Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 18 NO. 3 (1995) 497-500 497 QUASIMINIMAL DISTAL FUNCTION SPACE AND ITS SEMIGROUP COMPACTIFICATION R. D. PANDIAN Department of Mathematics North Central College Naperville, IL 60566 (Received July 27, 1993 and in revised form February 12, 1994) ABSTRACT. Quasiminimal distal function on a semitopological semigroup is introduced. The concept of right topological semigroup compactification is employed to study the algebra of quasiminimal distal functions. The universal mapping property of the quasiminimal distal compactification is obtained. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Quasiminimal distal flows and distal functions, right topological semigroup compactification, universal mapping property. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. Primary 43A60, 22A20 secondary 43A07 In a recent paper, we generalized the notion of distal flows and distal functions on an arbitrary semitopological semigroup S and studied their function spaces [3]. The study was an extension of Junghenn’s work on distal functions and their semigroup compactifications [2]. is the study by Berglund et The impetus for the author’s work in this area al. in which the authors have introduced several kinds of function spaces which are admissible C*-subalgebras of C(S) and studied these function spaces through semigroup compactifications [i]. Interestingly, these compactifications possess certain universal mapping properties, universal in the sense that the compactifications are maximal with respect to these properties. This approach of studying function spaces through semigroup compactifications enables one to take advantage of the universal mapping properties the compactifications enjoy. For example, in the case of distal functions on a semigroup S, Junghenn has effectively used the universal mapping properties to show that the space of weakly almost periodic distal functions on S is the direct sum of the algebra of strongly almost periodic functions and two ideals of weakly almost "flight" functions on S [2]. In this paper, we introduce the quasiminimal distal function space QMD(S), and show that this space is an admissible C*osubalgebra of C(S). As a consequence, we obtain the QMD(S)-compactification of S which is the spectrum of QMD(S). We then characterize this semigroup compactification in terms of the universal mapping property the compactification possesses. i. PRELIMINARIES Throughout our work, S denotes a semitopological semigroup with Hausdorff topology and C(S) denotes the C*-algebra of all bounded complex-valued continuous functions on S. A subspace F of C(S) is translation invariant if LsF=F and RsF=F R. D. PANDIAN 498 where the operators h f(ts) for s, S and f t on C(S) are defined Tx.F We define C(S). f(st) and Rsf(t) by Lsf(t) homomorphisms on F. A C*-subalgebra F of C(S) is called admissible if it is TxF=F translation invariant, contains the constant functions, and spectrum of F. x x(L f) where B by Txf(. the spectrum of F which is the space of nonzero continuous complex F and x f Rs and A pair (X,) is called X is a continuous of S if X is a compact right topological semigroup and a’S homomorphism with dense image such that the mapping x subalgebra of C(S) and compactification. a X is continuous a(s)x’X It is called an F-compactification of S if F is an admissible S. for each s for every right topological Gompactification * We call X the phase .space of the F. C(X) The set of all multiplicative means on F, denoted by MM(F), is w-compact right topological semigroup with binary operation defined in MM(F) f(s)), then e(S) xoTy. If eS MM(F) is the evaluation map (e(s)(f) by xy For a is dense in MM(F) and the pair (MM(F), e) is an F-compactification of S. fixed F, all Focompactifications are isomorphic both algebraically and following properties (for details see [I. 1.4]). T TxoTy b) [e(s)x](f) x For s B has the