Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 14 NO. 2 (1991) 349-362 349 ON A GENERAL CONVERGENCE FOR BROYDEN LIKE UPDATE METHOD RABINORANATH SEN, RINI CHATTOPAOHYAY and TRIPTI SAHA Department o[ Applied bathemat[cs Calcutta Unlvers[ty q2, A.P.C. Road Calcutta- 700009 Ind a (Received December 7, 1987 and in revised form November 20, 1990) ABSTRACT. The role of Broyden’s method as a powerful quasi-Newton method for solving unconstrained optimization problems or a system of nonlinear algebraic equations is known. well We offer here a general convergence criterion for a method akin n. Broyden’s method in R to The approach is different from those o[ other convergence proofs which are available only for the direct prediction methods. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. n, in R Unconstrained optimization, Broyden’s method, partial ordering M-matrix. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 65K. INTRODUCTION. 1. , x Let :D=Rn----- R be an F-dlfferentiable functional havlng an optimum (D). int Then the vector x at which the optimum of Vb*(x) P(x) 8 In the above, V is realized, satisfies the equation 0 3---’ v---n T Our concern in this paper is iteratlve methods for the solution of simultaneous non-llnear equations F(x) m 0; F: R Rm (I.I) in the case when the complete computation of F’ is infeasible. In the case, F P, solving (I.I) means in effect finding the minimizer of. The algorithm under consideration takes the form Xn+l where H n Xn nHnF(x n) (1 is generated by the method in such a way that the quasi-Newton equation H n+l (F(x n+1 is satisfied at each step. F(Xn)) Xn+l x n (1 350 R. SEN, R. CHATTOPADHYAY AND T. SAHA The step length (n method (Davidson [I], Fletcher and [s considering what algorithm by which H [2]) for unconstrained opt[mlzat[ons and by linear, Broyden [3] in 1965 suggested an Powel| when desirable is is obtained from H n+ By analogy with tlle DFP- is chosen to promote convergence. n by means of a rank-one update. In the case of minimizing problems, Dixon [4] called a method perfect if is through line searches and a direct obtained prediction method if Iteratlve procedures (1.2) and (1.3) may be described as follows: mxm and also x R Choose non-singular H R o o let For n--0,I,2 Sn Xn+l "-YnHn F(xn =x n 0 then and choose Hn+ Vn m R Hn + Sn nYn (1.7) and VnYn HnYn)Vn.T (s n (1.6) F(Xn) T such that s vTH n n n O. (I.8) method (sometimes called his first or good method) HTsn/SnYn--, n Vn (1.5) Hn }In+l Broyden’s [3] chooslng T H as (1.4) +s n Yn F(Xn+l) Let The chosen such that Yn being Yn I. m. .... If Yn Yn Yn in (I.8) and is defined for results from 0 only Yn so long Yn 0 O. Broyden’s second or bad method results from choosing v n T-I and Is defined so long as Sn # O. T Yn /YnYn where YnHn The convergence results that are available to date are proved for the direct prediction method [5]. Broyden has shown that his (flrst) method converges locally at least llnearly on nonlinear problems and at least R-Superllnearly on linear problem [61. Later Broyden et al [7] showed that both Broyden’s good and bad methods converge locally at least Q-superlInearly. More and Trangsteln [8] subsequently proved that ’locally’ could be replaced by "globallf’ when a modified form of Broyden’s method is applied to linear systems of On the other hand, Gay showed in 1979 [5] that Broyden’s good and bad equations. methods enjoy a finite termination property when applied to linear systems with a nonHe has also proved that Broyden’s good method enjoys local 2m-step singular matrix. Q-quadratlc convergence on non-llnear systems. [7], Recently, Dennis and Walker [9] have made generalizations of thelr results update [I0] and have put forward convergence theorems for least-change secant Decker et al, have considered Broyden’s method for a class of problems methods. having singular Jacoblan at the root [II]. Our concern is to consider the method (1.2) which is not necessarily a direct Our method is not perfect because in the case of minimization prediction method. reduce problems exact llne searches have not been performed. However, the scalars do GENERAL CONVERGENCE FOR BROYDEN LIKE UPDATE METHOD [I0]. 351 Our method can thus be viewed as an Intermediate between d[rect prediction and perfect methods. We have called our method Broyden-like because although we have used Broyden’s good method we have taken B to be an M-matrix [[2] unlike Broyden [3]. We have o used componentwise partial m in R to ordering pove monotone convergence of the We have asserted that under certain conditions,|| can be taken as nonn [! matrices. In our analysis, F is taken as an isotone operator [12]. sequence negative Operators which are monotonically decomposible (MDO) [13] can also be brought within scope of our convergence theorem. A local linear convergence is achieved. Experiments with numerical problems are also encouraging. Even where Newton’s method the has diverged, our method converges in a small number of Iterations. Section 2 contains mathematical preliminaries. results. 4 gives the algorithm. ,Section Section 3 contains convergence Numerical examples are presented in section 5 while we incorporate some ’discussion’ in section 6. 2. MATHEMATICAL PREL IMINARIES. The componentwise partial ordering in Rm is defined as follows: For x,y R,m x (x l,x 2,...x m DEFINITION 2.[. )r y (yl,Y2 xi Yi’ i y <==> x DEFINITION 2.2. ym )T, x )y if and only if 1,2,...m, y and x x # y. We define for any x,yR m, such that x y, the order interval [II] <x,y> DEFINITION 2.]. if Rm/x {u u < y}. A mapping F:D Rm m R is Isotone (antitone) [12] on D o (Fx > Fy) wheneve x y, x,yD o DEFINITION 2.4. We denote by L(Rm) the space of mxm matrices. Fx We introduce a partial ordering componentwise partial orderlng in R DEFINITION 2.5. m) in L(R which m. A real mxm matrix (aij) be an M-matrix [12] if A is non-singular and with A-I> aij i,s O, for all i B s n n-I Bn+ and off-diagonal one i. is defined to (2 I) 2 n --Yn- Bn+ is given by (BnS (2.2) T n s s n n In what follows we denote LEMMA 2.1. the O. According to Broyden’s good method, the update formula for T Yn)S u n B m. J with B so that B is a replacement for the Jacobian n n n satisfies the quasi-Newton equation J(x ), and thus B ,2 compatible -I In what follows, H j D Fy Sn (s n)) Yn (y n) Bn (b (n) ij i 2 ...m T s s n n (I-----) is a square trix whose diagonal elements elementns are non-posltlve provided s i(n) 0 and s(n)> 0 are positive for at least 352 R. SEN, R. CHATTOPADHYAY AND T. SAHA The proof is trivial. LEMMA 2.2. (i) B (ii) B Let the following conditions be fulfilled: (b n (lit) {x (n) nl < ’." ij tj for all i 0 (n) J, b i > 0 a strictly diagonally dominant matrix iq is a moaotonic increasing sequence in the order sense. n (n) (s(n) (n) (n-l) (iv) (n-l)) (n) (sf (n))2 (n) -Yk(n-)) ls. Bn+ Then is an M-matrix. It ollows from conditions (i) and (ii) that B PROOF. Siace B n [Bn(S n th (n) >--(-nS. Xn the s ia a monotonic increasing sequence * solution (n)/E magnitude, s. If n-I )] T n ((n) Yk -Yk(n-l))] s(n) -Sk(n-l)) i since y is given by n+ (n) of (yn- n-I element of B [bik (Sk k s T and the (i,j) (n) ts an M-matrlx [12]. satisfies the Quasi-Newton equation (2.1) (Bn n Yn )sT n b n (n) bij (s 0, s (n) (n) will small be and s xn Xn+ Sn (n) (n-l) s O. will j, the signs of bij of bij (n+t) strictly Since B is a matrix the strict diagonal dominance property of Bn+ elements diagonal elements diagonal smaller strictly negative. positive, strictly (n+1) bij and diagonally the off- dominant will be maintained by virtue of condition (v). Let us denote kZ [bik(n)(sk(n) by ci (n-l) (n) l) s,(.n- (n) (Yk -Yk :(s (n) (n) s.