IHLC MS 119 Meharry Family Collection, 1867‐1941 Manuscript Collection Inventory Illinois History and Lincoln Collections University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Note: Unless otherwise specified, documents and other materials listed on the following pages are available for research at the Illinois Historical and Lincoln Collections, located in the Main Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign. Additional background information about the manuscript collection inventoried is recorded in the Manuscript Collections Database (http://www.library.illinois.edu/ihx/archon/index.php) under the collection title; search by the name listed at the top of the inventory to locate the corresponding collection record in the database. University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign Illinois History and Lincoln Collections http://www.library.illinois.edu/ihx/index.html phone: (217) 333‐1777 email: ihlc@library.illinois.edu 601 ![Ï 3KEG3¬KJ Lv­¸¢\Ï M]§v±¸Ï Lv®¸£^Ï 3¢®®v¸§¢qvovÏÏ % * >VHHDGGHQGDIRUPRUHGHWDLORQFRUUHVSRQGHQFH@ LÏ D;vd®®ÈÏ 3£®®v¸¨£qvovÏ %635%636 J %755%658J {£rv®¸Ï "%3 %8#.%8#8 J %8%*%8,,J ¹od¼½w®vq 4Ï "Ï Wv_®®ÈÏ 4£®®v¸©£qvovÏ rÏ ËÏ {£rv®¸Ï !5,* , 8¸ownv£Â¸Ï 3£®¯vº§¢rvovÏ rÏ {¢rv®¸Ï ,,,/ .Ï sv½`vrÏ ¸¼Ï £{Ï ½vÏ 4£®®v¸§¢rvovÏ ¸Ï ½¢Ï lvÏ {£ÁqÏ Ï ½vÏ .qrvqdÏ 2Ï Lv®¸¢dÏ 6dodÏ Ld©v®¸Ï arÏ Nvo£®r¸Ï 3Ï Hxd®®ÈÏ Lv®¸£dÏ 4vo¸$Ï SvÏ 3v¼®dÏ Jb½£dÏ 2dÏ £~Ï /½¾oc Ï <sdd Ï %8#6%8%3 J %8*%%8*, J %8*0%8,, J %8,0%8,4J mÄrv»Ï %*3 J l vÏ 7\®v®¸Ï O½d¼vÏ 2dÏ £{Ï 9d¼v Ï =ref(Ï &8#8%8'3 J %8%6(8+, )8*6%8,#J vÆv¢©vÏ +5 J * 3Ï >Ì?v\®®ÈÏ 3voÏ Nvovª¼Ï 2££»Ï dÏ {vÇÏ ³XvÏ odoyvqÏ ovo¸Ï £® %8*-%8*0J §v®£q %Ï *J ¸v®v¸Ï ¢{Ï ©dov¼¸Ï Ï %#J lÂrv¸%Ï ®vov©½¸Ï ¼v®»ªv®»vr Ï v¸©vogÈÏ {£®Ï ½vÏ SvÏ 3v¼²dÏ Jh¼£dÏ 2dÏ £~Ï |¼ÀodÏ rdd) l££¸ Ï lÂrv¸Ï l %8*-%8,*J 8 J %J m££»Ï ,#,8 J Ï %8%,%8%- J %8*8%8,* -% J =rdd)Ï %8*#%8,,J -J ?HHDI #J Ï £{Ï Zd¼vÏ dqÏ * J vÆv¤§vÏ <CI@HGICG:J %8%5J %J l££Ï , J 3¿Êv¸Ï 2jÏ drÏ ´µÃ»¼Ï 3£ Ï Yv®£Ï O£Â½Ï 5k£½d)Ï %J l££Ï , lÂrvÏ lÂrv¸Ï :££rdrÏ O¼d¼vÏ 2d Ï Z££rjrÏ vÆv£©v)Ï vÏ *J lÂrv¸)Ï SvÏ 6d®v®¸Ï O¼d¼vÏ 2d CGJ %J lÅrv)Ï r ovoÏ SvÏ 3¼Év¸Ï 2dÏ £{Ï P¦££Ï @£¸)Ï %*J m££»Ï o £®Ï Ï vÆv£§v)Ï vÆv£ªvÏ %8,% - J 3Ï Cvd®·Ï 5z§£¸¼Ï Oª»&Ï dÏ %8%3%8%6 J %8*,%8*8 ,J lÁrv¸)Ï lÁrv¸Ï 0-5 A£»*Ï %8%-%8*#J -J lÂrv¸Ï Ï SvÏ 3v¼®iÏ Jd½¦dÏ 2dÏ £}Ï .