735 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 4 (1989) 735-740 UNIQUENESS AND STABILITY OF SOLUTIONS FOR A TYPE OF PARABOLIC BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM GONZALEZ-VELASCO Department of Mathematics ENRIQUE A. University of Lowell Lowell, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (Received June 25, 1986 and in revised form October i0, 1986) We consider a boundary value problem consisting of the one-dimensional ABSTRACT. + q, where g, h and q are functions of x, subject to By developing a maximum principle for the boundary (hUx) parabolic equation gu t x some general boundary conditions. rather than the equation, value problem, we prove the uniqueness of a nonnegative solution that depends continuously on boundary values. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Parabolic equations, maximum principles. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 35K20. I. INTRODUCTION. {(x,t) ]R2:0 < x < a, t > 0} and with shall be concerned 0}, we If a is a positive constant, D D 11t2 {(x,t) 0 a, IR of the parabolic boundary value problem x t nonnegative solutions u:D c c f(x) u(x,O) (1.1) in D (hUx) x +q alU(0,t blUx(O,t a2u(a,t) + b2ux(a,t) gut t 2 continuous 0 (1.2) (1.3) t ) 0 0 ( x ( a (1.4) where we assume that (i) g, h and q are nonnegatlve continuous functions on [O,a], g and h never vanish and h has a continuous derivative, (ii) (iii) al, a2, bl, b2, a + b > c 0 and a and c 2 + b 2 2 are nonnegative constants, > 0, so that none of the boundary conditions is missing, (iv) ala 2 > O, and (v) f is a nonnegative continuous function with a piecewise continuous derivative and satisfies (1.2) and (1.3). E. A. GONZALEZ-VELASCO 736 A continuous solution on D must be bounded below, and we are assuming without loss of generality that this bound is zero. and c on the constants c This is in agreement with the constraints 2. The question of existence of solutions is easily answered by finding first the steady state solution and then using separation of variables and the Sturm-Liouville theory to the existence of prove a transient solution. It can be shown that a nonnegative steady state solution always exists under the stated conditions while, if [I]. When ala 2 > 0 it may For proof see it may exist but with probability zero. condition (iv) fails to hold, still not exist if either b < 0 or b 2 < 0, as in the problem U t U xx u(0,t) + u X (0,t) 2u(l ,t) which admits no solution independent of time. In fact, under these conditions it cannot even be guaranteed that the solution will be nonnegative, as in the problem U t U xx u(0,t) u (0,t) u(l,t) Ux(l,t) 3 X whose only solution independent of time is U(x) 2x. Uniqueness of solutions is sometimes obtained from a strong maximum principle of A. Friedman [2], for a general type of parabolic equation. In this paper we shall be able to give a much shorter proof by developing, instead, a type of maximum principle for the boundary value problem, rather than for the equation alone. This will provide the added benefits of enabling us to prove that the unique solution is nonnegative and In the simpler case in which (I.I) becomes the heat equation, all of these facts are easily concluded from the 0. usual maximum principle of E.E. Levi, but such a theorem is not valid when q depends continuously on the boundary and initial values. However, the following starting statement about the minimum of a solution will be sufficient for our purposes. 2. MAI N RE SULTS. THEOREM I. Let T be an arbitrary positive number and define the sets D D T {(x,t) e D: t T {(x,t) e D: 4 T} t 4 T} and "(T {(x,t) e DT: (x,t) DT}. 737 UNIQUENESS AND STABILITY OF SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM T If u: IR (l.l) in DT, then u attains its is a continuous function that satisfies minimum value on YT" The proof is a trivial modif[cation of that of Levi’s principle. THEOREM 2. Let T’ YT DT, and define the sets and u be as in Theorem Y0 {(x,t) e YT: x 0, t > 0} Ya {(x,t) e T: x a, > 0}. and If u has a negative minimum on D T and if I. u satisfies 2. u satisfies (1.3), then it attains mlmimum on (1.2), then it attains its minimum on By Theorem I, u attains Assume contrary that, PROOF. I. some t o > > > blux(0,t 0) else alu(0,t 0) alu(0,t 0) b M 0 while u 0, or YT its minimum value m the to YT 0) Y0" alto < conclusion, u(0,t desired Then u (0,t x 0, which is impossible if c m on YT Y0" Ya" < 0 on T" 0) m for 0 and > 0. Thus, c 0 and then 0, contradicting the value of c I. If we now define x f (x) 0 and a new function v: D T /R by M m H(x) 2H(a) then v is continuous and satlsifies (I.I) because v(x,t) gvt u(x,t) (hvx)x gut (hUx)x lh gu (hu) q t M- )xl m According to Theorem I, v also attains its minimum on at (O,t0) because if (x,t) v(x,t) while v -= u on ) YT Y0 then M-m u(x,t) 2 ) M 0 and b v (0 t o x > u (0,t x a b- u(O’t0) its minimum at this point. 