25 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1990) 25- 30 VOL. 13 NO. ON THE STRUCTURE OF SUPPORT POINT SETS E. AZOFF Department of Mathematics University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602 R. YOUNIS Department of Mathematics Kuwait University P.O. Box 5969 13060 Safat Kuwait (Received September 7, 1988) ABSTRACT. Let X be a metrizable compact convex subset of a determine the structure of the support point set of X when locally convex space. Using Choquet’s Theorem, X has countably many extreme points. wc We also characterize the support points of certain families of analytic functions. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: Support point, Extreme point, Choquet’s Theorem. 1980 SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION 1. (1985 Revision): Primary: 46A55, 52A07, Secondary: 30C99. INTRODUCTION. Let X be a subset of a locally convex space E with fE X if of X A continuous linear functional J ReJ(f)=max{ReJ(g):g E X} and ReJ is non constant on X. The set of support points of X will be denoted by Supp X In this on X is said to be associated case we call asuormrtpoint The set of extreme points of a convcx subset F of E will be denoted by Ext F Let D C} and equip the space A of functions analytic {z: [z[ < convergence on compact subsets of D is induced by a sequence A [1, {bn}n__ 0 This topology is metrizable which satisfies lim sup in D with the topology of uniform [1, p.1]. Every continuous linear functional ]bnl 1/n <1 and J(0 oo E n=0 o0 anbn for f(z)= E on A an zn e n=0 p.36]. Recently, the support points of many subclasses of A have been studied. For more details see [1] and [2]. Ill Section 2, we consider a metrizable compact convex set X in a locally convex space. Using Choquet’s theorem we determine the structure of Supp X when Ext X is countable (Theorem 2.1). E. AZOFF AND R. YOUNIS 26 In Section 3, n-1 p ]an] <_ 1}, an zn e A _< p < n-I . In Theorem Indeed, it is shown that Supp X is in 1-1 correspondence with a proper subset of 3.4, we determine Supp P(p) Supp {f(z) P(p) we consider the classes: Ball(p) SUPPORT POINTS OF SETS WITH COUNTABLY MANY EXTREME POINTS. 2. Let E be by Choquct that locally convex space, and suppose that X is a metrizable compact convex subset of E a [3, p.19] A theorem X supported by Ext X such says that if x E X then there exists a probability measure Px on I L dpx for every L in E* In case Ext X is countable (possibly finite), we have the following: Ext X CIIOQUET’S THEOREM (Countable Case). Suppose Ext X {fn} is countable. Then X {’ Anfn: A n _> 0 L(x) !i An for each n and n PROOF. Let (/ I L(f) such that 1}. L X By Choquet’s Theorem, there exists a probability measure pf dpf. [ #f(fn) L(fn) Hence L(fn Thus L(f) {fn} L in E*, Since’this is true for every we get f n Pf(fn) fn npf(fn)fn) on X supported by {fn} O. as required. We proceed to the main result of this section. THEOREM 2.1. Ext X {fn Let X be a metrizable compact convex subset of a locally compact space (1) Supp X is contained in the union of those . Kn (2) C_ Supp X if and only if PROOF. To prove (1), let f and < A Kn . . which are proper subsets of X. closed affine hull of fn (fi:i :/: n}. Supp X. By Choquet’s Theorem, n}. Then {fi: equal to the closed convex hull of we can write Hence we must have Re Re b(f) is non-constant on X, we must have Re A Re 0 t(fi) Re (f) whenever A > 0. On the other hand, since b(fi) Re b(t’) for some i. We conclude that A b(fi) > with each A Air Let b be a continuous linear functional associated with f. Then Re b(f) A Re (f) Re Kn is countable. For each positive integer n, set E such that 0 for some i, as required. To prove (2), suppose that H g is _ a closed real functional J in b(fn) =b- while fn subspace of E not continuing b(fi) b. This shows that g Kn infinite. By. assumption, i=2 i=2 S Re b(f) for every f/i fi with C_ Supp X fi :/: n} and fix g {fi: Ku ( Then A version of the Hahn-Banach theorem [4, page 59] gives g . H-g while b(fn -g)=-1. Set n. Thus, fi -> 0 and SuppX. b(g) =b for all g i 1. Note that S is Re b(O, we have Re a (/ Thus Kn b(fn+l)= a b. Then For any h in X.by