¼¼pdÏ rdd)Ï %8,*%9,, J %8,0%8,3J %-J lÂqv¸Ï vÏ 3¼Év»Ï 2dÏ £}Ï Q£££Ï £vÏ mÂuvÏ Ï lÂrvÏ oÏ B6 J TvÏ 6d°v®¸Ï 2dÏ £~Ï Zd¼vÏ Ardd+Ï vÆv£©vÏ q Ï %8*%%8*8J %J mÄrvÏ Ï 8 #¸ovdv£Â¸Ï 5vª£»¼Ï O©»Ï drÏ Iv¢°drdÏ £{Ï Nvov©½¸ Ï %8%8%8** vÆw¥©v¸Ï /#1, - 3Ï FÏ Bvd®¶Ï 2dÏ 2££»'Ï bÏ SvÏ 3v½®dÏ 2d¡Ï £}Ï ¼ od lÂqv)Ï lÂrvÏ lÏ r Ï Ï EJ lÂrv)Ï lÂtvÏ 00 UvÏ 2d Ï £}Ï R£££Ï ;FECGHCI:J %8#6%8#8 J %8%- J %8%3J %J m££Ï Ï vÆv£ªv,Ï vÆv¤©vÏ 23 VvÏ 6d®v®»Ï 2dÏ £}Ï Zd¼vÏ Ardd)Ï %8#6 J %8%-%8%8J %J m££Ï Ï vÆvΫv-Ï vÆv£§vÏ 05 SvÏ 3¼Év»Ï 2d Ï £}Ï Q£££Ï A£»ÍÏ %8%,%8*%J ,J m££»Ï o ;GAC=G>:J %8#6%8,$J 0J m££»Ï 0- Ï 2 5. C. L. 1929-1935 ( folder /1-58). The Farmers Bank of I�Jingate, Indiana; 1920-1929 ( folder 459). b. c. �ioodland State Bank, I�Joodland, Hisconsin; 1917 ( folder #60). Martha l,leharry Checks, 1909-1929 ( bundles #61-67). Esther l�·Teharry Checks, 1909-1919, 1926-1929, 1931-1933, 1935 ( bundles /fo63-74). a. 6. 7. 8. Neharry Bank Statements: The Central Bank of Attica, Indiana,; rrax Records: a. Tax Receipts ( Ivleharry ) Family and Property , 1907-1933 ( folders #75-100). b. 9. ( C. 1. Meharry and ) , 1928, 1930-1935 ( folders #101-109). Policies ( automobile ) , 1921 ( folder #110). Income Tax Hork Sheets and Forms Family Insurance ( folders #1-3). C. Speeches, D. Attica School Board Minutes and Agreements, E. Bibliographies: 1. 2. Ivieharry n.d. Farm Card Bibliography, n.d. 1928-1930 ( folder #1). ( bundle -#·1). Bibliography of Books Found with the Ivieharry Family Papers, 1975 ( folder lk). F. Miscellaenous Notebooks, (8 II. volumes in 8 n.d., envelopes; 1901-1902, 1906, 1927-1928, 1933 1-8). envelopes Business Records. A. Business Correspondence: C. L. lileharry Banl\: Correspondence and Papers, C. L. l11eharry Farm Business Correspondence, 3. H. R. Riegel Farm Business Correspondence, ( folders }/=2-9) B. 1931, 1933 ( folder #1) . 1909-1912, 1920-1935 1. 2. • 1915-1925 ( folder #10). General and Hultiple Farm Records: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1914-1922 ( folder/ volume #1). 