ERAMOSA PUBLIC S CHOOL 5757 Fifth Line h R.R. 1 h Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 Telephone 519-856-9529 h Fax 519-856-4239 Website: NEWSLETTER Ka trina Pla zek, Principa l June 2013 Contents: Principal’s Message ....... Page 1: Principal’s M essage Report Cards Are Y ou M oving? S un Exposure Grade 7 O rientation M eetings JK O rientation Page 2: Talent Show Kindergarten Celebration Final Assem bly S w im to Survive Track and Field Y earbooks Skills Canada Lost and Found D ress Code Page 3: Garden M ulch Privacy Bus Drivers S umm er Reading and M ath Library N ew s S umm er Cam ps - Issue 10 We have had a fun filled year of learning and growing together and it boggles our minds that a school year can vanish so quickly. We want to thank all of you for your support this year because without you, our jobs would be more difficult. Our school council plays a large role in supporting the school with the help of families who support the initiatives and attend the events. The funds raised support the children in many ways. The community events are a great way to connect and celebrate life with our children. From donations to help with trips, donating classroom materials, scribing for EQAO, reading individually with children .... we sincerely appreciate your help. With that in mind, we would like to invite volunteers to attend our volunteer breakfast that will take place at 8:15 on the morning of June 26 th before the Talent Show. This is a small token of our appreciation. Hope you can join us! Inserts: M onthly Events Calendar Transportation Information REPORT CARDS Annual JS /S K Ride S umm er Events H ighlights Report Cards will come home Tuesday, June 25th. Please send the parent sign back portion as soon as you can so it can be filed in the OSR. M ISSIO N STA TEM EN T “In a caring climate of honesty, respect and enthusiasm, Eramosa Public School teaches and facilitates the development of independent thinking and problem solving skills to ensure that every student reaches his/her potential to be a responsible, flexible and confident life long learner.” ARE YOU MOVING? This is a reminder that we would appreciate a call or a note from you if your children will not be returning to our school in September, 2013. This information is very important as we make class lists, plan our staffing and organize our school for the coming year. Ma rtha Kucyla , Office Co- Ordina tor TIME OUTSIDE AND SUN EXPOSURE Today it feels like summer! The children spend a good long time outside every day, so please remember to apply waterproof sunscreen, send a water bottle and a sun hat. We are all aware of the damaging consequences of too much sun exposure. TRANSITION /STUDENTS MEETINGS FOR GRADE 6 GOING INTO GRADE 7 Our grade 6s moving into grade 7 have been invited to orientation meetings. Rockwood will host the students for a full day on June 21st. Students going into grade 7 at JD Hogarth will visit the school during the day on June 19th and parents are invited to an orientation meeting that evening from 6-6:30 pm. JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION Invitations have gone home to welcome our new Junior Kindergartners to our school. Parents will bring their JK child and stay with them from 9:30 - 10:30. The Kindergarten teacher will welcome the new students and give lots of new information to new families. Parents will meet the teacher, principal and an EPSAC member. And the students will go home with a bag full of learning goodies! ~Page 2~ TALENT SHOW Our annual Talent Show is promising to be a great one! Auditions, practicing, perfecting and polishing are all in various stages under the direction of Mrs. Semanyk. The curtain will open and the performers will be ready to dazzle you with their talents on June 26th starting at 9:15; after the volunteer breakfast. Hope you can join us! KINDERGARTEN CELEBRATIONS Our Kindies have caught the acting bug and they are preparing for their Kindergarten Celebrations at the end of June, by practicing on the stage built by Mr. Flanagan, many helping parents and his awesome Kindie building crew. The stage, complete with lattice work will feature the students while they sing. KA Celebration will be on June 20th and KB Celebration will be on June 21st. FINAL ASSEMBLY YEARBOOKS Yearbooks will be distributed to students during the last week of school prior to the holidays. Thanks for supporting this initiative. Please let us know what you think of the publication and if we should