b(h) /n(b-1) + in For ease of notation we take n is a support point of X. Let {g E E: Re b(g)= Re b(f)} 2il- _1 Re b(fi) < i=2 fn vanishes on b(fn+l) =b Conversely, assume that set . E* whose real part Choquet’s Theorem, we have h =b-/n does not belong to the closed affine hull H of and assume Ext X {fn}n= /i b is be an associated linear functional in E* and closed affine subspace of E. b(fi)= Re b(f) Since Re b(f)= for alia >2. Thus the closed affine hull 27 STRUCTURE OF SUPPORT POINT SETS of = {fi’i Thus 1} C_ S. On the other hand, in S and consequently, fl view of Choquet’s Theorem, if EXAMPLES. (1) Let X be a = {fi: closed affine hull of fl Re E S then fl would l,c constant o,, X. 1} triangle in R2 with vertices and fl’ f2 Tl,,,sc vertices are the extreme f3" points of X and the affine hull of any two of them is a line, not containing the third. The theorem guarantees that 3 Supp X J Kn which is indeed the boundary of X n=l (2) Let X be a square in R2 with vertices R2 In particular, each fact, Supp X fi / am,le hull of -{f:: :/: i}. The theoren guarantees that (3) Let T be the fmnily of all functions which an zn ,an >0. zrim2 By[5],Ext. T={fn}=l where of the Theorem. Since fl D are analytic and univalent in is a limit point of the remaining {fi} so and take the for,u f(z) for n>l. For ,>l,itis K n C_ Supp X by the second part n=2 X and Supp X K fi’s zl and fn(z)=z- fl(z)=z does not belong to the closed affine hull of the remaining fn is all of is contained in S,,pp X. Kn no fi’s the boundary of X has no interior. x> clear that The affine hull of any three of the f4 and fl’ f2’ f3 [.J Kn by the first part of n=2 the Theorem. COROLLARY 2.2. Let X be as in Theorem 2.1. Then Supp X U -6 (Ea) where each Ea Ext X. PROOF. Suppose that (/ Supp X and is an associated linear functional with f. Writing whenever A :/:0. Take Re(f)=Re(fi) The theorem says these Ea Then ffi(Ea) C_ SuppX. Ea={fi ]A :/:0}. are proper subsets of . is a subset of Aifi, we see i.e., they cannot be "too big". The next proposition Ext X implies that they can’t all be singletons, i.e., "too small" PROPOSITION 2.3. Let X be a compact convex subset of a locally convex space. If X ha.s more tl,an two extreme points, then Supp X is uncountable. X PROOF. Without loss of generality we may assume that 0 of X, and let Define Since :X 1 and be continuous and linear functionals such that 2 R2 by ,(f) (X) has uncountably (bl(f), 2(f)). Then (X) Let fl and f2 l(fl) 2(f2) be two independent clenents and l(f2) d.2(fl) 0. is a compact convex subset of R 2 with non empty interior. many boundary points, Supp((X)) is uncountable. Since -1 takes support points to support points, we see that Supp X is uncountable too. 2ri EXAMPLE. Take llere all the Ea’s fn e-’n’- 1, 2 and X -6 {fn} in R 2 c Then Supp X U n:l co {fn,fn+l} have cardinality two even though Ext X is infinite. COROLLARY 2.4. Let X be points. for n as in Theorem 2.1. Then Ext X Supp X if and only if X has two extreme E. AZOFF AND R. YOUNIS 28 3. SUPPORT POINTS OF CERTAIN CLASSES OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS. _< For < p {E an zn define P(p) Co compact convex subsets of A A: E lanl p -< n=l n=l These classes are closely related to to-onc correspondence with a proper subset of Ball(gp) a are and we will find that Supp P(p) is in one- As a corollary, we determine the support l)oints of ccrtain Supp Ball(p) {an}x)=l fanilies of univalent functions. We use the notation a for the sequence Ve begin with It is easy to see that the clscs P(p) 1] simple observation. is a.sociated with x, then (x) X {x PROPOSITION 3.1. Let X be the unit ball of a Bausch space E. Then Supp X llxll l}. If I111 PROOF. That every vector of norm one belongs to Supp X is a consequence of the tlahn-Banach theorem. Suppose conversely that the real part of X* achieves its maximum over X at x Since X is closed under multiplication by scalars of absolute value at most one, we have Re _< IIll Ilxll and so IIxll- (x) (x)- I111 implies Re (x)_> I(x)l, 1. Moreover EXAMPLE. The family P(p) "looks like" the unit ball of p so is not a support point of Re (x) I111 (x)is in fact real