I nternat. J. Math. ath. Sci. Vol. 2 #3 (1979) 345-368 345 COMPACTIFICATION$ OF CONVERGENCE SPACES D. C. KENT Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics Washington State University Pullman, Washington 99163 G. D. RICHARDSON Department of Mathematics East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina 27834 (Received May 15, 1979) ABSTRACT. This paper summarizes most of the results to date on convergence space compactifications, and establishes necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of largest and smallest compactifications subject to various conditions imposed upon the compactifications. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Convergence space, compactfication, locally bounded space, setially compact space, relatively diagonal compatification, simple ompacti- fication. 1980 Mathematical Subject i. Classification Code. 54A20, 54D5. INTRODUCTION. The subject of convergence space compactifications is now about ten years old, although some related concepts, such as Novak’s sequential envelope [13], are of D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON 346 earlier vintage. Our goal is to summarize the results in this area which have been In the latter obtained to date, and to give further development to the subject. endeavor, we follow a path initiated by C. J. M. Rao, making use of ideas introduced by Ellen Reed and inspired by the completion theory of H. Kowalsky. Convergence spaces were originally defined in terms of sequences by M. Frechet [5] in 1906. A compactlflcatlon theory for convergence spaces had to await the The foundational development of convergence spaces defined by means of filters. papers for filter convergence spaces were written by G. Choquet [i] in 1948, H. Kowalsky [12] in 1954, and H. Fischer [4] in 1959. In 1970, G. D. Richardson [21] and J. F. Ramaley and O. Wyler [15] published different versions of a "Stone-ech compactlflcatlon" the former paper, each T2 for convergence spaces. convergence space is embeded in a compact gence space with the property that each map into a compact to the compactlflcatlon space. 2 conver- space can be lifted 3 Similar results are obtained in the latter paper, but with the following significant differences: T 3, T T In the "compactlflcatlon" space is but the injection map into this space is not an embedding. Thus the Ramaley- Wyler "compactlficatlon" is not a compactlflcation in the sense that we use the term The universal property for Richardson’s compactlflcation is not entirely T 3. satisfactory because the compactiflcation space is usually not R. Gazlk [6] showed that this compactiflcation is ultrafilter coincides with its own closure. T3 Indeed, iff each non-convergent Gazlk’s condition is also necessary and sufficient in order for Richardson’s compactlflcatlon of a completely regular topological space to be equivalent to the topological Stone-ech In 1972, the authors showed that a convergence space a compact T3 convergence space iff X a completely regular topological space. completely regular. X compactlflcatlon. can be embedded in has the same ultrafilter convergence as Such convergence spaces are said to be Each completely regular convergence space has a T 3 compac- tlflcatlon with the same universal property which characterizes the topological COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CONVERGENCE SPACES Stone-ech compactification. 347 Other formulations and proofs of essentially the same results were given independently in 1973 by C. H. Cook [3] and A. Cochran and R. Trail [2]. C. J. M. Rao [16], [17], and Vinod Kumar [24] investigated the conditions X has a largest under which a space tion. T2 T2 and smallest and T3 compactifica- The summary of their results, along with some additions by the present authors, is the subject of Section 3. In 1971, Ellen Reed [19] made a detailed study of Cauchy space completions. Motivated by Kowalsky’s completion theory [12], she defined "relatively diagonal" and "relatively round" completions; in a later paper on proximity convergence spaces [20], she introduced a relatively round compactification called the "Y.-compactification". Compactifications satisfying these two conditions receive further attention in Sections 4 and 5 of this paper. There are a number of directions from which the subject of compactifications can be approached. A recent paper by R. A. Herrman [7] gives a non-standard development of convergence space compactifications. Another possibility is to consider embeddings into spaces which are, in some sense, approximately compact; this technique is used in [8], [ii], and [18]. Our approach, like that of Rao, is to study the conditions under which a space will have a largest and smallest compactification subject to certain conditions (including the aforementioned properties introduced by Reed) imposed on the compactification. 