CHC 2D - Canadian History Since WW1
Canadian history gives you an overview of
how Canada participated in or was affected by
world events like the two world wars. We also
learn about how Canada developed and
changed over the 20th century.
CHC 2P - Canadian History Since WW1
Canadian history gives you an overview of
how Canada participated in or was affected by
world events like the two world wars. We also
learn about how Canada developed and
changed over the 20th century.
CHC 2L - Canadian History
This course explores what it means to be
Canadian by tracing major events of the 20th
century. Students will study Canada’s role in
world affairs such as WW1, WW2, and The
Cold War. The students will focus on the
stories of the people and forces that changed
Canada into a modern nation.
CHV 20 - Civics .5 Credit (taken with GLC 20 - Careers)
Civics is a course where you have a chance to form and
voice opinions about how you think that our country should
be run, and why. You learn about how vital community
organizations and human rights are. You also learn about
the proper way to be involved in the community in a
productive and lawful way.
CHW 3M - World History to the end of the Fifteenth
This course looks at ancient world history from Ancient
Egypt, China, India, Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages to
the Renaissance learning about people and things
such as: King Tut, Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Joan of
Arc, the Spartans, The Bubonic Plague and building of
the pyramids. Field trips are regularly scheduled to the
CLU 3M - Understanding Canadian Law $
In this course you will study criminal law in
Canada and the history of law. You will meet
legal experts, travel to the courthouse for a tour
and to see a real trial and you will then present
a mock trial to a real judge in a courtroom.
CLU 3E -Understanding Canadian Law in
Everyday Life $
In this course you will look at the history of law
through time and look at criminal law in
Canada. You will travel to the courthouse for a
tour, meet legal experts and present a mock
trial in a courtroom.
PREREQUiSITE: Any Grade 11 University (U) level course or University/College (M)
course in Geography, History or English.
CHY 4U - World History Since the Fifteenth Century
This course examines how the West has influenced the world. While
studying the units of revolution, war, science and technology, and
colonialism, you will explore topics such as the French Revolution, the
Scientific Revolution, WW1, WW2, and the Scramble for Africa.
CLN 4U - Canadian & International Law - This course explores elements
of Canadian law and the role of law in social, political, and global contexts.
Students will learn about the connections between the historical and
philosophical sources of law and issues in contemporary society. They will
also learn to analyse legal issues, conduct independent research, and
communicate the results of their inquiries in a variety of ways.
CHM 4E - Adventures in World History
This course covers the bloody aspects of history. You will study a variety of
topics such as gladiators, slavery, the Holocaust and the Vietnam War.
Specialist High Skills Major - Business $
If you are taking business courses - as well as law (CLU 3M) you may want
to take a High Skills Major Program in Business. See a Canadian Studies or
Business teacher for details.
Digital Historian Project (DHP) is a unique partnership between the Upper Grand DSB and
the Dufferin County Museum (DCMA) near Shelburne. It is a Grade 11 Four-Credit Senior
History and Math program open to students from all three Dufferin Secondary Schools
currently in Grade 10. The DHP will occur in Semester Two of 2015-2016 school year. The
4 credits achievable in the DHP are:
NDA 3M - Aboriginal Studies
IDC 4U - Interdisciplinary Studies
CHI 4U - Canadian History
MDM 4U - Data Management Math