Vulnerability Analysis Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges and Solutions Sajal K. Das National Science Foundation, CISE/CNS Center for Research in Wireless Mobility and Networking (CReWMaN) E-mail: Acknowledgements: NSF, AFOSR S. K. Das Outline ¾ Wireless Wi l S Sensor N Networks k (WSN (WSNs)) ¾ Securityy Challenges: g Need for Multi-level Approach pp ¾ Modeling Node Compromises: Epidemic Theory ¾ Secure Data Aggregation: Reputation and Trust Model ¾ Node N d R Replication: li ti S Sequential ti l H Hypothesis th i T Testing ti ¾ Revoking g Compromised p Nodes: Keyy Management g ¾ Self-Correction: Digital Watermarking ¾ Conclusions S. K. Das Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) We live in a cyber-physical cyber physical world that we need to understand, serve, and control Communication Computation (Wireless) Sensory Data: A/D conversion, Compression, Filtering, Aggregation, Analysis Broadcast sensory data data, Dissemination, Routing Control (Sensing / Actuation) Sensing the physical world: temperature, humidity, pressure, g t, velocity, e oc ty, sou sound, d, image age light, S. K. Das WSN Applications Monitoring and Control - Habitat - Environment - Ecosystem Ecos stem - Agricultural - Structural - Traffic - Manufacturing - Health H lh Security and Surveillance - Infrastructure Security - Border and Perimeter Control - Target Tracking - Intrusion Detection S. K. Das WSN Applications Sensor networks are deployed in unmonitored t terrain i in i high hi h d density it and d large l scale l Post-deployment access and control is an issue Multi-modal functioning which require reprogramming/data dissemination Change applications Micaz Troubleshoot Tmote SunSPOT Security is critical in many applications Wireless Sensing Devices embedded in our environment gathering data on physical phenomena ! p Acknowledgment : S. K. Das Security Challenges in WSNs Limited resources Æ Limited defense capability – Energy (battery power), wireless bandwidth, computational power, storage, radio communication range (connectivity), sensing range (coverage) – Public key too costly to authenticate packets with digital signatures and to disclose key with each packet – Storing one-way chain of keys requires more memory and d computation t ti for f message en-route t nodes d S. K. Das Security Challenges in WSNs Uncertain, unattended / hostile environment – Uncertainty in sensing accuracy, wireless links, mobility, topology control, deployment (density), . . . – Faulty prone nature vs. compromises (insider attacks) Distributed control Æ No global knowledge In-network processing: data fusion to exploit spatiotemporal redundancy Æ Loss of integrity, confidentiality Multiple-attacking angles Î Single level defense mechanism highly vulnerable – Cryptographic technique is not the panacea S. K. Das Threats to WSNs Node Compromises / Replications and Intrusions – Physical capture – Sophisticated analysis: differential timing / energy analysis Revealed Secrets – Cryptographic keys, codes, commands, etc. Enemy’s Puppeteers – Trojans in the network with full trust Discredit normal nodes Selective packet dump Report false data Compromised Node Infect other nodes Forge command False routing info S. K. Das Need for MultiMulti-level Solution Att k att multiple Attacks lti l possible ibl levels l l to t be b defended d f d d – Model the propagation of node compromises M d li Modeling E E.g., ttrojan j virus i spreading di – Detect compromised nodes & forged data E.g., abnormal reports – Revoke revealed secrets E.g., broadcast confidentiality Detection Revocation Self-correction – Self-correct and purge false data E.g., average temperature calculation Purge S. K. Das