2 Some of our main results are summarized at the end of the paper. PRELIMINARIES Let F(X) denote the set of all filters on a set will be abbreviated The term "ultrafilter" "u.f."; the fixed u.f. generated by x is denoted A convergence space X X. (X, /) is a set subject to the following conditions: X and a relation / between F(X) and 348 D.C. KENT arid G. D. RICHARDSON (C I) For each (C 2) If (C 3) If F x e X, + x. / x and G > F, then G / x and G then FDG / x, x. (X, /) Ordinarily, a convergence space term / / x. X; will be denoted only by the the "space" will always mean "convergence space". A space is is made T2 if each filter converges to at most one point; the assumption throughout this paper that all spaces are A space X T3 is closure operator for containing / x whenever A A subset X. Ux(X) X F / X then is denotes the X compact if each u.f. is said to be locally compact. denote the X el if every convergent u.f. contains a X-neighborhood filter at a point the intersection of all filters which converge to x e X, unless otherwise indicated. where x, of a space A converges to a point in A; compact set, then Let clxF if T2 is called a pretopological x. spac.e. pretopological (topological) space coarser than Ux(X) If / For any space X is denoted Ux(X) x e X; x is for all X, the finest wX(IX). A continuous function will be called a map. A compactification and an embedding map (Y,k) K k: X / Y X of a space such that ckX consists of a compact space Y Y. Since the term "compactiflcation" is used so frequently in this paper we shall use the abbreviation If a map i f (Yl’kl) and K2 "compr.". (Y2’k2) which makes the diagram are compns, of a space YI X commute, then X, and there is i is said to be 2’ then the two 2 larger than 2 (written 2 <- i )" If 2 < i and I < compns, are said to be equivalent. In this section, we shall construct two compactifications which will play a key role in the remainder of the paper; they are the one-point compatification 349 COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CONVERGENCE SPACES and Richardson’s compactlflcatlon Let , X be a space, and let X identity function from *. into X [2 {a}, (i) F the restriction of If then in X; (2) X to X has no adherent point in "one-polnt compactlflcatlons" for X X. X, to converges to # x x one-polnt compactlflcatlon of X. is called the a [ Let be the the finest convergence structure assign to subject to the following conditions: the restriction of where F F X. / x iff in + a iff in (,[) Then Although other non-equlvalent is the only one that we are possible, shall consider in this paper. Let A___ N X, denote the set of all non-convergent u.f. X let A* X* the filter on {F e A Nx:A H > F*; (2) X be the identity map of PROPOSITION 2.1. If f:X / Y If If G* be H + x / y in in X* Iff there is X* Iff H >_ F / # *. x in Let i* The following proposition is proved in [21]. is a compact X* X H (X*,i*) * is a space, then Y is a map, and such that the diagram X*. let If The convergence structure for NX, then into X. a space G e F(X), and for each x e X, then y X F}, {G*:G e G}. generated by X* is defined as follows: (i) If X such that e ’s on T 3 is a compn, of space, then there is a map X. f commutes. We now introduce some less familiar convergence space properties which turn out to be important in the study of compns. if every u.f. containing A A A subset of a space converges to some point in X; X is bounded a space in which every convergent filter contains a bounded set is said to be locally bounded. The term "bounded" was suggested by Kasahara [9] concepts is given by C. Riecke [23]. a further study of these The notion of "boundedness" has been studied by other authors under other names; for instance, H. Poppe [14] refers to the same concept as "weakly relatively compact". D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON 350 A space F v(/ {G e F is said to be essentially bounded if, for each X NX:G F}) #. F I and F 2 mean that the filters "F I (In general, the statement X NX, ’’ 2 v contain disjoint sets.) e will is said to be essentially compact if NX is a finite set; this terminology is due to Vinod-Kumar [24 ]. PROPOSITION 2.2. A space X is essentially compact iff it is essentially bounded and locally bounded. PROOF. An essentially compact space obviously has both properties. Nx other hand, if F >_ / {G such that F bounded; if F is an infinite set, then there is a free u.f. NX:G # F}. e NX, then X F If E NX, On the on X X fails to be essentially then fails to be