 graduate to J.D. Hogarth for Grade 4. Document S:\Planning\Boundary reviews\James McQueen - 2013\Maps\John Black PS JK-3 FI Scenario1 V2.mxd SECOND LINE ER AMOS A-G AF RA XA TL WELLINGTON RD 26 GUELPH ST ERIN-GAR SIXTH LINE 3 THIRD LINE RI TOWER ST S H RD RD SR 9 ST E IG H N IN SCOTLAND ST N UT SO TO ST W ST VE N TH SE CENTRE D WELLINGTON GARTSHORE ST ST DAVID ST N NG LI GILKISON ST EL REW OA D 10 TH SIDER T W ND ST A 18 TH I R D ER RNE ST R D 19 3 L IN COLBO OA D 15 TH SIDER BELWOOD SR 15 SR 18 EAST-WEST GARAFRAXA TL SEVENTH LINE SIXTH LINE SR 15 SECOND LINE SR 10 FIFTH LIN E WELLINGTON RD 16 FIRST LINE HIGHW A Y 6 BEATTY LINE N GERRIE RD THIRD LINE JONES BASELINE ¯ SR 5 DA Boundary 2 4 6 km JD Hogarth PS 4-8 FI Attendance Area ST ZA LIN EL WELLINGTON RD 3 8 WELLINGTON RD 86 WELLINGTON NOTE: This map is for reference purposesRD only. 30 It is subject to change. MARDEN UGDSB Planning Dept., Nov. 2013 TL R HE LU T ES W SEVENTH LINE 9TH LINE SIXTH LINE FIFTH LINE EAST-WEST GARAFRAXA TL ROAD 5 OA D 10 TH SIDER 9TH LINE EAST-WEST GARAFRAXA TL SIXTH LINE FIFTH LINE TH S T ERIN-GAR COUNTY ROAD 3 AF RA XA TL WELLINGTON RD 26 SR 20 m n SR 20 School FIRST LINE SR 27 Legend SEVENTH LINE OUSTIC SIXTH LINE THIRD LINE ON R D 22 FIFTH LINE HI G WE LLIN G T GUELPH-NICHOL TL TY SR 30 CAMPBELL RD WELLINGTON RD 51 ARISS 10 9 A TL ARAF RA X WELLINGTON RD 29 Y6 HW A GUELPH-ERAMOSA AEFER WELLINGTON RD 39 SC H SR 6 S EIGHTH LINE JONES BASELINE SR 6 N ENNOTVILLE SR 16 ER AMOS A-G FOURTH LINE THIRD LINE m n FOURTH LINE SECOND LINE E FOURTH LINE E SIXTH LINE E EIGHTH LINE E SR 14 D N IN GUELPH ST WELLINGTON RD 7 ST DAVID ST N RD 21 RD N TO LI NG W EL WEISENBERG RD SR 10 EIG FERGUS SECOND LINE UN TH EN SR 9 SE V ST ST 18 R I VER R D BELWOOD TH RD R D H R N E ST N TO U SO TH E 3 LI N O G IN LL SR 4 INVERHAUGH FIRST LINE COL B WE OA CO 19 D N R T H IR D WE LL INGTO ST SR 10 SR 18 ELORA WELLINGTON RD 16 CENTRE WELLINGTON SR 15 SALEM MIDDLEBROOK SECOND LINE BEATTY LINE N GERRIE RD FIRST LINE W THIRD LINE W WELLINGTON RD 18 THIRD LINE FIRST LINE JONES BASELINE 6 EIGHTH LINE W H I G H W AY NOAH RD SR 10 TY R EAST 15TH SIDEROAD GARAFRAXA SR 15 FOURTH LINE L IN E SR 5 SR 11 SR 20 UN WE LLINGT ON RD 22 TOWN OF ERIN Municipal Boundary SR 17 School Boundary MILL RD DA Boundary SR 15 0 2.5 Document: S:\Planning\Boundary reviews\James McQueen - 2013\Maps\JD Hogarth PS 4-8 FI Scenario1 V2.mxd 5 FIRST LINE L INE HT H WELLINGTON RD 17 ALMA SR 5 TOWNSHIP RD 3 15 TEA S 8 NE H LI INE TH L T EEN E NT RD 7 LF T H TW E RD EIG CO SR 25 WELLINGTON RD 17 RD WELLINGTON 10 9 NORTH RD SR ON 9 SR 1 1 SR 2 SR 16 E E2 W GT SR 30 0 SR 2 FLORADALE RD 13 RD ON GT 7 SR JONES BASELINE LL IN 9 SR 1 YATTON SR LIN E4 ¯ WE SI X T R TE TO N 8 SR 1 FO U LING T ON L IN G 8 SR 1 2 8 SR 1 WE L W EL MAPLETON LING ARTHUR INE TH L WE L PARKER RD 1 T ON LIN SR EEN 7 SR 1 Map 8 16 ST T EIGH 6 SR 1 IT H SM 7 SR 1 EL I Scenario 1 10 km