Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. 4 (1990) 779-782 779 REMARKS ON A FIXED-POINT THEOREM OF GERALD JUNGCK MAIBAM RANJIT SINGH Department of Mathemat Man[put Unlvers[ty Imphal- 795003, India (Received August 18, 1988 and in revised form May 29, 1989) Jungck [I] obtained a flxed-polnt theorem for a pair of continuous selfRecently, Barada K. Ray [2] extended the theorem ABSTRACT. mappings on a complete metric space. of Jungck [I] for three self-mapplngs on a complete metric space. In the present paper we omit the continuity of the mapping used by Ray [2] and replace his four by a single condition. conditions Our results so obtained generalize and/or unify fixed-polnt theorems of Jungck [I], Ray [2], Rhoades [3], Cirl [4], Pal and Malti [5], and Sharma and Yuel [6]. KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. Fixed Point Theorem, Continuous Self-Mapplngs, and Complete Metric Space. 54H25, 47HI0. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. INTRODUCTION. We quote two theorems: Theorem I. (Jungck [I]). If S and T are continuous mappings of a complete metric space (X,d) into itself such that i) s(x) cT(X), ll) ST TS, and ill) d(Sx,Sy) < a d(Tx, Ty) for every pair of points X and for a x,y [O,l), then F S where F and FS, T S F FS, T T {x e X: x {x E X: x Theorem 2 (Ray [2]). {u} for some u in X, Sx}, FT Sx {x TT il) U Ill) 2 1 TiT i X:, x Tx} Tx}. Let T be a continuous mapping and T two mappings of a complete metric space i) E and T 2 be any other (X,d) into itself such that 1,2, T i(X) c_ T(X), and at least one of the following is satisfied for every pair of points x,y in X: MAIBAM RANJIT SINGH 780 ad(Ty, T2Y)d(Tx, + d(Tx, Ty) d(Tlx’ T2Y) a, 13, a + 13 where 0 < d(TlX T2Y) TlX) + 13 d(Tx,Ty), I, X max (d(Tx,Ty), I/2[d(Tx,TlX)+d(Ty,T2Y)] I/2 [d(Tx,T2Y)+d(Ty,TIX) < where 0 (1.2) 1, d(Tlx,T2Y) max {d(Tx,Ty), d(Tx,TlY) d(Ty,T2Y), d(Tx,T2Y), d(Ty,TIX)} < where 0 1/2, d(TlX,T2Y) max {IKId(Tx,Ty) K2d(Tx,TIX) I, [KId(Tx,Ty where -I Then < K < K 2 FT, TI,T 2 2. 2 + < < 2, K I. is non-empty, where FT,TI,T 2 Furthermore, K K2d(Ty,T2Y )]} {x FTI FT2 X: x Tx FT,T IT2 TlX T2x} {u}, for some u in X. MAIN RESULTS. Now we give our result. Let (X,d) be a complete metric space. Let T,TI,T2: X X satisfy (I), (li) of Theorem 2 and (i) let the following conditions hold for every pair of points x,y in X: THEOREM 2.1. d(TITX,T2TY) {d(x,TiTx) d(y,T2TY), d(y,TITx),d(x,T2TY), a[ l+d(y,T2TY) ]d(x,TITX) [d(x’TITx)+d(y’T2TY)]’ -I:-d(x,y-)- I max + 13[d(x,TiTx)+d(y,T2TY)]+ v[d(y,TiTx)+d(x,T2TY) + , d(x,y)], IZld(X,y)-Z2d(x,T1Tx)l, K d (x, y)-K2d (y ,T 2TY REMARKS ON A FIXED-POINT THEOREM OF GERALD JUNGCK I, 0 where (S + v + ) l-u(a + S + ,) 0 Then 6 ) I, -I < K < < K 2 < + 6 + + 0, + uK 2 < < I, 2 + 2, K < I, I. is non-empty, where FT,TIT2 FT,TI,T Furthermore, F PROOF ,,, 781 F FT2 T Let x E O T2X2n_l, X2n TlX T2x} {u}, for some u in X. T’TI ’T2 X, define TlX2n X2n+l Tx {x e X: x 2 n O, 1,2... n 1,2,3... Then, using Theorem 2. l, (i), we have d(X2n+l X2n) where K max {, -I-’ X d(X2n X2n_l) (S + v + ) r} l-(a + B "+ )’ K K2}’ KI > 0, -K {K Z2, I_---K--’--}, K < 0. max [K whe re max I- K2, {xn} is a Cauchy sequence. u as x n/ + t X such that Since X is complete there exists u (R). Now, d(TiTu, X2n) d(TITU,T2Tx2n_l). Then using Theorem 2.1 (i) and allowing n we have u TITU. d(X2n+l,T2Tu) such that Hence u TITU TTIU using Theorem 2 d(TiTX2n,T2Tu). u etc, u, X2n+1 X2n -such that which yields Tu T2u. Hence, u we have u T2Tu. Hence TIT and T2T. T1u T2u u T2Tu TT2u. From Theorem 2.1 (1), it is Tu we have d(TITTu,T2Tu u using Theorem 2.1 (i). Tu u etc, Again using Theorem 2 (i) and allowing n Now, let v denote any common fixed point of v since 2 + 6 < I. For proving u easy to see that u d(Tu,u)ffid(TT1Tu,T2Tu (i). u, X2n_l Further, X2n Hence u which shows that TITU TlU. FT,FT ,FT 2 are Similarly, u non-empty. T2Tu Then we MAIBAM RANJIT SINGH 782 can see that F Let X EXAMPLE. x Here l, , x TIX T,TI,T2, O. Take x F T R, FT2 [0,I]T’TIT2 {u} for some u in X. with Euclidean metric d. Let Tx 0 . x < l, TIX .--, 1, x are all dtscount[uuous at x y- This completes the proof. T2x x -, 0 x, 0 x < x 1, < I, Tx T2x =-t-" =I/2, x l. and have a unique common fixed point x Obviously all the conditions (t), (it) of Theorem 2 and (i) of Hence the result. (1) Contractive Definition 20 of Rhoades [3] is a special case of o Ctrct [4], Theorem of Pal and Haiti (2) Theorem condition (i) of Theorem 2.1. [5], and Theorem 4 of Sharma and Yuel [6] are special cases of Theorem 2.1. Theorem 2. hold true. REHARKS. My sincere thanks are due to Professor A.K. ChatterJee for his guidance in the presentation of this paper and also to the anonymous referee for his valuable comments tn the mprovement o the same. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. REFERENCES I. JUNGCK, G., Commuting Mappings and Fixed Points, Amer. Math. 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