consider doing it again. Special thanks again to everyone who submitted photos and to Mrs. McKnight for coordinating the entire thing! Hopefully this will bring back memories in the years to come! SKILLS CANADA Eight of our junior students will travel to the Fergus Community Sportsplex on June 13th where they will participate in Lego Mechanics and a Construction Challenge. This day is a wonderful opportunity for students to use their higher level thinking and problem solving skills and to apply many math, science and technology skills to the tasks presented to them. Good luck team! LOST AND FOUND Please remember to check our Lost and Our final assembly will be on Thursday, June 27 at 9:00. Found items before leaving at the end of One of the special events that morning will be our June. Any unclaimed items will be School Year in Review slide show. Special thanks to donated to a local charity in the first week Susan Frasson for all her hard work in preparing the of July. As well, over the course of the Year In Review slide show and the Graduation slide year, various school items find their way show. As well, we will be presenting student awards. home. Should you come across any of these, i.e., books, Congratulations to all our award winners!! Please feel physical education equipment, etc. please forward them free to join us! to the school. SWIM TO SURVIVE DRESS CODE Our children were fortunate to once again participate in the grade 3 Swim to Survive program held at the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex for 3 sessions, where they learned basic swimming and survival strategies. As the warm weather arrives, we have happily put away our winter jackets, boots, scarves and mittens. With the change of seasons, we ask parents to please review our school dress code with your children. Pertinent sections are: hats and caps need to be removed upon entering the school for safety reasons, ‘flip-flops’ are not appropriate footwear for school ‘muscle shirts’, spaghetti straps, low-scooped necklines and bare midriffs are not acceptable for school Girls’ straps should be at least as wide as the width of two fingers; boys’ sleeveless shirt straps should be at least as wide as the width of four fingers TRACK AND FIELD Our school track and field meet will take place on June 5th. Please keep an eye on the weather. Sunhats, sunscreen, water bottles, etc. will help your child have a comfortable, fun day. Area Track and Field will take place at JD Hogarth on June 12th - rain date is June 14th. More info to follow. ~Page 3~ - undergarments, including bra straps, should not be visible shorts and skirts must be a reasonable length “Reasonable length” is roughly the location where a person’s finger tips touch his or her legs in a normal standing position. Thank you for your support in helping us maintain a school climate that is conducive to learning, and respectful. GARDEN MULCH Thanks to the grade 5 classroom for spreading the 4 cubic yards of mulch around the front and back flower gardens last week. A couple of our students decided that edging was needed and proceeded to take charge of that department and the gardens look super. If there are any parents that are interested in deadheading, pruning and weeding next spring, please let Mrs. Plazek know. "The summer vacation period corresponds to roughly one-third of the academic year. [...] Children who read during the summer months were less likely to experience summer reading loss and more likely to have their achievement remain steady or to modestly increase." (Richard Allington and Anne McGill-Franzen, Summer Reading, 2013, p. 8–9) Luckily we have our RAZ kids programs which students can access up until the end of August. The Rockwood Public Library is also offering many exciting summer programs. Be sure to see the insert in this month’s newsletter. Happy Reading! At the end of June, you will also receive a parent guide entitled, Reading and Writing with Your Child and Doing Mathematics with Your Child, provided by the Ontario Ministry of Education. The are filled with excellent tips and suggestions. LIBRARY NEWS The library is looking for donations to spruce it up for next year. If you have any of the following you would like to get rid of please drop it off: June is a month of school celebrations. We know that -picture frames of any size, shelf or wall size many families like to record special events, and that - baskets/bins, plastic, wicker etc. any size (can be from these souvenirs will