l}n=l belongs to the unit sphere of CO ] an zn Thus but we cannot immediately apply Proposition 3.1 n}n= to filld its support points. For example, the sequence I111 Re (y) sup P(2). The problem is that any non-constant linear functional (bn)-I 2 2 bu which I1 a.sulne its maximum at correspond to {an}nco=l must be a scalar multiple of a continuous linear functional on {an}n=l. So lim sup n bn which does not A. We find the support points of P(p) by making the remarks in the preceeding example more precise. PROPOSITION 3.2. Suppose T spaces E and F E F is and let X be a subset of E a linear, injective, and continuous map between topological vector Then Tx Supp TX if and only if x Supp X and some linear functional associated with x belongs to range T* PROOF. Recall that T* F* with E* is defined by Re(Tx)=max Re(Ty). Set b= ,oT; then yX implies that Re is not constant on Re (Tx) max yTX (y), and Re range T* Re b(x) max Re (y) cannot be constant on TX since Re PROPOSITION 3.3. Let a X-Ball(p),(1 <p<oo),with (1) If b is associated with a, then there exists an lanl p-1 (2) If bn= { then b is associated with a. if SuppTX and choose max yX F* Re(y),andinjectivityof T X range T* such that Re b(x) Conversely, let oT. Suppose Tx T* an :/:0 otherwise f 0 with T Write b is not constant on X. Ilallp= 1,and q /lbnl -lanl p b gq. for all n. Then: F* Then STRUCTURE OF SUPPORT POINT SETS 29 (I)-I)(I It,is r(.stil ft)llovs froJ llol<h,r’s l.q,ta.lit>.. ’Fh( following is the tlai, res,.sl/, of finis sc(:tio}. cx; a.z n TIIEOI,IGNI 3.,I. I.,.l. f(z) (1) is a],alyLi(: i, 13 a.,ad la, P E , is a support l)oitt ot7 1)(i)) if "I’h.,, be i P(l)) i1= <p< fo ,. n=l N (e) f(z) M,,,.eo,’(,," tr ,,.,,y < a.d ’F is ll61(lcr’s i,cqualil.y, is tl,, seq,,ent:e ’r-e t) t-),t, t.,,,},,__: if2 :’,l Clearly T , ep, (1 < p < ), ,-,,ember of (;o,,sidered a.s (ii we h,.v, sup IzlSr (tp)" lanl o (:or, vers(dy, spl.,os,:r l.hat, fllbnl T(a) q a, I) or(, (t.r or (:o,,vergen,:( of tl,,:, E ra.nge ’[" Thus I,,,I, rt’(a)(z)l {bn},,l I3 with (/1).)* (/p). then lim rot all n. Thus lin sup is analytic in 6_ ’l’h,ts S,l, "Jla.,,nl < lanlP I. is i,} the a,,d ’l’h( < wc gt, lly Prop,)sitio, i ,.,,a.lyti(: i,, S,Pt)lla.ll (/LI))I.)y choose th,. hrctional associated with a as in the formul::t of l"rol;osilio,t 3.:. Si(,(, lh( i,ower series ot" i; g/’t,t/.er than o,,e, lira sup , I.- < so lit,, Sttpp 1’(i)) 1)y I’rol.),:),-_’itio, 3.2. I,y Propositions 3.2 =1 Ilbll finitely many n as rtquir,d. (7o,,versely, s,,ppose Ta= f(z)= N 11=1 bn 0 by I.’r,.)l)(,sitio :.1. ,lb,,I (2) S,,ppos,, Define -’’1 n=l 65 Sttpl) Ba.il n=l radi,.Is Ball(ep)onto Thus {I.,,,} 1,=1 t(l Supp P(p). By Propositio, 3.2, 0 s,,,:.h i.l,at l’ropoxit.io 3.1, an(! ,al)s n= If the t’,,tctiona.l socited with Ta, is given by :.3, t.t,,re exists h)r !) (;oatinuots. Similarly for p (1) Suppose !’- .!’ p an zn A by T(a)= la,l n t--- t’.ooF, N where N is some positive int.eger and a,,, ot he.rvise anZ n a,,d N 11::] I,,! t. Then e S,pp I:-.II. E. AZOFF AND R. YOUNIS 30 COltOLI, ARY 3.5. (1) is aualytic in D and (2) f(z) PROOF. + N + A function f(z) hlanl al, p n is a support point of <p< if , zn Q(p) if and only if ,, 2, if p for om I,ositive integer N I.1 an and n=2 n=2 n One way to see this, is to replace {p by ep(H) where it(n) n in the proof of 2,3 Theorem 3.4. R.EMARK. One can define P(o) an zn suplanl < {f(z) !i--" to tl,e proof of Theorem 3.4, that. Supp P(oo) {f(z) : ,:X:3 n=l anz n lanl One can show. usi,,s a,, arg,,n,c,,t si,,,ilar for some n > 1}. REFERENCES 1. SCIIOBER, G. Univalent Functions Selected Topics, Springer-Verlag, 1975. 2. IlALLENBECK, D.J. and MACGREGOR, T.H. Linear Problems and Convexity Techniques in Geometric Function Theory, Pitman, 1984. 3. I’ItELPS, R.R. Lectures on Choquct’s Theorem, Van Nostrand, 1966. 4. R, UIIN, W. Functional Analysis, McGraw-llill, 1973. 5. SILVERMAN, H. Univalent functions with negative coefficients, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 5t(1975), 109-116. 6. SILVERMAN, tl. Order starlikeness for multipliers of univalent functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 103(1984) 48-57.