Let Your Light Shine Art on Exhibit

G e or g e F ox U n i v e r s i t y
Next Issue: Dec. 5
Volume 12
No. 19
E m p l oy e e N e w s l e t t e r
Send news items to spatterson@georgefox.edu
P r e s i d e n t ’s P r o l o g u e
It seems to me there may be times when you
may tire of reading this column - you may
think all I do is ride one of my “hobby horses.”
But I'm currently out of new “horses” to ride,
and you may not want one of the old ones
or even another new one. So, I'd like to just
“talk” with you in the next few paragraphs.
* The Newberg campus recently hosted
another Bruin Preview day for prospective
students and their families. Congratulations to
the undergraduate admissions staff for the
large turnout.What is more important to me
is the high quality of the program these
families experienced. I enjoy the time I spend
at the parents-only breakfast the morning
they are on campus. These parents are
intelligent and articulate people who want the
best for their children. At the top of their list
of requirements for college are high quality
and Christ-centeredness. Thanks to undergraduate admissions for bringing the right
families to Bruin Preview.
Let Your Light Shine
Art on Exhibit
George Fox's 14th annual Ceremony of
Lights celebration is scheduled from 4:30
to 6:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2, on the
Newberg campus. Employees and students
will gather around the Centennial Tower
for a candle-lighting ceremony and a time
of singing and devotions. Melva Brandt
will flip a switch to illuminate the tower
and surrounding buildings with Christmas
lights. Afterwards, refreshments will be
served in the Stevens Center lobby and
Ron Gregory Atrium.There also will be a
live Nativity scene in the Stevens Center
plaza, live Christmas music in both
atriums, photos with Santa, a “Mrs. Claus
Story Time,” and a cookie-decorating activity.
Beginning Dec. 1, drop by Lindgren
Gallery to see graduating art majors'
senior thesis exhibits. An opening
reception for the exhibit is set from 4 to
5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 1.There is no
admission charge.The exhibit will remain
on display through Friday, Dec. 16.
Glory to the King
“Glory to the Newborn King,” a
Christmas concert featuring the George
Fox University Concert Choir,Women's
Chorale, and Symphonic Band and
Strings, is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Friday
and Saturday, Dec. 9-10, in Bauman
Auditorium.The George Fox Bell Choir
and Brass Ensemble will perform at 7:10
p.m. prior to both performances. Each
concert costs $10 for general admission,
$8 for alumni and seniors, and $6 for
students and children. For tickets, call
the box office at ext. 3844 or visit
* Family Weekend resulted in a letter
expressing appreciation for the faculty
lectures on Saturday morning. One lecture
was on science and faith, and the other was
on Christianity from the perspective of the
Romans. The letter-writer says, “We are
extremely grateful to have (names of children)
at GFU this year. No parents could wish for
more.” For those of you who teach, please be
encouraged that you are appreciated by your
students and their families.
* Our community doesn't avoid difficulties
that happen to people. I am a bit
overwhelmed sometimes by the number of
George Fox people who are seriously ill or
who grieve over the loss of close loved ones.
Christian community is good, and even fun,
sometimes when things are going smoothly,
but it becomes essential when we deal with
illness and loss. I encourage us to be in
prayer for those we know who are ill
and those among us who are grieving. God
works through us to minister to those who
are hurting.
Give Thanks
George Fox will close for the
Thanksgiving holiday,Thursday, Nov. 24,
through Sunday, Nov. 27. All offices will
be closed, including the administrative
offices and bookstores on the Newberg
campus and the Portland Center.The
Newberg library will close at 6 p.m. on
Wednesday, Nov. 23, and reopen at 6 p.m.
on Nov. 27.The Portland Center library
will close at 6 p.m. on Nov. 23 and
reopen on Monday, Nov. 28.
* It is important that the university raise
funds above what is brought by students in
the form of tuition and various fees.
Renovation of the Hoover Academic Building
and construction of the new residence hall
are moving forward, pretty much on schedule
and on budget. Advancement office staff
members are working behind the scenes to
raise the funds we need to complete these
projects and other projects not yet started.
