Note: Unless otherwise specified, documents and other materials listed on the following pages are available for research at the Illinois Historical and Lincoln Collections, located in the Main Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Additional background information about the manuscript collection inventoried is recorded in the
Manuscript Collections Database (
) under the collection title; search by the name listed at the top of the inventory to locate the corresponding collection record in the database.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
phone: (217) 333-1777 email:
McNitt Family Papers
Soldiers to Sophronia McNitt
1 John H. Berry (14 Items)
(Private, Co. D, 126th Illinois Infantry)
2 John M. Brown (16)
3 William M. Brown (1)
4 W. A. Cottingham (7)
(Private, Co. H, Ninth Illinois Infantry)
5 Eli Cress (22)
(Private, Co. B, 117th Illinois Infantry)
6 George M. Harkey (9)
(Private, Co. D, 126th Illinois Vol. Infantry)
7 Louis Harkey (10)
8 A.W. Kelly (3)
(Sgt., Co. D, 126th Illinois Infantry)
9 Boon Ludewick (4)
(Private, Co. C, 70 th
10 Patrick Moynihan (14)
(Private, Co. H, 9 th
Illinois Infantry)
Illinois Infantry)
11 Phillip Moynihan (1)
12 Thomas Moynihan (6)
(Private, Co. D, 126 th Illinois Vol. Infantry)
13 Brick Williamson (7)
(Private, Co. B, 117 th Illinois Infantry)
14 Robert A. Williamson (18)
(Sgt., Co. H, 143 Illinois Vol. Infantry)
Other Civil War era letters to Sophronia McNitt
15 Other Soldiers (23)
16 Anna M. Collins (16)
17 J. C. Jackson (8)
18 William F. Sanders (8)
Letters to Other McNitt Family Members
19 Letters to Jennie McNitt (26)
20 Letters to Helen McNitt (19)
21 Lycurgus Cowdrey (5)
22 Aaron Lyrley (3)
23 McNitt family 1 (32)
24 McNitt family 2 (55)
Financial Records
25 1840-1890 (98)
Civil War Currency (2)
Newspapers (6)
26 United States of America, $.03
Confederate States of America, $1.00
27 Montgomery News , Aug. 18, 1876, Feb. 27, 1933
Irving Times , Feb. 11, 1898
Photographs (4 positives and 3 negatives)
Hillsboro Journal , Apr. 1, 1881, Feb. 27, 1933,
Mar. 7, 1938
28 Eli Cress
Cress Farm
James R. Page
Frank F. Price, Sophronia McNitt Cress, Helen
McNitt Price, and Helen (Price?)