1917-1923 ( folder/ volume #2). Index of Expenditures, 1917-1923 ( folder / volurlle 7¥3) . Record of Farm Expenditures, 1919 ( folder/ volume lfl+) . Journal Entries, 1917-1918 ( folder/ volume #5). Comparison of Inventories, 1914-1919 ( folder IJ?5). Inventories: June 20, 1929 � July 1 5 , 1933 ( folders ��!.[ and 8). Soybean Shipments, n.d. ( folder #9). Shipping Records, 1919-1920 ( folder/ volume #18). Order Register, 1920-1932 ( folder/ volume #11). 1-Iiscellaneous Bills and Receipts, 1915-1940 ( folder #12). Business Agreements, Contracts, and Leases, 1908, 1928-1930 ( folder t/13). Farm Operation Record, Record of Receipts and Disbursements, ¨ ¨ 3¨ c :X`B ¥¨ "B s¨ 5XS T¨ "B t¨ 2X Bdz¨ 5XS T¨ B ¨ 3¨ ,X`B ¥¨ "B u¨ !C¥¨ @ h¨ DzT¨ dzX¨ 8sO dX¨ 05@0$* B 0&0& B $B + zEl ¨ + B 0(0.B 3¨ /X`B ¨ "B u¨ "dXmT¨ 8C dX¨ BzT¨ %z¡Xz dX ¨ [mTX ¨ &B ¡lX¨ ¨ PzTlX¨ -$ B ¨ 3¨ /X`B 0. B 0$$0& B 0'&B ¥¨ "F t¨ %z¡Xz dX ¨ [lTX ¨ $&& BB (B BzSXmlXT¨ `XSi¨ BzT¨ ?S`X ¨ .B B¨ 5Z ¨ B`¨ 5XSXd¡XT¨ BzT¨ !XdXT¨ P¨ QX¨ dd¦Xz¨ B{i¨ [¨ ;qz ¨ %qmdzd¨ =X¨ dd§Xz¨ B|h¨ [¨ ;lz¨ %qldzd¨ ¨ 3¨ (X`B ¥¨ "B s¨ 4S`GX¨ 2 TX ¨ :+$-* B $B Pi¨ 0&.B 0B B B B¨ 8BXuXz¨ Xz¡XlX¨ #?1 B B 0$B Xz¡XmX¨ 0 B 0(0$.B ¡mvX¨ ¨ ¥¨ "B u¨ 5XSXd¨ ¨ 3¨ 1X`B ¥¨ "B s¨ !B¥¨ BzT¨ `XSi¨ 5XSXd ¨ 00B +M{I ¥ 8XXuPX ¨ $, BB 5dX^Xl¨ B¨ BzSXllXT¨ aXSj ¨ P¨ <bX¨ dd§Xz¨ B|h¨ [¨ ;mz ¨ &mmdzd¨ "B s¨ 0&$0(B PzTqX¨ $"& !Xd¨ 5XSXd¨ 0&-2)B P{TmX¨ #& 5dX^Xm¨ 0&.0(B PTmX¨ $& 3==<> B 0$.0&$ B 0&(0&*B ¡lX¨ %"& 5dX]Xm ¨ -X¤d¨ BzT¨ `XSi¨ 5XSXd¨ >X¨ dd¦Xz¨ B{i¨ [¨ ;mz¨ %lldzd¨ 0$*0&B X¨ 0$*0&+B ..B 68B .0 B B ¥¨ "B s¨ B`¨ 5XSXd¡XT¨ /Xu BzTB¨ 7B 0$&0$* B .+B HzT¨ .- B ¨ 3¨ )X`B S¨ -+.( B 0$0 0(B .* B B¨ h¨ ¨ 3¨ *X`B B $B PVqX¨ !Xd¨ 6XSXd¨ =X¨ dd§Xz¨ B{i¨ [¨ ;mz ¨ %mlezd¨ PzTmX¨ $B 0$0$.B ¨ PzTlX¨ dXT¨ ]X`X ¨ P~TmX¨ PhmX¨ PzTqX¨ [lTX ¨ %z BzSX¨ 3ldS¥¨ #& uPdqX & B 0$B N¨ 9BXwXz ¨ [lTX ¨ $&& 2TXlm¨ "Bs¨ 5XS T¨ B $B &B (B 2TXlm¨ "Bx¨ %z¡Xz dX¨ *B¨ 0$-0$0B 2TXmq¨ "B y¨ $dSXqqBzX¨ zT¨ & B 4 B [lTX ¨ [mTX ¨ r¢X`J ¨ BzT¨ .¥zS`¨¨ 0.0$B Xz¡XmX¨ & 0.0$B Xz¡XlX¨ & B¨ 5XSXf¨ P¨ !dP XsXz¨ 2TXqq¨ "B s¨ 0&*0&,B BzSXmmXT¨ `XSi¨ 5XSXd¨ ?S`X ¨ PzTmX¨ 0$0$0 B 0&0&& B $& B "B uX ¨¨ 8BX¨ Bzi¨ Adz^BX¨ &zTdBzK¨ 0$*0$0B ¡qX¨ !& 0$0$0 B 0&0&& B 0&*0&+B $+ B 0$0&*B [lTX ¨ ;- B `XSh¨ 5XSXd¨ i¨ P¨ !Xd¨ 8ld¨ S¨ B}i¨ 8BXuXz ¨ P{TqX¨ 0$.0&&B \lTX ¨ **, B 000$$B [oTX ¨ 9 B 0& B 0( B 0+ B "0$/0$0 B 0'$0(B ¨ 3¨ #X`B ¥¨ "B s¨ nzBzSX¨ 3mdSdX¨ T¨ 0$$0&*B &!A*( B *B ,B PUpX¨ !