COUPLING DYNAMIC DATA RECONCILIATION WITH MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL FOR REAL-TIME OPTIMIZATION OF A FLOTATION PLANT SIMULATOR A. Vasebi Université Laval Québec, Québec, Canada *É. Poulin Université Laval Québec, Québec, Canada (*Corresponding author: D. Hodouin Université Laval Québec, Québec, Canada A. Desbiens Université Laval Québec, Québec, Canada ABSTRACT Maximizing benefits generated by separation plants in the mineral processing industry is of prime importance. To achieve this goal, observers and controllers are both key tools playing a crucial role for economic optimization. Despite that these methods have been widely discussed in the literature and that numerous applications have been reported, coupling the different algorithms raises practical challenges. The definition of the economic function, the selection of the real-time optimization structure, the elaboration of observer and controller models, the controller development, and the tuning of stochastic and deterministic parameters strongly influence economic performances. The objective of the paper is to discuss the major difficulties related to the implementation of a real-time optimization system and highlight the benefits of linking data reconciliation and model predictive control for a simulated flotation plant. A systematic top-down approach is used to go through the main design stages and comment the different options available for the development of the optimization structure. An internal model predictive controller coupled with a stationary observer is applied for the direct optimization of a three stages flotation plant simulator based on a phenomenological model. The results show performance improvements in terms of reduced collector consumption, increased recovery, and reduced grade variability. The discussion also proposes alternative avenues that could be taken to achieve comparable improvements. Finally, since the selected case-study is limited in order to provide a complete understanding of the benefits brought by a data reconciliation observer, recommendations for industrial applications, which are most complex by far, are provided to promote effective implementations. KEYWORDS Real-time optimization, model predictive control, data reconciliation, observer, flotation circuit