Multi--Level, Integrative Framework Multi Highly Assured Network Operation Epidemic Theory Theoretical Contain Outbreak Foundations Compromise Process Modeling Architectural Components Topology Control Information Theory Detect Compromise Trust / Belief Model Key Management Cryptography Revoke Revealed Secrets Secure Aggregation Digital Watermarking Node Compromise p Game Theory Uncertainty Characterized Resource Limited Environment Self-Correct Tampered Data P Purge Tampered Data Secure Routing DoS Defense Intrusion Detection S. K. Das Relevant Publications • W. Zhang, W Zhang S S. K K. Das Das, and Y Y. Liu Liu, “A A Trust Based Framework for Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE SECON 2006. • J.-W. Ho, M. Wright, and S. K. Das, “ZoneTrust: Fast Zone-Based Node Compromise Detection and Revocation in Sensor Networks Using Sequential Analysis," IEEE SRDS 2009. • J.-W. Ho, M. Wright and S. K. Das, “Fast Detection of Replica Node Attacks in Mobile Sensor Networks Using Sequential Analysis,” IEEE INFOCOM 2009. • P. De, Y. Liu, and S. K. Das, “An Epidemic Theoretic Framework for Vulnerability Analysis of Broadcast Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 413-425, Mar 2009. • P. De, Y. Liu and S. K. Das, “Deployment Aware Modeling of Compromise Spread in Wireless Sensor Networks,” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2009. • J.-W. Ho, M. Wright, D. Liu, and S. K. Das, “Distributed Detection of Replicas with Deployment Knowledge in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Ad Hoc Networks, Aug 2009. • P. De, Y. Liu and S. K. Das, “Energy Efficient Reprogramming of a Swarm of Mobile Sensors,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, p g, 2009. • W. Zhang, S. K. Das, Y. Liu, “Secure Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Digital Watermarking Approach,” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2008. S. K. Das Modeling Compromises: Epidemic Defense Premise: Node compromises in WSN broadcast protocols – Capture node deployment, key distribution, topology Research Objectives: – Model M d l and d analyze l spreading di process off node d compromises i – Characterize network-wide propagation rate and outbreak transition point of compromise process – Study impact of infectivity duration of compromised nodes – Capture time dynamics of the spread – Identify critical parameters to prevent outbreaks S. K. Das System Model Random Pair-wise Key Pre-distribution –A set of keys randomly chosen from a key pool Physical Topology Virtual Key-Sharing Topology S. K. Das Sensor Network Model Modeled as undirected geometric random graph – N nodes uniformly randomly distributed – Unit Disk Model with transmission radius Rc – α(duv ) is the probability of existence of an edge between nodes d uv u and d v att distance di t N – Node density σ = A A = area of the terrain Rc u v d uv S. K. Das Sensor Topology Model N ρ = 2 denotes the node density of the network R N = total number of nodes nodes, R = sensing radius p = probability of existence of a physical link r ρ p= N 2 r = average communication range between nodes Probabilit for l nodes within Probability ithin communication comm nication range p (l ) = ( )p (1 − p) N l l N −l S. K. Das Sensor Topology Model q = prob. prob of sharing pair pair-wise wise key between neighboring nodes Probability of sharing at least one key with exactly k neighbors given l nodes within its range: p(k l ) = ( )q l k k (1 − q ) l −k Probability of having k neighbors sharing at least one key: ∞ p (k ) = ∑ p(l ) p(k l ) l =kk ∞ p(k ) = ∑ l =k ( )p (1 − p) ( )q N l l N −l l k k (1 − q ) l −k S. K. Das Infection Spread Model Rc Source Node Inoperative R(t) Infective