¨ 0(00B 3¨ 0X`B ¥¨ "B s¨ dzX¨ 8vE dX¨ [lTY ¨ 5XSXd ¨ $*B BzT¨ 5dV]XS X¨ "B s¨ 5XS T¨ B $B 7gW_XS X¨ "Lu'z£Xz dX¨ BzSXqlXV¨ aXSk ¨ RTmX¨ B 6XSXf¨ 0$-0%0B 68B ?S`X & 0$(0$0 B 0'$0&&B [mWX ¨ ¨ 4 3. F. Sugar Grove Farm Records. 1. 2. 3. 4. c Box 2-j Bo�;jLf III . IV. V. Sugar Grove Farm Inventories, 1927-1929, (folders #1-3). Cancelled Checks, Receipts, and Vouchers,1924-1926, 1928-1929, 1931-1936, (bundles ��-14). Meharry and Wilson: a. Deposit Memoranda and Bank Statements,1918-1923 (envelope #15). b. Checks,Receipts,and Vouchers, 1918-1923, (envelope #16). The Central National Bank,Attica,Indiana: a. De posit Slips, 1924-1926, 1928-1929,1932-1934, 1936 (bundle #17). b. Bank Book,1924-1929 (envelope #18). c. Check Receipt Book, 1924-1931 (volume #19). Meharry Family History. A. Correspondence and Papers, n.d.,1925,1932-1934 (folder B. Name Lists, C. History of the l·1eharry FalT,i1y in America: Typed Drafts, n.d. (folders #3-6) D. History of the lvleharry Family in America: Bound Proof Copy (folder/volmne #'i #1). n.d. (folder��). Photographs (Family, Farm and miscellaneous ) , n.d., (fol ders f!l-7). Pamphlets,Fliers,and Handbills. A. Farm and Seed Pamphlets etc. ; n.d., 1919-1934 (folders #1-3). B. 1. 2. VI. The Central National Bank, Attica, Indiana: a. Deposit Slips and Receipts,1924-1929, 1932-1933 (bundle #12) b. Bank Book,1924-1929 (envelope #13) c. Bank Statements,1929-1933 (folder #14). 1>liscello.neous Business Pa-mphlets, n.d., 1899,190L�, 1906, 1933 (folders #1-3). J,liscellaneous (includes Boy Scout, Religious,and TtL W. I). n. d. , 1927-1928, 1930, (folders #4-6). Newspapers and Ne,il spaper A. 1. Clipp ing s. Illinois Newspapers � County Gazette: October 6, 1897. Champaign News-Gazette: January 20,1932. Tolono. Tolono Weekly Herald: November 20,1896 ( 2) ; January 31, 1908 ( 2); Janu a ry 24 a,nd 31, 1913; February 7, 1913. ( Oversized folde r #1) Indiana Newspaper s � Attica.. The Attica Ledger and Tribune: l'1Tarch 10, 12, 14,and 19, 1928; April 7, 1928; April 23 (2),1930. Crawfordsville. The Crawfordsville Journal: February 20, 1905 (Wa.lla.ce Special Ed ition ) Huntington. Huntington Herald-Press: January 18 and 19, 1932. The Huntington News: January 19 and 20, 1932. Huntington. Champaign. Champaign Cha,mpa.ign-Urbana. 