145 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1990) 145-150 VOL. 13 NO. PERIODIC WEAK SOLUTIONS TIME ELIANA HENRIQUES DE BRITO lnstituto de Matemtlca Unlversldade Federal do Rio de Janeiro C.P. 68530, Rio de Janelro, Brasil (Received December 30, 1987) ABSTRACT. uniqueness In continuing from previous papers, where we studied the existence and the global solution and its asymptotic behavior as time t goes to of infinity, we now search for a tlme-perlodlc weak solution u(t) for the equation whose weak formulation in a Hilbert space H is d d--{ (u’ + 6(u’ v) + v the Gateaux derivative a of ) convex 0, hence B when > function of t with values in H. W when 0 and V > b(u,v), a(u,v) are given forms on 0, 8 ) 0 are constants and s + 8 > 0; G U, [0,) for V functional J: VcH in H; d/dr;(,) is the inner product subspaces UcW, respectively, of H; 6 > 0, where: is (h,v) b(u v) + 8a(u,v) + (G(u),v) e 0; v is a test function in V; h is a given Application is given to nonlinear inltial-boundary value problems in a bounded domain of R n. KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. Periodic weak solution, Gateaux derivative. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 35L20, 35B40. I. INTRODUCTION. In continuation of Brito [I], [2], where we studied existence and uniqueness of the global solution and its asymptotic behavior as time t goes to infinity, Zwe now search for a time-periodic weak solution u(t), i.e., such that u’(T) u(T); u’(0) u(0) for the equation whose weak formulation in a Hilbert space H is td-(u’,v) + (u’,v) + sb(u,v) + 8a(u,v) + (C(u),v) (1.1) (h,v) where --d/dr; (,) are given forms constants and J: V cH =+ on subspaces 8>0; [0,), for V H; b(u,v), a(u,v) respectively, of H; > 0, is the inner product in U W, 0, B 0 are G is the Gateaux derivative of a convex functional U, when > 0, and V W, when test function in V; h is a given function of t with values in H. O, hence 8 > O; v is a E.H. DE BRITO 146 Application is given to initial-boundary value problems in a bounded domain n O: O, k 2 depends on n, a O, B R for the followlng equations, in which p u" + u lulP-2u Au + u" + u’ h aA2u- BAu + u A2u { + k + u" + u’ + > > > of +’’lul p-2 u=h f (Vu)2dR}gu (1.4) h and the generalization of (1.4) in a Hilbert space H u" + u’+ A2u + BAu + M(IAI/212)Au (1.5) h for A a linear operator in H, M a real function. For related problems, we refer to Biroll [3], Lovlcar [4]; see also references in Brlto [I]. 2. PRELIMINARIES. Uc Wc H each continuously embedded and dense in We consider three Hilbert spaces the following. We assume the injection W cH compact. Let (,) denote the inner product in H and its norm. Let a(u,v) and b(u,v) be two continuous, symmetric, billnear forms in W and U, We shall assume We shall write a(v) for a(v,v), b(v) for b(v,v). respectively. I/2" defines in W a norm equivalent to the norm of W and, similarly, that I/2" defines in U a norm equivalent to the norm of U. (b(v)) that (a(v)) Let c > 0 be such that clvl 2 (2.1) a(v) for v in W. Let A be a linear operator in H, with domain D(A) such that UcD(A)c W and a(u,v) (Au,v) for u in U, v in W (Au, Av) for u,v in U b(u,v) > 0, a 0, B V U if a > V W if a 0 are constants and a + B > 0. As s ume 0, B 0, B 0; > 0. Consider a convex functional J: V Let G: V H be [0,(R)) such that J(0) the Gateaux With these hypothesis, we of derivative differentiable, locally Lipschitz and G(O) respectively 0. have, J. We assume G is Gateaux O. from [2] Theorem 3.1 and [I] Lemma 2.1, THEOREM 2.1. Given u 0 in V, u 147 PERIODIC WEAK SOLUTIONS TIME in H, h in L2(O,’r;H), there is a unique function u such that (0,T;V); u’ n (O,T;H); G(u) g (0,T;II) a) u e U b) for all v in V, u satisfies, d (u’,v) + 6(u’,v) + ab(u v) + Ba(u,v) + dt e c) u satlsfies the initial conditions d) u satisfies the energy equation no; u(0) u’(0) t 0 (G(u),v) (h v) (2.2) u t lu (s)12d s E(t) + g I E(0) + r2.43 (h(s) u (s))ds 0 where lu’(t)l 2 2E(t) + b(u(t)) + 8a(u(t)) + 2J(u(t)). (u(L),u’(t) S(uo,U 1) is, for fixed t, (sequentially) weakly continuous (i.., if then S(#n) VH given by In the conditions of Theorem 2.1, the map S: VH THEOREM 2.2. > s(#) weakly in V n> we.;ly in V x H, H). We shall, further, assume that 2J(v) (G(v),v) < 0 for v in V. 3. (2.5) EXISTENCE OF TIME-PERIODIC WEAK SOLUTIONS. We shall refer to u(t) in the coudltlons of Theorem ’.. a the solution of (2.2) H, given by (2.3). m with initial conditions (Uo,U I) C([O,T];H) If h THEOREM 3.1. there is at least ,ne solution of (2.2) with H such that initial condition in V (3.1) ,’(T). it add to the and 0 2y > constant by (2.2 u(t) mul.