Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 15 NO. (1992) 195-198 195 RESEARCH NOTES A NOTE ON CONSERVATIVE MEASURES ON SEMIGROUPS N.A. TSERPES Department of Mathematics University of Patra Patra, Greece (Received June 6, 1990) Consider (S,B,p) the measure space where S is a topological metric semi- ABSTRACT. a countably additive bounded Borel measure. Call group and right translations ix: sx, x s servative with respect (S,B,p) in the ergodic theory roup all conservative if con- S (which are assumed closed mappings) are It is shown that the sense. sem is a left group. An extension of this result is generated by the support of obtained for o-finite p. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Topological metric semigroups, left groups, conservative translations of the semigroup, Borel measure, r*-invariant measures. 1980 SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. AMS 43A05, 28D05, 22A15 1. INTRODUCTION. Throughout we shall be dealing with the measure space a topological metric semigroup, B U ably additive Borel measure on B U. s sx, {s F x S, B Bx S, -1 ={s; F sx Bo, V) where S c - is a non-negative count- We shall assume that the right translations S; every neighborhood of s has positive is finite on compacta and that For p S (which are measurable) are closed mappings. The x defined by (S, and its Borel G-algebra support F tx: of measure). We assume (=the complement of F)’is of p- measure zero. B}. The closure of B will be denoted by The purpose of this note is to study the effects on S of certain invariant con- ditions on the tx’S type especially that of conserva- measure-preserving of the tiveness and r*-invariance. By abuse of language (interchanging the roles of the and p) we shall say that conservative is conservative with respect to the measure space if every recurrent) (or ix, x tx’S S, is in the ergodic theory sense (S,Bu,p) that is, if Bx -I : for all 1 B (implies) r_ B (Bx -I B) (i.I) 0 x Such transformations are familiar in ergodic theory (See acterlzed by the property of (infinite) recurrence, i.e., $I t./ V B BU x S, { B m=l [1] Bx and -i [2J and are char- 0 (1.2) Equivalent definitions of conservativeness" would be obtained using closed sets in (1.1) or requiring the non-existence of a closed set K of positive measure such that -I -2 Kx x S, is a disjoint sequence. The measure K, Kx N.A. TSERPES 196 if invariant Bo B For all S, x (Bx -1 (B) (1.3) Conditions (1.1) and (1.3), despite their similarity, are really independent. However , for bounded trivially r*-invariance implies This fact and the conservativeness. [3} wish to generalize the followlng result of (Theorem 1, below) lead us to consider the o-finite case and the effects of conservativeness of p on S. 9.. THE CASE OF FINITE MEASURE. [3] THEOREM 1. (of ). Suppose in (S,Bu,p), r*-invariant (not necessarily fi- is nite) measure and the t x x S, are closed mappings. and F is left slmple right cancellatlve , A simple generalization of this theorem (with a new proof) in the case of bounded is the following Suppose in (S, B ,p) THEOREM 2. always closed). Let D t$F n and let L D n=l 2 Suppose now that u2(Bx-1 we see that of x. Then / xS the support . pk the k th convolutlon power of p. For k f (y- IB) i.e., 2, (2.1) (dy) . j > 2. Hence U VxJ-lx- F @ D is left slmple. - U Dx F @ and It follows, since x was arbitrary, that Also IY Dx V D Sx and a fortlorl Dx is left slmple semIEroup and L L’ follows that aa -1 F 3 Case 2: Suppose or a+l v E a and D Let a D. Since D is Then it (Proc. Jap. ,p. 318), and being a compact semlgroup, it Interlor(aa > O. This tpltes by (1.2) applied to It follows that there is and Incldentally, also We consider two cases. Case 1: -1 is compact by a result