I(t) Susceptible S(t) S. K. Das Epidemic Theoretic Framework Model infection spread in a population of susceptibles - Random graph based spatial model - Differential Diff i l equation i based b d temporall model d l Design g spread p model using g network characteristics - Local interactions based on transmission range - Number of contacts determined by degree distribution of the key sharing network Estimate the rate of infection (β) based on Rc - Rate of communication paradigm of the broadcast protocol - Infectivity potential (ρ) of the data S. K. Das Epidemic Analysis When nodes do not recover, transmissibility (T) is expressed only in terms of the infection probability, \beta Node N d recovery is i captured t db by expressing i ttransmissibility i ibilit as a function of average duration of infectivity, τ 1 − T = lim (1 − βδ t )τ δt δt → 0 T = 1 − e βτ Average cluster size as epidemic attains outbreak proportions TG 0' (1) s = 1+ 1 − TG 1' (1) Average Epidemic size after outbreak results S = 1 − G 0 (u ) u = G 1 (u ) S. K. Das Epidemic Size with infection probability q=p prob. of sharing gp pair-wise key y between neighboring g g nodes p = probability of existence of physical link 1 Fractio tion of Network rk Compromised ed 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 N = 1000 p = 0.25 0.3 q=0.01 q=0.02 q=0.04 q=0.1 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Transmissibility (T) 0.6 0.7 0.8 S. K. Das Epidemic Size with infectivity duration q=p prob. of sharing gp pair-wise key y between neighboring g g nodes p = probability of existence of physical link 1 Frac action of Networ ork Compromis ised 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 N = 1000 q = 0.04 p = 0.25 0.4 β= β= β= β= β= 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 50 100 150 200 Infectivity Duration τ 250 300 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.2 350 S. K. Das Deluge : Data Propagation Rate Analytical Simulation Model captures rate of data propagation over dissemination protocols S. K. Das Simulation Study Capture the time dynamics of the spread of compromise Observe duration and nature of gradual recovery process Observe effects of various network parameters – Average node degree of key sharing network – Average infection rate – Average duration of infectivity S. K. Das Simulation Results Under both scenarios – no node recovery and node recovery τ = 10 τ = 30 Dynamics of the Infected, Susceptible and Revoked nodes Dynamics of the Infected, Susceptible and Revoked nodes 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 Fraction of Network Fraction of Network 0.8 0.6 z=3 β = 0.6 0.4 S(t) I(t) R(t) 0.2 0.6 S(t) I(t) R(t) 0.2 0 0 −0.2 z=3 β = 0.9 0.4 −0.2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 1.2 1 1 Fraction of Netw twork Fraction of Netwo work z=5 β = 0.35 0.4 0 0 −0.2 100 200 300 400 Time(t) τ = 10 500 600 700 700 S(t) I(t) R(t) 0.4 0.2 0 600 0.6 0.2 −0.2 500 0.8 S(t) I(t) R(t) 0.6 400 Dynamics of the Infected, Susceptible and Revoked nodes Dynamics of the Infected, Susceptible and Revoked nodes 1.2 0.8 300 Time(t) Time(t) β = 0.5 z=5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time(t) τ = 10 S. K. Das Developing Belief / Trust Model Premise: False data injection from compromised nodes –Cryptographic techniques ineffective Objectives: Trust model to identify and purge false data data. Reduce uncertainty in data aggregation / fusion. Solution: –Information theoretic (relative entropy) measure to quantify reputation / opinion of data, leading to higher confidence Belief, disbelief, uncertainty, relative atomicity –Josang’s belief model to define and manage trust propagation through intermediate nodes along the route –Identify malicious nodes by learning and outlier classification –p purge g false data to achieve secure aggregation gg g W. Zhang, S. K. Das and Y. Liu, “A Trust Based Framework for Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE SECON, Oct 2006. S. K. Das Sensor Network Model Base Station (Sink) cluster head aggregator sensor nods (cluster member) S. K. Das Josang’s Belief Model Opinion: ω = (b, d, u, a), b + d + u = 1 b: belief d: disbelief u: uncertain a: relative atomicity b, d, u, a ∈ [0,1] Expected Opinion: O = E(ω) = b + au ωAH :Cluster head’s opinion about aggregator ω AH1 =( 0 .95 ,0 .03 ,0 .02 ,0 .5 ) O AH1 = 0.95 + 0.5 * 0.02 = 0.96 ωXA : Aggregator’s opinion about its report X ω XA1 = ( 0 .688 ,0 ,0 .312 ,0 .9 ) O XA1 = 0.688 + 0.9 * 0.312 = 0.969 S. K. Das Belief Propagation: Subjective Logic Belief discounting (recommendation) Cluster head’s opinion about X as a result of aggregator’s opinion: ωXH:A = ωAH ⊗ωXA = (bXH:A,dXH:A, uXH:A,aXH:A) b XH : A = b AH ∗ b XA u XH : A = d AH + u AH + b AH u XA d XH : A = d AH ∗ d XA a XH : A = a XA ω AH1 = ( 0.95 ,0.03 ,0.02 ,0.5 );ω XA1 = ( 0.688 ,0,0.312 ,0.9 ) b XH ::AA1 = 0 .95 * 0 .688 = 0 .654 d XH : A1 = 0 u XH : A1 = 0 .03 + 0 .02 + 0 .95 * 0 .312 = 0 .364 a XH : A1 = 0 .9 ω XH : A1 = ( 0 .654 ,0 ,0 .364 ,0 .9 ) Belief decreases, uncertainty increases S. K. Das Belief Consensus Cluster C us e head’s ead s op opinion o abou about X via a A1: ω XH:A1 = (bXH:A1 , d XH:A1 , uXH:A1 , a XH:A1 ) Cluster head’s opinion about X via A2: ω XH :A2 = (bXH :A2 , d XH :A2 , u XH :A2 , a XH :A2 ) Cluster head’s consensus opinion about X: ω XH :A1 , H :A2 = ω XH :A1 ⊕ ω XH :A2 = (bXH :A1 , H :A2 , d XH :A1 , H :A2 , u XH :A1 , H :A2 , a XH :A1 , H :A2 ) ω XH :A1 = (0.654,0,0.346,0.9);ω XH :A2 = (0.368,0,0.632,0.7) 654*0.632+ 0.368*0.346 bXH:A1 , H:A2 = 00..346 + 0.632−0.346*0.632 = 0.712 d XH:A1 , H:A2 = 0 *0.632 uXH:A1 , H:A2 = 0.346+00..346 632−0.346*0.632 = 0.288 aXH:A1 , H:A2 = 0.7*0.3460+.350.9+*00..6363−−2(*00.7.35+0*.09.)*630.35*0.63 = 0.85 ω XH:A , H:A = (0.712, 0, 0.288, 0.85) 1 2 More evidences, belief in the result increases S. K. Das Aggregator: Compute Sensor Reputation Outlier exclusion: Too far from median Î outlier High density Î Normal distribution N(µ, σ) Red: 68% of data within [µ[ σ, µ+ +σ] Green: 95% of data within [µ- 2σ, µ+2σ] Yellow: 99.7% of data within [µ- 3σ, µ+3σ] Each sampling independent N(µ, σ) – Ideal Id l node d ffrequency: iin llong run, P Pr(( p i | x i ∈ [ x − σ , x + σ ]) = 0 .68 – Actual node frequency: Pr( q i | x i ∈ [ x − σ , x + σ ]), learn from observation – Measure difference in ideal and actual frequencies: Kullback Leibler distance D ( p || q ) = ∑ p ( x ) log Reputation: p r= p( x ) ; q( x ) p(x), q(x) prob. mass function for ideal/actual node freq. D(.) also called relative entropy measure 1 1+ D The shorter the distance, more trustworthy, higher reputation S. K. Das Sensor Node’s Reputation: Example Two sensors, sensors s1 and s2 – Time t1: f st11 = 0 . 65 , f st21 = 0 . 63 t1 D ( f st11 || f ideal ) = (1 − 0 .65 ) * log (1 − 0 .65 ) 0 .65 + 0 .65 * log = 0 .0029 (1 − 0 .68 ) 0 .68 r ( s1t1 ) = – Time t2: 1+ 1 = 0 .949 0 .0029 f st12 = 0 . 68 , f st22 = 0 . 