Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 4 (1989) 713-720 713 SOLUTION MATCHING FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS FOR LINEAR EQUATIONS DeparUeent o JOHNNY HENDERSON Algebra, Comblnatorics and Analysis Auburn University Auburn, Alabama 36849 U.S.A. (Received March 17, 1988) ABSTRACT. where n > 3, solutions o n y(n) For the linear differential equation, at(x)Y(i-1)’ (1.1), multipont boundary value problems on an Interval [a,c] are obtained, via the use of Liapunov-like functions, by matching solutions of certain boundary value problems for boundary value problems for (1.1) on KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. (1.1) on [b,c]. [a,b] wlth solutions of other Multipoint boundary value problem, solution matching, linear equation. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION. I. 34B05, 34BI0. INTRODUCTION. We will be concerned with the existence of solutions of k-point boundary value < problems, 2 k < a, on an interval [a,c] for the nth order linear differential equation yCn) where the at(x) The point b C[a,c]. (a,c) y. Yl(X) of solution Y2(X) [a,b] with a [b,c] such that, y(x) _ n_> (.) 3, will fixed throughout, and we will employ techniques which match a solution on a Cx)y (t-t) a (k-l)-point boundary value problem for (1.1) of a 2-point defined by y(x) IYl(X)’ a Y2(X)’ b <_ x boundary value problem for (1.1) on b, x_ c, is a solution of a k-point boundary value problem for (1.1) on [a,c]. 714 J. HENDERSON Solution matching techniques were first applied by Bailey, Shampine, and Waltman [I] where they dealt with solutions of 2-polnt boundary value problems for y" the second order equation f(x, y, y’) by matching solutlons of initial value Since then, a number of papers have appeared in which solutions of problems. [a,c] for the nth order ordinary differential (n-i) y’, were obtained by matching solutions of f(x, y, y 2-point problems on [a,b] with 2-point problems on [b,c]; see, for example, Barr and Sherman [2], Das and Lalli [3|, Henderson [4], Moorti and Garner [5], and Kao, Murthy and Rao [6]. In those papers [2 6], a monotoniclty condition imposed on f 3-point boundary value problems on y equation (n) plays an important role in the solution matching techniques in obtaining solutions of the 3-point problems. For example, in obtaining solutions of certain 3-point conjugate problems, 8arr and Sherman [2] assumed that f (-l)n-J(uj Un_ 1 < Vn_l, and Un_l, w) < f(x, vl, Ul, f(x, vj) vn_l, 0, j satisfies the conditions: 1, 2, n-2, imply w), for all x (a,b] and all w and all w e R, and Un_ < Vn_l, and uj < vj, j I, 2, ..., u-2, ..., ul, Un_l, w) < f(x, Vl, Vn_l, w), for all x (ii) f(x, [5], Moorti and Garner Imply e [b,c) by assuming (t) and (1t) with respect to third order equations, obtained solutions of certain 3-point focal problems by matching solutions. Das and Lalli [3] also assumed (t) and (Ii) with respect to third order equations, (however in relaxing other assumptions which were made in [2], the proof of Theorem 2.1 In [3] does not appear to be valid). ao, Murthy and ao [6], In the paper by conditions (t) and (tt) were modified some and solution matching was applied to obtain solutions of 3-point conjugate problems for third order ordinary differential equations. Then Henderson [4] generalized the onotontctty conditions of [6] and used solution matching to obtain the existence of solutions of a large class of 3-point boundary value problems on [a,c] y for (n) f(x, y, y’, Ca-i) [a,c], for 3 < k < n, by Y2(x) on [b,c] under Yl(X) on is,b] assumptions (t) and (ti) or the more general monotontcIty conditions in [4], one (n-2) (u-2) (b) cannot necessarily