Please remember them as they contact our
friends and make new friends to help provide
for these essential facilities.
By Design
George Fox received two Award of
Excellence honors from the University &
College Designers Association in the
organization's 2005 national design
competition.The university's George Fox
Journal was recognized in the Alumni
Publication category, while its admissions
recruitment pieces were collectively
honored in the Recruitment Package
category. In all, the UCDA received more
than 1,300 entries and awarded eight gold
awards, 13 silvers, and 204 awards of
excellence in 46 categories.
My point in all the above is to remind us that
we are at a complex, active, and very special
place in God's kingdom - George Fox
University. I am privileged to work with you
in educating students to be God's people in
the world.
Deadline for Copy: Nov. 29
Newberg | Portland | Boise | Salem
Auxiliary Lunch
A George Fox Auxiliary luncheon is
scheduled for noon on Friday, Dec. 2, in
the Cap and Gown Room.The program
will include Christmas music performed
by students Mary Myers and Jennifer
Miser.The cost is $6.50 and reservations
may be made by calling Louise Clarkson at
503-538-2850 or Nancy Lamm at 503-537-2321.
Rebecca Artinian-Kaiser has been
promoted to the library assistant III
position, replacing Maggie Barr.
Sandie Hayes (Human Resources) has
decided to remain at George Fox until
further notice while the search for her
replacement continues. She had originally
planned to leave at the end of October.
Rick Muthiah (Student Life) was voted
president-elect of the Oregon Association
for Higher Education and Disability
organization at the association’s fall
conference in late October.The
organization provides practical guidance
for professionals working in disability
offices and engages in public policy and
legislative discussions related to students
with disabilities.
Michael Tomlin (Boise Center) attended
the national conference of the National
Endowment for the Humanities, held in
San Francisco Nov. 4-6. Mike serves on
the executive committee of Idaho’s
Humanities Council, appointed by Gov.
Dirk Kempthorne in 2003.The theme of
the conference was “Faith in Strangers” – a
concept, according to Thomas Jefferson,
that is essential to a democracy.
Nov. 21, 2005
Ed Higgins’ (Writing/Literature) poems
“Silenced by Autumn,” “Entering Winter,”
“Winter Owl,” and “Prayer After Eating
Bread” were published in Spring Hill Review
(Vol V, No. 10, Nov. 2005, p. 15). Another
poem, “Sleepless Night,” was published in the
August edition of the online periodical Red
River Review (redriverreview.com)
Bonnie Jerke (Career Services) attended
the national conference of the American
Association for Employment in Education in
Boston Nov. 6-9.Topics covered included
alternatives for teacher resumes, electronic
portfolios, positions in independent and
private schools, revolutionizing teacher
recruitment, and defining a quality teacher.
Alex Pia (Communication Arts) presented at
the Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of
Other Languages conference in Portland on
Nov. 5. His topic was “University Student
Perceptions of Native English Speaking
Teachers Abroad.” He described a study he
conducted last year while on sabbatical in Italy
and China. Alex also attended the NAFSA:
Association of International Educators Region
I conference in Eugene on Oct. 20-21.
Dianna McIntyre (International Student
Services) also attended that conference.
Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) was
invited by Rick Ufford-Chase, the moderator
of the Presbyterian Church-USA, to give a
workshop at the national Presbyterian
Moderator’s Conference in Louisville, Ky.,
Nov. 11-13.The subject of the workshop was
“Moderating and Discerning the Leadership of
Christ.” Paul also led a Seminar by the Sea
conference on “Dialogues with Jesus from the
Gospel of John” at Twin Rocks Friends Camp
on the Oregon Coast Oct. 28-30.
Paul's article on Quakerism appeared in the
Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics,
2nd Edition. Paul’s review of Moses as a
Character in the Fourth Gospel appeared in the
Bulletin for Biblical Research; his review of The
Renovare Study Bible was published in Friends
Journal; and his review of Ingesting Jesus: Eating
and Drinking in the Gospel of John was published
in Interpretation.