___ 2 Condition (v) implies that (n) + i j and since ]ij(n) (n+l) in will also have at most a finite magnitude. (n) will determine the signs of be the be still 9 )- will Therefore In the neighborhood (bij (n) cij is large compared to b(n+l) (n) < bii Icij(n) + c(n) ii ,(2.4) implies that (2.4) GENERAL CONVERGENCE FOR BROYDEN LIKE UPDATE METHOD REMARK 2. l. If however B ceases to be an M-matrlx, n+ 353 we can witllot violating the constraint (2.l), pre-multiply the first term in the e:pression for B n+l by a T strictly positive diagonl atrix P n becomes the predominant term B+I Pn Bn Thus, if b(n)[i > O, j, and i g o the expression ’n p_) + YnT (I n of the sae order of B n S S S B such that P g (I- -g) n n n as given below. n (2,5) S is already a stmictly diagonally dominant matr[ with Bn+l will also be a strictly diagonally dominant b (n+l)--. > O. erefore, if B is an M-atrix we Bn+l( Bn+l) -l n H n and B -I T H s s n n [PnBn (I n+ B-n Ip-1 Y + S S S n T [I s s n n -----+ S S T b and +I) < O, can always construct BnSn Yn" T nan) -I S n n B-1n p-In YnSnT n n O, i we obtain from (2.5) Hn+[’ n+l < matrix with as an M-matrlx without affecting the condition Writing B b T -I B-Ip-I n n S S n n which is approximately equal to s T Hn P-n Hn nP-lyn) --] s s [I + (s n n n Writing s which Bn+lYn Hn+lYn n taken as Hn nP-I Hn+ Therefore, H + (an is approximately equal to H P n n Yn’ Hn+l sTHn np-l Hn yn)P-I n p-I sTH nun Yn can be (2.6) as expressed by (2.6) satisfies the Quasi-Newton equation Hn+ s n n+ lYn LEMMA 2.3. Let the diagonal matrix B satisfy constant. Then .(n) PROOF. condition the elements, (n) l’Dii bij .(n) are the eigenvalues of B n ) 2-’-’ Ai By the Greschgorin theorem, (n) (n) .(n) Ai (n) of the strictly diagonally dominant M, for all I where M(>O) is a finite of b ii By strict diagonal dominance of B 354 R. SEN, R. CHATTOPADHYAY AND T. SAHA erefore, > The lower the that ensures lemma above 0" 2_ boun,i of n and hPnce H remains nonig,lar at each n stability of the iteration proces tq therefore guarauteed, fo[loa are opera,or and the denotes an arbitrary norm in -1 iteration, strictly positive for al.l In hak B of H e tenval,,es tle induced by the partc,lar vector nor. 3. I. CONVERGENCE. Let tle following conditions be fulfilled: THEOREM 3.1. ri) F:D R ([i) D m R m ts Frechet differentiable on a convex set D the includes Xo, yo and element null O D O such o D. if x < y then that the order interval <x,y>D. O O, for (iii) F(x) all x,y D (iv) x D all x O and F O D0 is an inl.ttal approximation to the solution and x C) () The operator G y H F is such that GD 1 0 (vi) The with (o) bij < (vii) operator B (b o n b [s [j (o) bii > s j b(n) b(n) +_k ij < 0 (Yk 2 (n)) i (n) b(n) ik (Sk ((n) Yk Sk(n-l)) .-(n) 11 (s y (x) (xi) (K The scalars > 0), n yn(> a kn- 1) (n) s. _a__ 2 0,I,2,... n [bii(n)] dominant (n) (n-l) k .