661 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 17 NO. 4 (1994) 661-666 RELATIVE INJECTIVITY AND CS-MODULES MAHMOUD AHMED KAMAL SHAMS UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF EDUCATION NATHENATICS DEPAR’INENT, HELIOPOLIS, CAIRO,EGYPT. (Received August 31, 1992) ABSTRACT. In this paper we show that a direct decomposition of modules M with N homologically independent to the and only if N is injective relative to H As an application, we prove N, inJective hull of H, is a CS-module if and both of M and N are CS-modules. that a direct sum of a non-singular semisimple module and a quasi-continuous module with zero socle is quasi-continuous. This result is known for quasi-inOective modules. But when we confine ourselves to CS-modules we need no conditions on their socles. Then we investigate direct sums of CS-modules which are pairwise relatively inective. We show that every flnite direct sum of such modules is a CS-module. This result is known for quasi-continuous modules. For the case of infinite direct sums, one has to add an extra condition. Finally, we briefly direct summands are relatively KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. modules in which every two discuss inective. Injective modules, self-lnjectlve rings, and generaIization. 1992 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 16A52. INTRODUCTION. Let R be a ring and M be a right R-module. The module M is a CS-module (for complement submodules are direct summands) provided every submodule of M is essential in a direct summand of M ,or equivalently, every closed submodule of M is a direct summand. This is the terminology of Chatters and Hajarnavis [2], one of the first papers to study this concept Later other terminology, such as extending module, has been used in place of CS. CS-modules are generalizations of (quasi) continuous modules, which, in turn, are generalizations of injective and quasi-injective modules. All modules will be unital right modules over a ring R with unit. A submodule N of a module M is closed in M, if it has no proper essential extensions in M. X M and Y M signify that X is an essential submodule, and Y is a direct summand, f M. The injective hull of a module M will be denoted by E(M). A module M is quasi-continuous if it is a CS-module and has e e the following property (C): 3 X Y M. module N of summand of M. for all X, Y Ke M, with X Y O, one has M is continuous if it is a CS-module and satisfy (C): if a sub- M is isomorphic to a a 2 direct summand of M, then N is direct M.A. KAMAL 662 For modules M, N and for any f Hom(M,E(N)), let X =-{ m M:f(m) N }, M N by B m + f(m) m X }. It is clear that X is an essential submodule of M and that X B kerr If -’M (R) N M f f f is the projection then is a monomorphism and X (B f f LEMMA |. Let M, N be R-modules. Then for every f Hom(M,E(N)), B and N and define the submodule B of IB are complements, of each other, in unique complement of B PROOF. M N (I) By 0 N onto N and f(1), for all the essentiality (It) # B N. If Hom(N,E(M)) L. Let and = be the natural B L, once To this end, let 0 over N, there E(N) f(Ir) N. But O, then N is O. Now let L be a submodule respectively. Then L of (R) N O, and that B M M the N. (R) It is clear that such that L of in M (It) f(Ir) Ir M of projections we show that f)(1) for some exists R, r N L. such [=(It) + f=(Ir)] that N L= 0 which is a contradiction. For the second part of the lemma, let Y be a submodule of M N such that # 0 O. If X then the restriction of to f Y n X provides a nonf f f zero element of Hom(N,E(M)), which contradicts our assumption. Then Y n X O, Y B f and thus Y M 0 (due to Xf e Iy M). It follows that is a monomorphism, and thus {Y) M 0 {otherwise it leads to a contradiction). Therefore Y