0" M+m 2 2 > m 0, differentiation of v with respect to x gives 0) M m 2H(a)h(0) M-m 2H(a)h(0) < 0 Then v is decreasing in the x direction at T M-m Y0" Now, since c on In fact, this minimum is YT" (0,t0), contradicting the fact that it has This contradiction shows that u nst attain its minimum 738 E. A. GONZALEZ-VELASCO 2. The proof is analogous to the one above, but based on the choice v(x t) M- m 2H(a) iN(a) u(x t) H(x)] Q.E.D. These theorems have two corollaries that are applicable to solutions of gu (hu) t in D X X alu(0,t) a2u(a,t) + b2uX (0 t) b2ux(a,t) (2.1) 0 t ) 0 (2.2) 0 t ) 0 (2.3) and we shall use them to complete the discussion of our boundary value problem. COROLLARY I. A continuous function u: its maximum value on YT" T ]R that satisfies (2.2), then it attains its maximum on u satisfies (2.3), then it attains its maximum on u satisfies |. 2. PROOF. (2.1) in D attains T If this maximum value is positive and if YT YT 0" Ya" If u satisfies any of the last three equations, so does -u, and thus -u hypotheses the satisfies of Theorems 2 and with q =_ 0, and c O. c 2 Accordingly, the statements made by these theorems about the minimum of -u translate into the statements made here about the maximum of u, Q.E.D. COROLLARY (2.3). If M 0 Let u: D /IR be 2. and m 0} function 4 u(x,t) > 0 be arbitrary. minimum value m on m left. M on 0 and u(x,t) Either M By Theorem I, the restriction of u to 0, and then u(x,t) O, or m < 0. T In max {0, M YT O} YT" Either m m 0. Since T is arbltrary, < 0, and then u(x,t) by Corollary I, u attains its maximum on u(x,t) < MO. (2.1) then this > 0, or M YT the attains this and thus inequality on the attains its maximum value In this second case, and again }, and thus M M and 0. {Y0 Ya U T {YoU Ya YT proves Similarly, by Corollary I, the restriction of u to D YT. satlsifes {YOU Ya }’ second case, Theorem 2 implies that u attains its minimum on m that 5. Let T PROOF. its continuous denote its maximum and minimum values on 0 mln {0, m for all (x,t) e a 0 Since T is arbitrary, this proves the inequality on the right, Q.E.D. We now return to the original boundary value problem. THEOREM 3. The boundary value problem (I.I) (1.4) has a unique continuous ]R that depends continuously on initial values, and this solution is solution u: D nonnegt ive. PROOF. If u and u are solutions of (I.I) (1.4) corresponding to initial 2 functions f and g, then u -u satisfies (2.1) (2.2) and the new initial condition 2 (u -u2)(x,O) f(x) g(x). UNIQUENESS AND STABILITY OF SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM If M 0 and m 0 . (u 0} mln {0, m for all (x,t) zero and g, then Corollary 2 implies denote the maximum and minimum values of f that so Therefore, is u u 2. max {0, -u2)(x,t) if [O,a], M0 and m 0 are close the continuity of proves This initial conditions and, taking f M0} close to g on is 739 solutions with respect to to g, proves uniqueness. Finally, if u has negative values then, according to Theorem 2, it attains its negative minimum on f {YOU ya }, YT where it equals f. But this is impossible because 0. Q.E.D. To prove the continuity of the solution with respect to both boundary and initial conditions, notice that the steady state solutlon U as found in [I], U(x) + + (blC2h(a) where [(alc 2 a2c A 0 + b2Clh(0) + + a a2 blb2Q(a) h(a) + + alb2Q(a)] a2Clh(0)h(a)H(a) + a2blh(a) Of x Q(x) f q 0 and A [a h(0)H(a) + b ]a2h(a) + a b2h(0) depend continuously on the values of the constants. of (I.I) (1.4) and we define v Then, if u is the unique solution u- U, ths function satisfies (2.1) (2.3). As above, v depends continuously on f- U, which, in turn, depends continuously on f and the constants. That is u is stable with respect to initial and boundary values. We can s up our results as follows THEOREM 4. The boundary value problem (I.I) (1.4) is well posed in the sense of Had area r d. REFERENCES I. 2. GONZALEZ-VELASCO, E.A., The Existence of a Steady State Solution for a Type of Parabolic Boundary Value Problem, Int. J. Math. Educ. in Scl. & Technol. 19(3), (1988), 413-419. 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