Energy and Society: which Energy for the future of mankind? Federico Rosei

Université du Québec
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Monash Sustainability Institute, Melbourne,
March 3rd 2010
Energy and Society:
which Energy for the future of mankind?
Federico Rosei
Canada Research Chair
in Nanostructured Organic and Inorganic Materials
Nano–Femto Laboratory (NFL)
INRS – Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications,
Université du Québec, Varennes (Québec)
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A few words about INRS:
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
the graduate school of the University of Quebec
Location: the south shore of Montreal
Approx. 25 km from the city centre
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Worldwide Societal Challenges
(Broad, General => affect everybody)
• Clean and sustainable energy
• Preserving and protecting the environment
• Improving our health and quality of life
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• “Questions are never indiscreet,
answers sometimes are.” Oscar Wilde
• Each generation is confronted with new challenges
and new opportunities.
In this 1970 picture, an average American
family is surrounded by the barrels of oil
they consume annually. Now this
consumption is about 40% higher.
“Currently the world‟s growing thirst for oil
amounts to almost 1000 barrels a second.”
The Future of Energy Supply: Challenges and
Opportunities; N. Armaroli, V. Balzani, Angew.
Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 52.
Science in ACTION for a World in EVOLUTION
Université du Québec
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
“Our generation will ultimately be
defined by how we live up to the
energy challenge.”
The Future of Energy Supply: Challenges and Opportunities; N. Armaroli,
V. Balzani, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 52.
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Université du Québec
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
The Energy problem
• Disclaimer: the purpose of this presentation is to
promote awareness. I do not have easy solutions (I
• There is no „one size fits all‟ solution, in other
words for the moment there is no credible replacement
technology for fossil fuels
• As the demand for fossil fuels increases and supply
dwindles, we need to buy time – Energy Saving!
• The price of oil is correlated with everything we do
(raw materials, food, real estate etc.)
• The consequences on the environment are
• Sustainability vs. population
INRS increase
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We ‘use’ a lot of Energy to live
in today’s world
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Energy is embodied in
any type of goods and
is needed to produce
any kind of service.
This is why it takes
energy to improve
people‟s standard of
Human Development Index and
per capita energy consumption
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Correlation between Energy,
Environment and Health
O3, NOx, SO2
J. Diamond, Collapse, Viking Penguin, NY (2005)
J. Diamond, “Maya, Khmer and Inca”, Nature 461, 479 (2009)
Climate change
Loss of habitat
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Energy crisis
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Energy system evolution and
its consequences
• Local impact (health): years/decades
O3, NOx, SO2
• Global impact: centuries/millennia
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Habitat loss
Energy security
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Energy and Quality of Life: “You can
never get enough of what you don‟t
need to make you happy”
Eric Hoffer
• The quality of life is almost completely uncorrelated
with energy consumption, once countries are
An Unsustainable Growth in an Unequal World
“My grandmother used to say: there are but two families in the world,
have-much and have-little.”
Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
The Future of Energy Supply: Challenges and Opportunities; N. Armaroli,
V. Balzani, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007,INRS
46, 52.
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The Earth at night from a satellite
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Energy and Quality of Life
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• One could believe that the well-being of people increases with
increasing consumption of energy.
• Quality of life is highly correlated with energy consumption during
basic economic development, but is almost completely uncorrelated
once countries are industrialized.
• As per capita energy consumption reaches a value of ca. 2.6 ton of oil
equivalents (toe)/year => no further improvement.
• Strict parallelism between overconsumption of energy & food.
• Nation with the highest number of overweight or obese people (USA:
130 million, or 64%)  also the one with the highest energy
consumption per capita (8 toe per year).
• An American consumes as much energy as 2 European, 10 Chinese,
20 Indian, or 30 African people.
• Calories are both biologically and socially healthy only as long as they
stay within the narrow range that separates enough from too much.
• Over a definite threshold, energy inputs increase inefficiency of
personal life (obesity) and social life (traffic jams), cause more waste,
boost medical expenses and increase inequality.
The Future of Energy Supply: Challenges and Opportunities; N. Armaroli,
V. Balzani, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007,INRS
46, 52.
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Institut national de la recherche scientifique
of individual
each one of
us consumes
~100 times
as much as one
stone age
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Equivalent Energy
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• The power used by energy-affluent people: to run a TV set the
continuous muscular work of 2 people is needed, while for a
complete cycle with an energy-efficient washing machine the number
is 15. To take-off a fully loaded Boeing 747, 1.6 million “energy
slaves” are required.
There is a big disproportion between the
extensive use we make of energy and
the scarce knowledge we have of it.
Typical home (US) = 1-5 kW Class 8 truck = 100 gal diesel
 3763 kWh/day (~31 homes)
 120 kWh/day
 5 min fill up = 45 MW
 5 kW
The Future of Energy Supply: Challenges and Opportunities; N. Armaroli,
V. Balzani, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007,INRS
46, 52.