2. . (Oversized folder #2). 5 B. 1. Newspaper Clippings, ca. 1900-1935 ( folder #1). V II. Soil Iv;aps - U.S. Geological Survey, and VIII. IX. 48 of 53 for 19o4; lviiscellaneous Plats and House Plans, Blank Forms and Sample Stationery tax, etc. ), n.d. 1903, 19o4 ( 2 sets 72 #1 and 2). of 74 for 1903 list in box; bundles ( folders #1-4). n.d. ( folder #1). ( business farm, family history, income 6 ADDENDA I. 13o?�.. l Personal Papers. A. Personal Correspondence, 1. A. P. Meharry Correspondence The A. P. ( Letters Received from Mattie Me Millin ) . Meharry - Mattie Me :f\'lillin Correspondence is essentially personal, though there are occasional references to social, affairs. The import of the correspondence is that it is written by a rural, late religious and cultural nineteenth century woman farm resident of independent character. The letters are to the man she will later marry and they1nainly rel�te her outlook on life and marriage. Several letters contain comments on loneliness- a significant psycho­ logical and social factor in the life of nineteenth century farm women's lives. In folders five and six, she refers to furniture and household materials which she is bringing or sending for use in their new home. Folder 1. Letters Received, July 16, 1868 1867-68, 2 items. ( Picture February 6, 1867; and house plan found in this letter were pulled and placed in Photograph and House Plan sections ) . Folder 2. Letters Received, November 25, Folder 3. Letters Received, January 16, Hay 5, July 8, Folder 4. Folder 5. 1877; 1878; 1877, 3 items. November 8, 1877; December 16, 1877. 1878, 9 items. 1878; April 18, 1878; June 20, 1878; July 7, 1878; January - July, February 25, 1878; Ivlay 30, 1878; 1878; July 31, 1878, 1878, 13 items. September 13, 1878; September 27, 1878; 1878; October 5, 1878; October 6, 1878; October 9, 1878; November 10, 1878; November 24, 1878; October 27, 1878; December 17, 1878; December 2, 1878; December l� , 1878; December 26, 1878. Letters Received, August - December, August 16, January - April, 1879, 15 items. 