locally bounded. Some additional characterizations of local boundedness and essential boundedness are given below. PROPOSITION 2.3. (i) X (2) If F is convergent in X, then (3) If F is convergent in X, then (4) X (5) PROOF. containing F The following statements about a space F is locally bounded. is open in F v(/Nx) %, X*. < *. (I) => (2). F If F / (2) => (3). F v GF. assertion X e F*. (3) => (4). then there is X. H X, H > such that each u.f. Consequently, , is an u.f. containing then F F F* for some F, F* F, then for each F But then, for each F If in , F v(f]NX) If such that x x, converges to a point in F*. => X to a point X are equivalent. there is and so GF e Nx GF F*, X* X and converging in filter F contrary to the / x in X. X* It follows COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CObF@ERGENCE SPACES . Fv(ONx) that , (4) --> (5). a E onto The canonical map from is clearly continuous if (5) => (1). If X X which converges to X* (i) X (2) If (3) X* is F* F F F NX, X F, containing X* (3) (I). X*, in X in X* into E*. X are equivalent. *. X U {F} F If F N X X and F Since F 1 (Yl,kl) N NX X J{F} implies e N is such that X iff e(G) / YI assuming that Furthermore, if 8(y) and in X* X*. , to F F v(D{G X* is the only filter e X* e Thus X. , NX:G # F)) then F X which converges to is a compn, of a space X*. F / X* F. containing X F*. F* X which can converge in If is essentially bounded, then there is the only member of which implies one-to-one and onto YI x Thus there is an u.f. containing X is easy to see that in the commutative diagram in / and the canonical map from one can construct a free u.f. containing E F is discrete. (2) => (3). If is a closed set. F. E Therefore, then such that ffi> F X X* which carries is essentially bounded. {} F X , The following statements about a space (I) => (2). PROOF. X* for all x fails to be continuous. PROPOSITION 2.4. into is not locally bounded, then there is F* /(X*- X) # $ such that X* 351 G such that k I X )Y E 1 >_ E*, then it e the map is an u.f. on YI’ X*. in then is G / y Thus, there is no loss of generality in have the same underlying set, an assumption which we shall use whenever convenient. Finally, if E (Y,k) shall consistently denote by is a compn, of X the function such that :X* / Y E* > E, defined by then we #(a) y D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON 352 if there is P a / X* in P X such that k(i*) -I and P / y in Y. $ is always well-defined but not necessarily continuous; in later sections we shall 3. X* to Y. as the canonical function from refer to 2 AND T 3 COMPACTIFICATIONS. eek In this section we to clarify, simplify, and extend results initially [24]. obtained in [16], [17], [22], and It should be noted that, for all of the (C 3) results of this section, the convergence space axiom can be replaced by the weaker axiom: F (C) LEMMA 3.1. (meaning c1 f:X X), THEOREM 3.2. / Y implies x and the restrlctlon of has a smallest compn. (2) X is open in each of its compns. (3) X is essentially compact. (4) X has a largest compn. ffi> Assume that N Y and with the property that to some fixed point i*(X) f is a homeomorphlsm, A to is an infinite set. X equipped with a convergence structure which X, A a dense subset of X spaces, x0 in X are equivalent. (i) &d (2) was established by Rao The equivalence o5 (3). x. The following statements about a space X (2) / is a map between (I) PROOF. F f(A). A) CY f(X then If / Let agrees with X* Y X in [16]. t N X be on filters containing every fee u.f. which contains Nx converges X. Then X, is a compn, of (Y,i*) in and X is clearly not open in Y. (3) => (4). It is easy Co verify that - (X*,J) is the largest compn, of an essentially compact space. (4) => (2). Let (Y,k) Leu 3.1 and the fact that be the largest : < :, T2 it follows that compn, of k(X) X. Using ts an open subset 353 COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CONVERGENCE SPACES Y. of (Z,g) Let T2 be any X; compn, of then there is a map f which makes the following diagram commute. x- Y * <_ g, Since it is easy to verify that of Lemma 3.1 and the fact that f(Y kX) Z g(X) Y k(X) f is closed Rao’s proof in onto Z. Making use and, consequently, compact, is also compact, and therefore Vinod-Kumar [24] questioned Y must map g(X) is open in Z. [17] of the equivalence of statements (3) and (4) of Theorem 3.2; neither noticed the equivalence of Btatements (2) and (3). largest and For an essentially compact space X, <* is the is the smallest compn. A space is defined to be completely regular if it is T and has the same 3 ultrafilter convergence as a completely regular topological space. The next theorem is proved in [22]. THEOREM 3.3. A space X has a largest