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Institut national de la recherche scientifique
“The struggle for existence is the
struggle for available energy”.
Ludwig Boltzmann (physicist, 19th century)
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Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Alarm signals
April 2005
Recent cover pages
of “The Economist”
October 2003
Will this be our future?
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World Energy consumption
increases continuously
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Oil (in general: *nonrenewable* fossil fuels) is
still the most widely used
Fuel of modern society
World population increases
at a rate of ~200.000
inhabitants per day
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We are guzzling Oil at a staggering rate
1 mile
Tour Eiffel
Last year the world burned 1 cubic mile (4.2 Km3) of Oil
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Drilling Oil is becoming
ever more difficult
The “Deepwater Pathfinder”
Today: to find new Oil we have to
INRSbottom of the Ocean
drill the
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The price of oil keeps increasing
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Price ($/barrel)
In five years it
increased fivefold
Or not??!!
(below: prediction)
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Science in ACTION for a World in EVOLUTION
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Crisis in the transport sector
Truck driver‟s strike in Italy and
French fishermen
protest because
of gas price
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‘relative’ price of oil
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• Presently ca. 40-50 $ / barrel – down from ca. 140 less than
a year ago (partly due to speculation)
• The US$ was 40% weaker in July 2008 than it was 6 years
before – today (May 2009) it is stronger again
• Relative importance of taxes:
– In Europe, most countries impose heavy duty on gas (June 10th 2008:
1.545 Euros/liter in Italy)
– In the US there are no energy-specific taxes => a fivefold increase in the
price of oil reflects in a fivefold increase in the price of gas at the
Sub-prime rates and
Real estate market
crash in the US
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Institut national de la recherche scientifique
• “The wisest decision to take in any
energy crisis in developed countries is
that of reducing energy demand.”
The Future of Energy Supply: Challenges and Opportunities; N. Armaroli,
V. Balzani, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 52.
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History of Oil
Discovery and Consumption
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History of Norwegian Oil
Today we
Are here
Presently we are „finding‟ one new
barrel of oil for every four we use
Oil Production in many
fields/areas is decreasing
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Hubbert Peak
Nobody knows exactly
When it will hit.
It will come for sure!
Even if it should hit in 15-20
years, it will cause major
It will take much longer to
change our energy
Resources are limited !
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Institut national de la recherche scientifique
When we reach the peak…
3. Price
2. Demand
1. Production
There will be a severe shortage of liquid fuels
=> Drives up the price dramatically
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and food
take note…
It’s a serious
business !
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September 2007
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Arabian Peninsula
Oil fields
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Consequences on the environment
“Some side-effects of energy consumption are
transmitted to future generations; others, burden
our society.”
The Future of Energy Supply: Challenges and Opportunities; N. Armaroli,
V. Balzani, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007,INRS
46, 52.
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A fast warming world
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In the last 100 years
the average surface
temperature has
increased at a record
rate in our planet’s
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The Ice-quakes
Ice-quake frequency has tripled
in recent
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The North-West Passage
is now open!
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No ‘one size fits all’ solution
• Price of oil  price of raw materials
• Energy saving (drastic changes in infrastructure  requires
heavy use of raw materials!)
• The change in infrastructure designed to „buy time‟ actually
requires time and significant investment in… Energy!
• => it is very hard to catch up!!!
• Important Note: liquid fuels are the only ones with sufficient
energy density to fly a plane – they have so many
advantages (which is why they have been overused) that they
are extremely hard to replace
• Despite obvious drawbacks, nuclear energy may be an
acceptable (temporary) solution to buy time
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Alternative energy sources/vectors
Nuclear fission
Wind power
Nuclear fusion*
* Under development
“The nuclear power industry remains as safe as a
chocolate factory”
The Economist, March 29th 1986 (4 weeks before
the Chernobyl catastrophe)
Alternative is not enough!
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Renewable energy
Hydroelectric power
Solar energy
Wind power
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Tidal power
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Concept of EROEI
• EROEI = Energy Return On Energy Investment
• 30 years ago, you could „invest‟ the equivalent (in Energy) of
one barrel of oil when drilling a new oil field, and would retrieve
200 barrels
• EROEI examples:
– Ethanol from corn: 1 to 1.3
– Ethanol from sugar cane: 1 to 8 (acceptable)
– Alberta tar sands: 2 to 3 (barely acceptable)
Sugar cane
Success in niche markets: Brazil
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Usina Sao Martinho 300 ML
ethanol/yr (from sugar cane)
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Every year the world’s population
increases by 70 million inhabitants
Where on Earth are we going?
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Photo Source: NASA
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St Paul island reindeer
Their Energy:
Easter Island population
Their Energy:
Palm trees
World population
Our Energy:
Fossil fuels
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Materials Science:
- Materials by Design
- Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology
“Scientists have the moral duty to inform the general public of the
urgency and complexity of the energy problem.”