1879; January 26, 1879; February 2, 1879; February 18, 1879; February 28, 1879; l'�larch 2, 1879; March 11, 1879; March 13, 1879; March 18, 1879; March 30, 1879; April 9, 1878; April 13, 1879; April 20, 1879; April 29, 1879; April 30, 1879. Letters Received, January 20, Folder 6. 1879, 8 items. ay 5, 1879; May 18, 1879; 1879; Ivl May 23, 1879; lllay 26, 1879; May 28, 1879; May 31, 1879; June 1 , 1879. Letters Received, May - June, May 1, 2. C. L. The C. categories: Heharry Correspondence. I1. Meharry Correspondence essentially falls into three letters to Est}?.er Burghardt; letters of sympathy on the death of A. P. letters from Esther Burghardt; Meharry. and The correspondence between Charles Leo Ivleharry and Esther Burghardt was exchanged over the years from 1905 to 1908. It relates primarily to university campus life and activities ¢w¿y¢Î ¦ª¤~³³¤ª³Î wd³³~³Î ³¦¤ªµ³Î ³¤weÎ ~Á~¢µ³Î ¤ªd¢Ìdµ¤¢³ Î e¢yÎ ªdµ~ª¢µÈÎ f¢yÎ ³¤ª¤ªµÈÎ ee ­³Î Â~Î µ~Î w¤ªª~³§¤¢y~¢w~Î ³Î ¢w¤¦~µ~ Î µÎ ³Î ³¿w~¢µÈÎ w¤¢w~¢µªdµ~yÎ µ¤Î ¦ª~³~¢µÎ eÎ Á~²Î ¿³~¾Î ¦wµ¿ª~Î ¤Î ¾¢Á~ª³µÈÎ ~Î e¢yÎ µ~Î Á~³Î ¤Î w¤~~Î ³µ¿y~¢µ³Î dµÎ µ~Î b¢Ã~ª³¶ÈÎ ¤Î C¢¤³Î eµÎ \¿ªy¿~Î c¢Á~ª³·ÈÎ <³µ~ªÎ 7¿ªeªyµÎ KÎ M~g ªªÈÎ d¢yÎ D¢Î dyyµ¤¢Î ¶¤Î µ³Î ³¾s~wµÎ dµµ~ªÎ ¤µ~ªÎ µ¤¦w³Î y³w¿³³~yÎ dª~Î <³µ~ªÎ 7¾ªeªyµ³Î s~¢¢¢Î ŤªÎ e³Î dÎ µ~ew~ª Î µ~Î ³w¢~³³Î d¢yÎ y~dµÎ ¤Î 0Î \Î N~eªªÈÎ eÈÎ deª³Î d¢yÎ §~ª³¤¢eÎ e¶µ~ª³Î µ~ÈÎ Æ~ª~Î ¡qªª~yÎ ¢Î +(7W ¤¢~Î ~µµ~ªÎ w¤¯h¢³Î dÎ y~³wª§µ¤¢Î ¤Î d¢Î ¤¨~ªeµ¤¢Î ¢Î µ~Î O~eªªÈÎ e ÈÎ ¤~Î eµÎ ÅwÎ 9Î KÎ O~dª d³³³µ~yÎ Î a³Î ¨¤ªµ¤¢Î ¤Î µ~Î ¦~ª³¤¢dÎ w¤ªª~³¦¤¢y~¢w~Î ³Î ¤¢~Î ¤Î µ~Î ¤³µÎ ¿³~¿Î ³~w¶¤¢³Î ¤ªÎ ³µ¤ªwdÎ ª~´~dªwÎ ¢Î µ~Î ~¢µª~Î O~eªªÈÎ ?d ÈÎ 9¤~wµ¤¢Î ?¤y~ªÎ $W K~µµ~ª³Î µ¤Î <³µ~ªÎ 7¿ªeªyµÎ ¢y .Î @¤y~ªÎ (W +7W W µ~³Î W e¢yÎ 8W ]~¦µ~s~ªÎ 9W Xwµ¤s~ªÎ W d¢yÎ W Xwµ¥s~ªÎ !:W W¤Á~s~ªÎ ;W W¤Á~s~ªÎ ,W W¤Á~s~ªÎ <W :~w~s~ªÎ ;~w~s~ªÎ 7W ;~w~s~ªÎ W W µ~³Î K~µµ~ª³Î µ¤Î <³¶~ªÎ 7À®eªyµ Î ]~§µ~s~ªÎ +W +!7W (W µ~³Î Gd¢¿eªÈÎ 7W Ge¢¿eªÈÎ +=W ?~sª¿d®ÈÎ ,W ÄeªwÎ 7W PdªwÎ >W OdªwÎ $-W 0¦ªÎ 7W 1¦ªÎ W ?¤y~ªÎ W 2¾¿³µ Î +"W $W µ~³Î OdÈÎ +?W G¿¢~Î 7W G¾¢~Î W G¾ÈÎ .W 0¾¿³µÎ !KW 2¿¿³µÎ 7W 2¿¿³µÎ W d¢yÎ W ?¤y~ªÎ W K~µµ~ª³Î µ¤Î =³µ~ªÎ 7¿ªdªyµÎ ]~¦¶~s~ªÎ ;~w~s~ªÎ +!TW W ¶~³Î ]~§µ~s~ªÎ @W Xwµ¤s~ªÎ W d¢yÎ ;W Xwµ¤s~ªÎ 7W Xwµ¤s~ªÎ $W d¢yÎ (AW W¤Á~s~ªÎ BW W¤Á~s~ªÎ CW W¤Á~s~ªÎ !8W W¤Á~s~ªÎ +7W ;~w~s~ªÎ ?W :~w~s~ªÎ $/W ;~w~s~ªÎ W A¤y~ªÎ W +$W +W +W IrÇ,)ªÈÎ W +!W Je¢¿eªÈÎ 7W Gd¢¾mªÈÎ 0W Gd¢¾dªÈÎ FW ¸`n¢¿eªÈÎ $W 1W ?