become even more cherished over dollar store) time. To respect the privacy of all families, please do not -spray paint - any colour post photos or videos that show other children on social -walkman/discman that work networks like Facebook or YouTube. Thank you for -molding pieces that could be made into a frame your consideration. PRIVACY BUS DRIVERS SUMMER CAMPS this time of year we often reflect on camps/ people who have supported our school and we want to take a moment to thank them. Our very dedicated bus drivers deliver our children to and from school every morning and afternoon. We are particularly fortunate at Eramosa to have drivers who are part of our school community and give their time and talents to us in so many ways. Thank you, Bill, Randy, Paul, James, Rhonda and Jody! z0Asg SUMMER READING AND MATH x a recent email, an advertising company quoted the camp following literacy experts in an effort to sell reading materials: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 June 2013 Calendar of Events 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PIZZA D AY H OT D OG DA Y 9:30-10:30 PD DAY R E A D Y/SE T/G O 9:00A M - PM - ER A M O SA SC H O O L - G R . 4/5 SC IEN TISTS IN GR. 3 & 6 EQAO TESTING TRA CK & FIELD DAY A .M . - R O C K W O O D A.M. KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION LIBR A R Y VISIT GR . 6 SPEECHES 9 10 11 12 SU B D A Y 13 14 KB DAY 15 A M - B U S P A TR O L TR A IN IN G SK ILLS C A NA D A 2:35P M - A U T H O R PIZZA D AY C O M P ET IT IO N VISIT - ALL D AY - AR EA A R E A TR A C K & M . SPRING ETT TRA CK & FIELD FIELD R AIND ATE 7:00 EPSA C M EETIN G HOGARTH PS M EET A T JD 16 17 18 19 SU B D A Y 20 21 FU N D SC R IP 1:00-3O O P M - K B O RD ER S D U E C E LE BR A T IO N JD HO GA R TH - G R. 11:00A M - G R 2 & 2/3 C EN T. PS - G R . 7 7 STU D EN T TO W O O D LA W N O R IE N TA T IO N O R IE N TA T IO N : BO W L TRA CK & FIELD RA IND ATE KA DAY 22 LA ST PIZZA D AY 9:00A M -R O C K W O O D 12:40-2:20P M - 1:00-3:00P M - K A PA R EN TS: C E LE BR A T IO N 6:00-6:30P M 23 24 25 26 SU B D A Y 6:30-8:00P M 27 28 FU N DSC R IP O RD ER S VOLUN TEER L A ST D A Y O F AR RIVE BR EA K FA ST SC H O O L 1:00PM - PLA Y D A Y 9:15A M - TA LEN T 9:00A M - 10:20A M - GR AD E 6 G R A D U A T IO N SH O W TER M 2 R EPO RT CARDS GO HOM E R E C O G N IT IO N A SSEM BLY & YEA R R ETU R N R EPO RT C A R D S LIP S 30 29 8:15A M - E N D SL ID E SH O W PD DAY TF022 SEPTEMBER 2013 TRANSPORTATION NEWSLETTER HOW DO I ACCESS MY CHILD’S BUSSING INFORMATION? NEW STUDENTS AND JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDERGARTEN If your child is new to the school system and has been registered at a school prior to the end of June, transportation information will be mailed August 19th. NEW TO THE AREA If you are new to the area (not registered at a school) call Service de transport de Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services (STWDSTS) at 519-824-4119 for assistance. We are here all summer. EXISITING STUDENT TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION If your child is an existing student, go to and login to this secure site with your child’s OEN number (located on report card), school name, birth date and house number. CAN I RECEIVE BUS DELAYS AND CANCELLATIONS THROUGH EMAIL? We offer a subscription service that will notify the subscriber via email when your child’s bus has been cancelled or is delayed. To subscribe go to: and follow the directions. BUS TAGS! WHAT ARE THEY AND WHO WEARS THEM? Students in JK, SK and Gr 1 who ride a school bus should receive a tag from their school showing the student’s afternoon bus route number and bus stop location. The identifying tag should be worn (preferably on his or her backpack), by your child every day throughout the year. This tag will assist drivers in identifying students who are required to be met by a parent or guardian when they are getting off the bus. Your child’s school will distribute the tags to every student eligible for transportation at the beginning of the school year. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.STWDSTS.CA Our website provides “one stop shopping” for all your transportation needs: Quick Links to eligibility information and a list of reported bus delays School Information – including location, phone number, boundary maps School Year Calendars Transportation Policies, Procedures, and Forms Bus Cancellation Information (November - March each year) Safety Information Official Bus Time Answers to common transportation questions 66 Arrow Rd, Unit B • Guelph, ON N1K 1T4 • Phone (519) 824-4119 • Fax (519) 822-9097 • Toll-Free 1-888-292-2224 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Will my child be assigned to a school bus? Transportation is assigned according to Board policy. Your child must live within your school’s attendance boundary and live further from school than the Maximum Walking Distance assigned to your child’s grade level. Refer to STWDSTS Policy 002 Transportation Eligibility or go to and click on “Are you Eligible?” (yellow bus on left side). May I ride with my child on the first day of school? It is strictly prohibited for parents/guardians to board the school bus. Refer to Policy 005 – Responsibilities of Parent and Guardians. What should I do if our address changes before September? Contact STWDSTS at 519-824-4119 ASAP with your new address. We are open during July and August; please do not wait until September to advise of address changes. Transportation requests received prior to August 23rd, 2013 will be processed for the first week of school. Can my child receive transportation from an alternate address? Both your home address and the alternate/caregiver address must be within your school’s attendance boundary and meet the distance criteria for transportation. Be sure to advise your school and contact STWDSTS with this additional information. The alternate address must be used consistently, 5 days per week, and there must be room on the alternate bus. Refer to Policy 034 - Transportation for Child Care May a student temporarily ride another bus while parent(s) or guardian(s) are away? All temporary transportation requests shall be refused, except under extraordinary circumstances where the personal well-being of a student is at stake. Refer STWDSTS to Policy 029 - Temporary Transportation Requests. How does courtesy transportation get assigned? Available seats at existing stops, are assigned based on first the youngest of age (grade), then travel distance to school. Courtesy assignments are not done prior to October 31st of each year. Refer to STWDST Policy 017 Courtesy Transportation. Can my child’s bus stop be changed? Requests for changes to bus stops should be submitted in writing for consideration (Form TF033). Requests for changes to accommodate parent/caregiver convenience or health issues will not be considered. No changes to bus stops are considered during the first four weeks of school. All students are required to walk to/from their bus stops. Refer to STWDSTS Policy 009 – Walking Distances to Bus Stop My children were enrolled at the start of the school year. When will their transportation start? Because of the large number of changes and new transportation requests, bussing arrangements can take up to 5 business days at the start of the school year. Into October, we will strive to have most transportation arrangements completed within 3 business days. Who is responsible for my child’s safety prior to boarding the bus and after disembarking from the bus? The parent or guardian is responsible their child’s safety prior to boarding the bus and after they disembark from the bus. Refer to STWDSTS Policy 005 – Responsibilities of Parents and Guardians 66 Arrow Rd, Unit B • Guelph, ON N1K 1T4 • Phone (519) 824-4119 • Fax (519) 822-9097 • Toll-Free 1-888-292-2224 SeMce de Transport de Wellington - Duff�rin Student Transportation Servlces ANNUALJK trKINDERGARTENRIDE Presentedh9 Service de transport deWellington ,.., Du.Herin Student Transportation Services Tuesdaq, Auaust 27, 2013 STARTING AT 9:00 a.m Please allow 1 hour per session We recommend all JK. & K.inderearten students participate in this valuable proaram, which indudes a videotape, question-answer period and tamill::) bus ride. Choose the location listed below thai: lJOU wish to attend and call the number listed, between Auaust 13- 23 to register. Pre-reglstrtdion is req�J.irecl to reserve sp4� lor the hu.s ride. To register {or. Call: Briskne Public School, Erin & Hillsburah a.rea 519-833-9117 Centennialtiqlands Elementary School, Shelburne 519-942-3130 Grand Valleq & District- Public School, Grand Valleq 519-928-2188 Vict-oria Cross Public School, Mount Forest 519-338-3336 Ponsonhq Public School, flora. & Fergus area 519-787-2200 Mono-Amaranth Public School, Orangeville 519-941-2582 St. John Catholic School, Arthur 519-338-3336 St. Michael Catholic School, South Guelph 519-822-5225 Hol1:1 Trinitq Catholic SchooL East�Guelph 226.