Colleen Richmond (Writing/Literature)
made a presentation, “Fun with International
Literary Forms,” at the Oregon Council of
Teachers of English Conference on Oct.8. She
also presented a paper, “Margery Kempe as
'Creature' and Preacher,” at the Rocky
Mountain Modern Language Association
conference in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Oct. 20.
Her article, “Margaret Fell: Still Stirring up
Trouble in 2005,” appears in the November
issue of Quaker Life.
Mike Goins (Financial Affairs) conducted an
interim-focused financial accreditation visit at
Sheldon Jackson College in Sitka, Alaska, on
Oct. 26-28, for the Northwest Commission
on Colleges and Universities.
Kenn Willson (Performing Arts) joined the
membership of Bösendorfer Educational
Artists, a group of musicians affiliated with
one of the world's oldest and most
distinguished piano manufacturers.To
commemorate the honor, Kenn will play a
recital at a “Happy Birthday Mozart”
celebration in Vienna, Austria, in May 2006.
As a Bösendorfer Educational Artist, he is
expected to perform recitals and discuss
Bösendorfer pianos – manufactured since
1828 – at institutions and corporate venues.
One such performance is scheduled for
Friday, Dec. 2, when he will play at Michelle’s
Piano Company in Portland.
From Virginia Pongratz: “Thank you for
the great retirement reception you all gave
me. I appreciate all the great people who
wished me well, and all the lovely cards, gifts,
and words of encouragement.The 26 years
with you were a great chapter in my life, and I
will miss seeing you every day. God bless you all.”
Nov. 22
Terry Huffman (Sociology) attended the
conference “People of Color in Predominantly
White Institutions: Different Perspectives on
Majority Rules” in Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 6-8.
The conference was sponsored by the
University of Nebraska.Terry’s presentation
was “Academic Achievement Through Cultural
Autonomy: Enhancing Higher Education
Persistence for Culturally Traditional Native
Americans.” Based on Terry’s research, his
session examined the contrasting experiences
between groups of culturally traditional
Native American students and the college
encounter with practical suggestions for
making the college campus more
accommodating for Native American students.
Nov. 23
Nov. 24
Nov. 26
Nov. 28
Nov. 29
Nov. 30
Dec. 3
Dec. 4
Vern Choin
Marilyn Clark
Dwight Kimberly
Lon Fendall
Laura Simmons
Mark Sundquist
Virginia Pongratz
Larry Weber
Clella Jaffe
Arden Butler
Michelle Conrad
Krissy Hanson
John Barber
Melanie Hulbert
Brad Lau
Alan Kluge
Monday, Nov. 21
Newberg Chapel
Louis Markos, Houston Baptist University, 10:40 a.m.
Louis Markos, Hoover 104, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 22
Faculty Lunch, Noon
Wednesday, Nov. 23
Newberg Chapel
Thanksgiving Testimonies, 10:40 a.m.
Thursday-Friday, Nov. 24-25
Thanksgiving Holiday
Monday, Nov. 28
Newberg Chapel
Melanie Hulbert, 10:40 a.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 29
All-Employee Lunch, Noon
Christmas Celebration
Portland Golf Club, 7 p.m.
Men's Basketball vs. Northwest Christian
Wheeler Sports Center, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 30
Newberg Chapel
Sarah Baldwin, 10:40 a.m.
Thursday, Dec. 1
Opening Reception: Senior Thesis Exhibit
Lindgren Gallery, 4 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 2
Auxiliary Luncheon
Cap and Gown Room, Noon
Christmas Lighting Ceremony
Centennial Tower, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Women’s Basketball vs.Whitworth
Wheeler Sports Center, 6 p.m.
Men’s Basketball vs.Whitworth
Wheeler Sports Center, 8 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 3
Women’s Basketball vs.Whitman
Wheeler Sports Center, 4 p.m.
Men’s Basketball vs.Whitman
Wheeler Sports Center, 6 p.m.
Newberg | Portland | Boise | Salem • Nov. 21, 2005