Model-Based Separation in Humans and Machines Dan Ellis Laboratory for Recognition and Organization of Speech and Audio Dept. Electrical Eng., Columbia Univ., NY USA 1. Audio Source Separation 2. Human Performance 3. Model-Based Separation Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 1 /19 1. Audio Source Separation • Sounds rarely occurs in isolation .. but organizing mixtures is a problem .. for humans and machines )re+ & ,-. chan 9 )re+ & ,-. chan 3 )re+ & ,-. chan 1 3 3 )re+ & ,-. chan 0 mr-2000-11-02-14:57:43 3 3 1 1/ / -1/ -3/ -5/ le;el & d= 1 1 1 / / 0 1 2 3 Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 4 5 6 7 8 time & sec 2006-03-08 - 2 /19 mr-20001102-1440-cE+1743.wav Audio Separation Scenarios • Interactive voice systems human-level understanding is expected • Speech prostheses crowds: #1 complaint of hearing aid users • Multimedia archive analysis freq / kHz identifying and isolating speech, other events dpwe-2004-09-10-13:15:40 8 20 6 0 4 -20 2 0 -40 0 1 2 3 4 5 • Surveillance... Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 6 7 8 9 level / dB time / sec pa-2004-09-10-131540.wav 2006-03-08 - 3 /19 How Can We Separate? • By between-sensor differences (spatial cues) ‘steer a null’ onto a compact interfering source • By finding a ‘separable representation’ spectral? but speech is broadband periodicity? maybe – for voiced speech something more signal-specific... • By inference (based on knowledge/models) speech is redundant → use part to guess the remainder Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 4 /19 Outline 1. Audio Source Separation 2. Human Performance scene analysis speech separation by location speech separation by voice characteristics 3. Model-Based Separation Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 5 /19 Auditory Scene Analysis Bregman’90 • Listeners organize sound mixtures Darwin & Carlyon’95 common onset + continuity harmonicity freq / kHz into discrete perceived sources based on within-signal cues (audio + ...) 4 30 20 3 10 0 2 -10 -20 1 -30 0 -40 0 spatial, modulation, ... learned “schema” Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Reynolds-McAdams oboe time / sec reynolds-mcadams-dpwe.wav 2006-03-08 - 6 /19 level / dB Speech Mixtures: Spatial Separation • Task: Coordinate Response Measure Brungart et al.’02 “Ready Baron go to green eight now” 256 variants, 16 speakers correct = color and number for “Baron” crm-11737+16515.wav • Accuracy as a function of spatial separation: A, B same speaker Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis o Range effect 2006-03-08 - 7 /19 Separation by Vocal Differences Brungart et al.’01 varying the level and voice character • CRM !"#$%&$'()#*"&+$,-"#$'(!$./-#0 (same spatial1232'(4-**2&2#52. location) energetic vs. informational masking 1232'(6-**2&2#52(5$#(72'8(-#(.82257(.20&20$,-"# 1-.,2#(*"&(,72(9%-2,2&(,$'/2&: Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 8 /19 Varying the Number of Voices Brungart et al.’01 • Two voices OK; More than two voices harder :/1$9($%";1./(0$#5/1$%":$)&51< =90>'("/."?$%&'() (same spatial origin) mix -'(./(0$12'"3(/4)"3($0$#52$%%6 of N voices tends to speech-shaped noise... 78'1"+(3 /(",#8 #$%&'("5)"$33'3"#/")#509%9) Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 9 /19 !"#$%&'()"**"+"#$%&'()"*","#$%&'() Outline 1. Audio Source Separation 2. Human Performance 3. Model-Based Separation Separation vs. Inference The Speech Fragment Decoder Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 10/19 Separation Approaches ICA •Multi-channel •Fixed filtering •Perfect separation – maybe! !ar$%! ' (n!%r*%r%nc% n - m(' 0r1c ', / CASA / Model-based •Single-channel •Time-varying filtering •Approximate separation !"#$#%& , n ,(-+.)* /)0! ,.2. ()*+ # !0,1 • Very different approaches... Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 11/19 ",.2. #' Separation vs. Inference Ellis’96 • Ideal separation is rarely possible i.e. no projection can completely remove overlaps • Overlaps Ambiguity scene analysis = find “most reasonable” explanation • Ambiguity can be expressed probabilistically i.e. posteriors of sources {Si} given observations X: P({Si}| X) P(X |{Si}) P({Si}) combination physics source models • Better source models → better inference .. learn from examples? Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 12/19 • Central idea: Employ strong learned constraints time time to disambiguate possible sources Varga & Moore’90 Roweis’03... frequency {Si} = argmax{Si} P(X | {Si}) frequency speech-trained Vector-Quantizer • e.g. fitMAXVQ Results: Denoising totimemixed spectrum: time from Roweis’03 time frequency frequency frequency frequency frequency frequency Model-Based Separation time time time Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis frequency frequency Training: 300sec of isolated speech separate via T-F(TIMIT) mask to fit 512 codewords, and 100sec of solated noise (NOISEX) to fit 32 codewords; testing on new mpgr+noise+tfmask.wav signals at 0dB SNR mpgr+noise.wwav 2006-03-08 - 13/19 Separation or Description? • Are isolated waveforms required? clearly sufficient, but may not be necessary not part of perceptual source separation! • Integrate separation with application? e.g. speech recognition separation mix t-f masking + resynthesis identify target energy ASR words speech models mix vs. identify find best words model speech models source knowledge words output = abstract description of signal Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 14/19 words 1 M ! = argmax P " M X # = argmax P " X M M M +-%(2%&2*34%//'!3%-'"(*35""/,/*6,-7,,(* #"2,4/*M*-"*#%-35*/"8&3,*9,%-8&,/*X The Speech Fragment Decoder 1 .':-8&,/;*"6/,&<,2*9,%-8&,/*Y=*/,) • P " MBarker # et al. ’05 ! M = argmax P " M X # = argmax P " X M # ! -------------%44*&,4%-,2*6>*P( X | Y,S )*;# P" X M M 1 .':-8&,/;*"6/,&<,2*9,%-8&,/*Y=*/,)&,)%-'"(*S=* Match ‘uncorrupt’ Observation %44*&,4%-,2*6>*P( X | Y,S )*; Y(f ) spectrum to ASR Observation models using Source Y(f ) X(f ) missing data Source Segregation S X(f ) freq model M and segregation S • Joint search for 1 ?"'(-*34%//'!3%-'"(*"9*#"2,4*%(2*/ Segregation S freq 1 ?"'(-*34%//'!3%-'"(*"9*#"2,4*%(2*/,)&,)%-'"(; to maximize: P" X Y $ S # P" X Y $ S # P " M $ S Y #P=" M P "$M # !"-----------------------! P#" S! -----------------------Y# -d S# %YP#" X=M P MP#"%XP# "-XdXM P " X # Isolated Source Model Segregation Model <$P(X)$#*$&*#521$=*#(0"#0$> <$P(X)$#*$&*#521$=*#(0"#0$> !"#$%&&'( Separation - Dan )*+#,-$.'/0+12($3$42"1#'#5 Model-based Ellis !"#$%&&'( 67789::976$9$::$;$68 2006-03-08 - 15/19 )*+#,-$.'/0+12($3$42"1#'#5 67789 Segregation S 1 freq Using CASA cues ?"'(-*34%//'!3%-'"(*"9*#"2,4*%(2*/,)&,)%-'"(; P" X Y $ S # !"#$%&'()(&*+,-./+" P " M $ S Y # = P " M # % P " X M # ! ------------------------- dX ! P " S Y # P" X # 0 P(S|Y)&1#$2"&,34."-#3&#$*4/5,-#4$&-4&"+%/+%,-#4$ • 9<$P(X)$#*$&*#521$=*#(0"#0$> '($0<'($(25125"0'*#$=*10<$>*#(',21'#5? CASA can help search 9 <*=$&'@2&A$'($'0? • E12F+2#>A$G"#,($G2&*#5$0*520<21 CASA can rate segregation 9 *#(20;>*#0'#+'0AD consider only segregations made from CASA !"#$%&&'( )*+#,-$.'/0+12($3$42"1#'#5 67789::976$9$::$;$68 0 67+$#$%&*4/&'()(8"-91+&143,1&*+,-./+" chunks 9 B21'*,'>'0A;<"1C*#'>'0AD construct0'C29E12F+2#>A$125'*#$C+(0$G2$=<*&2 P(S|Y) to reward CASA qualities: Frequency Proximity Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis !"#$%&&'( Common Onset )*+#,-$.'/0+12($3$42"1#'#5 Harmonicity 2006-03-08 - 16/19 67789::976$9$:8$;$68 Speech-Fragment Recognition • CASA-based fragments give extra gain over missing-data recognition from Barker et al. ’05 Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 17/19 Evaluating Separation • Real-world speech tasks crowded environments M. Cooke & T.-W. Lee “Speech Separation Challenge” 0 6 4 -50 2 -100 0 level / dB Pitch Track + Speaker Active Ground Truth 200 150 Lags human intelligibility? ‘diarization’ annotation (but not transcription) freq / kHz • Metric Personal Audio - Speech + Noise 8 100 ks-noisyspeech.wav 50 0 0 Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2006-03-08 - 18/19 9 10 time / sec Summary & Conclusions • Listeners do well separating speech using spatial location using source-property variations • Machines do less well difficult to apply enough constraints need to exploit signal detail • Models capture constraints learn from the real world adapt to sources • Inferring state (≈ recognition) is a promising approach to separation Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 19/19 Sources / See Also • NSF/AFOSR Montreal Workshops ’03, ’04 as well as the resulting book... • Hanse meeting: Hanse/ • DeLiang Wang’s ICASSP’04 tutorial • Martin Cooke’s NIPS’02 tutorial Model-based Separation - Dan Ellis 2006-03-08 - 20/19 References 1/2 [Barker et al. ’05] J. 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