College of Journalism and Communications 2085 Weimer Hall Department of Public Relations

College of Journalism and Communications
Department of Public Relations
2085 Weimer Hall
PO Box 118400
Gainesville, FL 32611‐8400
352.273.1227 Fax
University of Florida
Department of Public Relations
2011 Fall Advisory Council Business Meeting
Thursday, November 16, 2011
Council Members/Special Guests in Attendance: John Deveney, Susan Towler, Kathy Barbour, Julie
Spechler, Jay Magee, Bob Grupp, Joe Hice, Nancy Fishgold, Erin Hart, Del Galloway, Craig Dezern, Debbie
Mason, Gary McCormick, Karen Jones, Lindsey Stevens and Mike Harding.
Public Relations Faculty in Attendance: Spiro Kiousis (Department Chair), Kathleen Kelly, Juan Carlos Molleda,
Sora Kim, Ann Christiano, Deanna Pelfrey Mary Ann Ferguson, Linda Hon, and Moon Lee.
Opening Comments: Dr. Kiousis welcomed the group and thanked everyone for participating. He then
turned the floor over to the chair of the council, John Deveney. Mr. Deveney thanked the group for all the
work that happens in-between the meetings. He also thanked the committees for all the work they had to
done to prepare for this meeting and get the groups up to speed. He reminded everyone that at the end of
day on tomorrow’s schedule, Susan Towler will be conducting a Strategic Planning Session and request
that everyone makes an effort to attend. He also suggested that everyone take notes during the sessions on
topics or areas of interest that the council should focus on for next year’s agenda to be discussed during the
Strategic Planning session. As a final note he mentioned to the group that it is very important to attend
these meetings so that the goals of the council can be met. He suggested sending a representative when
attendance is not possible by a council member as an alternative. Dr. Kiousis supports this idea and
welcomes the participation.
Approval of Minutes: Mr. Joe Hice moved to approve the minutes from the last meeting in Spring 2011.
Bob Grupp second the motion. John Deveney conducted the vote and all were in favor. No one was
State of the Department Report: Refer to the attached handout. Questions were raised by council
members after Dr. Kiousis’ presentation regarding the graduate program ranking compared to other
universities. Another question was raised regarding the budget increase to students and how it would affect
the courses they take in other colleges. Also the question was raised about how instructors who teach
online courses are prepared by the university and how online course content is developed like in the case of
the social media course. Dr. Kiousis answered all the questions.
PRSSA Alpha Chapter Report- Kelsey Abel, the PRSSA President presented to the council. She said
that the current executive board is made up of junior, senior and graduate level students. She mentioned
that they have members from all areas of the college. She spoke about the National conference hosted by
the chapter in Orlando and how they had about 1,000 students attend. She said that Craig Dezern was the
keynote speakers and that they had great feedback on his presentation and how Fox news covered parts of
the event. She told them of the Opening Night Social and how great it turned out. She said that Disney
sponsored that event and it was wonderful and formally thanked Craig Dezern in front of the group. Ms.
Abel mentioned how the chapter had won an award and how they were recognized as a star chapter. She
gave thanks to Erica Zayas (her predecessor) for all the work that led to these awards. She explained how
the organization does not hold meetings but instead has skills seminars to better prepare students and give
them tools they will use in the future. She asked the group to give any suggestions on what type of
seminars they would like PRSSA to present and spoke about how they now have Alpha families groups
where each executive board member has a family. She spoke of the Alpha PRoductions group and their
current clients. Caroline Lewis then briefly presented the topic, childhood obesity for the Bateman Team
competition this year.
Development Report- Mike Harding presented to the group a slide show. He informed the group of the
goal which was set for the University and how they are at about 18 million now. He then spoke about the
Advisory Council Fund and how it is an unrestricted fund meaning that it is only to be used by the Public
Relations Department but that Dr. Kiousis has the discretion to apply it where he deems necessary.