[plied in PROOF. an, with (2.5), ,nultiplied by 2, to ,,btain, energy equation (2.4) differentiated u(T); u’(0) u(O) Take v d--- + b(u) + ga(.) + 2J(u) + 2T(u,u )} u + 27{ u’ + 2(8-2y) For 0 < 7 < + eb(u) + Sa(u) + 2J(u) + 2y(u,u )} u’ 2(h,u’ + yu). + ’u’,u] 6/2, let w(t) lu’ + "ul 2 + ab(u) + a(u) + 2J(u). Then we have w’(t) + 2yw(t) 2(h,,a’ + 7u) 2 d 2 2(6-2)(u’,u’ + 7.) + 2 (3.2) E.H. DE BRITO 148 The right-hand side of the above Inequality is equal to 2(h,u’ + yu) + 2(y2u- (6- 2y)u’,u’ + yu) 2(6- 2y)(u’ + u,u’ + yu) + 2(6- )(yu,u’ + yu). 2(h,u’ + yu) Therefore $)2X2]u] ( 2(h,u’ + yu) + w’(t) + 2yw(t) (3.3) Observing (2.!) and (3.2), we obtain w(t) ) u’ + "(u > 0. By assumption, B + < We choose 0 y < + u with e ac + Bc > O. (3.4) /2 so that (e-x) P 2 2 2 x 2 (i-2x) < (3.5) This is possible, because it amounts to choosing y so that and lira B(’f) B(X) (6 -4 e ( 0. V)2X 2X) 4 e (8 ( 0 It follows from (3.3), with (3.4), (3.5), that ,/w(t) + pw(t). w’(t) + 2wt) 2]h(t)[ Hence for 0 g t g T, w(t) g F(t) (3.6) where F(t) e -2Tt {w(0) t + f e2S[21hl4w + pw]ds}. (3.7) 0 Therefore, because of (3.6), we have F’ (t) g (O Let F(t) 2x)F(t) + 2]h()[/F(t). r, with r ) max 0 t T O. It follows, using (3.6), (3.7), that if w(O) Then F’(t) for 0 t r then w(t) r, T. Consider [u + K {(u0,u l) V x H; We proved that the map S: V x H S(uo,U x) Tu012 + V ab(u 0) Ba(u 0) + 2J(u 0) r}. H given by (u(T), u’(T)) takes K into K. It is easy to check that K is a nonempty, closed, bounded, convex subset of V x H. The fact that S has a fixed point, i.e., that (3.1) holds for some (Uo,U I) c K, now follows from Theorem 2.2 as a consequence of the well-known fixed point Theorem: Let B be , 149 PERIODIC WEAK SOLUTIONS TIME :-;elarable, reflexive Banach space, K a nonempty closed, bounded convex subset of B, and S a (sequentially) weakly continuous operator of K into K. Then S has at least one fixed point In K. 4. APPLICATIONS We devote thls Section to applications of Theorem 3.1 involving Inltial-boundary n value problems in a bounded domain R with regular boundary in R for equations (1.2), (1.3), (1.4). In what follows H L2(fl), A -A, W H0(fl), and Le t H D(A) l() 0 (Au,Av), b(u,v) 0 U H2(), H() 0 H2(R). 2 Ho(fl). Note that similar results are obtained if we suppose U > 0, h e C([0,T]; H), we have I, V W EXAMPLE 4.1. Let a 0, 8 For [ulPLP() J(u) where 2 < p 2(n-l)/(n-2) if n > H0(R) and for u in V 2; p > 2 if n Then J(u) is well-deflned in V 2. and lul U H. We efe .o 2], example 5.1, for the proof. Theorem 3. It Is clear that (2.5) holds. Therefore ensures existence of a T-perlodlc weak solution of u" + u’ EXAMPLE 4.2. For a > Au + IulP-2u 0, 8 0, V h. H0(fl)f] H U p - lul LP(R) 2 (fl) (or H (fl)), let for u in V where 2 < p 2(n- 2)/n-4) if n > 4; p > 2 if n 4. Then J(u) is well-deflned in V and We refer to [2], example 5.2, for the proof. Theorem 3. It is clear that (2.5) holds. Then ensures existence of a T-perlodlc weak solution of u" + u’ + aA2u Au + u + IulP-2u h. E.H. DE BRITO 150 EHPLE. 4.3. J(u) Then - > For a k (a(u)) 2 > O, k 0, B or u in O, V U H ()0H 2(’2.) (or H 0()), v. O(u) --ka(u)Au e H. We refer to [2], Example 5.3, for the proof. It is clear that (2.5) holds. Thus Theorem 3.1. ensures existence of a T-perlodlc weak solution of aA2u u" + u’ + [B + k Generalizing, let M be a C M(s) Take V )k J(u) Then h. function suclt that, for s and M’(s) U and A as in Section [. --(Vu)2df/}Au > > O, O. Let a(u) ’ M(s)ds or u tn V. 0 G(u) -M(a(u)), Aug H. We refer to [2], Example 5.3, for the proof. It ts clear that (2.5) holds. Theorem 3.1 ensures existence of a T-perlodlc weak solution of At, + [B + u" + u’ + h. A2u Therefore M(IAI/2UI2)] REFERENCES I. 2. 3. BRITO, E.H., Nonllenar Equations, A_p_Etlcable An_a_ly_i_s., Vol. 24, 13-26, (1987). BRITO, K.I{., lonlinear Initial-Boundary Value Problems, Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. II, No. I, (1981), ]25-137. BIROLI, M., Sur l’equatlou, de andes avec un Terme Non llnatre, Monotone dens VIII, Vol. LIII (1972), 359-361., 508-515. LOVICAR, V., Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Abstract, Second Order Equations with Dissipative Terms, Casopls_ rrstova______n__i_i.matematik], roc. 102, Praha, (1977), 364-369. Serle 4.