I nternat. J. ath. & ath. Sci. 427 Vol. 2 #3 (1979) 427-439 PRESTARLIKE FUNCTIONS WITH NEGATIVE COEFFICIENTS H. SILVERMAN* Department of Mathematics College of Charleston Charleston, South Carolina 29401 E. M. $1LVIA Department of Mathematics University of California, Davis Davis, California 95616 (Received December 4, 1978) ABSTRACT. The extreme points for prestarlike functions having negative coef- ficients are determined. Coefficient, distortion and radii of univalence, star- likeness, and convexity theorems are also obtained. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. , stake Prtake of order univalence, radius of convexly, ereme points. AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. Secondar , radius o f of order Pimary 30A32, Primary 30A34, 30A40. I. INTRODUCTION. Let S denote the class of functions normalized by f(0) are analytic and univalent in the unit disk U. f Given , f’ (0) 0 _< S is said to be in the class of functions starlike of orde_r _< I, , 1 0 that a function denoted by S*(a), 428 H. SILVERMAN and E. M. SILVlA if Re{zf’(z)/f(z)} > U), (z a, denoted by K(a), if and is said to be in the class of functions conve_x o_.f Re{l + zf"(z)/f’(z)} (z > U). Further, let T and T*[a] denote the subclasses of S and S*(a), respectively, whose elements can be expressed in the form f(z) I z n=2 ..lanlZn The convolution or Hadamard product of two power series f(z) In= 0 bnzn is g(z) defined as the power series (f’g)(z) f’ (0) function normalized by f(0) prestarlike of order z/(-z) 2(-) S*(a). , En= 0 anZ In= 0 anbn zn" n and An analytic 0 is said to be in the class of functions 1 0 < a < i, denoted by R if f*s S*() where s (z) is the well-known extremal function for the class The function s In the sequel, we let n (k-2a) (n-l) k=2 C(,n) so that s (n=2, 3, ), (I. I) can be written in the form sa(z) z + Zn= 2 n C(a,n)z Note that C(a,n) is a decreasing function of a with - llm C(a,n) n The class R , a < 112 I, a 1/2 0, > (1.2) 1/2 was introduced by Ruscheweyh [3], who showed that a necessary and sufficient condition for f to be in R is that the functional 429 PRESTARLIKE FUNCTIONS WITH NEGATIVE COEFFICIENTS s (z) f(z), G(=,z) l’Z fCz) * S OCz) satisfy Re G(e,z) > 1/2 Sl(Z) Since (z (1.3) U). z, we say that f is prestarlike of order 1 if and only if Re{f(z)/z} > 1/2 U). (z K(0) and Note that R0 RI/2 S*(I/2). In [3] it was shown that Rs c R < 8 < for 0 < 8 I, which generalizes the well-known result that K(0) c S*(I/2). In Section 2, we obtain a sufficient condition in terms of the modulus of the coefficients for a function to be in R and show that this condition is also nec- essary for the subclass R[] n T. R (1.4) In Section 3, we obtain the extreme points for the closed convex hull of R[] and use them to prove distortion and covering theorems. In Section 4, we determine the radii of univalence, starlikeness, and convexity for R[e]. 