X, F and x, y S, f [x e(s)](f) c) (Lsf) Tx’F The map (MM(F), e), the canonical F-compactification of S. a) We call Thus, there is a unique F-compactification of S. topologically. (Rsf). x A right topological compactification (X,) of S is said to be maximal (universal) with respect to a property P if (X,) has the property P and if (Y,) is a right topological compactification of S with property P, then %o that for some continuous homomorphism %’XY. subalgebra of C(S) is LMC(S) x MM C(S). If C(S) s x factors in the sense A very useful admissible (Lsf) is continuous for every It is the largest admissible subalgebra of C(S) and the hMC(S)- compactification of S is maximal with respect to the property that it is a right topological compactification of S [i]. XX is a continuous If X is a compact topological space and ’S X is continuous for each s homomorphism such that (s)’X (S, X, ) is called a flo____w. For convenience, we write sx for (s)(X). is called distal (respectively, quasidistal) if, whenever lim s x lim for every s S). s y S, then the triple y (respectively, sx for some net (s) in S, then x A function f The flow x,y,X such that sy IMC(S) is called a distal (respectively, a quasidistal) function if the flow (S, Z, ), where the topology of pointwise convergence on C(S) and Z is the closure of (s)’flz Rsf in is distal a quasidistal). It is called a minimal function if g Z implies Junghenn has shown that the set of all minimal distal functions, MD(S), (respectively, f Z. is an admissible subalgebra of C(S) and that MD(S)ocompactification (Y,) is maximal with respect to the property that Y is left simple proved analogous results for quasidistal functions, QD(S). [2]. The author has For more on these functions and related theorems, the reader is referred to [3,4]. 2. QUASIMINIMAL DISTAL FUNCTIONS DEFINITION 2-1. A function of f LMC(S) is quasiminimal if for every g Z, there exists x X such that Tuf Tuxg for every u phase space of the canonical LMC(S)-compactification (X,). We denote the set of all quasiminimal functions by QM(S). X where X is the QUASIMINIMAL DISTAL FUNCTION SPACE AND ITS SEMIGROUP COMPACTIFICATION PROPOSITION 2"2 PROOF. Tuf {Txf Tyf TuxTyf Tuxyf X} x X. some y Let g X. compactification of S. f, QM(S). LMC(S) is said to be quasiminimal We write QMO(S) for QM(S)nQD(S). LMC(S) and (X,a) denote the canonical LMC(S)- Let f PROPOSITION 2 4. Txg TuxTyf Tuxyf Tuf for Tyf which implies that g X such that A function of QM(S)nQD(S). distal if f X x Then by definition, f DEFINITION" 2"3. every v {Txf Zf For this y, there exists x for every X such that X. for every Sufficiency" X. Let y By definition, there exists x Zf X. for every u Tuf Assume f is quasiminimal. Necessity" X, there QM(S) if and only if for each y Then f X (depending on y and f) such that Tuxyf exists x Then LMC(S) and (X,a) denote the canonical LMC(S)- Let f compactification of S. 499 ve(f) for QD(S) and v(f) QMD(S) if and only if f f E(x) e Before we present the proof of this proposition, we state Remark 2-5. here without proof the author’s characterization of quasidistal functions QD(S) A function f , QD(S) if and only if uev(f) LMC(S) is quasidistal, that is f 7 uv(f) for every u X and v E(X) where X is the phase space of the e LMC(S)-compactification of S. PROOF. X 2" then v Let v v (2v=f) and 2v2xef - the same result holds for v Let y which implies exeye e. vuexey(f) (the last vue(f) X. X. two equalities We recall that X has QM(S). X such that (exe)(eye) by 2.5) Since was arbitrary, Tuxyf QMD(S), v QMD(S) is one admissible subalgebra of C(S). Z v(Lsf) and e E(X). For s which implies that v(s)(f) (Remark 2.5) translation invariant. S, ve(Lsf) Lsf QMD(S). (s)ve(f) --(s)v(f) Now ve(Rsf LMC(S). Trivially, v(1) QMD(S) contains 1 and hence contains all constant functions. proof by showing that x Tzf QMD(S) for every z MM QMD(S) be the restriction map. continuous homomorphism onto MM QMD(S). For