conclude tt (b), hence cannot conclude a Y2 Yl solution on [a,c]. For the linear equation (1.1), usl Llapunov-ltke functions, Barr and Miletta [Tlmatched solutions of (n-l)-potnt boundary value problems with However, to obtain solutions of k-point problems on matching a solution with a solution solutions of 2-point boundary value problems thus obtaining solutions of n-point In this paper, using techutques similar to those of Barr and Mtletta [7], we obtain solutions of k-point boundary value problems for (1.1) on [a,c]. In particular, given 2 < k n, positive integers ml,...,m such that boundary value problems. k k m i n and m k =I, ] for (I.I) satisfying points a x < < Xk_ b < x k c, and Y IJ R SOLUTION MATCHING FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS FOR LINEAR EQUATIONS y (i) (xj) and for y (i) e YiJ’ 0 <_. i <_. mj -I, {O,l,...,n-2} fixed, (xj Ylj 0 < i < mj I _ <j < k-l, y(x k) < k-l, j < 715 (1.2) Yo,k’ yC)CXk)= Y0,k" C1.3) The existence of unique solutions of certain (k-l)-point and 2-point boundary value problems for (I.I) used in the matching to obtain solutlons (I.I),(1.3) of(l.l), (1.2) and will be established through the use of Liapunov-lie or control func tlons. DEFiNiTiONS. Given H V M 0 and [a,ll (x,Yl,...,yn): [a,cJ, a control function n [a,8] R is a function which is continuous, locally Lipschitz with respect to (yl,...,yn) and satisfles M (x,Yl,...,y n) M (x,Yl,. i) V it) V Corresponding to VM(x,y I, ’Yu) ,y 0, if n) > O, if and a solution Yn-I M, Yn-I > M. y(x) of the differential equation 1. ), def V (x,y(x),...,y(n-l)(x)) llm inf h/O+ h iV (x+h,y(x+O),...,y(n-l)(x+h)) -v (x,y(x),...,y(n-1)(x)) ]. Its proof is a simple Extensive use will be made of the following lemma. extension of the one given for n=l in Yoshizawa LEMMA I.I. and [3]. Suppose that y(x) is a solution of (1.1), and that for some M [a,8]( [a,c], VM(X,Yl,...,y n) is a control function. > 0 Then (n-l) (x)) is nondecreaslng, (nonlncreaslng), if VM(X,y(x),...,y (n-l) (n-l) v’(x,y(x) ,...,y (x)) _> o, (v(x,y(x),...,y (x)) _< 0). and only if In section 2, we carry out the construction for matching solutions of (k-l)-point boundary value problems with 2-point boundary value problems in obtaining a solution of (I.I), (1.2). Then in section 3, results completely analogous to those obtained in section 2 are stated for solutions of 2. (I.I), (1.3). EXISTENCE OF SOLUTIONS OF (I.I), (1.2). In this section, for 2 < k < x n, let ml,...,mk be positive integers such that k I mi= n aad m =I. k Let a I<...< Xk_ b < xk_< c and Y iJ e R J. HENDERSON 716 <j< < i < mj 0 y -1, Ci) Ylj’ 0 <_ i < mj -I, z(x) of (I.I) satisfying (1) !J (xj) with solutlons z We match solutions y(x) of (i.l) satisfying k be given. y(i) (Xk_l) (Xk_ I) where m e R 0 <i< n- 3, z <- k-L, yCn-X) (Xk_l)=m, (n--) (2.2) (Xk-l)=m’ z(xa)= Yo,k’ ([.I), (1.2). to obtain a solution of (2.1) ’the use made of a family of control functions In establishing existence of unique solutions of (k-l)-point and 2-polnt problems and in establishing des[tel monotone properties Is seen in the next four theorems. Assume that there exists a control function THEOREM 2.1. [a,b] such that V0 (x,y(x),...,y (xj) y > (x)) on O, for all solutions y(x) of the boundary value problem for (I.I) satisfying R Then for each m e V0(x,y[...,y n) Yij’ 0 <_ i < mj -I, I <_ j <_ k-I, y{n-2) (Xk_ (2 3) )=m, has a unique solution. It suffices to show that the boundary value problem for (I.I) satisfy- PROOF. tag y(t)(xj) y(n-2) (xk_ I) 0, has only me < j < k-l, < i < mj_ Assume on the contrary that this boundary value problem has a O, 0 trivial solution. y(x). nontrivial solutlon Xl < I < 2 < 3 < xk (n-2) (n-2) (l)= y (n-2) (3)= yCn-l) (2)= O, and (n-X) (x) has a positive local maximum at x 2" (n-2) (x) has a positive local maximum Assume without loss of generality that y Ca-t) at x (ri)) 2" Now from our hypotheses, Vo(t, y(l),...,y (n-I) (n-I) (2)) > O. However, (3)) 0 and V0(2, y(2),...,y V0(3, y(3), ,y (n-t) (n-l) (x)) is nondecreastng; (x)) > O, Vo(x,y(x),...,y ,y since (x,w(x) (n-t) the y (x) or -y It follows that there exist polnts such that y V consequently, (3)) > Vo(Z 3, y(3),...,y 0 whic is a contradiction. Thus, assertion of the theorem is true. Assume that for each m THEOREM 2.2. R there exists a solution Yl(X,m) (I.I), (2.[). If for each M > 0, there exists a control (n-) (x)) >_ 0 for all V(x,Yl,...,y n) on [a,bl such that V M (x,y(x),..., y boundary value problem function solutions y(x) of of (l.1), then (n-2) Yl (_l,m) is a strictly increasing function m. I< m and assume Let m 2 Yl consider the nontrivlal solution w(x) PROOF. that w of (n-2) (n-2) (n-2) (Xk-l’ml)" (Xk-l’m2) < Yl Yl(X’ml) Yl(X’m2) of (I.I). Then It follows (Xk_ I) > O. Since w (i) (xj) O, 0 I_< mj -I, <J< k-l, it follows by successive 717 SOLUTION MATCHING FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS FOR LINEAR EQUATIONS applications of Rolle’s Tneore.a that there exists a (n-2) Yet, from w (i)=0. (n-2) the fact that by construction w (T I) (n-t) O, the assumption that w (Xk_ 1) m 0 and r2 (rl, xk_ I) such at x T2" Now, let i < < r2< 8 < Xk_ De (n-2) M and w (2) > M. Since there exists a VM(a,w(a),...,w VM(2, w(2),..., w (x,w(x),...,w(n-l)(x)) is VM(B,w(),... w(n-l)(B)) > Thus, w < (n-2) yl(n-2)(Xk_l REMARK. (xk_ I) < m2). (8)) such that (n-2) (xk_ I) > O, and have that there exists has a positive local maximum (n-2) (a) control function VMC,w(),...,w (2)) > O. However, V O, we m2< such that w (n-l) Ca))= (n-l) 1- w(n-2)(x) that w(n-1) (2) (n-l) l g (Xl’Xk-I) w VM, (n-2) we have 0 and since [a,bl, nondeereasing on it follows rat O; again a contradlctlon. 0, which In turn Implies that Yl (n-2)(XK_l,m 1) The proof is complete. We remark that, under the hypotheses of Theorem 2.2, it can be argued yl(n-J)(Xk_l,m), by finite Induction that increasing functions of 2 < j < n-_l are all strictly m. The next two theorems follow from arguments very similar to those used in Theorems 2.1 and 2.2. THEOREM 2.3. function solutions ,...,r n-3 Let r mk_ Wo(x,Yi,...,y n) on y(x) of (I.I). [b,c] be given. such that W 0 Then, for each m R Assume that there exists a control (x,y(x),...,y (n-l) (x)) 0 for all the boundary value problem for (I.I) satisfying Yi,k-l’ (i) (x_ I r 0 i t <_ mk_:l mk_ti _< i i l ’Y (=-2 Xk-1 )= =, y() Y0,k’ (2.4) n-3 has a unique solution. THEOREM 2.4. Let Yl(X,m) be as in Theorem 2.2 and assume that for each m Y2(x,m) of boundary value problem (I.I), (2.2). If for on [b,c] such that control function WM(X,Yl,...y n there exists a solution M > 0, there exists a (n-l) (x)) (x,y(x),...,y W (n-2) Y2 (Xk_l, PROOF. m) Let m Theorem 2.2 that w R each 0 for all solutions y(x) of (i.l), then is a strictly decreasing function of m. I < 2 (n-2) m and then set w(x) (Xk_ l) < =- Y2(x,m2) Y2 (x’ml)" Then argue as In 0. We are now prepared to match solutions and otaln a solution of (I.I), (1.2). J. HENDERSON 718 THEOREM 2.5. Assume that, for each m e R there exists a unique solution of (I.I), (2.1) on [a,b], and that, for each m R there exists a solution of (l.l), (2.2) on [b,c]. Assume, moreover, that the boundary value problem for (I.I) on [b,c] satisfying (i) (2.5) 0, y n-3, n-l, y(x k) (Xk_ I) 0, I 0, has only the trlvlal solutlon. If for each M > O, there exlst control functlons V (x,y ,...,y and W (x,y ,...,y on [a,b] and [b,c] respectively, such that (n-l) (x)) _> 0 for all solutions y(x) (x,y(x),...,y (x)) _> 0 and V(x,y(x),...,y of (1.I), then the k-polnt boundary value problem (1.1), (1.2) has a solution on [a,c]. PROOF. If Yl(X’m) is a solution of te boundary value proolem (I.1), (2.1), W (n-2) then by Theorem 2.2, (Xk_l, m) is (n-2) (Xk_l, Yl Yl m) is a continuous function of m contend, furthermore, that To see this, it suffices to show the latter; that is, range all of R (Xk_ l,m) y m e g u 0_< (xj)-ytj, (n-2)(xk_ 1) Consider now the solution In summation, Yl with range all of w(x) u(x) (xj)-0, 0_< u (n-l) (Xk_l)) -yl(x,u of equation (1.1). , t_< (xk_ 1) u { J_<k- t, (n-l) (Xk_ 1 0 R} m Y2(x,m) (I.I), (2.4) and (I.I), (2.5), such that yl is a solution of the boundary value then it will follow that, from the existence of unique Ing, continuous function of R m)I R problem (I.I), (2.2), m 0 (n-2)( is a strictly increasing, continuous function of (Xk-I ,m) w(x) (2.1), i_<mj- Similarly, if as in Theorem 2.4, solutions of of , j_<g- 0, and hence By the hypotheses of the theorem, #(x) (n-l) (n-2) (n-l) u(x) (Xk_l)) (Xk_l, u (Xk_l)). Consequently, Yl Yl(X,U (n-2) m u (Xk_ I) r, and it follows that r Yl xk-I (n-2) u(x) r. w(n-l)(xk_l) and , t_< <aj satisfies the boundary conditions of type (1) with R From Theorem 2.1, there is a unique solution R Thus, let r (I.I), (2.3) satisfying u We a strictly increasing function of m. m Y2 (n-2) with range all of (-I’ m) R (n-2)(xk_1, m0)" Y2 (n-2) (Xk_ I, is a strictly decreas- Thus, there is a unique m 0). Then SOLUTION MATCHING FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS FOR LINEAR EQUATIONS y(x) I Yt(x’’O) a _< (Y2(X,m0) b <_ is a solution of the boundary value problem 3. (l.l), (l.2) x _< x _< 719 D, c, [a,c]. on EKISCENCE OF SOLUTIONS OF (l.l), (1.3). In this section, let k, ml,... ink, a Xl...< Xk_ {0,1,...,u-2} be be as in the previous section. Let p e b < x k_< given. c and c R YiJ We state theorems analogous to those in section 2 in which solutions y(x) of (l.l) satisfying (i) y(n-t) (Xk_ I) _< 0 i < j < k-l, mj -I are matched with solutions v(x) of (I.I) satisfying y (xj) YlJ , (1) (Xk_ ,) R where m e , v(n-t)(xk_)- ,, v(.) (Xk) y(1) (Xk_), 0 _< i _< n yielding a solution of (l.l), (I.3). Moreover, Theorems 2.1 these theorems. THEOREM 3.1. (2.1) m, (3.i) Y0.k’ We will omit the proofs of and 2.2 are applicable in this section. Assume the hypotheses of Theorem 2.3. Then, for each m R the boundary value problem for (1.1) satisfying Y (I) 0 Yi,k-I (Xk_ <_ i <_ mk_l )= r ink_ < I i I ,y (n-2) (Xk_ )= m,y (p) < n-3) (Xk) (3.2) Y0,k’ has a unique solution Theorem 3.2. Let Yl(X,m) there exists a solution M > O, there be as in Theorem 2.2 and assume that for each R m v(x,m) of boundary value problem (I.I), (3.1).If for WM(X,Yl,...,yn) on [b,c] such that each exists a control function M (x,y(x),...,y W (n-l) (x)) > 0 for all solutions y(x) of (l.l), then v (n-2) (Xk_2, is a strictly decreaslug function of m. THEO&EM 3.3. Assume that, for each m c R there exists a unique solution of (I.I), (2.1) on [a,b], and that, for each m c R there exists a solution of (I.I), (3.1) on [b,c]. Assume, moreover,, that the boundary value problem for (I.I) on [b,c] satlsfylng y (1) (Xk_ I) O, I has only the trivial solution. functions V’ (x,y(x) VH(X, Yl,...,yn) y (n-l) (x)) on > 0,..,n-3, n-l, If for each H [a,b] 0 and W and M > y() (x k) 0, there exist control WM(X,Yl,...,yn) (x,y(x) 0, ,y (n-l) on [b,c], (x)) > such that 0 for all solutions y(x) of (l.l), then the boundary value problem (I.I), (1.3) has a solution on [a,c]. 720 J. HENDERSON REFERENCES I. 5. 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