(s (viii) diagonally ij (n) [b ik (s k 0,1,2, > O) are to be chosen such that (a) F(x)n nnYHF(x Yn-IH-I (b) sup [I (0 4 yn Hn F’(x)] ( O [I Xn-I n ) Hn_ O < O. 0 strictly a 0 and F(x O D O 0 () O, for all i,j,ij, and (n) For B ,k (ix) F(y) for y, F(x) if x i.e. isotone is F’ (Xn_ F’(x) is Frechet differenttable for all x..D 0 ], x <Xn_l, Xn > matrix GENERAL CONVERGENCE FOR BROYDEN LIKE UPDATE METHOD n oHoF’(Xo)] [l (xti) lira [[ Then starting from x O, an o 0 in the order sense. Xo approximation to the solution of F(x) Inlt[al ix n of Broyden-llke approximations is the sequeace x x n+ YnHnF( n ), n If O,l,... n to possible is it particular, in n 0 defined by O. which converges to a solution of the equation F(x) i e., A 355 a find positive matrix convergent A, 0 as n+=, then the error at the nth stage is given by II n-)- -o)11 Conditions (iii), (iv) and (xa) yield PROOF Xo I By (v) B 0 x l& Do :D. YoHoF(xo GXl Do Hence B-l> Hence H0 [12] by (vi). is an M-matrix (3.3) 0 Xo 0 0 0 s o x x Because of conditions (vl), (vii) and (viii) and because s o O. that B Is an M-trix. Therefore, tt ) O. 0 O, it follows from (22) B Isotonicity of F, together with condition (xa) yield, Hence x2 0. x YIHI F(xo YIHIF(X I) 0 x Thus x x Let us assume by way of induction that 0 (k) j. n, with blj < O, i [,2 matrix, k n n XkD o, k 1,2,...n, and Bk is an M- O, is an M-matrix, H Since B YnHnF(Xo YnHnF(Xn By conditions (ill) and (xa) (3.4) YoHoF(Xo )" oHoF(Xo Gx I Do. YoHoF (x o) Therefore, x n .HF(o) -% H F(o) ’n Xn+ Gx ED n o (n) blj < O, i], conditions (vii) and (viii), we can conclude from Lemma (2.2) that (n+l) with < O, lCj. oi. fact the Using that Bn is an M-matrlx with Xn Xn+ l, Bn+ and the is an M-matrlx J Therefore the induction is completed. is a monotonic increasing sequence in the order sense and Thus, {x k} all k. Now, 0 x 2 -x x ’ o- YIHI -F(Xo )] [YIHIF(Xo YoHoF(Xo F(Xo) ]" Xl Xo- YIHI [F(Xl -x [F(x l) Xk D O for 356 D o R. SEN, R. CHATTOPADHYAY AND T. SAHA be[ng a convex set and us[n the mean value theorem in R x x 2 f < + t(x YIHIF’(x o [I o o o )dr we obtain from (3.5) 0 < t < (3.6) stand for differentiation in the Frechet sense. Here < + t( t x )), 0 o o x )) is semi-continuous [12]. o Egain since F’(x F’(x ))] ( m + t(x o + F’(Xo Gl(t) Therefore, the operator < is G differenttable, t(xl -Xo)) is continuous [n [O,l]. We thus have the following from (3.6) 0 x 2 1HlF’(Xo [[ t(Xl Xo))](l t(xl- Xo (Xl- Xo YIHIF’(Xo [I suPt x + + < t, 0 assuming the supremum is attained at t < Xo (3.7) I. By (xb), (3.7) further simplifies to 0 x YoHo F’(xo x[ < [I 2 (3.8) x2)" (l Argaing analogously as before, [(I 7nHnF’(Xn_l + sup[l YnHnF’(Xn_l + t(x f n Xn+l o + -(nFn F’(xn_ [I Xn_l))] (n t(Xn Xn_l)dt n- Xn_l))] (n n-I t(Xn n-I assuming that the supremum is attained at t . )] (Xn Xn-I (Xn Xn-I Condition (xb) further reduces (3.9) to (n-IHn-IF’(Xn-I YoHo F’(x o)1 (x n [I Xn Xn+ [I ( YoHoF’(x o )]n [I n+pHence Xn+ p k k--n YoHo F’(xo)]n (x- Xo Since [I (x -(oHo F’(x o)] (Xl [I 7. Xn 0 as Xn_ I) n* [t x (3.10) o) (3.11) Xo follows from (xii) that {Xn is a uchy sequence and the space is complete, lira x Using convergence of { n -)--"n B n n (x Therefore using (ix) (3.12) R- it follows from YnttnF(xn l im Nou, F(x n) x n+l (3.12) that (3.13) O. Xn). (x) and the strict diagonal dominance of Bn 2k 0 as n+. --llXn+l Xnl llF(Xn)l Continuity of F yields that , Hence x F(x O. is a solution of the equation F(x) Further if -oHo F ’(x o 4 O. A, (3.11) reduces to (3.14) GENERAL CONVERGENCE FOR BROYDEN LIKE UPDATE METHOD x x n+ p n n+p-1 E k =n Ak(xl x 357 (3.15) o II’II" The error (3.2) follows from (3.15) by making p+ and then taking In the next theorem we provide a bound for the inverse Jacoblan approximation. THEOREM 3.2. Let [n addition to the conditions of theorem (3.1), the following conditions be satisfied: (a) (b) (c) Then -I Ilt,(o]-ll, (tllnO +oUoF’ (o>>n(t -xo>ll’ [F’(Xo)] _ exLsts and , Following Rhelnboldt and Ortega [12] we show that iF(x)] PROOF. -I exists at all the iteration points. Let (x o,(8’+’) -I