Invest in Lunch Dawn Brings Hope

G e or g e F ox U n i v e r s i t y
Next Issue: March 7
Volume 12
No. 04
E m p l oy e e N e w s l e t t e r
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Burdens seem greater this time of year than
they do at other times. February is a relatively
easy month to be “down” - a long way from
either August or May, the start and close of the
traditional academic year. Students and
employees alike seem more weighted down by
the concerns that bombard us all.
In a group of people the size of the George Fox
community, many carry burdens all the time. But
just recently, in talking with colleagues, I learned
that they have worries about money, family
difficulties, marital struggles, illnesses, and family
members in Iraq. It’s an extended list of a wide
variety of personal concerns. How do we
respond? Do we, as employees of George Fox
University, form a caring community for each
other? Our university mission statement says
we “offer a caring educational community” to
our students. Shouldn’t we also offer a caring
community to each other?
As the university grows, it becomes easier to
think of it as a good place to work rather than
a community of believers who care for each
other and provide support beyond what is
required. George Fox has been, and continues
to be, special because of the caring and support
that individuals give each other. But growth
leads to departmentalization that sometimes
becomes compartmentalization. It’s not so easy
to reach out to our colleagues who don’t work
in our immediate area or who may even be at a
separate campus or center.
I encourage us not to forget who we are – a
community of believers who seek to serve our
Lord through serving each other. I don’t often
go out looking for colleagues who have needs
since I am usually selfish enough to think I have
enough needs of my own. So, it’s good for me to
remember the story of the Samaritan (Luke 10)
who went out of his way to stop and help the
man set upon by thieves. I need to learn to
“see” those who have needs that are often right
in my neighborhood. February might be a good
month for all of us to find a fellow employee to
encourage, pray for, and share their burden in
some way.
Dawn Brings Hope
Invest in Lunch
Marva Dawn, a theologian, author, and
teaching fellow at Regent College in
Vancouver, B.C., is the guest for George
Fox Evangelical Seminary’s Ministry in
Contemporary Culture Series.The seminar
is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on
Tuesday, March 1, at the Portland Center.
Marva will speak on “Unfettered Hope - A
Call to Faithful Living in an Affluent
Society.” The seminar includes a booksigning session and lunch. Costs are $35
for an individual, $30 for two or more
persons from the same church, and $25 for
students and seminary alumni.To register
and pay online, go to
public/register?s=gfoxch.The registration
deadline is Friday, Feb. 25.
Marva also will speak Monday and
Wednesday, Feb. 28 and March 2, during
chapel services in Bauman Auditorium for
the university’s Staley Lecture Series. Her
theme will be “Life in All Its Fullness.” She
is also scheduled to speak Feb. 28 and
March 2 at 7:30 p.m. in Hoover 104.
Human Resources is hosting a “Lunch and
Learn” seminar on Friday, Feb. 25, at noon
in the Cap and Gown Room.The onehour seminar, presented by Rivermark
Credit Union, is entitled “Invest for
Success: Investment Fundamentals.” It will
cover the fundamentals of investing at any
pay scale. Lunch is free and the sign-up
deadline is Feb. 23.To reserve a spot, go
Spring Lecture
Ron Mock (Political Science/Peace
Studies) will speak on “Loving Without
Giving In: Christian Responses to
Terrorism and Tyranny” at the Spring
Faculty Lecture on Tuesday, March 1.The
lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. in Kershner
Lecture Hall in the Hoover Academic
Building. Ron will present perspectives
from his recent book of the same title. In
his book, Ron articulates a vision for the
cultural change needed among Christians
who are committed to peaceful means of
resolving conflict. He applies this vision to
the problem of international terrorism.
Mad About Science
George Fox University employees and
their families are invited to a Science
Open House on Thursday, March 10, from
6 to 8 p.m. in the Edwards-Holman
Science Center.The science faculty will
present demonstrations for all ages. Free
food and games are included.
Address the Situation
Editor’s note: Dave Brandt’s mother, Helen Brandt,
died Thursday, Feb. 10.The memorial service was Feb.
15 at the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Church in
Mountain Lake, Minn.This column was written prior
to her death.
Deadline for Copy: March 1
The Boise campus will have a new address
in mid-April: 1720 Eagle Road, Suite 100,
Meridian, ID 83642.The facility is located
in the SilverStone Corporate Center in the
heart of Treasure Valley. George Fox is
leasing nearly 10,000 square feet of a
13,300-square-foot building.
Musical Chapels
George Fox University’s choir and band
are trading chapel dates this semester.