8(e) for which T*[] smallest 8 2. c Finally, we find the R[8], 0 < e < I. COEFFICIENT INEQUALITIES FOR THE CLASS RIll. We first obtain a relationship between the order of prestarlikeness of a function and the modulus of its coefficients. THEOREM i. Zn=2 then f R. + Let f(z) z (n-e)C(en) lanl i -’ e Zn= 2 anZ < I n If 0 <e < I, H. SILVERMAN and E. M. SILVIA 430 REMARK. expression (n-)C(,n)/(l-) For s (z) z 1 is taken to be 2, its limit as + + En= 2 Ek= 2 C(,n)z C(e,k). n (z)/(l-z) we have s / i I/G(,z)- I An equivalent formulation of (1.3) is PROOF. o(,n) 1 in the theorem and all subsequent results, the For the case z + Y.n= 2 < i, 0 ! <_ i. n o(,n) z where Thus anzn En= 2 o(,n-l) z + En= 2 o(e,n)an zn En= 2 < o(,n-l)lanl Y.=n=2 i ( n) lanl which is bounded by 1 whenever (2.1) is satisfied. The converse of Theorem 1 is also true for the class RIll, defined by (1.4). Since a necessary and sufficient condition [4] for f(z) z- En= 2 Ibn Iz n to be in T*[] is that n=2(n- Ibnl A function f(z) z , <_1 (2.2) we obtain THEOREM 2. Zn=2= (n-)C,(l_ ==’n) COROLLARY. lan z If f(z) <_ (l-)/(n-)C(,n), z En= 2 lan Iz lan r.n=21anlzn < n is in R[a] if and only if , R[], 0 <o<I. 0 <_ <_ I, then with equality only for functions of the form (l-a)zn/(n-)C(a,n). We now determine the extreme points of this class. 431 PRESTARLIKE FUNCTIONS WITH NEGATIVE COEFFICIENTS 3. EXTREME POINTS OF R[]. , . For any compact family of analytic functions it is well known that the real is maximized (minimized) at one of part of any continuous linear functional over the extreme points of the closed convex hull of The solutions to several extremal problems in R[] follow easily from the extreme points for this class. Theorem 2, we see that R[] is a closed convex family. In view of Thus, the extreme points are obtained in THEOREM 3. RIll, 0 Then f f(z) Y. n I PROOF. Set fl(z) _< _< z and (l-)zn/(n-)C(,n), z n=2, 3, i, if and only if it can be expressed in the form where % > 0 and Y. % n n I n %nfn(Z) In=I %nfn (z) Suppose f(z) i. Then n (n-) C (,n) n=2 fn(Z) In=2 %n (n-) C (,n) i i_ %1 < i" Therefore, f e R[] by Theorem 2. Conversely lan < %1 1 f(z) suppose f(z) (l-)/(n-)C(n) In==2 %n" n--2 z y.n= 2 fan n z Set % 3 R[], 0 < I. Then (n-)C(,n)lanl/(l-) n From Theorem 2, it follows that Y.n= 1%nfn(Z), < %1 > 0. and Since the proof is complete. As an immediate consequence of Theorem 3, we obtain distortion theorems for the class RIll. THEOREM 4. r- If f(z) 1 2"2--------r with equality only for 2 n z Y.n= 2 lanlZ < If(z) <_ r + f2(z) 2 I 4-2 z -z R[], 0 1 2(2-a) r <_ 2 z=+r. <_ i, then (Izl r), 432 H. SILVERMAN and E. M. SILVIA PROOF. From The@rem 3, we have r max .__ I =nlnC(’’, It suffices to show that A(,n) r n <_ If(z) < r + (l-)/(n-)C(,n) max (n-) C (,n) r is a decreasing function of n. From (I.i), it follows that n+l-2 C(,n+l) n C(,n). (3.1) Therefore, we have A(,n+l) < A(,n), n=2, 3, whenever (n+l-)(n+l-2) > n(n-e) This is equivalent to (l)[l+2(n-)] > 0, which proves the result. COROLLARY. lwl < zl The disk (3-2e)/(4-2e) for any f < 1 is mapped onto a domain that contains the disk E R[], 0 < < i. The result is sharp, with extremal function f2(z) PROOF. Let r / 1 z 2(2-e)z R[]. in Theorem 4. As a second application of Theorem 3, we have THEOREM 5. (Izl If f E R[], 0 < e < I, then 1 M(e,r) _< If’(z) ! I + r), where M(s,r) max n COROLLARY. If f 1 PROOF. I -2_--r :,n. (n-)C(on) R[e] with either r < r 2/3 or I If’(z)l <_ I + 2_-L-r It suffices to show that n- = <lzl < I/2, then =>. M(s,r) 433 PRESTARLIKE FUNCTIONS WITH NEGATIVE COEFFICIENTS (1-a)nrn-1 g(a r,n) is a decreasing function of n. g(a,r,n+l) < g(a,r,n) h(,,r,n) (n-a) C’(a,n) In view of (3. I), the inequality is equivalent to 2 (1-r)n + [2-3c-(1-s)r]n + (1-)(1-2) + ar > O. Since, for n fixed, h is a decreasing function of r, we have (l-2a)n + (l-a)(l-2a) + a 0 h(,r,n) > h(a,l,n) for s < 1/2. Since h is also a decreasing function of s, it follows for r < 2/3 that h(,r,n) > h(l,r,n) I. REMARKS. a I/2. 