T3 compn, iff X is completely regular. The largest T3 compn, is constructed by making relatively minor modifi- cattOnB in the convergence of filters relative compn. details can be found in to the topological Stone-Cech [22]. In the final theorem of this section, we add two alternate characterizations that given by Rao for spaces having a smallest THEOREM 3.4. T3 compn. The following statements about a completely regular convergence space are equivalent. (I) X has a smallest (2) X (3) X is a locally compact convergence space. (4) X is open in each of its regular compns. T3 compn. is a locally compact topological space. D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON 354 The equivalence of (I) and (2) was proved by Rao in [16]. PROOF. (2) (3). ffi> X Since X have the same u.f. convergence, they have and the same compact sets, and so every (3) ffi> u.f. on Z G> F. clzk k(X), (4). (Z,k) If X Since ffi> (2). then there is an u.f. kX, k(X) is open in X Since X, is any regular compn, of is locally compact, and therefore (4) Z containing X-convergent filter contains a compact set. G F and on X G is any such that cannot converge to a point in Z. (4) implies that is completely regular, X open in each of its compactifications; since is a topology, X X is is locally compact. If X is a space satisfying any of the equivalent conditions of Theorem is the smallest then T 3 compn. RELATIVELY DIAGONAL AND RELATIVELY T 4. 3.4, 3 COMPACTIFICATIONS. In the preceding section, we studied compns, subject to convergence space 3. In this section and the next, we deal with properties of the compns, themselves; these properties are not meaningful when applied to T2 properties T and The concept of a strict compn, was introduced in [i0], the underlying space. T3 where it was shown that the strict X compns, of a completely regular space correspond in a one-to-one manner with a certain class of Cauchy structures compatible with X. introduced by Reed Relatively diagonal and relative round compns, were [19] as Cauchy space completion properties, and relatively T is a new compn, property which is being introduced here for the first time. 3 Before formally defining these terms, some additional notation is needed. - (Y,k) Let u is a function (y) If if y denote a compn, of a space c: Y / k(X). [], A C Y, and FC/) Let F such that [] u(Y) X. / A Y in Y,. denote the set of all F(Y), then let: selection function _> c(y), and selectlon functions, COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CONVERGENCE SPACES A {y F {A C Y:A (y)) Y:A It is easy to see that A OC A and Under the assumptions of the preceding paragraph, let Y, [K], u or else Y F < such that Again, let pA the A < B and define A 355 o(y). F If AC B to mean e F(Y) and A,B be subsets of and, for all u [K I X. If define Y, B y r o(y) F A). (Y,k) K tl(cA kX) form pF for F A be a compn, of pF and let F. A CY be the filter on and Y F e F(Y), define generated by sets of (We denote these concepts by pA and respectively, if there is no possibility of confusion regarding the intended eompn. ) For the purpose of formulatlng the following four definitions, we continue (Y,k) assuming that DEFINITION 4.1. there is G is a strlet compn, of is a relatlvely d.i..agonal compn, of Y implies F / y in r F / y / k(X) / y in Y whenever / is a relatively T y in Y whenever / y in y in X X X Y. PROOF. (Y,k) Y0 Y. in Let a filter if y v:Y / be a relatively dlagonal compn, of F(X) (y) e F(X) k(x) for if, for each is strict and if Each relatively diagonal compn, is strict. K Y, if, for each PROPOSITION 4.5 Let in Y. compn, of 3 y Y. is a relatively round compn, of in F c G. K y e Y, V(Y) G and F >__ DEFINITION 4.2. y DEFINITION 4.4 / if, whenever such that [K] F X Y / DEFINITION 4.3. F X. in [], p is a compn, of X, and let be a function which associates, with each such that x e X. Given @ > (y), k((y)) + y in A X, define A Y and {y e Y:A e V(y)), D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON 356 G and let k(B(y)) #, (y) F >_ show that Fu E LEMMA 4.6. If [<], (pF) PROOF. F e F F The assertion F is an u.f. A. A F )C A C A. K Y on (cF-k(X)) be defined by F. Since Y, in YO is a relatively diagonal compn., K is a strict compn. and Is a compn, of a space F < f F y Then If and thus u r and (y) F e K and K A e (y) In Y. + y us F < A u(y) is establlshed F F y e g- k(X), for and Then there is F and thus there is g- F F(Y), and so < r E F. u(y), F F A pF A Y then A Let is obvious. F X, . < F < such that A [<] e By straightforward arguments one can Consequently (pF)u. A F11y let y e F < such that (cF- k G- < r which mplles F kG > (Y,k) < Y. y and Therefore then Finally, let for all ck G, Y. in YO / e F}. {A C X:A such hat then there is would imply A, mplyng A r , and the proof is complete. THEOREM 4.7. (2) T 3 (I) A relatively round compactlflcatlon is relatively diagonal. A relatively T 3, relatively diagonal compn, is relatively round. 