--486-1034 fREE BUS RIDE FOR JK & KINDERGARTEN STIJDENTS AND THEIR FAMI1.Y School Bus Operators £or Service de transport de Wellinflton Du££erin Student Transporlation Services - Brenma.r Transit Denn'9 Bus Lines SIC/Elliott Votjageur Transportation Cook School Bus Epoch's Garage Sharp Bus Lnes Davison Bus Lines first Student Canada Stock Transportation 66 Arrow Road Unit B Guelph, Ontario NlK 1T4 Phone: (519) 824-4119•Fax: (519)-822-9097 Toll Free 888-292-2224• �ummar [vent Hig�lig�ts Sciensational Sssnakes!!! Sciensa,tional Sssnakes!!! provides a hands-on educational programme about reptiles and amphibians for the young Pack your bags for a trip around the world this summer! Our theme for the 2013 and young at heart! Please register. All ages. TO Summer Reading Club is "Go!" with the club running from July 2 to August 10. Wednesday, July 3at 1030am· Hillsburgh • Branch, 519.855.4010 Last year, Wellington County kids read more than 42, 000books. Get your free TD Summer Reading Club package and join • Wednesday, July 3at 1:00pm- Rockwood Branch, the clubl • Monday, July 8at 10:30am-Marden Branch 519.856.4851 It's a fact that children who read over the summer are better prepared for school in the fall . So, parents, help your kids build their reading skills by signing them up for this free programme! Kids- you can earn Book Bucks by reading books. Trade 519.763.7445 • those Book Bucks for prizes and enter a draw to win a grand prize I Registration starts on Saturday, June 15 at all branches . Monday. July 8at 1:00pm- Elora Branch Grab your passport and Go! 519.846.0190 • Wednesday, July 31 at 10:30am-Arthur Branch 519.848.3999 • Wednesday, July 31 at 1:30pm-Harriston Branch, 519.338.2 396 Global Beats Workshop Take a musical journey around the globe! In an T he Travellin' Rabbit Magic Show Join us for"The Travellin' Rabbit Magic Show!': This fantastic magic show will feature a fun mix of tricks, audience participation and, of course, a real live travellin' • and fuse it with Electronica, Trip-Hop, and jazz to create a Friday, August 9at 1030am-Aboyne Branch 519.846.0918 interactive multi-media performance, we take the music of India, Japan, Mongolia, Western Africa and Australia frin, �illsour�n, Puslincn ann RocKwooo )=� rabbit, Ruby! All ages. Please register. Stories From Around the World HH, �-A·N·A-�-A Kenyan Salari Explore the country you live in. Do some travelling, Jambo! Grab a rafiki and take a safari through Kenya! taste different foods and learn the different cultures Please register. that we have here in Canada. Please register. Erin Branch- Tuesday, July 2 3at 10:30am (families with kids 5 and under) diverse and electrifying sound. Explore the musical tradi­ Mary-Eileen McCiear's story telling has taken her near tions and cultures of these amazing countries. An exotic Rockwood Branch-Friday, July 5at 2 :30pm (grades JK- 3) and far! Join us as she brings her songs, stories and folk Rockwood Branch- Monday, July 8at I 030am (all ages) voyage awaits! Please register. Grades K- 6. • Tuesday, July 2 at 1030am - Drayton Branch toys to Wellington County. Please register. Grades K - 6. • 519.638.3788 • Tuesday, July 2 at 2 :00pm-Palmerston Branch 519.843.1180 ·Tuesday, July 9at 130 pm- Puslinch Branch 519.343.2 142 • 519.763.802 6 Thursday, August 8at 3:00pm- Erin Branch 519.833.9762 The Great Invertebrate Race! Who's faster - you or the bugs? Test your invertebrate catching skills against wily butterflies, dragonflies, grass­ hoppers and more amazing creatures in this catch-and­ ID extravaganza. Please register. Grades 4-8. • Saturday, July 6at 1:00pm - Rockwood Branch • Wednesday, July 17at 1:00pm- Rockwood 519.856.4851 Branch, 519.856.4851 • Wednesday, July 2 4 at 2 30pm- Marden Branch • Thursday, August 8at 2 :00pm-Aboyne Branch 519.763.7445 519.846.0918 Arelic Mvenlures Join us at the North Pole to discover the Arctic with snowy songs, frosty games and cool activities. Please register. Thursday, August 8at 1030am- Mount Forest Branch, 519.32 3.4541 • Tuesday, July 9at 1 030am-Fergus Branch Erin Branch -Wednesday, July 2 4 at 10:30am (grades 1 -6) Rockwood Branch-Wednesday, July 10at 1:00pm Erin Branch- Tuesday, July 9at 10:30am (families with (grades 4- 6) Rockwood Branch- Friday, July 12 at 2 :30pm (grades JK- 3) mscoverin� Auslralia STRETCH with Too Tall! kids 5and under) Come explore some Australian wildlife Inspired by campfire favourites, Andrew Queen will keep Erin Branch -Wednesday, July 10at 10:30am (grades 1 - 6) through a variety of interactive families moving and grooving with this action-packed Hillsburgh Branch- Tuesday, August 6at 10:30am activities: singing, reading, talking, performance! Kids will be on their feet, trying to keep up (families with kids 8and under) playing and writing. Please register. with all the wacky movements and call and repeats! All Hillsburgh Branch- Wednesday, August 7 at 10:30am Erin Branch-Tuesday, July 2 at 10:30am ages. Please register. (grades JK- 6) (families with kids 5and under) Puslinch Branch -Tuesday, July 16at 1:00pm (grades JK- 6) Puslinch Branch- Wednesday, August 7 Rockwood Branch- Monday, July 2 9at 1030am (all ages) at I :00 pm (grades JK- 6) • Friday, July 5at 10:30am -Clifford Branch 519.32 7.832 8 Rockwood Branch - Monday, July 15 at 10:30am (all ages) Rockwood Branch- Friday, July 19 at 2 :30pm ••• mmm ••• Alternate formats available upon request. (grades JK- 3) Peru. lan� of Mystery �iep �iep �oera Voor Ne�erlan�! � ��eers for t�e Net�erlan�s! Trek through the high Andes moun­ The Netherlands is the country of windmills, tulips tains to the Amazon jungle, past leen �ummsr Rea�in� Lnallen�e under. Discover the many unique and wooden shoes! Enjoy this leg of the race with cuddly llamas and ferocious Inca features of Australia's geography, Dutch games, food and hands on activities. warriors in the mysterious land of slang, birds, animals and the Great Please register. Peru. Please register. Erin Branch- Tuesday, July 30at I 0:30am (families with Erin Branch -Tuesday, July 16 kids at 10:30am (families with kids 5 and under) Barrier Reef through exciting hands on 5 and Hillsburgh Branch- Tuesday, July 16 at 10:30am (fami­ Erin Branch- Wednesday, July 17 8 and under) (grades JK- (families with kids 8 and under) at 2:30pm (grades JK 3) · Tell Me Anot�er: fa�les from Aesop Rockwood Branch - Friday, July 26 at 2:30pm (grades JK- 3) �ea� Mile f�ilte! A �un�re� nousan� Welcomes! Explore the Emerald Isle and visit with leprechauns, dance with faeries, walk the Giants' Causeway. Greek storyteller Aesop brought us the greatest race of all time: "The Tortoise and the Hare:' Learn the art of I'm in �e-NIW creating fables from the master! Please register. Explore the Egyptian world Rockwood Branch- Wednesday, July 31at I :00pm with stories, songs, games, (grades 4 and a craft! Please register. Ireland- the land of stories, song, Erin Branch -Tuesday, August 6 and dance. Please register. at I 0:30am Hillsburgh Branch- Tuesday, July 9 8 and (families with kids Hillsburgh Branch- Wednesday. July I 0at 10:30am (grades JK- 6) Rockwood Branch- Wednesday, August 7 at I :00pm (grades 4 - 6) 5 and under) Erin Branch- Wednesday, August 7 at I 0:30am (grades I under) - 6) Hillsburgh Branch- Tuesday, July 30at 10:30am (families with kids 8 and under) Hillsburgh Branch- Wednesday, July 31 at 10:30am (grades JK- - 6) [veryt�ing [nglan� Join us in celebrating Everything English as we explore the country of England through books, crafts, games and food. Please register, Puslinch Branch -Tuesday, July 2at I :00pm (grades JK- 6) Ma�e in ��ina Take a trip to China to play traditional games, make 6) simple crafts, speak and write simple words, and hear Rockwood Branch wonderful stories of this unique culture! - Friday, August 9 at 2:30pm (grades Rockwood Branch - Friday, August 2 (grades 4 - 6) -Monday, July 22at I 0:30am • Please register. JK- 3) Puslinch Branch- Wednesday, July 10at 1:00pm (grades Earn Read books for a chance to win a $25 Chapters Gift card or a grand prize eReader • Summer Slog book giveaways Please register. Rockwood Branch- Wednesday, July 24 at I :00 pm (all ages ) and help us beat our record of 70,000 pages and sweet candy sushi. Puslinch Branch- Tuesday, July 30at I DO pm (gradesJK -6) at I :00pm (grades JK- 6) Rockwood Branch Join our Teen Reading Challenge this summer read last year! Fun Japanese games, (grades JK- 6) -Wednesday, July 24 6) .,,..lfol!B learning words, origami Hillsburgh Branch- Wednesday, July 24 at 10:30am Puslinch Branch - Japan-tasticl at 10:30am (grades 1- 6) Hillsburgh Branch- Tuesday, July 23at 10:30am 6) at I 0:30am (families with kids Erin Branch-Wednesday, July 3at 10:30am (grades 1 under) Hillsburgh Branch- Wednesday, July 17 at 10:30am 15 to August 1 0 (ages 12- 19) Registration starts June 15 activities. Please register. Erin Branch- Wednesday, July 31at I 0:30am (grades I - 6) lies with kids June Book Bucks by reading books! JK- 6) * •* * Visit for a chance to win!