Council Committee Reports-Designated Gifts Ms. Debbie Mason presented for the committee and spoke
of their strategy this year. She said that they are excited about it and that they want the council members to
volunteer at any level. She spoke of the multi-prong strategy and how they want the council members to go
to their constituencies and ask for a gift to the Advisory Council Fund. The second tier being to reach out
to the big alumni and anyone who wants to help the college. She asked that all Council members help to
reach out to their contacts and engage the alumni. She also mentioned that Al Quintana is spearheading
this effort. The third tier is to reach out to graduates and see what we could do. They will have a more
formal written document coming shortly.
Future Trends- Karen Jones presented for Deborah Charnes. She mentioned the Future Trends Panel which
is on the schedule for tomorrow and mentioned that they will be looking at social media.
Internships- Del Galloway presented for this group and said that they have spent some time looking for
internship opportunities for graduate students and faculty who want to go on sabbatical. Mr. Galloway then
presented Moon Hee Cho, who was an intern who worked with Debbie Mason at United Way. She spoke
to the group about her experience. He then asked the group to please let them know about any
opportunities they may have in their organizations to work with these students so they can match graduate
students for next year.
Nominating Committee- Joe Hice presented for this group and said that they have been working in stealth
mode all this time to get recommendations throughout the year on candidates for the Advisory Council. He
said that the goal is to submit qualified candidates to Dr. Kiousis and that then the faculty helps to make
selections and Dr. Kiousis make the ultimate decision of how is offer a seat. He asked that if anyone has
suggestions to please send the nominees contact info and a short biography to Dr. Kiousis or Joe Hice. Mr.
Hice then put Ms. Mason’s name in and made a formal motion to nominate Debbie Mason to be the next
vice-chair for the Advisory Council next year. John Deveney second the motion and a vote was taken. All
were in favor of the nomination. No one was opposed.
Communications Committee- Nancy Fishgold presented for the group along with Jay Magee. They said
that unfortunately Grace Leong could not attend but that she was very happy to be here representing her.
She talked about the advisory council website which is being underutilized. Mr. Magee and she
are working on why this is not being utilized and one recommendation was to add relevant Twitter handles.
She said that the group would like to add more internship opportunities. They said that the group is going
to send out two surveys, one to students and another to faculty and staff to gather some feedback on how
some improvements can be made. They mentioned that they would be sending that information out
possible next week with the newsletter.
Bateman Committee- Craig Dezern presented for the group and said that he was happy to be a part of the
Bateman committee and of all the work they have done with the Bateman Team. Ms. Deanna Pelfrey then
thanked Mr. Dezern formally for his contribution to the national conference. She said that because of this
contribution along with the donations made by GM and Nielson, that they we were able to meet the goal of
$30,000 which had been set for the chapter. She also mentioned that Hunter PR sent in their support and
that they were very happy to get assistance from them. Prof. Pelfrey then spoke of the topic for this year’s
Bateman Competition and how the challenge is on how to present the topic in a new way and how to think
outside the box. She discussed how this topic has been approached in so many ways already that the
students have had to do a lot of research to prepare. She spoke of how they are now moving from research
to preparing the campaign and discussed that they have been benchmarking since day one and have finally
figured out what the formula may be. She said that the team is already working very hard and she feels that
this team could do it again and win the completion. She said how much the group appreciates the support
that the council gives and how the students sometimes crave that contact to keep going. She said that they
are ready to use the group as resources and welcome any help from them. Susan Towler then spoke up and
said that she would like to help them with this topic.
Department Research Support- Mr. Bob Grupp presented for the group and said that this committee has a
charge to provide researchers with access to data, people and financial support. He also said that the group
can contribute ideas for research. He said that relevancy always comes to the table and he wants to
encourage the researchers to identify the impact of their research. He said that the group had a conference
call recently and two ideas came out of that meeting, one being that sometimes we feel anxious about our
inactivity and that they would like to see the collaboration to stretch in between the meetings and the
generation of ideas to continue. This included how as a group we could do a better job of bringing in
research ideas. He asked the group to please let them know how we can set up a process that could
synthesize future trends and what kind of research the group as professionals thinks are priorities. The
other idea was what could be done here as a piece of research or a study that could be branded by the
college and that we can do regularly to provide data. One idea was maybe a social media index. He also
introduced two students who have some research proposals to present to the group.