N. LEMMA 2. Let M and N be modules. Then N is M-injectlve if and only if N B N; for every f Hom(M E(N)) f PROOF. N is M-inJective if and only if X M, and M N B N if and f f M; for every fe Hom(M,E(N)). REMARK 3. It is known that a module M is quasl-contlnuous if and only if X Y, for any submodules X, Y which are complements of each other. An only if M Xf= immediate consequence of Lemma 1, and Lemma 2, is that if M N is quasicontinuous, then M and N are relatively Injective ([I0], Proposition 2.1). The uniqueness, in the second part of Lemma I, is used in Proposition 9 to obtain a generalization of the result given in Kamal and Mller [7]. LEMMA 4. {[3], Proposition 1.5) Let A and B be submodules of a module M, B. If A is closed in B and B is closed in M, then A is closed in M. with A COROLLARY 5. Every direct summand of a CS-module is a CS-module. PROOF. Is obvious. LEMMA 6. Let M and N be modules, and let A be a submodule of M s N, with O. Then A is closed in M A n N x + f(x) x X }, N if and only if A where X is a closed submodule of X Hom(M,E(N}). Moreover, if M" for some f f N if and only if A is uniform, then A is non-zero closed in M Bf, for some f Hom(M,E{N)). all a Hom(M,E(N)) such that f(a) A. Hence A contained in Since in X f be the projection of M Let PROOF. exists f Xf. x + f(x) Now if {A) A is closed in M e Xf then A N, it follows that Y e{ Y + f(y) (A); Xf, a) for and thus (A} Xf. Y y M N. and thus (A) is closed Now if M is uniform, and A is non-zero closed in M is closed in the uniform module O, there (A} }. It is easy to check that (A) is x y N onto M. Since A n N (1-){a) (i.e. f{a} + (a} N, then Therefore A 0 Bf. (A) 663 RELATIVE INJECTIVITY AND CS-MODULES A Conversely, let x + f(x) A _c B Hom(M,E(N)). It is clear that f extension in X x and that A has a proper if and only if X has a proper essential extension in Bf X is closed in X f, it follows that A is closed in B f" But closed in M e N. Therefore A is closed in M (R) N. and Xf, X is closed in where essential X. Since B by Lemma is the major step in studying the property CS for modules Observe that, is the one that deals with the characterization of all closed submodules. So that Lemma 6 (including its special case, i.e. when M is uniform), can be used in characterizing CS-modules, which are direct sums of two modules (see uniform Is]). COROLLARY 7. Let M and N be modules. Then N is M-inOective if and only if N O, must have the following form N, with A any closed submodule A of M and f e Hom(M,E(N)}. M in closed X is f(x} where + e }, X ’x x A M; PROOF. (). By Lemma 6, and since N is M-inOective if and only if Xf= for every f e Hom(M,E(N)). is a Let f e Hom(M,E(N)) be an arbitrary element. By Lemma I, some for above O. Then B has the form N closed submodule of M e N with B f f g e Hom(M,E(N)), and for some closed submodule Y of M. It follows that, M is the projection onto M. M N (B Y is closed in M" where X Bf (): f f M. is essential in M, we deduce X f COROLLARY 8. Let M be a CS-module, and let N be M-injective. Then every 0 is a direct summand. N, with A N closed submodule A of M Since X f PROOF. Let A be a closed submodule of A N M (R) N with A N, O. Then, by {x + f(x):x e X}, where X is closed in M and f e Hom(M,E(N)). It is easy to check that X (R) M we have that M Corollary 7, A Since M is a CS-module, N- and thus M X N A M N. PROPOSITION 9. Let M and N be modules. Let Hom(N,E(M)) O. Then N is M-injective and M is a CS-module if and only if every closed submodule A, of N, with A n N M O, is a direct summand. PROOF. The necessary condition follows immediately from Corollary The sufficient condition: By Lemma 4, and since A N O, for every closed submodule A of M, M is a CS-module. To show that N is M-injective it is enough to show