[Name of Graduate Degree] Notice of Intent [Date] [Name of Academic Unit] [Name of Graduate Degree] PART A [3 pages maximum] Proposed credential to be awarded Include the level and category of the degree and the specific discipline or field of study. For example: Master of Science in Ecological Restoration. According to the Degree Program Review Criteria and Guidelines published by the Minister of Advanced Education, “The name of a degree should convey long-term meaning; the content of a degree program should be consistent with the name; and the reputation of the institution and or post-secondary education in B.C. should be enhanced by the quality of the offering. Beyond that is the value to graduates of having a professional credential recognized by appropriate licensing and accrediting bodies as the basis for entry to practice.” NOTE: A notice of intent is not required for a full program proposal that was previously approved as a cohort special arrangement program. Location of program Location of where the new program will be offered (include the specific campus). Academic unit(s) offering proposed program Specific department(s), school(s), faculty(ies) that will be offering the program. For example: School of Engineering Science in the Faculty of Applied Sciences. Anticipated program start date Term and year the program is anticipated to start (allow for 18 to 24 months from the time the Notice of Intent is submitted to the Senate Graduate Studies Committee). Anticipated completion time Include the expected number of terms/years that will be required to complete the program. Summary of proposed program a) Aims, goals and/or objectives of the proposed program Explain why this program is being proposed. b) Anticipated contribution of the proposed program to the mandate and strategic plan of the institution Include any contributions to the mandate and strategic plan of the institution and the faculty and/or academic unit. Notice of Intent Page 2 [Name of Graduate Degree] c) Linkages between the educational goals and the curriculum. Articulate the intended program goals and outcomes, and explain how the courses and curriculum requirements contribute to those goals and outcomes. If a work experience term is required for degree completion, provide a description of the purpose and role of the work experience within the program. d) Potential areas/sectors of employment for graduates and/or opportunities for further study. What potential opportunities are there for graduates of this program? e) Delivery methods Will the program be delivered face-to-face or online, or a combination of both methods? If there is an online component, how will this mode of delivery be supported? Will there be a capstone (e.g. thesis, project, extended essays, or comprehensive exam)? Will there be a practicum or co-op component? Will the program be delivered using a cohort model? f) Program strengths What are the strengths of this program? g) An overview of the level of support and recognition from other postsecondary institutions, and relevant regulatory or professional bodies, where applicable and plans for admissions and transfer within the British Columbia post-secondary education system. Provide a brief explanation of the nature of the consultations that have occurred in the development of this program. Include any comments received from relevant employers, professional associations, advisory committees, other BC institutions, experts in the field of study. Will students within the British Columbia post-secondary education system be admissible and able to transfer into the program? Will program graduates be accepted for graduate or professional school programs at other institutions? Are there relevant regulatory or professional bodies that will support program graduates as members? h) Related programs in the institution or other British Columbia postsecondary institutions. If there are similar programs being offered, provide a rationale for this duplication. Contact information Notice of Intent Page 3 [Name of Graduate Degree] Name, title, phone number, and e-mail address of the contact person in case more information is required. PART B [2 pages maximum] Graduation requirements, target audience Provide a summary of the requirements for graduation (eg. length of program, existing and new courses, requirements, options, etc.). Include whether a work experience/practicum term is required for degree completion. Program requirements must conform to GGR 1.7 in the Graduate General Regulations: http://www.sfu.ca/students/calendar /fees-and-regulations/gradregulation.html Who is the target audience? What type of undergraduate and/or graduate students, international students, company employees, etc. will be interested in this program? Resources required and/or available to implement the program (financial and personnel including any new faculty appointments) to operate program Provide a summary of resources required and available to implement the program. Include faculty and support staff availability, costs for additional resources (e.g. library, lab space, etc.). Will this new program impact, reduce or eliminate other programs or resources within the academic unit? Will teaching in this program impact teaching loads in other programs? If new faculty needs to be hired, provide information on the selection criteria that will be used to ensure the new faculty hires have the necessary qualifications for the degree level and program being proposed. Faculty member’s involvement (i.e. teaching/supervision/administration) Provide a list of faculty members, and their areas of specialization, who will be teaching and/or supervising and identify what percentage of their time will be devoted to the program. How will their involvement in this program affect their responsibilities in other programs? Notice of Intent Page 4