denote the closed sphere with Xo as the center and -1 as the radius. (’w’)-l)f DO .q (x Let D Then, for xD| we have (3.17) (x o) (x -I F’(x I) has an Inverse and hence for xED I, Moreover, for x D uslng the Neumann Lemma we get Therefore [F’(x o)] [F’(x)] F’(x) has an inverse. n=o{[F’(Xo)] -I [F’(Xo) -F’(x)]}n[F’(ro)] -I -I (3.19) Therefore, ’ n:EO (s","ll --o11)" since "’’11"-" II 0 Therefore for < xD {x being a monotonic increasing sequence It follows from (3.10) and condition (c) n of Theorem (3.2), "I1-,, -o11’ II J0 Hence n <": "o"o’ CXo) ) (Xo’ Utilizing condition (xb) and (3.21) we get (’, "o)11 < ’’ (3.22) 358 R. SEN, R. CHATTOPADHYAY AND T. SAHA n (3.23) Using (3.10) and the monotonic increasing property of {x we further conclude that oHo -I o lk=o THEOREM 3.3. If condition (xb) of (x1- Theorem 3. o replaced by is the following condition: (I Yn_lHn_lF’(Xn_l a’ sup (I ) xD o > a I, n (3.24) H F’(x )) n n n ) and all other conditions of theorem 3.1 are fulfilled then the superlinear convergence of the sequence { POOF. is ensured. n YnHn F’(xn tim (I n+m (I sup D x o (I 0 as n , If f x x x [I YnHnF’ (x n + 0 1) . , 0 > (3.25) then x lim YnHn F’(xn "oHo F’(xo )1’ (1 x n-I n YnHn[F(x , F(Xn)] t(x-x n ))] (x-x n )dt By arguments analogous to theorem 3.1 + ( t[O,l] , n))ll II - II- Therefore, II *- nll < u ,:eto,.l The continuity of F’(x) for xD II ’nHn F’(x + t(x*- x and relation (3,25) yield, (3.26) is proes superIinear convergence o {Xn}, REMA 3. I. It may be noted that conditions (vii) and (viii) of theorem 3.1 are required only to prove that is an M-matrlx provided B is so. The question may Bn+ be raised as to how one can know these conditions n in advance. experience one can say that such conditions are usually satisfied. we have indicated in remark 2.1 how 4. Bn+ Find D o x x If that is not so, can be made an M-matrix when B is so. n ALGORITHM. Step 1. From computational x in which F(x) is tsotone. GENERAL CONVERGENCE FOR BROYDEN LIKE UPDATE METHOD Step 2. Choose x O DO Ho Step 3. Choose Step 4. Compute A O, ) 0 s.t. F(x O yo and < O 0 O. coute xl, k yo Ho F’(x o ). YoHoF’(Xo))n (xl- Xn) I o If (I and x 359 0 for some n no go ) to step 5, otherwise go to step 3. Step 5. Compute s Step 6. If Step 7. Compute F(Xk+l) T O, Otherwise Hk+l Step 8. Compute Step 9. If 0([0 -4) Hk+l= H Yk+t k F(Xk+ T F(Xk)’ SkHkYk H go to step 8. k + (s k HkYk) Hsk [_.]T SkHkY k Yk+iHk+IF(Xo) YkF(Xo) s.t. ) YkHkF’ (Xk)) I x + s and k k Xk+ stop, otherwise go to step 7. F(Xk+l Yk SkHkYk If YkHkF(Xk k [I sup x6 <x k ,Xk+l> Yk+lHk+l F’(x)] go to step I0, otherwise go to step 8. Step I0. If k k+l, go to step 5. REMARK 4.1. (1) The implementation of the condlttons (xa) and (xb) determination of the scalar Yn can be done by a computer. (2.1) is arbitrary except that the elements of lead to some arbitrariness in Hn+!. Pn (li) The matrix P are greater than Pn (>0). for the in note n This must In that case the choice of Yn+l covertly depends on in addition to the conditions of (xa) and (xb). so generated is however a solution of the Quasi-Newton equation. (Ill) The total number of multiplications and divisions in finding Xk+l, and + 3m, Yk+l respectively is 2 2 i.e. 5m + 5m. (iv) The number of function evaluations is m + 2m. 5. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE. Pn Hn+ (re+m2), 2m2+m, 2m2 Hk+ We take an example [14] in which every equation is linear except for the last equation which is highly non-linear. F(x) where and [fl(x)]T, We choose fl(x) 1,2,...N-I n I =-(N+I) + 2x + E xj, i- 1,2 fN(x) -1 + II N-I j=l run for N The problem was i x] 5, 10 and 30. We take x t 0.5 so that F(x )( O. Incidentally F(x) is tsotone. Define D choose A Yo [I- o 1. 