3) .A compn, is relatively T 3. PROOF. The first two assertions follow immediately from Lemma 4.6; the third is obvious. THEOREM 4.8. and relatively (i) For any space X, the compn. * is relatively round T 3. (2) For any space X, (3) The compn. of a space K the compn. X is relatively round. is relatively T3 iff X is locally bounded. (I) PROOF. set A X. (me can routinely vertify that From this result it follows that implies strict) and also relatively T 3. A* * p(A*) (A*) u for any is relatively diagonal (which It then follows by Theorem 4.7 that 357 COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CONVERGENCE SPACES K* (2) F (3) > ’ [], u e For each filter F ., is also relatively round. one can routinely verify that r F F for each which converges in F If Nx. F(X), e G if / x X, in G / A. p(G) then in a / F u.f., and an p(F) A > then iff Thus the assertion follows by Proposition 2.3. THEOREM 4.9. A space has a largest strict, relatively diagonal, or X relatively round compn, iff X is essentially compact. K*. largest compn., if it exists is equivalent to PROOF. X If is essentially compact, then Conversely, assume that * Since <* is known to be the largest and the desired conclusion follows by theorem 4.8. X, compn, of In each case the * is strict, < K , (Y,k) X. is the largest strict compn, of and in accordance with our remarks at the end of Section 2, we shall assume that K* and have the same underlying set K and the same convergence relative to u.f.’s. From the fact that k is strict (indeed, relatively round), and Proposition 2.3, it follows that X must be locally bounded. Next, assume that F such that ({{G v identity map from which makes J(F) that / a <’ in ’ Z X X e and NX:G # F}) Z, into (Z,j) . is not essentially bounded. # X / b in Z from into for Z Z J let be the a convergence structure G e Nx and G X, F. One can show and one can show that the is not continuous. This argument shows that the existence of a largest strict compn, also requires that be essentially bounded. Since we showed earlier it follows by Proposition 2.2 that x subject to the conditions: is a relatively round compn, on canonical function X {a,b}; Z and assign to a compn, of j(G) Let e N Then there is X X has to be locally bounded, X must be essentially compact. This, 358 D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON K* < along with , K*. implies that < is equivalent to Had we begun by assuming that < is the largest relatively round or relatively diagonal compn., precisely the same argument can be used to con- clude that X is essentially compact and THEOREM 4.10. If The following statements about a space (I) X (2) X has a smallest strict compn. (3) X has a smallest relatively diagonal compn. (4) X (5) X has a smallest relatively regular compn. X has a smallest relatively round (I) => (2). PROOF. e of X. :Y be a filter F >_ cG it is necessary is continuous for any strict compn. will be continuous if there is no / y in Y k(X). y for some existed, then by the assumption of strictness there would G e F(Y) such that X the assuption that so + It is clear that F X, is a strict compn, of Since F(Y), where Y- k(X) e F and F If such a filter oomph. . only to show that the natural map F are equivalent: bounded, then the smallest compn, subject to each of the specified conditions is u.f. X is locally bounded. is locally (Y,k) K*. equivalent to G- y in Y, k(X) e G, is locally bounded guarantees that is impossible. Thus is the smallest strict compn, of 0:Y / X and F k(X) e > cG. clyG, But and (,i) is continuous, and X. The same argument is valid if "strict" is replaced by "relatively round", "relatively regular", or "relatively diagonal". implies conditions (2) => (i). be equivalent to is continuous iff Thus condition (I) also (3), (4), and (5). . It is easy to show that the smallest strict compn, of X By Proposition 2.3, the canonical map is locally bounded. Since K* of X* X must on is also a strict compn. COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CON%rERGENCE SPACES This argument is also valid if "strict" X must be locally bounded. X, of 359 is replaced by "relatively diagonal" or "relatively round". Thus conditions (3) and (4) also imply condition (i). (5) => (i). is not locally bounded, and let X Assume that X denote a relatively regular compn, of such that ! *- Then K- (Y,k) Y k(X) X* must be an infinite set (otherwise, continuity of the canonical map from Y onto Z and let and Yl Let would be