Virginia Center on Aging School of Allied Health Professions Virginia Commonwealth University Annual Report July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Scholarship 1) Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 4 Coogle, C. L., & Owens, M. G. (2015). Interprofessional training on brief intervention for older adults. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 10(2), 1-11. DOI 10.1108/JMHTEP-05-2014-0012 Coogle, C. L., & Owens, M. G. (2015). Screening and brief intervention for alcohol misuse in older adults: Training outcomes among physicians and other healthcare practitioners in community-based settings. Community Mental Health Journal. DOI 10.1007/s10597-0149804-x Hong, S. C., & Coogle, C. L. (2014). Spousal caregiving for partners with dementia: A deductive literature review testing Calasanti’s gendered view of care work. Journal of Applied Gerontology. DOI: 10.1177/0733464814542246 Manchester, J., Gray-Micili, D., Metcalf, J., Paolini, C., Coogle, C. L., & Owens, M. G. (2014). Facilitating Lewin’s change model with collaborative evaluation in promoting evidence based practices of health professionals. Evaluation and Program Planning, 47, 82-90. 2) List of book chapters into print: 7/1/14-6/30/15 None 3) List of books into print: 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 None 4) List of published instructional materials: into print 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 None 5) List of Conference Presentations: State, Regional, National, International – 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 a. State 1 1 Hong, S. C., & Coogle, C. L. What Violations Are Occurring in Special Care Units? An Analysis of Compliance in Virginia’s Assisted Living Facilities. Presentation to the Virginia Department of Social Services, March 11, 2015. . b. Regional 5 Ansello, E.F. The Power of Collaboration. State of Ohio ADRN (Aging and Disabilities Resource Network) Summit: Explore the Possibilities, Columbus, OH, August 2014. Conlon, A., Coogle, C. L., Hogue, B., & Alexander, C. Increasing Social Worker Readiness to Work with Older Adults. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Williamsburg, VA, April 2015. Hong, S. C., Coogle, C. L., & Arboghast, C. What Violations Are Occurring in Special Care Units? An Analysis of Compliance in Virginia’s Assisted Living Facilities. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Williamsburg, VA, April 2015. Owens, M. G., Coogle, C. L., Mathews, J. H., Waters, L., & Ansello, E. F. Addressing Quality of Care: Measuring Interprofessional Core Competencies in the Care of Older Adults. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Williamsburg, VA, April 2015. Waters, L., Alewine, S., Sargent, L., Coe, A., Weiskittle, R., & Parsons, P. Workshop: Filling the Cracks with Coordinated Care: Addressing the Needs of Low Income Community Dwelling Elders, 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Williamsburg, VA, April, 2015. c. National 9 Alewine, S., Waters, L. H., Gendron, T., & Parsons, P. Innovation in Gerontological Teaching Design: Incorporating Gerontologists into an Interprofessional Clinical Experience. 41st Annual Meeting of the Association of Gerontology in Higher Education, Nashville, TN, February 2015. Ansello, E.F., Lundsford, B., Dever-Bumba, M., Waters, L., Coogle, C. & Conlon, A., Models of Faculty Development: Lessons Learned by New Geriatric Education Centers. Association of Gerontology in Higher Education’s 41st Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference, Nashville, TN, February 2015. Ansello, E. F., Slattum, P. W., Coogle, C. L., & Mathews, J. H. Symposium: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center (VGEC): Interprofessional Collaboration to Develop and Implement Interprofessional Education in Geriatrics: The Virginia Geriatric 2 Education Center Collaboration. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Boling, P., Hackett, L., & Coogle, C. L. Symposium: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center (VGEC): Interprofessional Collaboration to Develop and Implement Interprofessional Education in Geriatrics: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center Faculty Development Program. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Owens, M. G., Coogle, C. L., Hackett, L., Mathews, J. H., Waters, L., & Ansello, E. F. Instrument Development: Measuring Interprofessional Core Competencies in the Care of Older Adults. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Parsons, P., Ogbonna, K., Sargent L., Conlon A., Mozygemba, L., Waters, L., & Feldman, M. Richmond Health and Wellness Program (RHWP) for Older Adults. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s Annual Scientific Conference, Washington, DC, November, 2014. Taylor, S. F., Welleford, E. A., Coogle, C. L., Copolillo, A., & Cotter, J. J. CommunityDwelling Older Adults' Adherence to Fall Prevention Recommendations. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Wheeler, E., Fix, R., Waters, L., Coogle, C. L., & Owens, M. Symposium: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center (VGEC): Interprofessional Collaboration to Develop and Implement Interprofessional Education in Geriatrics: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center Evidence-Based Practice for Managing and Preventing Falls. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Zanjani, F., Coogle, C. L., Brossoie, N., Slattum, P. W., & Mohanty, M. Symposium: Aging, Alcohol, and Medication: Promoting Safety. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. 6) List of Posters: 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 National 2 Coogle, C. L., Hackett, L., Owens, M. G., Mathews, J. H., Slattum, P. W., Wheeler, E., Parsons, P., Waters, L., & Ansello, E. F. A Faculty Development Training Program to 3 Improve the Partnership for Health in Aging (PHA) Competencies. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Howe, J., Ansello, E.F., Tan, Z., Griffith, J., Price, R., Perweiler, E., Redford, L. & BergWeger, M. Promoting Faculty Development in a Time of Scarce Resources. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014 7) List of Published Abstracts: 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 15 Alewine, S., Waters, L. H., Gendron, T., & Parsons, P. Innovation in Gerontological Teaching Design: Incorporating Gerontologists into an Interprofessional Clinical Experience. 41st Annual Meeting of the Association of Gerontology in Higher Education, Nashville, TN, February 2015. Ansello, E.F., Lundsford, B., Dever-Bumba, M., Waters, L., Coogle, C. & Conlon, A., Models of Faculty Development: Lessons Learned by New Geriatric Education Centers. 41st Annual Meeting of the Association of Gerontology in Higher Education, Nashville, TN, February 2015 Ansello, E. F., Slattum, P. W., Coogle, C. L., & Mathews, J. H. Symposium: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center (VGEC): Interprofessional Collaboration to Develop and Implement Interprofessional Education in Geriatrics: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center Collaboration. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Boling, P., Hackett, L., & Coogle, C. L. Symposium: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center (VGEC): Interprofessional Collaboration to Develop and Implement Interprofessional Education in Geriatrics: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center Faculty Development Program. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Conlon, A., Coogle, C. L., Hogue, B., & Alexander, C. (2015). Increasing Social Worker Readiness to Work with Older Adults. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Williamsburg, VA, April 2015. Coogle, C. L., Hackett, L., Owens, M. G., Mathews, J. H., Slattum, P. W., Wheeler, E., Parsons, P., Waters, L., & Ansello, E. F. A Faculty Development Training Program to Improve the Partnership for Health in Aging (PHA) Competencies. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. 4 Hong, S. C., Coogle, C. L., & Arboghast, C. (2015). What Violations are Occurring in Special Care Units? An Analysis of Compliance in Virginia’s Assisted Living Facilities. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Williamsburg, VA, April 2015. Howe, J., Ansello, E.F., Tan, Z., Griffith, J., Price, R., Perweiler, E., Redford, L. & BergWeger, M. Promoting Faculty Development in a Time of Scarce Resources. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014 Owens, M. G., Coogle, C. L., Hackett, L., Mathews, J. H., Waters, L., & Ansello, E. F. Instrument Development: Measuring Interprofessional Core Competencies in the Care of Older Adults. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Owens, M. G., Coogle, C. L., Mathews, J. H., Waters, L., & Ansello, E. F. Addressing Quality of Care: Measuring Interprofessional Core Competencies. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Williamsburg, VA, Parsons, P., Ogbonna, K., Sargent L., Conlon A., Mozygemba, L., Waters, L., & Feldman, M. Richmond Health and Wellness Program (RHWP) for Older Adults. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Taylor, S. F., Welleford, E. A., Coogle, C. L., Copolillo, A., & Cotter, J. J. CommunityDwelling Older Adults' Adherence to Fall Prevention Recommendations. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Waters, L., Alewine, S., Sargent, L., Coe, A., Weiskittle, R., & Parsons, P. Filling the Cracks with Coordinated Care: Addressing the Needs of Low Income Community Dwelling Elders, Workshop presented at the Southern Gerontological Society’s Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA, April, 2015. Wheeler, E., Fix, R., Waters, L., Coogle, C. L., & Owens, M. Symposium: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center (VGEC): Interprofessional Collaboration to Develop and Implement Interprofessional Education in Geriatrics: The Virginia Geriatric Education Center Evidence-Based Practice for Managing and Preventing Falls. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. Zanjani, F., Coogle, C. L., Brossoie, N., Slattum, P. W., & Mohanty, M. Symposium: Aging, Alcohol, and Medication: Promoting Safety. 67th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, November 2014. 5 8) List of non-peer reviewed publications: 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 2 Non-peer reviewed Research: Sung C. Hong and Constance L. Coogle. “Violations of regulations in assisted living facilities with special care units licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Social Services.” Sung C. Hong and Constance L. Coogle. “Alzheimer’s disease among elders in Virginia: Prevalence estimates for 2010-2050 based on national projections.” Honors • • List Faculty Honors/Awards: 7/1/14– 6/30/15 (External to VCU) None List Student Honors/Awards (not scholarships): 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 (External to VCU) N/A Service • List Faculty Service to Professional Organizations: State, Regional, National a. State 6 Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Commission, Data and Research Workgroup (Coogle) Alcohol and Aging Awareness Group (Coogle) Area Planning and Services Committee on Aging with Lifelong Disabilities (Ansello) Diocese of Richmond Housing Corporation (Ansello) Lindsay Institute for Innovations in Caregiving (Ansello) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, President (Furr) b. Regional 3 Southern Gerontological Society, Council of Presidents (Ansello and Coogle) Southern Gerontological Society Publications Committee Chair (Coogle) Southern Gerontological Society, Publications Committee (Mathews) c. National 12 Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Past Presidents Committee (Ansello) Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, K-12 Committee (Ansello) Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Geriatric Education Committee (Ansello) 6 Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Treasurer and Executive Committee (Waters) Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Advancement Committee (Waters) Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Faculty Development Committee (Waters) Editorial Board, Gerontology and Geriatrics Education (Coogle) Editorial Board Journal of Applied Gerontology (Coogle) Editorial Board Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect (Kupstas) Editorial Board, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities (Ansello) Editorial Board The Gerontologist (Coogle) National Association for Geriatric Education/National Association for Geriatric Education Centers (NAGE/NAEC), Treasurer and Executive Committee (Waters) d. Other 2 Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, Mature Driver Study, Stakeholders Group, Drivers Licensing Committee, and Outreach and Education Committee (Waters) Virginia Department of Social Services, Office of Family Violence, grant review committee (O’Hara) Student Success Retention Rates: 2014 – 2015 N/A Graduation Rates: Graduated within one year of anticipation: 2014 – 2015 N/A Licensure/Certifications Pass Rates: Last Available N/A Job Placement Rates: Last Available N/A Community Engagement Technical Assistance and Research Translation: 23 Area Planning and Services Committee on Aging with Lifelong Disabilities (Ansello) Central Virginia SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders) co-chair Chesterfield Adult Abuse Task Force Multidisciplinary Team (Furr and O’Hara) Chesterfield Council on Aging (Ansello) Chesterfield Domestic and Sexual Violence Task Force (Furr and O’Hara) Diocese of Richmond Housing Corporation (Ansello) 7 I-CAN! Accessibility Project, Partnership for People with Disabilities (Furr and O’Hara) Lindsay Institute for Innovations in Caregiving (Ansello) Metro Richmond Sexual and Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (Furr) Richmond Multidisciplinary Team Addressing Abuse in Later Life (Furr) (Ansello) TEAM Henrico, Multidisciplinary Team Addressing Abuse in Later Life (Furr and O’Hara) Virginia Geriatrics Society (Ansello, Coogle, Mathews, Waters) Virginia Anti Violence Project, Richmond Area Partners project to expand sexual and domestic violence services to the LGBTQ community in the Richmond area. (Partners include: Southerners On New Ground ROSMY, Safe Harbor Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders, Action Alliance, Fan Free Clinic) (Furr) Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (Furr and O’Hara) Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (Coogle) Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (Furr, Kupstas, O’Hara, and Young) Virginia Department of Health, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (Furr) Virginia Department of Social Services, Domestic Violence Action Team (Furr and O’Hara) Virginia Quality Healthcare Network (Ansello) Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance (Furr) Virginia Sheriffs Association (Furr, Kupstas, and Young) Virginia Victim Rights Coordinating Council (Young) Community-Focused Training Projects: 2 Virginia Elder Justice Training and Services (Kupstas, PI). Training and interprofessional collaboration project awarded $400,000 for three years, with a one-year No Cost Extension (2012-16) through the Enhanced Training and Services to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women Later in Life Program, US Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (VAWA). The project is led by VCoA and the Virginia Department on Aging and Rehabilitative Services. Southwest Virginia partners are listed under Consortial Agreements below. (Furr, Kupstas, O’Hara, and Young) Central Virginia Task Force on Domestic Violence in Later Life: (Paula Kupstas, PI) VCoA administers two sponsored projects on behalf of this task force. 