2 n Since h(l,r,2) g(l,r,2) < g(l,r,3). 2. (l-r)n 2 + r h(l,2/3,n) 3r < 0 for r h(1,2/3,2) 2/3, we have Thus the corollary will not be true for all when r > 2/3. We next show that the corollary will not be true for all r when For each a, 1/2 < a < I, we must find an r M(u,r) > (I/ (2-u))r. (l-u)n/(n-u)C(u,n) It suffices to show for n I/(2-u), which r(a) such that n(u) sufficiently large that is equivalent to C(,n) < ,(I-,) (2-)n 1/2 and the right hand side of (3.2) Since C(s,n) / (l-s)(2-) 0, the result follows. 4. 0. 0 for (3.2) is bounded below by RADII OF UNIVALENCE, STARLIKENESS, AND CONVEXITY. The functions in R[] for 0 < bound is given in = < 1/2 are starlike of a positive order. The H. SILVERMAN and E. M. SILVIA 434 -< 1/2, then f If f e R[], 0 -< THEOREM 6. T*[2(I-)/(3-2)]. The result is sharp, with extremal function f2(z) PROOF. i z 2(2_-----z 2 From (2.2), it suffices to show that En=2 (n-) C(n) i- anl implies 2(i-) n En= 2 3-2 I- 2(I-) 3-2 an This will follow if (3-2)n 2(i-) I < - I < C(,n) or, equivalently, when [(3-2)n 2(l-=)](1-a) (n-=) C (,n) g(,n) Since g(,2) I, it suffices to show that g(,n) is a decreasing function of n. In view of (3.1), the inequality g(,n+l) < g(,n), n=2, 3, 2+n (3-2) n (n+l-a) (n+l-2a) < is equivalent to (3-2) n-2 n- This holds if and only if, for each fixed a, we have h(n) Note that h(1) h(n+l) (4a2-8a+3)n 2 + (62-4a 3 -l)n + 4a 3 10a 2 + 8a 2 > 0. 0 and h(n) 2(4a2-8a+3)n + 2(l-4a+52-2a 3) A()n + B(a) 435 PRESTARLIKE FUNCTIONS WITH NEGATIVE COEFFICIENTS Since A() > 0 and B() > 0 for 0 < REMARK. K[0] R[0] When n c T*[2/3]. > 1/2, R[] 2C( z 1/2, the result follows. 0, Theorem 6 reduces to the known result [4] that For n)zn/n. gn(Z) We will show that S. If n e 4, then n() sufficiently large. gn*S < gn R[I]. Taking (1.2) into account 2C( n)/n < (l-)/(n-) for n sufficiently large gn Therefore, 2zn/n z R[] If 1/2 < < S for I, then we have so that gn*S T*[]. e R[]. We next determine the largest disk in which R[] is univalent. The radius of univalence and starlikeness for R[], i/2 < THEOREM 7. < I, is r() PROOF. valid for Iz For f(z) <_ min n (n-a)n(lC(a,n) -a) Y.n= 21anlz z r whenever Y. n= 2 n nlanlr } I/(n-l) in R[], the inequality n-I <_ Izf’/f In view of Theorem 2, this is true i. if r < Hence, f is starlike for f’ (z) n i I/(n-1) r(n_)C(,n) ] n(l-) L Izl ] <_ r(). On the other hand, for some n we have n-I n(l-) z (n-) C (,n) Thus f is not univalent (or starlike) for COROLLARY. i/ m 0 <_ r, when z r(). r > r(). The radius of univalence and starlikeness for R[I] is 794. PROOF. Izl We must show that i is H. SILVERMAN and E. M. SILVIA 436 1/(n-l) r(1) 1 mlnn (2/x)I/(x-l) g(x) This can be found by differentiating decreasing for 2 _< x _< x and increasing for x > 0 x0, and observing that g is where x 0 satisfies 4 < x 0 < 5. Since g(4) < g(5), the result follows. , Thus, for all REMARK. for R I is f in