o Worlta and Hanal Acad. 32 (1956), p. 10-14) (cf. also contains an Idempotent. S for all x Interlor(aa -1) Frontlet(am V for all x is left slmple since it is the mlnlmal left Ideal of S a , U((y-lB)x U(y-l(Bx -1- B)) u(dy) (2.2) 0 y B)u(dy) all powers k are also conservative. Let x D and U any neighborhood k(u) > 0 for some k, since D is the semlgToup generated by the powers of -j for some J F of By (1.2) applled to k we must have D/ Ux t left slmple vaa J-1 a F of and both D and L are left groups L D Then Next, we show that there is an Idempotent element in D. k(aa-1) are assumed t’s x B) D, so that hence Vx L =/ Sx xS xES Sx (sy-l) (dy) Bx-l B. Since and we may assume L’= C is bounded conservative. (The ,(B) (B) Sx p be the subsemigroup generated by the support PROOF. Let us denote by U is a left group, i.e. F Then (aa-1)a-J/ aa- 1 k -1) that for some and hence the powers of a F Then for some k, k{aa-l-- 0 (aa-1)a-i))= J, so that vaJa a 0 or form a finite semlgroup which must contain an Idempotent element. Therefore, D is a left group, since an alternate characterization of left group is that it be left slmple and contain an Idempotent element. 3. THE CASE OF INFINITE MEASURE. One may wonder what is an appropriate condition under which an infinite 197 CONSERVATIVE MEASURES ON SEMIGROUPS becomes conservative. One such condition (admittedly not very manageable) variant is the Don-existence of an unbounded (in measure) some x and (Gx -1 G set G such that Gx -1 G for Gx-l=) G sets G such that G) > O, that is, for all unbounded -1 O. Such a condition plus r*-invariance imply (1.1). G) G for some x, we have (Gx the In the infinite case we have obtained only partial results summarized in following theorem. THEOREM 3. tx, translations E k=l F (ii) If (iii) If and F (_ E D is u-finite and S is separable, then S F E being a closed subsemigroup. E =D is the non-contractiveness of p REMARK. A condition that makes F a subsemigroup i.e., for closed sets B, an p(B) > 0 i+l Hence U and x E E. Using (1.9-), since (ii): (Bx -1) i-I / F F i+l i.>k Ux-i( F implies is in E (E being an ideal in D), p(x-lB), [7] and U B E B F U’ and hence U Let now F Ff i be as above Fxi-lx U we have (we may take xIEE Ex imply that the functions are measurable and also the validity of (9..1) and (9..2) ). Hence, that the convolution powers of p are again conservative. Then, as in Theorem 9., D is a left group. (the conservativeness of left simplicity f E F there is of a point for every k > 1. The separability of S and -finiteness of and [6] (cf. Fx Uf-i U, such that by (1. 9-) and i > 2) and p(Bx) > O, x E F. implies Let k be given For any neighborhood i > k, depending on t’ F a left group. F is a subsemigroup, then F is a left group. or PROOF. (i): i__l Then, Sx} Ex (/ xS C /1 xE (i) x F i+l i_>k . is an (infinite) conservative measure and the right F i and Let D S, are closed. Let F denote the support of (S,B,) Suppose in and pk is needed for to produce an ldempotent element in D,as in Theorem 9. ).Observe that E being an ideal in D must equal to D since D is now left simple. (_ili): We can prove F to be left simple Fxxx-1 Fx Fxx -1 -1 and hence p(Fxx -1 either by observing that Fx) 0 n F, Fx) 0 for x by (1.1), so that B(F Fx, being open, is empty, o., we may use (1.2) and the To produce an idempotent we use Fx argument n Theorem 2 showing that F k -1 with k 1, as in Theorem 2. the argument on the Interior(aa ), a E F, and (.Here we don t need the convolution powers pk for k > 1 to be conservative). sfnce F Fxx and F REFERENCES l. 2. 3 HALMOS, P.R. Lectures in Ergodic Theory, Chelsea Publishing CO., 1956. WRIGHT, F.B. The recurrence Theorem, Amer. Math. 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