Acknowledgement of Service for Outgoing members-Presentation of gifts for Mr. Del Galloway& Mr.
Joe Hice. Also a plaque for Mr. John Deveney the outgoing chair.
Dates for Spring 2011 Meeting- Dr. Kiousis announced that the proposed dates for the next Spring
meeting are March 22-23 or March 29-30 of 2012. He said that the final dates will be decided soon and an
email will be sent out to the group announcing this.
Other Business• Dr. Molleda- presented the layout of the space for the Digital collaboration suite and showed
pictures of the demolition. He told the group that as of now they are on budget and on time. He
also announced that the current projection is that it will be done by the end of February 2012. Dr.
Molleda told the council that they are currently looking at all the names proposed for the space
and that the task force will narrow down the list and make a decision soon.
• Mr. Deveney asked the group to please think about ideas and trends you want this council to work
on for next year to discuss during the strategic planning session tomorrow and reminded everyone
that they will be breaking out for the committee dinner groups this evening.
Submitted by Martha R. Collada
Public Relations Office Assistant
Advisory Council News
State of the Department of
Public Relations Report*
Spiro Kiousis, Ph.D., APR
Professor and Chair
• Anthony D’Angelo, APR, Fellow PRSA,
joined ITT Corporation as senior manager,
communications, in July 2011.
• David JJ. Albritton is named Vice President
and Chief Communications Officer for ITT
Exelis, a diversified, top-tier global
aerospace, defense and information solutions
company, in October 2011
• David Morse becomes a Senior Fellow at
Civic Ventures
* Adapted from multiple sources
Advisory Council Membership
• Thanks for your service on the Advisory
Chris Ahearn
David Albritton
Del Galloway, APR, Fellow PRSA
Joe Hice, APR, CPRC
Al Quintana
Some Priorities
Digital Collaboration Suite
Public Interest Communication
Distance/Online education
University Budgeting System (RCM)
Faculty Size and Compensation
Enrollment Management
Resources for Faculty Development
Graduate Student Funding
Undergraduate Curriculum Update
Current Department Makeup
– 10 full-time faculty
– 5 full professors
– 2 associate professors
– 2 assistant
i t t professors
– 1 lecturer
Faculty Searches
– Visual Communication
– Sports Communication
Dr. Juan-Carlos Molleda receives Faculty Enhancement Opportunity award
from University for Summer 2011.
Distance/Online Education
• Goals
• Undergraduate Efforts
ADV 4400 International Advertising
ADV 4930 Digital Media Advertising
ADV 4931 Ethics and Problems in Advertising
JOU 3346L Multimedia Reporting
JOU 4308 Magazine and Feature Writing
JOU 4930 Sports Multimedia
PUR 4932 Social Media Management
Faculty/Graduate Student
Research 2010-2011
Distance Education
RTV 3280 Interactive Media
RTV 3411 Race/Gender/Class and Media
RTV 4930 Social Media Ethics
RTV 4930 Social Media Management
• Graduate programs
p g
– Web Design and Online Communication Program (Spring
– Global Strategic Communication Program (Summer 2012)
• How you can assist
– Recruit students
– Identify instructors
– Share ideas for courses and programs
Public Relations faculty and graduate students presented 26 papers at
the 2011 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication Annual Convention
Three studies received Top Paper awards in the Public Relations
– Dr. Sora Kim is sole and lead author on two top papers
– Doctoral students Rajul Jain and Kang Hoon Sung receive top paper
Dr. Juan-Carlos Molleda and Doctoral Student Rajul Jain win the
PRSA Top Research Paper Award at the PRSA International
Conference in Orlando
Quality and Impact of
• Sample journals
Journal of Public Relations Research
Public Relations Review
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Mass Communication and Society
Journal of Communication Management
International Communication Gazette
Journal of Communication
• College doctoral program ranks 6th in recent assessment.