With the switch, the band will now
perform on Wednesday, March 16, and the
choir will sing on Monday, April 11.
University chapels begin at 10:40 a.m. in
Bauman Auditorium.
Push For Paper
Employees seeking a tangible way to assist
local schools are invited to participate in a
paper-collecting program organized by the
Office of Student Life.The office is
collecting paper that has been used but
still has one blank side.The paper is then
passed on to a local elementary school for
use by students.Those who wish to assist
may place a bin in their office and deliver
collected paper to the school of their
choice, or, for those without a connection
to a local school, drop it off at Student
Life.The only condition is that no sensitive
information (student names, personal
information, etc.) be printed on the
paper.To find out more, contact Rick
Muthiah (Student Life) at ext. 2314.
Purchase Info
Need to create a purchase order or check
the status of a purchase request? All the
instructions are on the Financial Affairs
Web site at
are also instructions on when to use a
purchase request and when to use a check
request. Also on the site are common
forms and a new vehicle cost calculator
that helps determine if it is more cost
effective to use your own car or rent a
vehicle for a business trip.
In the future, users will be able to drill
down and view the original invoice or
check request attached to each expense.
For consistency and ease of processing,
use only the check request format that is
on the Web site.
Colleague • Newberg | Portland | Boise | Salem • Feb. 21, 2005
Hosting Opportunity
George Fox is in need of hosts for two visiting
professors from the Wuhan University of
Technology in China.They will be on campus
to observe classes, conduct research, and
possibly lecture in a few classes. Housing is
needed for both guests (one man, one
woman) from the end of February through
the end of April.The professors will have a
meal ticket to eat on campus, but their hosts
will provide their other two daily meals. A
stipend of $200 for each professor will be
included to cover the costs of meals and other
incidental expenses.To find out more, contact
Dianna McIntyre (Registrar) at ext. 2649.
of private colleges in Oregon and Idaho
attended the panel discussion.The discussion
began with a focus on higher education’s role
in America and its various stakeholders.The
panelists then discussed the role of career
centers within higher education, maximizing
student preparedness for careers, and
outcome measures.
Tuesday, Feb. 22
• All-Employee Lunch, Noon
• Women’s Basketball vs. Pacific
Wheeler Sports Center, 6 p.m.
• “It’s Your Life: How Much is Too Much?”
Hoover 104, 7:30 p.m.
• Men’s Basketball vs. Pacific
Wheeler Sports Center, 8 p.m.
Wes Balda (Management) presented “Crisis
Management for Academic Administrators” at
Symposium 2005: Best Practices in Risk
Reduction for Colleges and Universities, held
at the University of Washington in Seattle on
Jan. 27.The presentation will be published
online in the conference proceedings.
Wednesday, Feb. 23
• Newberg Chapel
“It’s Your Life: Part 2,” 10:40 a.m.
• “It’s Your Life” Forum
The Foxhole, 7:30 p.m.
The Office of Development
welcomed a familiar face
with the hiring of Ronecca
Dockter as assistant director
of development services.
Ronecca, who replaces Nikki
Starr, previously worked as a
church relations coordinator at George Fox
before graduating from the university with a
psychology degree in 2004. Prior to her
return to George Fox this month, she worked
as a sales associate and brand representative
for the Bachrach department store at
Washington Square in Tigard. Ronecca lives in
Aurora and attends New Life Foursquare
Church in Canby.
Paul Anderson’s (Seminary) response to
Pope Paul II’s letter to the churches, Ut Unum
Sint (“That They Might Be One”), as
commissioned by the National Council of
Churches Faith and Order Commission, was
published in January by the British ecumenical
journal One in Christ.The essay, “Petrine
Ministry and Christocracy: A Response to Ut
Unum Sint,” received a positive response from
Cardinal Kasper (Prefect of the Pontifical
Council for Promoting Christian Unity),
Rowan Williams (Archbishop of Canterbury),
and others.The 37-page essay invites
considering a fresh vision of catholicity which
calls for the unity of all followers of Jesus.
MaryKate Morse (Seminary) was an
evening session speaker for the Emergent
Convention, sponsored by Youth Specialties
and Zondervan, in San Diego on Feb. 3. She
spoke on I John 4:4 – “Greater is the one in
you than the one in the world” – and
encouraged attendees with the truth that
“God equates greatness not with success but
with the capacity to love.”