M N, for every f e Hom(M,E(N)). By Lemma I, B is a Bf f N, with B O; and hence B is a direct summand. N f f N is the unique complement of B N, we have that in M N closed submodule of M Since, by Lemma f MeN=B eN. f Let M and N be modules. Let Hom(N,E(M)) Theorem 10. O. Then M N is a CS-module if and only if M and N are CS-modules, and N is M-injective. PROOF. () Corollary 5, and Proposition 9. _ By Proposition 9, it is enough to show that any closed submodule A of M N, with A N O, is a direct summand. To this end, let A be a maximal essential extension of A N in A By Lemma 4, A is closed in M N, O. By Lemma 6 and since Hom(N,E(M)) with A M O, it follows that A N. () Since N is a A =: A n CS-module, M e N we get that N A N is a closed submodule of M e N N is M-injective, it follows, by Corollary 8, that A a direct summand of N N. Thus with M A A N A A N O. where Since Therefore A ls 664 M.A. KAMAL The following are immediate consequence of Theorem I0. COROLL 11. ([?], Theorem I} singular and N is singular. Then Let M and N be modules, where M is nonN is a CS-module if and only if N is M- M injective, and M, N are CS-modules. COROLLARY 12. Let M and N be modules, where N is semisimple and M with zero socle. Then M (R) N is a CS-module if and only if M is a CS-module and N is M-injective. PROPOSITION 13. Let M be a non-singular semisimple R-module, and N be an R-module, with Soc(N} O. Then N is quasi-continuous if and only if M N is quasi-continuous. PIOOF. Let N be quasi-continuous. We show that Hom(N,E(M)) an arbitrary element of Hom(N,E(M)), and let n N there exists an essential right ideal 1’ E(M) is non-singular, it Since Ker f e N of R f(n )I such that f(n follows that O. Let f be N. Then, for every N O; and thus 0 Ker f. Hence Kerr has no proper essential extensions in N; i.e. Ker f is closed in N. Since N is quasi-continuous hence a CS-module we have N Since Kerr @ N Soc(N) O, it follows that N O. Then M and N are relatively O; and thus f inJective quasi-continuous modules; M and therefore @ N is quasi-continuous (see [I0], Corollary 2.14). In Proposition 13, if M is semisimple but not non-singular or O, then M m N need not be quasi-continuous. This is illustrated in 14. Soc(N) the following examples. Z. Then, EXAILE 1. Let M Z/pZ, where p is a prime number; and let N Soc(N) N is not even as Z-modules, M is singular semisimple and O, while M a CS-module (by Corollary 12 ). o N Let M Let F be a field R EXAIPLE 2 F () Then M is a non-singular simple R-module, and continuous R-module, with non-zero socle, " RR, show that This shows that R O, while I, M M ) ( )and N is uniform, R where e RR M R @ hence a N. One [: ): where quasi- can easily F }. a 3) e. M ,N is not quasi-continuous. Let M and N be R-modules, where M is non-singular and N N is a CS-module if and only if M and N are both CSThen M does not satisfy (C PIOPOSITION 15. is M-injective. modules. Let A be a closed submodule of M POOF. () essential extensions in A of A n M and A N. Let A and A N, by Lemma 4. For each a 2 A2, a2 m + N is essential in A2, there exists an essential O. Since M A n N. It follows that ml such that a 2 N. Since N is a CS-module, and O; and thus A deduce m are closed in M A Since = 2 we get N A1 @ A where A3 a 2 M’@ @ N A3 =: A N’= for some submodule N N A2 A n M, we have A N O. Since N is for some submodule [H’e N*]. O. By Corollary 5, M" and N* A N. of R right ideal is non-singular, we N, A 2 is closed in H I=1 N over N 3 Hence A A3 is closed in A1 M that follows of M, by Corollary ? (i =I,Z) M and n n; m of N. By the essentiality of M-injective, it It is clear that M" be maximal 2 N, respectively. Then A i’ with are CS-modules, where N is M -inJective. RELATIVE INJECTIVITY AND CS-MODULES Thus, by Corollary 8, A .3 {) eH N eH A and therefore 665 N. Is obvious. REMARK 16. If H is not qon-slngular and N is H-Injective, where both of H are CS-modules, then H N need not be a CS-module. This is lllustrated in Remark 14 (Example 1} by taklng H Z/pZ and N Z. In Remark 14 (Example 2), we have shown that Soc(N} 0 Is not avoldable condition for Propositlon 13. This is not the case for CS-modules, as it is and N shown in the following. Let H be a non-slngular semlslmple module. Then H COROY 17. N Is a CS-module for any CS-module N. THEOREM 18. Let H M where the M are M -Injectlve for all 1=1 i’ Then M is a CS-module if and only if M are CS-modules for all i. PROOF. If M is a CS-module, then, by Corollary 5, M is a CS-module for all i. We show the converse by induction. It is sufficient to prove the result when n 2. Let M where the M are CS-modules and M -inJective for M M 1,2). Let A be a closed submodule of M j (l,j 1 be a maxlmal essentlal extension of A M B2 x + f(x) f e O. follows that X B It follows by M 2 -Injectlve, x e X }; for some closed submodule X 2 Hom(M2,E(M I)). where M Is Since B2 M 2 [MI =: A inJective. Since M M2 is a CS-module Since M M] X2e M and hence M It is clear that is a CS-module; we have ffi: M, B M2 B2 BI M* A Since 2" eM M 2 B2 Thus O, 2 that some and for 2 2 with Corollary 7, of M 2 and B M2, A Hence B2 is closed in In A. 2 B2 Let A 2 XeM 1’ it 2 B 1’ B2 A and that M2 is M1- (Corollary 8). Then A is a direct summand of M. A module M is a DRl-module provided that submodules of M any two are relatively Inectlve, whenever they form a direct decomposition of M, i.e. is M-Inectlve 1,2) whenever M (i M M2 From Remark 3, every quasl-contlnuous module is a DRI- module. There are DRl-modules which are not even CS-modules. In fact every Indecomposable module is a DRl-module. For an example of a decomposable DRl-module which is not a R K[x,y]/<x2,xy,y2>. Let S be any M R S. M is not a CS-module (due to R Indecomposable and not uniform). Now R, S are relatively Inectlve, and any two docomposltlons of M are isomorphic (due to R and end(S) local rings); i. e. M is a DRl-module. PROPOSITION 19. Every direct summand of a DRl-module is a DRl-module. PROOF. Is obvious. PROPOSITION 20. A module M is a quasl-contlnuous module if and only if K CS-module, let simple be a field, and let InJectlve R-module, is a DRI-CS-module. PROOF. Let X Y = and consider M, with X Y O. Write M DRl-module, X is M -inectlve. By Corollary 7, Y is a closed submodule of therefore M X Y M* B. The converse is obvious. and f X M Since M is a A where A a + f(a) :a Hom(M ,X). By Corollary 5, M’= A B, and M.A. KAMAL 666 PROPOSITION 21. Let M El lel is a homologically independent family (i.e. Hom(M M 3 0 for all E I) then M is a DHl-module. PROOF. Let M K K be a decomposition of M. Let ’M K, M (iEI) be the canonical pro3ections. Let A =:{aEI: (M :M :M K, and 0}. We show that K and hence (Mj and hence K for all j E I. Now we have K Mj 9,,(M.). all j E I. Since the M . Therefore K eaEAM S =:{ s E I: (M) Since =(M.) Ee K it follows that (M,) M By the same argument we can show that K 0 }. This shows that K and K ([I0], Theorem 2.13) THEOREM 22. =e M, are indecomposables, we have =(M Let {Mi: K" EI (Mj K) ejEI(Mj e M. for for all = esEs Ms, where 6 A. are relatively in3ective. i E I} be a family of quasi- continuous modules. Then the following are equivalent: I. 2. i M iI M M is quasi-continuous; is M -injective for every 3 I. COROLLARY 23. Let M M 1’ where the M are quasi-continuous for all IEI I. Then M is a DRl-module if and only if M is quasi continuous. PROOF. Is obvious. REFERENCES 1. Anderson, F. W. and Fuller, K.R. Rins Springer Verlage, New York (1973). 2. Chatters, A.W. and Ha3arnavis, C.R. 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