s S, Tf(s) Let vem(s)(f) QMD(S). Thus QMD(S) is v(Rsf) which proves that R_f That QMD(S) is an algebra follows from the fact that X the set of all multiplicative means on and Tuf. QM(S) Linearity of the space QMD(S) is immediate from Proposition 2.4. (Prop. 2.4) e X, V(Tuxf vuexy(f) vuxy(f) vuexeye(f) (by hypothesis) Let (X,) denote the canonical LMC(S)-compactification of S. PROOF. f That ve(f). For any v v(Tuf). Therefore by Proposition 2.2, f THEOREM 2-6. vlve(f) E (K(X)), eXe is a maximal subgroup of X There exists x Let u vu(f) (by hypothesis) vlvxe (f) vlv. (f) follows from the right topological property of X. the smallest ideal K(X) and for each e with identity e [5]. X (2.2). Therefore, v 1(Tv2xef) (by 2-2) It suffices to prove that f Sufficiency. X. E(X) Let e for every u Tuf Now, v(f) vlv.(f) v(2v=f) v(vxf Tuxef by (2.2). 2v2i which implies that vlv2xe (f) vv2exe(f) (by 2"1) QD(S)QM(S). X such that exists x vlv QMD(S) Assume f Necessity. By Proposition i, there w(Lf) z(Lsf) MM QMD(S). Tf(s). Thus Tf So We complete this Let z xlQMD(S ). I.e., D(x) There exists w ve(1). MM QMD(S) Then is a X such that D(w) Tzf. is Let v Z, z. u X, 500 R. D. PANDIAN E(x). and e vu(Twf) Then vu(Tzf ). (since f veu(Tzf Tzf Thus QD(S)) Now ve(Tf) QD(S). QD(S)) vuw(f) (since f vw(f) vew(f) ve(Twf Therefore, by Proposition 2"4, v(Tf). THEOREM 2"7. veuw(f) veu(Twf QMD(S). Tzf QMD(S)-compactification (Y,) of S maximal with respect to the property that y2 is left simple. Let (X,a) denote this LMC(S)-compactification of S and let e’X PROOF. denote the restriction map. e Then is a continuous homomorphism of X onto Y. first prove that y2 is left simple. x X , E(X) such that O(x) d E(2). y2 and e Let u u and 0(d) ue QMD(S), ue(f) u. simple. O(x)0(d)(f) e(xd)(f) Since Y is right topological, ue There exists xd(f) x(f) For F. u for all u Therefore u(f). is left Thus To prove that (Y,) maximal with respect to this property, we let (Yo,o) is left be a right topological compactification of S with the property that simple. o C(Yo) = og g ((=(s)). X v for some g Since = X and e X ((u)(v)) (since Further ue(f) Y is dense in X, x(f) Then uev(f) is left simple) g (6(ue)) Yo = g ((u)(e)) QMD(S) [i, III Theorem 2.4]. [2, page 385]. Therefore, there such that o. o 6o =(s)(o’g Now =(s)(f) C(Yo). E(X). C(Y o) LMC(S) exists a continuous homomorphism 6 u o Then it remains to show that Junghenn has shown that Then f We (We note that @-i (e) is a e. compact subsemigroup of X and hence has an independent d.) f Y g((x)) for every x g ((uev)) g((uv)) u(f). C(Yo). g (o(S)) Let X. g ((u)6(e)(v)) uv(f). g ((u)) o" Let f g(s) g Therefore f QD(S). Thus f QMD(S) and the proof is complete. Remark 2-8. Theorem 2"7 raises a question. Is there an admissible subalgebra F of C(S) such that the Fnocompactification (Y,) of S is maximal with respect to the property that yn is left simple? for generalized distal functions [3]. We proved an analogous result We conjecture that the notion of minimal distal functions could be generalized and that the nth order minimal distal function space MDn(S)-compactification (Y,) is maximal with respect to the property that Yn+ is left simple. REFERENCES i. BERGLUND, J., JUNGHENN, H. and MILNES, P. Compact Right Topological Semigroups and Generalizations of Almost Periodicity, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 663, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978. 2. JUNGHENN, H.D. 3. PANDIAN, R.D. Distal Compactifications of Semigroups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 274 (1982) 379-397. Semigroup Compactifications by Generalized Distal Functions and a Fixed Point Theorem, Internat. J. Math. & Math Sci. Vol 14 No. 2 (1991) 253-260. 4. PANDIAN, R.D. Dynamical Properties of Distal Function Spaces and Fixed Point Theorems, Semigroup Forum 31 (1985) 207-218. 5. RUPPERT, W. Rechtstopologische Halbgruppen, J (1973) 123-133. Reine. Angew. Math. 261