~sª¿dªÈÎ 7W ?~sª¿dªÈÎ FW ?~sª¿dªÈÎ (W ¤ªÎ +W ?¤y~ªÎ K~µµ~ª³Î µ¤Î <³µ~ªÎ 7¿ªdªyµÎ Gd¢¿i!ªÈÎ 1¨ª Î K~¶µ~ª³Î µ¤Î =³µ~ªÎ 7À®eªyµ Î E~µ¶~ª³Î µ¤Î <³µ~ªÎ 7¿ªjªyµ Î Hk¢¾lªÈÎ ?~sª¾dªÈ Î +W ε~°³Î ?¤y~ªÎ W :~ws~ªÎ K~µµ~ª³Î µ¤Î =³µ~ªÎ 7¿ªdªyµÎ OeªwÎ 2©ªÎ &W µ~³Î QeªwÎ VdªwÎ EW 0¦ªÎ ?¤z~ªÎ U W -UdªwÎ !W 3¦ªÎ RdªwÎ F#µ¶~ª³Î µ¤Î =³¶~ªÎ 7¿ªoªyµÎ VpªÈ Î 2W +%DW (3W SnªwÎ +&FW W µ~±Î TeÈÎ $W +$ W ?¤{ªÎ W B¤z~«Î $'Î +'GW (W ¹~³Î J¾ÉÎ HW J¾ÈÎ #7W 1¾¿³µÎ &*Î 4¾¾³µÎ 5¾ ¾³ºÎ "¾¾³µÎ 4W 5¾¾³¶Î IW 6¾¾³µÎ )W K~µµ~ª³Î µ¤Î =³µ~ªÎ 7¾ªnª|µÎ G¾ÉÎ ¾³ Í}µÎ ]~¦¼~tªÎ Ywµ¤uªÎ +%VW LOQSOPMNRW #W Î+Î _¦½~s~ªÎ Zwµ¤s~ªÎ 6W [wµ¤vªÎ &%/Î X ¤ L~µµ~ª³Î »¤Î >³¶~ªÎ 8ÊË (Π欣³Î ^~¦µ~sªxÎ+5W $7W *JW 8 ¡ çŋ &W ŋ 2W ,0W · ĬĠ ŋ !\ŋ 0W ¹ ïŋ 3W Ď ŋ (W r±ŋ I'ŋ "ŋ 3ŋ äĉsNŋ Bŋ -W #ŋ ŋ "ijŋ ,ŋ ¥ ) āŋ W 9ĵŋ Ħŋ -Iŋ łõÛ+Oŋ 4W $ĐÞŋ 5W ŋ 7 ð ŋ W ö ŋ < . èŋ W éÅŋ W /aŋ jÁŋ ëŋ W ìñŋ W 0Ăŋ W Ĕŋ Bŋ 'W 7 W ,W ŋ (9W %ŋ ':W ©ËĤ ĩtŋ ŋ 4 6īü ŋ ;W ŋ ,#=W W ,#W 0W ,SW ŋ ŋ (?W $9W ) ŋ ĻÃÓ %ŋ 0W (@W ¤% ŋ ŋ AW CW µ ŋ ,%>W TW W ( ŋ BW ,DW ĄÙu ŋ E ŋ ,'0W #W 6 ŋ /W ąņÄ Dŋ GW ŋ ! 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Folder 32. lVIarch 15; Letters of Sympathy May ( on 1; 1908; Hay 27. Death of A. P. I'lleharry ) , 1908; 8 items. January 31 (2); February 1; February 3; February 8; February 10; February 17; February 18. January - February, 3. Miscellaneous Family Correspondence. Folder 33. Folder 34. 1912-1933 12 items. n.d., January 9, 1912; August 11, 1914; November 24, 1920; April 16, 1921; June 21, 1921; August 25, 1921; December 12, 1921; January 7, 1922; .January 8, 1922; ,January 11, 1922; February 13, 1933. Ivliscellaenous Fa,mily Correspondence, n. d., ( scattered) ; Miscellaneous Correspondence of Esther Burghardt, 1907; 4 items. n.d. ( from Edna. Glenn Simison) ; 9, 1907 ( from Bess) ; December 10, 1907 ( unsigned ) ; December 17, 1907 ( from Jess ) . n.d., December Folder 35. Jv1iscellaenous Correspondence and Papers in 1Jleharry Family Collection, ca. 1920-1940; m edical report on C. L. letter from N. J. (?) 7 items. Meharry Included are a ( June 11, 1920); and a Moore in Tokyo, Japan to Professor , J. C. HacklemEtn in Urbana on May 20, 1929; 2 reproduced letters by Abraham Lincoln.