Carlos Marín (Education) and his wife,
Clarissa, attended a conference on adult
literacy, entitled “Gente & Cuentos” (“People
& Stories”), at the Seattle Public Library in
early February.The training was part of a
successful National Endowment for the
Humanities grant.The Maríns will implement
the program at the Newberg Public Library
for Spanish-speaking adults in the community.
Bill Buhrow (Health and Counseling) was
part of a panel discussion on the topic “The
Role of Career Services in Small Colleges and
Universities” hosted at Linfield College on
Feb 11. Career services staff from a number
Andrew Harris was born to Amanda Sue
Harris (Performing Arts) and her husband,
Jacob, on Monday, Feb. 14, at 10:22 p.m.
Andrew weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces and
was 20 inches long. He has blonde hair and
blue eyes.
George Fox enjoyed a stint in the media
limelight earlier this month. In one week
alone, The Oregonian featured the George Fox
men’s basketball team on the front page of its
sports section; carried a story on
the success of the men’s basketball team;
George Fox professors Karin Jordan and
Deborah Pack-Patton (Counseling) were
featured in a story on their tsunami relief
effort on the front of The Oregonian’s Metro
section; and The Oregonian ran a guest sports
column submitted by Sean Patterson
(Communications).The following week, The
Oregonian featured a story on a Super Bowl tea
hosted by Beth Molzahn (Admissions) and
Clella Jaffe (Communication Arts).That
same week, the Newberg Graphic ran Rob
Felton’s (Communications) “Lost Boys of
Sudan” story – about two Sudanese students
at George Fox – on its front page. More
recently, George Fox junior Lia LaBrandt was
recognized in the Feb. 17 edition of USA Today
as one of 84 students on the national
newspaper’s All-USA College Academic Team.
Another George Fox student, Lindsey Walker,
will have her photography featured at a winter
concert/photography exhibit at the Arlene
Schnitzer Concert Hall on March 5. Her
photos will be among those exhibited while
the Portland Youth Philharmonic performs
Aaron Copeland’s The Tenderland Suite.
Feb. 22
Feb. 23
Feb. 24
Feb. 25
Feb. 27
Feb. 28
Feb. 29
March 2
March 3
March 6
Mark Hall
Mark Weinert
Corey Beals
Brian McLaughlin
Aimee Peterson
Andrea Crenshaw
Bedford Holmes
Gary Kilburg
Rhett Luedtke
Mark Ankeny
Monday, Feb. 21
• Newberg Chapel
“It’s Your Life: Part 1,” 10:40 a.m.
•“It’s Your Life: How Far is Too Far?”
Hoover 104, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 24
• Baseball vs.Western Baptist
Morse Field, 2 p.m.
• “It’s Your Life: Authentic Beauty”
Hoover 104, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 25
• Faculty Business Meeting
Hoover 104, 10:40 a.m.
• Baseball vs. Central Washington
Morse Field, 2 p.m.
• Women’s Tennis vs. Lewis & Clark
GFU Tennis Courts, 3 p.m.
• Women’s Basketball vs. Lewis & Clark
Wheeler Sports Center, 6 p.m.
• Players Presents
Wood-Mar Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
• Men’s Basketball vs. Lewis & Clark
Wheeler Sports Center, 8 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 26
• Men’s Tennis vs. Pacific
GFU Tennis Courts, 10 a.m.
• Baseball vs. Concordia-Portland
Morse Field, 1 p.m.
• Players Presents
Wood-Mar Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 27
• Baseball vs. Pacific Lutheran
Morse Field, 1 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 28
• Newberg Chapel
Staley Lecture Series
Marva Dawn, 10:40 a.m.
• Staley Lecture Series
Marva Dawn, Hoover 104, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 1
• Faculty Lunch, Noon
• Portland Center
All-Employee Lunch, Noon
• Spring Faculty Lecture
Ron Mock, Hoover 104, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 2
• Newberg Chapel
Staley Lecture Series
Marva Dawn, 10:40 a.m.
• Staley Lecture Series
Marva Dawn, Hoover 104, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, March 4
• Faculty Sharing
Hoover 104, 10:40 a.m.
Saturday, March 5
• Men’s Tennis vs.Whitman
GFU Tennis Courts, 9 a.m.
• Men’s Tennis vs.Whitworth
GFU Tennis Courts, 3 p.m.
Monday, March 7
• Newberg Chapel
Stan Grenz, 10:40 a.m.
• Staff Lunch, Noon
• Faculty Guest Lecture
Stan Grenz, Hoover 104, 7:30 p.m.
Colleague • Newberg | Portland | Boise | Salem • Feb. 21, 2005