• College has highest number of papers at prestigious AEJMC
• The Communication Institute for Online Scholarship’s
ComVista service rates Department’s research publication
productivity in Top 10 for four research specializations.
• Graduate Enrollments
33 Master’s Students
18 Ph.D. Students
College and University priority on graduate enrollments
Department taught five graduate sections in Fall 2011
Department is teaching six sections in Spring 2012
• Internships
– A total of 144 internships completed last year. Of those,
only seven were paid.
– Department strongly endorses paid internships for both
students and supervising organizations.
• Enrollments
– Fall 2011—573 juniors/seniors (403 total)
• Diversity
– 36 %minority enrollment
– 88% ffemale
l enrollment
• Faculty Student Ratios
– Overall 67:1
– Upper Division 47:1
Teaching Accomplishments
• Spring 2011 Instructor Evaluations
– Instructor Evaluations
• Department Average = 4.34
– Instructor Overall
• Department Average = 4.39
• Summer 2011 Instructor Evaluations
– Instructor Evaluations
• Department Average = 4.39
– Instructor Overall
• Department Average = 4.43
• Study Abroad programs offered in France and Italy
coordinated by Professor Deanna Pelfrey, APR, Fellow
PRSA, Dr. Juan-Carlos Molleda, and Professor Ann
Undergraduate Student
– Over 140 Members
– Chapter successfully hosted 2011 National Conference in Orlando
– Chapter wins Teahan Outstanding Chapter Award in Orlando
– 6 Alpha PRoductions accounts (3 are paid)
• Serves as National Affiliated Student-Run Firm by PRSSA
• Successful Levi’s campaign resulted in 382 students participating,
which was highest among all universities involved
2011 Bateman Team wins First Place!!
2012 Bateman Competition Team
• Faculty Adviser
– Deanna Pelfrey, APR, Fellow PRSA
• Professional Adviser
– Mickey Nall, APR, Fellow PRSA Ogilvy Public Relations
• Advisory Council Committee Head
– Craig Dezern, Vice President, Global Public Relations, Disney
Graduate Student Accomplishments
• Master’s student Tim Deardourff’s (Adviser Dr. JuanCarlos Molleda) case study entry selected as the Second
Place winner in the Communication School Category in
the Arthur Page Society and Institute for Public
Relations competition.
• Doctoral student Rajul Jain (Adviser Dr. Juan-Carlos
Molleda) wins Ketchum Excellence in Public Relations
Research Award.
Service Activities
• Dr. Linda Hon continues service on Board of Directors, Plank
Center for Public Relations Leadership, University of
Alabama, Tuscaloosa.
• Dr. Kathleen Kelly, APR, Fellow PRSA continues service in
g Society
y and Institute for Public Relations Board.
Arthur Page
• Dr. Mary Ann Ferguson is serving as Chair of College
Faculty Senate.
• Dr. Juan-Carlos Molleda is serving as Chair of Public
Relations Division in International Communication
• Professor Deanna Pelfrey, APR, Fellow PRSA is chairing UF
Welfare Council and is serving as a member of the UF
Steering Committee.
Curriculum Revision
• Undergraduate
– Ongoing
• Initial Highlights
– Increased total credit hours to 42
– International Public
P blic Relations becomes required
req ired
– Students will be offered a certificate in
international communication
– Permanent courses to be added in public interest
communication, social media management, and
research for the Bateman team
PR Advisory Council Fund
– Support for conference memberships and faculty travel to AEJMC,
ICA, and PRSA. Faculty receiving support include Dr. Belio
Martinez, Dr. Juan-Carlos, Molleda, Dr. Kathleen Kelly, APR,
Fellow PRSA, Dr. Sora Kim, and Professor Deanna Pelfrey, APR,
Fellow PRSA.
– Support for graduate student research.
– Thank you!
Frank Karel Chair of Public Interest Communications
– Thank you Frank and Betsy!
Moving forward
• Accreditation
• Implementing Vision for Digital Collaboration
Thank you and questions