0.5<xl<l.O, i hij .01. hNN- the rectangular parallelepiped given by o o o 0.5. where N, 0.1, i o j matrix, a is )] convergent iJ H (hij hl 1,2,...N, and YoHoF’(xo We summarize our computational experience in table I. The computations were on a Burroughs computer at the R.C.C. Calcutta using a FORTRAN IV performed language. We solved the problem and in each case the exact solution was obtained. In 360 R. SEN, R. CHATTOPADHYAY AND T. SAHA table 2 we provide a of. comparison out" res,llts with those For computational results of Newton’s method Brown’s method. [14]. Newton’s raethod and and Brown’s method see of Table No. of Iterations(n) Dimenslon(N) 5 5 F(x) x (I,I,I) T I0 5 (I,I ,I) 30 6 (I,I ,l) ’r T CPU Time 0 3.637 sec 0 4.462 sec 0 8.548 sec Table 2 Br own’ s Me thod Newton’ s me thod Dime nslon( N) Converged in 6 its Converged in 18 its 3 I0 30 2 Broyden-llke me thod 106 Converged in 5 its Converged in 9 its Converged in 5 its Converged in 9 its Converged in 6 its Although Brown’s method has taken a larger nmber of [teratlons, It may take less CPU time than that of the Broyden-like method because Brown’s method is quadratically convergent. 6. DISCUSSIONS. (1) In the case of Broyden’s method the initial estimate B is found by taking a o finite difference analogue of F’(x ). We are considering the cas$ where the complete o computation of F’(x) is infeasible. In our Broyden-like method w start with B an Mo matrix so that H 0. Since F is an isotone mapping it could be that all the o entries of F’(x o are non-negatlve. Nevertheless we can choose B such that o o breover we have used Broyden updates (good method) and as such we have equation, called our method the Broyden-llke method. (il) In the case of DFP’s method, H is o always taken as a symmetric posltive-deflnite matrix. Mreover, a symmetric M-matrix is positive [12]. definite Hence our H definite matrix as in DFP’s method. negative transform of solutions the given nonlinear equation n can sometimes equations. into turn out to be a positve- (lii) Theorem 3.1 can only provide us with nonWith a suitable another equation having translation non-negatlve we can solutions (iv) Our convergence proof seems to be much more elegant than the cases where "majorizatlon principle" has been uttllzed or where the Euclidean norm of -I Ei(E i --A B i- I, for linear system of equations Ax b)has been utilized. (v) The convergence theorem 3.1 is applicable where F is Isotone. This restricts the sphere only. of applicability of the theorem. However, in a large number of problems, the GENERAL CONVERGENCE FOR BROYDEN LIKE UPDATE METHOD nonlinear operators are noton[cally Decomposlble (MDO) 361 [13] and convergence theorems along the llne of theorem 3.1 can be developed for such operators. The result would be communicated in a separate paper. A( NOWL E DGEME NTS. The authors are ext.emely grateful to Dr. L. Dixon of Hatf[eld Polytechnic U.K. for some constructive comments. The second author, who is a N.B.H.M (India) research awardee, is grateful to the National Board for Higher Mathematics, India for [nancial support to carry out the research. REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. DAVIDON, W.C., Variable metric method for minimization. Argonne Nat. Labs. Re port ANL-5990, Rev. Argonne II (1959). FLTCHER, R. and POWELL, M.J.D., A rapidly convergent descent method for mlnimizatlons. Comput J. 6 (1963), 163-168. BROYDEN, C.G., A class of methods for solving non-llnear simultaneous equations, Maths. Comp. I9, (1965), 577-593. 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