1) The Central Virginia Task Force on Domestic Violence in Later Life Project ($32,946) is funded through the Virginia Services, Training, Officers, Prosecution (V-STOP) Violence Against Women grant program, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. 2) The Family Violence Project ($9,318) is funded through the Virginia Domestic Violence Victim Fund, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. (Furr, Kupstas, O’Hara, and Young). VCoA staff: a. Facilitated four meetings of Central VA Task Force on Domestic Violence in Later Life. b. Participated in meetings in each of the localities in the project service area, including Chesterfield (Domestic Violence Task Force, special populations subcommittee, and Adult Services Work Group), Henrico (TEAM Henrico steering committee - Henrico Police DV coordinator, Safe Harbor community organizer, APS supervisor) and 8 Richmond (Multidisciplinary Team – prosecutor, police, APS). Attended meetings of the regional Metro Richmond Sexual and Domestic Violence Coordinating Council. c. Participated in meetings of a regional initiative on healthy relationships in later life within the LGBT community. Collaborators include: Virginia Anti-Violence Project, Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance, Safe Harbor, Fan Free Clinic, SAGE, and Southerners on New Ground. A subcommittee is developing training, resource materials and a workbook. . d. Conducted five training programs for agencies in Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond; participation included 92 professionals. These included training for 40 professionals who work with older adults in various capacities, at the RVA Better Aging Forum as well as regional law enforcement, using the curriculum from the Enhanced Training and Services to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women Later in Life Program of the Office of Violence Against Women. This one-day training led by a Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney, APS supervisor, Safe Harbor (Domestic Violence Program) Community Organizer, and the Henrico Police Domestic Violence Coordinator. • Service Leaning Courses (List) None • Pipeline Programs (Department Level; no need to include those at the School Level) None • Diversity Plan (List Department Level activities that promote inclusive environment) VCoA recruits the most qualified staff members, irrespective of age, gender, race, gender identity, etc. Our workforce in 2014-2015 reflected these indices of diversity. Consortial Agreements 4 List of newly established consortial agreements 1. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), US Department of Justice, grant project Memoranda of Understanding/Cooperative Agreements: a. In Southwest Virginia Abuse Alternatives, Inc., Bristol. Bristol Department of Social Services Bristol Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney Bristol Police Department Crisis Center, Inc., Bristol District 3 Governmental Cooperative (AAA), Marion 9 Washington County Department of Social Services Washington County Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney Washington County Sheriff’s Office b. Statewide Association of Chiefs of Police Virginia Center on Aging at VCU Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ Services Council VA Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Virginia Department of Social Services Virginia Network for Victims and Witnesses of Crime Virginia Office of the Attorney General Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance Virginia Sheriff’s Association 2. Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) Central Virginia Task Force on Domestic Violence in Later Life: Memoranda of Understanding/Cooperative Agreements for the Central Virginia Task Force on Domestic Violence in Later Life: a. Human Services Organizations Bon Secours Faith Community Health Ministry Central Virginia Legal Aid Society Chesterfield/Colonial Heights Department of Social Services Chesterfield County Domestic and Sexual Violence Resource Center Hanover County Department of Social Services Hanover Safe Place Henrico County Department of Social Services Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Richmond City Department of Social Services Safe Harbor, Henrico Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging Virginia Center on Aging, VCU Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse b. Criminal Justice Units Ashland Police Department Chesterfield County Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney Chesterfield Court Services Unit Chesterfield County Police Department Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Office Chesterfield County Victim Witness Office 10 Hanover County Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney Hanover County Court Services Unit Hanover County Sheriff’s Office Hanover County Victim Witness Office Henrico County Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney Henrico County Court Services Unit Henrico County Police Division Henrico County Sheriff’s Office Henrico County Victim Witness Office Richmond Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney Richmond Court Services Unit Richmond Police Division Richmond Sheriff’s Office Richmond Victim Witness Office Supreme Court of Virginia List of newly established dual degree agreements N/A Development List of new endowed faculty positions (2014-2015) None List of new endowed scholarships (2014-2015) N/A Faculty/Staff Excellence List of new faculty: One new faculty member: Courtney O’Hara, 2/25/2015 Activities related to Allied Health compensation comparisons None Initiatives to address faculty salary inequities: Salary raise and bonus initiated for C. L. Coogle, to be effective 2015-16 Interprofessional 4 • List of interprofessional educational activities • Area Planning and Services Committee (APSC) on Aging with Lifelong an interprofessional consortium with individual and agency membership from Greater 11 • • • Richmond to address the opportunities and challenges associated with unprecedented survival to later life of individuals with formerly life-stunting developmental disabilities. APSC develops educational and health-related materials, conducts training workshops, and annual statewide educational conferences. VCoA staff include Ansello and others. Virginia Geriatric Education Center (Edward Ansello is the PI for this project). Health Resources and Services Administration, USDHHS. This is a five year (2010-15), $2.2M interprofessional education and training project in which VCoA leads a consortium of VCU, University of Virginia, and Eastern Virginia Medical School, with faculty from allied health, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy, and social work. VCoA faculty and staff include Ansello, Coogle, Mathews, Owens, and Waters. Virginia Elder Justice Training and Services (Paula Kupstas is the PI for this project). US Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. The multi-year project is led by VCoA and the Virginia Department on Aging and Rehabilitative Services, and conducts training for law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, social service, and other agency personnel. VCoA faculty and staff include Kupstas, O’Hara, and Young. Central Virginia Task Force on Domestic Violence in Later Life: (Paula Kupstas is the PI for this project) VCoA administers two sponsored projects on behalf of this task force. The Central Virginia Task Force on Domestic Violence in Later Life Project and the Family Violence Project, both funded by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. VCoA faculty and staff include Kupstas, O’Hara, and Young. Academic • List of major curricula or program changes None • List of new distance delivery courses/programs: • VCoA created a Blackboard Course to support the Virginia Geriatric Education Center’s 2014-2015 Faculty Development Program (Mathews) • VCoA successfully conducted a 7-week, teleconferenced, interprofessional program on Evidence-based Practices for Falls Prevention and Management, to Mountain Empire Older Citizens PACE program, Big Stone Gap, in Southwestern Virginia. • VCoA developed and presented a nationally distributed Webinar with Dr. Tracey Gendron of Gerontology on December 10, 2014, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging and the Gerontological Society of America’s Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization. (Waters) Other: 4 • Any major achievements, rankings, initiatives, noteworthy activities not listed above 12 Age in Action, the Virginia Center on Aging quarterly publication, received the 2015 Media Award from the Southern Gerontological Society, as best aging-related media product (including print, film, broadcast, web-based, and other categories) in the South. Our Domestic Violence in Later Life (V-STOP) project was among six VAWA-funded programs from Virginia recognized in the White House report, 1 is 2 Many: Twenty Years Fighting Violence Against Women and Girls, September 2014, thanks to our nomination by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance; Lisa Furr was quoted in the report. Dr. Kupstas was interviewed for NBC12 report on elder sexual assault, November 5, 2014. Dr. Kupstas was a central expert in DVD on elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation produced by Henrico TV. 13