General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Offsetting Renewable Energy Intermittency in Delaware through H2 and V2G-based Energy Storage February 9th, 2009 Team BANANA Glenn Catlin, Dan Esposito, Colin Manasse, Tim Miller, Will Reid General Motors in partnership with Renewable vs. Fossil Fuel Electricity MichCon & Detroit Edison The good news………. Data taken from: B.Sovacool. Energy Policy. 36 (2008) The not-so-good news…. Renewable Intermittency: General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison GiggityGigga-Watts Image modified from: A Solution: Energy Storage General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Conventional Electric Utility Set-up: On On/off Switch Off A Solution: Energy Storage General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Conventional Electric Utility Set-up: On On/off Switch Off Renewables-Based Electric Utility Set-up: Doesn’t come with an On/off switch. A Solution: Energy Storage General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Conventional Electric Utility Set-up: On On/off Switch Off Renewables-Based Electric Utility Set-up: Doesn’t come with an On/off switch. General Motors Effect of Storage: Load Leveling in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Jackpot! Constant electricity production from Renewables Our Assignment General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Make this happen in DE by 2019: Some Questions: 1. How much can we get in DE? 20%? 40%? 2. What if we use V2G instead of hydrogen? 3. How much storage & at what cost to keep ? 2006 Delaware Energy Usage Delaware spends ~$1.3billion/yr for electricity General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison General Motors 2006 Sankey Diagram for Delaware MichCon & Detroit Edison in partnership with How much Wind General Motors can we get inMichCon DE? & Detroit Edison in partnership with Solar Ocean How much General Motors can we get inMichCon DE? & Detroit Edison in partnership with Pelamis Wave Energy Converter General Motors From Renewables to Storage in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage Battery-Based Energy Storage 50 kWh Li-ion battery banks in Electric Vehicles General Motors From Renewables to Storage in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage Pipes General Motors Transmitting H2 in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison • In order to Transmit H2 from the southern part of the state to Wilmington ~ 100 miles of polymer lined fiber composite Hydrogen pipeline would be needed • In order to have the ability to transmit a day’s worth of H2 through the pipeline ~ $1.7 million/mile worth of infrastructure costs. – Still Cheaper than a 550 kV power line (by about $0.8 million/mile . Proposed H2 Generation Storage & Fuel Cell sites. H2 Pipeline General Motors 6 Scenarios for 2019 in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Key Assumptions & Design Parameters •Energy demand growth 1%/yr • Keep average system capacity constant •Non-renewable CF= 90% during down times •Renewable CF=30% General Motors DE 2019 Sankey Diagram Scenario 2m in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison General Motors Cost for each Scenario in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison $1.3 billion General Motors Policy Recommendations in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Consumer Related Policies • Regressive state income tax rebate attached to V2G vehicles – Y1=25%; Y3=15%; Y7-12=5%/Y • Free parking, tolls, Net Metering components for V2G vehicles • Insurance policy subsidization – Projects >25kW (insurance requirement) • Progression of efficiency standards General Motors Policy Recommendations in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Utility Related Policies • Mandatory $0.01/kWh premium on fossil fuel based electricity for Green Fund contribution • Free permitting for renewable energy projects (new or upgrades) • Facilitation of ocean energy generation technologies: -Mixed energy source utilization requirement for offshore renewable energy projects • Encourage development of complimentary efforts • Smart Grid, Conservation Conclusions General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison 1. DE has tremendous renewable energy potential 2. Hydrogen and/or V2G are viable options to mitigate intermittent electricity generation. 3. Energy storage can allow large (>20%) renewable electricity generation, but at a cost. 4. Technology exists TODAY to do this. We suggest policies to make this happen NOW. General Motors Questions? in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison General Motors Determining % of Cars as V2G in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison General Motors Battery & H2 Storage Characteristics MichCon & Detroit Edison in partnership with Energy Density & Power Ragone Plot Source: Hall & Bain. Energy Policy. 36 (2008) Efficiency 40 Hydrogen General Motors Effect on Overall Efficiency in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Current Delaware Energy Usage Sector General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Number of Consumers Avg. Monthly Consumptiona Total Consumptionb Avg. Retail Pricec Avg. Monthly Billd Residential 387 923 960 372 406 080 13.16 $126.40 Commercial 48 590 7 410 360 051 900 11.21 $830.50 Industrial 616 416 458 256 538 128 8.93 $37 169.10 Total 437 129 2 262 988 996 108 12.94e $256.87e The Bottom Line: st 1 Staters spend a total of $1.3 Billion/yr on Electricity a - kWh; b - kWh; c – c/kWh; d - in dollars; e – weighted total; General Motors So What Will it Cost us? in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Solar Potential in DE General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison – At 15 % efficiency; 27 square miles of properly1 placed tracking solar panels could produce the entire state’s electricity demand. – 1.3 percent of States land area – 100% of DE’s Rooftop could provide 22% of state’s electricity needs.2 1.Overview of Renewable Energy Resources in Delaware. Applied Energy Group. October 2002. 2.Kempton, Willet. Delaware’s Wind Potential. Environmental Footprint Workgroup 2008 February 4, 2009 Wind Potential • • General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison Taking shipping lanes, Visual exclusions, and Bird flyways into consideration; Delaware has 54.3 TWh per year of Wind Potential (after taking 0.39 Capacity factor into account). This is ~ 7 X the proposed 8 TWh that would be needed to reach the amount of wind needed for the 40 % target 2 Wave Energy Potential • 30 kW/m • 740 kWh rating • 35% capacity factor • 150 units • Lifetime of 20 years General Motors in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison General Motors Storage by Hydrogen • 240 Gallons • 250 psi • $5000 • Lifetime of 15 years Manufacturer: Roy E. Hanson Jr. Mfg. in partnership with MichCon & Detroit Edison