“The Earth is in our hands. Are we capable of reducing
disparity and creating a more peaceful world?”
“If our black and nervous civilization, based on coal, shall be followed by
a quieter civilization based on the utilization of solar energy that will not
be harmful to progress and to human happiness”
Giacomo Ciamician
“The efficient production of clean solar fuels would represent the most
important breakthrough of modern science.”
The Future of Energy Supply: Challenges and Opportunities; N. Armaroli,
V. Balzani, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007,INRS
46, 52.
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Relative dimensions in Nature
Every item is approx. 10 times smaller
than the previous one
Ant: ~ 5 mm
Red Blood cells
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5/10.000.000 of a mm
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The atomic structure of matter
Just as buildings are
made of bricks…
…matter is
made of atoms
and molecules
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Most materials are made by „throwing together‟
various atomic species in random fashion
Lego car
Advanced materials by
Nanotechnology aims at placing
atomic and molecular building
blocks in precise 2D and 3D
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Different atomic arrangements of the same
element yield VERY different results !
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Carbon atom structure of graphite
Carbon atom structure of diamond
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Nanostructured Materials:
Nano–size effects
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• Au (gold) is inert in its bulk form (the
most noble of all metals!)
• In the form of clusters (~3 nm in
diameter) it becomes chemically
Lycurgus Cup, (4th Century A.D).
Appears green in reflected light, red in
transmitted light. Contains Au / Ag
particles ~70 nm (b).
• Nano
size effects: at the
nanoscale, the surface/volume ratio
becomes important => this tends to
change many properties
• Challenges:
control of size, shape, stability, density
and positioning
Valden, Lai, Goodman, Science 281, 1647
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Nanoscience and nanotechnology
The IBM Logo, written using 36
Xenon atoms on a Nickel surface,
exemplifies our present control on
We can read and write using single
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Emerging applications:
– sunscreen, cosmetics
– new drugs and drug delivery systems
– new materials
Biomedical research tools:
– nano materials for labeling & diagnostics
– tools of nanoscience applied to biomed
Chemical sensors
Nanosomes (L’Oréal)
Nanoshells of gold can
be heated from outside
the body by IR, releasing
drugs locally
New materials:
non-permeable, self-cleaning, anti-septic
Self-cleaning plastic, textiles:
CNT stabilized enzymes in polymer
Textiles with ‘Stain Defender’
Ceramic Coatings: (Inframat):
Lotus leaf (artificial): nm-sized
hydrophobic wax
size: water rolls (not slides) -> cleans
sol-gel based technique -> on market
Air-D-Fense (InMat, New Jersey):
No barnacles on ship hulls: reduced drag nanoclay/butyl thin film
3000 fold decreased permeability
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Nanotechnology–made LEDs
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Brief history
INRS of lighting
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Saving Electric Energy
Each LED
Traffic light saves
1200 $ worth of
Electricity per year
By lighting with LEDs
just one room in every
house we can reduce
CO2 emissions by
1 billion tons per year
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Nanotechnology for Construction:
redesigning infrastructure
“The latest advances in Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology focusing on Materials
and their impact in the Construction Sector”
The hand does not burn although
the flame temperature is 800 oC
Example: Aerogel, a new construction
nanomaterial for efficient insulation
1) Wall thermal insulation
2) Window panels thermal insulation
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Nano-catalytic materials
STM image of a nanoengineered model
Computer model
of a bimetallic
Example: design nano-materials with optimized catalytic
activity, for methaneINRS
to methanol conversion
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• The famous paper “The Photochemistry of the Future”
published in Science by Giacomo Ciamician in 1912,
where he pointed out the need for an energy transition
from fossils to renewables. One century later this call is
more urgent than ever.
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Nanomaterials for photovoltaics
- matching the solar emission spectrum
Solar Flux
Fluorescing nano “dots” of
the In1-xGaxN alloy
Gallium Percentage
Nano-dots of In1-xGaxN promise to double
Solar cell efficiency
Other approaches: hybrid organic/inorganic solar cells
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Hydrogen Applications
Opel Zafira
Chrysler Jeep
Renault Fever
Mazda Demio
Toyota RAV
Ford P2000
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The hydrogen car
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The Car
The chassis
General Motors
Hy-Wire car
• The Hydrogen Economy
The interior •
“I believe that water will one
day be employed as fuel, that
hydrogen and oxygen which
constitute it, used singly or
together, will furnish an
inexhaustible source of heat
and light, of an intensity of
which coal is not capable … .
Water will be the coal of the
future” Jules Verne, The
Mysterious Island
The cloche
A hydrogen fuel-cell bus in Iceland. The water
splitting and recombination reactions are
figuratively represented by the opening and
closing of the
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An Energy „Crisis‟?
The word crisis has a Greek origin.
It means a divergence of paths, or “choice”
This is the character which
means “crisis” in Chinese; it is a
composite character.
Means “Danger!”
Means “Opportunity”
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