30 Time Sensor node Actual freq. Ideal freq. KLdistance Reputation t1 s1 0.65 0.68 0.0029 0.949 s2 0 63 0.63 0 68 0.68 0 0081 0.0081 0 918 0.918 s1 0.68 0.68 0 1 s2 0.30 0.68 0.436 0.602 t2 Reputation changes with time based on behavior S. K. Das Aggregator: Reputation Classification Classify reputation to identify malicious nodes – Traditional system: threshold based classification – Online unsupervised learning, K-mean algorithm – No prior K available, how to dynamically decide K? K=1 K=2 K=3 K=4 Determining K Ex: Time Sensor node Reputation t1 s1 0.949 s2 0.918 s1 1 s2 0.602 t2 1 group 2 groups S. K. Das Aggregator: Opinion Formulation ω XA = (b XA , d XA , u XA , a XA ) Degree of trust in aggregation result Trustworthy Nodes whose data close to mean Uncertain Nodes N d whose h d data t nott close l tto mean Uncertain nodes’ reputation - how much contribution to expected opinion? Formulation How much to trust? belief: percentage in ( x ± σ ) disbelief: 0 (after excluding outlier) uncertain: percentage out of above range relative atomicity: reputation of nodes fall out the range S. K. Das Trust Framework Josang’s trust model: Represent belief in result Trust propagation Information theory Relative entropy: reputation Shannon’s entropy: KulbackLeibler distance reputa ation Cryptography not enough Reputation-based trust model Statistical analysis: Robust estimation classification analysis High redundancy Intrusion detection: Compromised nodes Online O li unsupervised i d llearning: i Identify compromised nodes Purge false data Result: Robustness and Reliability under Attack S. K. Das Simulation Results: Reputation 1 Re Reputation 0.8 0.6 Case No. Misbehaving time (%) False data type 1 0 N/A 2 100 Obvious 3 100 Tricky 4 66 Obvious 5 66 Tricky 0.4 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Node ID No malicious nodes, all nodes’ reputation close to 1 Reputation of malicious nodes significantly lower than legitimate ones Reputation of malicious nodes proportional to amount of true data they send S. K. Das Simulation Result: Opinion 1 Test case 0.99 Opinionn 0.98 Case No. Misbehaving time (%) False data type 1 0 N/A 0.97 2 100 Obvious 0.96 3 100 Tricky 4 66 Obvious 5 66 Tricky 0.95 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 0.94 0.93 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time False data sneaking into aggregation (Cases 2, 4) may affect result Î “pollute” pollute legitimate node’s node s reputation Low opinion or polluted reputation Î result from low reputation nodes g malicious nodes Î opinion p / confidence increases Detection/blocking Opinion correctly represents the belief in the result S. K. Das Cooperative Malicious Nodes (10%) Scenario: Malicious nodes behave “good” good at first 1/3 experiment, then they all send same data each time Aggregation Result Evolution of Reputation 32 1 0.95 all good cluster 30 0.9 28 0.8 Data Re Reputation 0.85 0.75 26 24 0.7 0.65 22 0.6 20 malicious nodes good nodes 0.55 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 Time 25 30 35 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time Malicious nodes can be identified as long as they misbehave. Aggregation result robust to cooperative malicious nodes of different fractions S. K. Das Conclusions - Integrated multi multi-level level security framework in wireless sensor networks. - Epidemic theory modeling to control spread of infected nodes and outbreak. - Information theory-based theory based reputation to detect intrusion of malicious nodes. - Belief / trust model to ensure secure information aggregation by effectively filtering false data. - Distributed key sharing and collaboration to revoke reveals secrets. - Digital watermarking technique to self self-correct correct compromised data. S. K. Das Epilogue “A teacher t h can never truly t l tteach h unless l h he iis still learning himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The teacher who has come to the end of his subject, who has no living traffic with his knowledge but merely repeats his lesson to his students, can only load their minds he cannot quicken them” minds, them”. Rabindranath Tagore (1861(1861-1941) (Indian Poet, Nobel Laureate,1913) S. K. Das S. K. Das