violated). be the quotient space derived from ’ ’. (Z,k) Then Y2" X compn, when by identifying the points X is also a relatively regular compn, of and can have no smallest relatively regular X Thus it is clear that Y k(X), Y be arbitrary points in YI’ Y2 is not locally compact. We next consider some lifting properties of certain types of maps relative to relatively relatively diagonal, and relatively round compns. T3, However we first need some additional terminology. (Y,k) Let of all filters F e F(X) such that <-Cauch7 structure for the If X I C<2 THEOREM 4.11. are relatlvely unique map F for each f T If k 3 k I Y2 f 1 / 2 C converges in Y. / X X 2 is said to be a is a 2 X1 KI (Yl’kl) and Kl2-Cauchy X 2, denote the set C is called -Cauchy filters. K2 (Y2’k2)’ map if and Kl2-Cauchy map, where <1 and K2 respectlvely, then there is a which makes the following diagram commute. X2 YI CI. f:X compns, of f 1 I and let and its members are called X, f:X respectively, then a map f(F) e k(F) are spaces with compns., X2 and X, be a compn, of a space D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON 360 For each PROOF. (y) and define a YI’ Y k2f() where z, CI G choose z / y YI’ in f It remains to show that is a well-deflned function. show that / f is are sufficient to C 3, map, along with convergence space axiom l2-Cauchy G I The assumption that Y2" in k such that is cont Inuous. F Let and in / y klXl F2" gl G, F 2 >_ klXI Let cIG, F 2. kl X (O) / / is a relatively 2 (plG) >_ pK2(G). it remains only to show that (F2) and z z Thus Y2" in F 2 >_ Note that gl" in where 2, (F I) G e F(Y I) is strict, there is y / IF It is immediate that z. KI G F F in the form (y) and Since and it follows that F Write Using the fact that Y2" gl YI" in k 2 kl-I (FI) f such that p<lG, T klXI F I since compn, of 3 X 2, But this is easily established, (F) / z and the proof Y2’ in is complete. then i:X / X is a COROLLARY 4.12. of X, any compn, of is a space, X If K*K Cauchy map. For any space and the identity map on i X, Thus we obtain is the largest relatively * X, T 3 compn. X. Theorem 4.11 would not, in general, be a correct statement if "relatively T3" were replaced by "relatively round", "relatively diagonal", or "strict"; otherwise, there would always be a largest compn, of any space X subject to these pro- However the lifting theorem that follows perties, contrary to Theorem 4.9. applies to relatively diagonal and relatively round compns, as well as relatively T3 compns; it generalizes the lifting property of the compn. THEOREM 4.13. Let X relatively round, or relatively f:X / F C Z (Y,k) have a compn. T 3. a map with the property that Then there is a unique map Let f(F) Z *. which is relatively diagonal, be a compact space, and T3 is convergent in Z for each which makes the following diagram commute. z -- COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CONVERGENCE SPACES 361 k X PROOF. Y is equivalent (in the (Y,k) is relatively dlagonal, then If sense defined in [19]) to some member of the family of Cauchy space completions of (x,C k) Thus, for relatively diagonal and relatively defined in [19]. round compns., the assertion follows from Theorem 4 of [19]. If is relatively relatively T 3) ’ compn. Z then we can regard T3, of itself, where C, (and hence 3 Z-convergent is the set of all f Then the assumptions of the theorem imply that filters. T as a K’ is a Cauchy map, and the conclusion follows as a corollary to Theorem 4.11. We conclude this section by showing that relatively round compns, need not Indeed, it follows by Theorem 4.8 that be relatively T3, for any space X which is not locally bounded, and vice versa. T of a space X which is not relatively diagonal. 3. EXAMPLE 4.14. compn. be the unit interval [0,i] of the real llne with its I Let (an Let usual topology. H T3 In the example that follows, we construct a strict relatively let is relatively round but not be a sequence in I be the filter on [0,I] which converges to (an). generated by the sequence Let Y 0 I; in be the space consisting of the set [0,I] with convergence defined as follows: F y # 0, For (i) y / / H. F >_ CllG [0,1] {a :n-- 1, 2,...}, (i) s(x) A e Hs X (Y,i) it follows that Let If R for x e X; A / y in i (2) F 0 in converging to is the subspace of and I; Y 0 / I T 3 Y iff there such that determined by the subset the identity embedding of is a strict in compn, of X Into Y, X. be the selection function defined as follows: s e [] then F iff GI,...,Gn u.f.’s is a finite set of Y in s e H, (2) Uy(an) S(an) and therefore A s for n 1,2, If contains all but finitely many of then D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON 362 the a n ’s. 0 converge to so H It follows that Y, in is not finer than any of the filters which H 0 and therefore in H But Y. 0 / Y, in and is not relatively diagonal. SIMPLE COMPACTIFICATIONS. 