R[] is univalent and starlike when Izl < i’/. MacGregor showed [2] that the radius of univalence and starllkeness I/v .707. We will now obtain the radius of convexity for R[e]. THEOREM 8. R[e], 0 If f zl < r(e) inf n < i, then f is convex in the disk < I(n_)C(e,n)I 11 (n-l) n2 (1-) The result is sharp, with the extremal function of the form f (z) n z- 1-x (n-=) C(,n) z for some n. PROOF For f(z) z In=2[anl zn Izf"(z)If’(z)l -< 1 for Izl -< r(e). we RIll, E have n-I -r.n__2 n(n-1)lan Iz I hold whenever Y’n=2 In=2 n lanl zn-I which is bounded by I whenever En= 2 n 2 it suffices to show that 1- a n z n(n-l)lan Izl n-1 -1 En__2 =1,n Iz[ n-I < I. From Theorem 2, this will PRESTARLIKE FUNCTIONS WITH NEGATIVE COEFFICIENTS n 2 [z[ n-1 (n-a) C (.a,n) <’ n=2 l-a 437 3 or (4.1) The result follows upon setting Izl r(a) in (4.1). Using arguments similiar to those in the corollary to Theorem 7, we have the following COROLLARY. The radius of convexity for R[I] is The radius of convexity r.c. for R REMARK. .395 < r.c. < .40. 1 /3 is known to satisfy See [I]. We conclude with the determination of the-smallest T*[m] c B B() for which R[]. THEOREM 9. f .471. T*[a] then f If f R[I/23 for 1/2 < a < I. z R[(2-3a)/2(l-a)3 for 0 < a 1/2, and The result is sharp, with extremal function l-a 2 for 0 < a < 1/2 -2_--z and of the form for 1/2 < a < I z----- z PROOF. From Theorem 2 it suffices to show, for 0 _< a s 1/2, that implies 8 8(a) (2-3a)/(2-2a). g(a,8,23 I, < I, where This will follow if we can show that g(a,B,n) Since Zn__2(n-B)C(B,n)lanl/(1-B) I- n-S n-a l-B C(B,n) < 1 it is sufficient to show that g(a,B,n) is a decreasing function H. SILVERMAN and E. M. SILVlA 438 In view of (3.1), g (,8,n+l) < g(e, 8,n) whenever of n. (n+l-8) (n+i-28) n(n+l-s) < i-2 2 n-8 n-= which is equivalent to p(,n) 2(I-) (2+2s_2) n 2) (2(l-e) n + 2 > 0 However, since IU2’ p(e,n) p(e,n+l) 2(-) = is nonnegative for 0 < > 1/2. I] c T*[2] for e I 2) is proved. > e 2 shows that T*[] c R[I/2] But for any e < 1 and y < 1/2, we will show that f(z) for n (4(l-s)n+e 1/2, the first inclusion < The inclusion relation T*[e for 2 z----- z [e] n(e,y) sufficiently large. f,s z y in- R[y] R[y], then If f C(y,n) z n T*[7]. This is true if and only if I-___ c(,n) < n- I----! n- or, equivalently, if C(y,n) < Since C(7,n) / .n-o) (11_) [n-- for y < i/2 and the right hand side of (4.2) is bounded, the in- equality is not true for n sufficiently large. REMARK. (4.2) T*[I] {z} c R[0]. PRESTARLIKE FUNCTIONS WITH NEGATIVE COEFFICIENTS 439 REFERENCES I. Campbell, D. M., A Survey of Properties of the Convex Combination of Univalent Functions, Rocky Mt. J. 5, no. 4__ (1975) 475-492. 2. MacGregor, T. H., The Radius of Convexity for Starlike Functions of Order 1/2, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (1963) 71-76. 3. St. Ruscheweyh, Linear Operators Between Classes of Prestarllke Functions, Comm. Math. Helv. 52 (1977) 497-509. 4. Silverman, H., Univalent Functions with Negative Coefficients, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 51 (1975) 109-116. research of the first author was supported in part by grants from the American Philosophical Society and Sigma XI, and was completed while he was visiting at the University of California, Davis. * The