Tue 9/15/2015 2:36 PM
September 15, 2015
Please continue to submit your informational items (with this form) by 8:30 a.m. Tuesday or Thursday to make it into that day’s Campus e‐Update.
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Constitution Day at BHSU
September 17 | 3:30pm | Joy Center
BHSU will celebrate Constitution Day this September 17, 2015 with Drs. Mary Caton‐Rosser and
Mitch Hopewell talking on the topic: “Growing Democracy through Partnerships in Media Literacy.”
In this presentation, Drs. Caton‐Rosser and Hopewell will present some preliminary findings from their research project designed to “identify how the rapidly advancing communication tools of media and technology connect enthusiastic partners in a participatory and interaction teaching and learning process leading to advanced technology use and media literacy.” Anyone interested in the
Check out the highlights for what’s happening this week:
Sept. 15
Health Screenings
ISO Meeting
Steven Stone Hypnotist
Understanding The "Why" Behind the "What"
Sept. 16
Health Screenings
Poster Sales
Employer in the Foyer
Sept. 17
Health Screenings
Poster Sales
topic or interested in recognizing Constitution Day is welcome to attend.
The program is sponsored by the BHSU Chiesman Committee for the Advancement of Democracy.
For more information please contact Pam Carriveau, 605‐642‐6006 or Pamela.Carriveau@bhsu.edu
Celebrating the signing of the Constitution began in 2004 when Congress passed legislation, authored by Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, which designated September 17 as Constitution
Day. On that day in 1787, thirty‐nine of the fifty‐five delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution, one of the most important political documents ever drafted.
Each September 17, educational institutions hold educational programs that encourage awareness of the Constitution.
‐‐Submitted by Pamela Carriveau
Thank you Yellow Jacket fans!
BHSU Athletics would like to thank the Jacket Pack and ALL the Yellow Jacket students, drumline, cheer squad, faculty, and staff that came out in support of the football team this past Saturday night. Your presence and support was absolutely amazing! We want you to know that your support of Yellow Jacket Athletics is greatly appreciated and look forward to seeing you all at the next home event. GO YELLOW JACKETS!!
‐‐Submitted by Jhett Albers
Geek Speak
Physics of Sports lecture
Employer in the Foyer
Sept. 18
COLP Tri‐Hike Challenge: Crow Peak
Sept. 19
Just Tri It
Sept. 19
Peace Corps Information Table
Check out these events and more on the
Campus Calendar
NSU Oklahoma College of Optometry Speaker
Sept. 24 | 4:00 pm | Life Sciences Building 126
Ms. Becky Campos, optometry program recruiter and representative from NSU (Northeastern State
University) Oklahoma College of Optometry, will be here to connect to any BHSU students who are considering the optometry career path. She will be meeting with students Thursday, September
24th at 4:00 p.m. in the Life Sciences Building 126 (anatomy/physiology lab). All interested students are welcome.
‐‐Submitted by Alicia Benz
Geek Speak on Thursday!
Sept. 17 | 4:00 pm | Jonas 110
Please join Dr. Tim Martinez for this week's Geek Speak "The Man on the Motorcycle: The
Revolutionary Thought of Che Guevara" Many accounts of Che Guevara’s life have focused on biographical details. This presentation will go beyond these interesting events to explore the ideas that guided his revolutionary activity during key parts of his life. Specifically, it will look briefly at the philosophical background of his thinking in the writings of Marx and Lenin, how these ideas evolved in his own thinking from the time of his epiphany during his iconic motorcycle tour of South
America to his speculations on the nature of revolutionary change shortly before his death in
Bolivia. This presentation will help us understand the relation between ideas and human action. It will also be greatly beneficial by giving attendees some of the intellectual substance behind image of the bearded man in the beret.
‐‐Submitted by Courtney Huse‐Wika
Rec Sports
Sign‐up your teams on www.imleagues.com/bhsu by September 30, to play in the kickball
Golf: BHSU Concludes Day One of RMAC #1
MBB: Buck‐It‐Ball Fundraising Initiative Set
Aaron Siekmann Named Athletic Performance
WSOC: Press Conference to Announce First‐Ever
Head Coach Set for Tuesday at 1 p.m.
Rodeo: Women Win Rodeo, Men Second at Falcon
Frontier Days
Tri: Yellow Jackets Cancel Trip to Iowa; Plan for
Triathlon in Colorado
FB: Paris Rushes for 186 Yards; Yellow Jackets fall
28‐26 in Homestake Battle
VB: Yellow Jackets Fall to Wolves and Dragons
VB: Yellow Jackets Fall to Vikings, Defeat Eagles
XC: Baldwin Wins Race; Change Made to Meet
Check out scores, upcoming games and other
tournament @ Lyle Hare Stadium on Sunday, October 3. It will be a lot of fun, and prizes will be handed out to the champion of the tournament.
‐‐Submitted by Tina Andreana
The Kudos/Accomplishments section, is a once‐per‐month feature highlighting successes of our faculty and staff. The next Kudos/Accomplishments will run on Oct. 6.
Submit Kudos/Accomplishments for next month’s feature
The School of Business at Black Hills State University continues to receive international and national recognition of its elite Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
International accreditation.
Black Hills State University will host the fifth annual Accounting Career Fair in Spearfish and at
BHSU‐Rapid City this month. The fair will take place Sept. 29 in the Joy (Proctor) Krautschun
Alumni/Foundation Welcome Center from 1‐2:30 p.m. in Spearfish and at BHSU‐RC, 4300 Cheyenne
Blvd, from 5:30‐7 p.m.
Nine Black Hills State University faculty were recognized for their academic excellence during faculty welcome week recently.
Faculty from each of the University’s three colleges were honored for their outstanding commitment to students, to BHSU and the community. Awards were given for teaching, research,
scholarship and creative activity and service.
See all news releases at www.BHSU.edu/news
Submit your story ideas for future news releases
news at BHSU Athletics
BHSU increases study abroad opportunities
Read the Rapid City Journal article
BHSU and Spearfish welcome students back for fall semester
Read the Rapid City Journal article
BHSU to host Canon Explorer of Light lecture
Read the Rapid City Journal article
Physical education program at BHSU receives national recognition
Read the Rapid City Journal article
Women in networking luncheon scheduled at Sanford Visitor Center
Read the Rapid City Journal article
BHSU Geek Speak encounters Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution
Read the Rapid City Journal article
BHSU photography students capture top spots in World Tourism Days Photo Contest
Read the Rapid City Journal article
Spearfish becomes “Capital for a Day”
Watch the KOTA TV and NewsCenter1 videos; read the Rapid City Journal article
BHSU, Sanford Underground Research Facility host ‘deflategate’ discussion
Watch the NewsCenter1 video
Seven questions with Kory Menken: BHSU alum named new director of workforce solutions for
The Siouxland Initiative
Read the Sioux City Journal article
Race/walk to honor memory of BHSU athlete killed by lightning strike
Read the Rapid City Journal article
Friendly brawl looming between SDSM&T and BHSU
Watch the KOTA news story
Norfolkan uses faith, love of music to prepare for college
Read the Norfolk Daily News story
Meade School District welcomes 26 new staff members: BHSU alums among new hires
Read the Meade County Times‐Tribune article
Physics of sports science talk Thursday
Read the Sanford Lab Deep Thoughts newsletter
BHSU School of Business continues to receive recognition
Read the Rapid City Journal article
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