5. A compn. (Y,k) < y e Y and, for each (Y,k) X of a space X, is said to be simple if Uy(y) the neighborhood filter Y / y < in is strict Y. A strict is a pretopologlcal compn. < space. Note that only pretopologlcal spaces can have pretopologlcal compns. will be called pretopologlcal if We omit the straightforward proof of the first The following statements hold for any (pretopologlcal) PROPOSITION 5.1. space X. (i) * (2) < (pretopologlcal) Iff is simple PROOF. H Let A simple, (Y,k) < F(Y), e (pretopologlcal). is simple PROPOSITION 5.2. let H y e < p H. Let A cl k(X), Uy(y) (y) A e (y). < e r COROLY 5.3. round compn, of [<]. e (y) H; then < Since Uy(y) for 3. F and H (cH- k(X)) For any space X, K* k(X). y e Y H e F(Y) H < such that such that H < since A, We shall show that A, H e A. If F, and it follows that and the proof Is complete. Is the largest sple, relatively X. This is an immediate consequence of Corollary 4.12 and Propositions PROOF. 5.1 and 5.2. For simple compns., the converse of Proposition 5.2 does not hold. compn. round. < X, is simple, we can assume without H e there is (y) Thus Y- H Consequently, T relatively round compn, is relatively then there is an u.f. F is locally bounded. X be a simple, relatively round compn, of a space and let loss of generality that r proposition. constructed in Example 4.14 is simple and T3, The but not relatively 363 COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CONVERGENCE SPACES A pretopological compn. V PROPOSITION 5.4. Then Let Let PROOF. it is sufficient to show that diagonal [K]. and y e k(X), If for each y e Y y e Y k(X), If V which is any set for K-basic and the desired equality is established. Conversely, assume that by (Uy(y))o, Uy(y) or V V X. is relatively To show that this assertion is obvious. then it is easy to check that y, y. is relatively diagonal. K be relatively topological. K V implies Uy(y) Uy(Z). be a pretopological compn, of a space is relatively topological iff K k(X)) basic sets for K (Y,k) K there is a base of sets for V f (Y z of this type will be called V Sets such that is said to be relatively X of k(X), Y topological if, for each y consisting of sets (Y,k) K Uy(y) (Uy(y)) o(y) Uy(y) # y e Y k(X) for all y e Y, and sets of the form k(X). y e Y and y e k(X). for {V:V Then Uy(y)} are is relatively topological. Thus X, For any pretopological space is the largest relatively K* X. topological compn, of PROOF. o(y) for all K-basic for all points THEOREM 5.5. is relatively diagonal, and define K is relatively topological is an immediate K* The fact that consequence of Theorems 4.7 and 4.8, along with Proposition 5.1 and 5.4. Let (Y,k) K Let be the canonical function. F Then there is an u.f. k(F) / y Y; in then completed by showing If X F*, then for each X* let (F*) F, (F*) be the point in y choose (YF)F generated by the net z - Y 8 * a such that e F*. / in X* by definition of $, and the proof will be Vy(y) > Suppose that clearly follows. F" Let K to which and Y. F*- X, F / (K) and let H converges. X be the filter on be an u.f. finer than If V is a H, Y X*. Assume in in a F* :X* and let a such that (a) X* be an u.f. on 8 X on y then F X, be a relatively topological compn, of and K-basic D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON 364 Since k(F) hence y Y is an u.f. and z. (K) Therefore, y / Y, in (F*) and therefore PROPOSITION 5.6. X of Y, Y the subspace y / is a relatively Let PROOF. Y ClzA such that Assume that ClzK that . A C Z t Let t in Y. in Y. Thus / / and let K y E Y. in to Z If and is, is a regular topological space. cIA. Z e y, y / X compn, of 3 and K / H Then there is an u.f. A be an u.f. containing Since t T is a topological space. Z in addition, a simple compn., then (H) and Y. in Z then Y, in F* converges of any u.f. finer than (Y,k) If z and, consequently, Y in / F. F for all k(F) is pretopologlcal, It follows that the image under y k(F) / V then one can show that z, neighborhood of K and y, y cl such that T 3, is relatively clzA. y / in ! H. Z it follows Since the closure is also operator for Z is idempotent, simple, then Z is a pretopological, and hence topological, space; the regularity of Z Z is a topological space. is an easy consequence of the assumption that THEOREM 5.7. A (pretopological) space gical) compn, iff X is locally bounded. compn., when it exists, is equivalent to PROOF. . X If < is relatively T 3. has a smallest simple (pretopolo- The smallest simple (pretopological) The argument used to establish the equivalence of Conditions (I) and (5) in the