415 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 19 NO. 2 (1996) 415 THE FIFTH-ORDER KORTEWEG-DE VRIES EQUATION G. ADOMIAN General Analytics Cooration 155 Clyde Rd. Athens, GA 30605, USA (Received December 13, 1994) ABSTRACT. Decomposition is applied to the 5th-order KdV equation. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Decomposition method, Adomian Polynomials. 1991 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. is given by: The 5th-order KdV equation ut Writing Lt u where 0 fd (o)dt, we have O/Ot and L-f Ltu Lt L-I u + 6uux + ux + uzz 6uuz uxzz uzzzzz 6L-[luuz L-luzzz u(O) 6L-[1A,{uu.} L-[I(o3/Ox3)u n-(OS/cgxS)u A,.,{uu} represents the Adomian Polynomials [2] for uu:. Letting u,, decomposition u n--0 yields o (0) u2 -6L-[Ao L-[ (O3/cgx3)uo -6L-[1A1- Ll (O3/Ox3)ul L[ ( /i:gxS)u U.+l -6L-[1A, L-[I (o3/Ox3)u, L-[I (c /OxS)u,., Ul - Using primes to indicate the differentiation with respect to x [2] Ao A Uo Uo uoU uuo A, ,o + ,- + A1 "alU0 + uu + + uC,_ + Now all components of u are determinable and we can write the n-term approximant n-1 m=0 which approaches u as rn ofn. co. It has been shown that high accuracy can be achieved for small values REFERENCES nonlocal for capillary-gravity waves: 5th-degree KdV equation, solutions BOYD, Weakly J.P., [1] Physica D, 48 (1991), 129-146. [2] ADOMIAN, G., Solving Frontier Problems of Physics: The Decomposition Method, Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1994. [3] ABBAOUI, K. and CHERRUAULT, Y., Convergence of Adomian’s method applied to differential equations, Comp. Math. Applic., 28, no. 5 (1994), 103-109.