Relative Location

Relative Location
 Play “Simon Says” using ordinal directions and
latitude and longitude lines around the room.
 Label with index cards North, South, East, and West
on the Virginia map on the bulletin board.
What does the word “relative” mean?
Relative Location
 A location of a place in relation to another place
 Use words like:
 Beside
 Next to
 Bordering
 To the right of
Glue “Virginia Cities” map into notebook
Task: Write at least 3 complete sentences about different
locations on the map using relative location descriptions
that are accurate.
 Underline the “relative location” words in your sentence.
Examples: North Carolina is under Virginia.
Virginia Beach is next to Norfolk.
*Make up your OWN sentences.
Be creative!
Early Finishers Task: Use computer paper and make
your own treasure map. On the back, write directions
using relative location words to find the treasure!