proof of Theorem 4.10 can be applied to establish this result. We next turn to the problem of characterizing those spaces having a largest simple or pretopological compn. For the former property, the problem has not yet been solved in its full generality. A property slightly weaker than essential compactness is needed for the solution of the problem; this property is defined and discussed in the next paragraph. A space X is defined to be almost most one point in in X*. X* essentially compact if there is at to which a free filter containing X* X converges This property can a,lso be characterized internally, albeit more clumsily, COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CONVERGENCE SPACES X as follows: NX:G v (/9{G e , F}) F THEOREM 5.8. If simple compn, of X. X canonical function. X F such that, for some / F v(/]NX) x, X, G :X* X e G. X* establish continuity of #, it is sufficient to show that X* such that (G) k(X) e Y* is a free u.f., then it is clear from the conditions imposed on Y Suppose, on the other hand, that F*. > each X* in F, F e G e G {k(HF):F y and so X F}) e (G) z; z / to Y. in ; is the only point in z such that {y}; HF Since + such that #(b) Let y. e < But k(F) / b in Then Now X* y e Y by Lemma 3.1, F*) G. k(X). y e Y for some e F(X) F e F. k({HF:F (HF) and k(X). y, For which is simple, F >/{HF:F e F} implies kF / y, z. THEOREM 5.9. If the by construction of that () such that X for all + y e F} e N X (G) such that HF choose k(HF) implies F implies there is Choose Y k(X) can converge. Y to which a free u.f. containing b / b e X* in (G) is the largest is essentially compact, the conclusion follows + b If * and by Theorem 3.2, so assume that there is exactly one point there is an u.f. . is essentially bounded, and there be a simple compn, of X If is locally has the property that X is almost essentially compact, the (Y,k) Let N of or else x e X is at most one point PROOF. X is almost essentially compact iff, either bounded and at most one member F 365 Let X be a space which is locally bounded (pretopological). has a largest simple (pretoplogical) compn., then X is almost essentially compact. PROOF. X If is not almost essentially compact, then there are at least two distinct points converges to are in X* a X. and a, b b. in If Thus, since X* X * such that free fiters containing is locally bounded, then necessarily is simple, the assumption that X X* a X and is either b 366 D.C. KENT and G. D. RICHARDSON Ux,(a) pretopological or locally bounded leads to the conclusion that and Vx,(b) Note that Choose b. / Ux,(a) A e A- (X U {a}) AI and B Ux,(b) B e and AB such that (X ] {b}) B I + a . are both infinite sets; AI with no loss of generality, assume that the cardinality of does not exceed B I. that of both consist of free u.f.’s on X. Let the members of A I I and B I {F : I}; then under our cardinality assumption, be indexed as follows: A I Now A we can index a subset Finally, we define a (i) AI {G : e I} same index set I. I with the totally bounded Cauchy structure C on X consisting of: B2 or B2; Let Y (3) e N (A X (2) all members of C be the set of It B2) (3) ([]) (i) ([Fu / injection function given by j(x) Cauchy structure denoted by CF straightforwardly that $:X* / Y Let equivalent classes. Ga]) ; Ga, F the Cauchy equivalence class determined by and N not included in X FG all filters finer then filters of the form function defined as follows: F X; all convergent filters on B of (Y,J) is not continuous. []. in [19], (2) all e C.) where * a largest simple (pretopological) compn, of u([F]) F e I. (Here, Let j :X / be the if Y [F] denotes be the natural F {0}, then one can verify (pretopological) compn, of X, is a simple Since F(X) / I. is equipped with the complete Y If :Y for is the only possible candidate for X, it follows that X has no largest simple (pretopological) compn. COROLLARY 5.10. compn, iff X is almost essentially compact. COROLLARY 5.11. iff 6. X A pretopological space X has a largest pretopological A locally bounded space X has a largest simple compn. is almost essentially compact. SUMMARY. A space X has a largest compn, iff X is essentially compact. The same condition is also necessary and sufficient for the existence of a largest strict, COMPACTIFICATIONS OF CONVERGENCE SPACES relatively diagonal, or relatively round compn. X If 367 is pretopological (locally bounded), then X has a largest pretopological (simple) compn, iff X is almost essentially compact. compn, and a largest simple Every space compn., when it exists, is equivalent to X T has a largest relatively relatively round compn. has a largest relatively topological compn. 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