311 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 16 NO. 2 (1993) 311-318 ESTIMATES OF LOGARITHMIC COEFFICIENTS OF UNIVALENT FUNTIONS STEPHEN M. ZEMYAN Department of Hathematlcs The Pennsylvanla State Unlverslty Hont Alto Campus Hont Alto, Pennsylvanla 17237-9703 (Received November 7, 1991 and in revised form June 19, 1992) ABSTRACT. In this paper, we derlve some consequences of Hllln’s Inequallty for the logarlthmlc coefflclents of a univalent functlon by exploltln a reformulatlon of It. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Unlvalent functlons, logarlthmlc coefflclents, Mllln’s Inequallty, convex welghts. 1991 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 30C50, 30C75. I. INTRODUCTION. Let S unlvalent In the unlt dlsk and f’ (0) f(z) denote the class of all functlons I. U {z: Izl < I} which are analytlc and and are normalized so that The logarlthmlc coefflclents of k f(z) f(O) 0 are deflned by the re lat lon 2 log yk zk. k=l In partlcular, the Koebe function k I/k (k 1,2 k(z) z(l z) -2 has logarithmic coefficients }. In fundamental work published during the 1960’s, I. M. Milln concerned hlmself with logarlthmlc coefflclents and thelr role in the theory of univalent functions. Subsequent to a great deal of intense research, Mllln conjectured the inequalities stated in Theorem below. These Inequalltles attracted much attentlon because their truth would imply the the truth of the Robertson conjecture and the Bleberbach conjecture, in addltlon to others. proved these Inequalltles using Then, in 1984, Louis de Branges [I, p. 146-150] Loewner’s parametric method and a special system of strictly decreasing weight functions. An alternate treatment of these Inequalltles Since was subsequently presented by Fitzgerald and Pommerenke [2, pp. 683-690]. then, many authors have explored these Inequalltles. so, but flrst we restate de Branges’ famous result. In thls paper we shall also do S.M. ZEMYAN 312 THEOREM 1. Let (de Branges) [ S, and let f k (k f. Then, for every N z 1, logarithmic coefficients of k)lkl2 k{N + denote the N+l-k I -< 1,2 we have {1.1) k=1 k=1 f(z) Equality holds if and only if nz) z/(l a Inl It is our purpose here to derive further consequences of Theorem by utilizing the following equivalent reformulation of it. THEOREM I’. coefficients of convex Let S, and let f Let f. P(k) (k Assume further that function. identically zero; that is, that k z N + I. Ik (k k non-lncreaslng be a non-negatlve, the weight N there exists an functlon P for which P(k} Is eventually 0 whenever N, we have Then, for thls value of I denote the logarlthmlc 1,2 1,2 a P(k)lkl P(k) [ {1.2} k k=l k=l z/(1 f(z) Equality holds if and only if As it Is pointed out in [I], nz) a Inl by two Abel Theorem 1’ follows from Theorem summations (or summations by parts). Of course, Theorem follows from Theorem I’ by slmply choosing the welght function IN P(k) Thus, + N k, k O, N+I k these theorems are equivalent, even though Theorem 1’ appears on the surface to be more complex. Several authors have concerned themselves with consequences inequalities and with other inequalities which are similar in nature. of these Milln and Grinshpan [3, pp.139-147] derived a necessary condition which must be satisfied by the weights P(k) in Theorem I’ if the Koebe function is to be extremal, and Andreev and Duren [3, pp. 721-728] reproved this explored some of its consequences. necessary condition in a different manner, and detailed its consequences. Many choices for P for some desired choices, such as the assumption that P - yield interesting applications of this theorem. P(k) k { > 0), or P{k} r k However, (0 < r < I), is eventually identically zero could never be met. simple process of truncation produces a sequence eventually identically zero, {P(I} P(N),O,O The which is but then the truncated sequence need not be convex, thereby preventing the application of Theorem I’. In Section 2, we provide a simple method of circumventing this difficulty. In Section 3, we take advantage of this method in a natural manner to obtain several interesting consequences which extend and generalize known results. ESTIMATES OF LOGARITHMIC COEFFICIENTS OF UNIVALENT FUNCTIONS 313 REDEFINING THE CONVEX WEIGHT FUNCTION P(k). Let N 2 be fixed, and P(k) (k 1,2 2. be given. Assume that P Is Assume further that the weight function is not eventually identically zero), but non-negatlve, non-lncreaslng, and convex. P(k} > 0 that for all P{k) {N IN [P(N) -P(N- 1)] x + y and the (R). I} > P{N}, then there Is a unlque stralght llne which passes through I}} and (N, P(N}}. The equation of this llne is I, P{N P(N If the points P {i.e., that k as k 0 (N- 1} P(N}], P(N- 1) x-intercept of this line Is easlly seen to be xN=N+ P(N) P(N P(N) 1) We conslder two cases. CASE I: If P(N) O< P(N or equlvalently, if 2 P(N} P(N 1, 1} P(N) I}, then we define a new convex weight function by {P(k}, A t P(k 0 N k k N+I A In this case, P ^P is a simple truncatlon of P, and it is geometrically evident that satlsfles all precondltlons necessary to apply Theorem 1’. CASE II: If P(N} P{N I} P{N} ^ then we define a new convex weight function P by including a mld-range llnear section, the addltlon of which will facilitate the estlmatlons to follow. Speclflcally, we define P{k}, P(k} [P{N) -P{N-I}]k + [NP{N-I) O, N k {N-I)P{N)], k k N+I Ixu] [xu]+1 where denotes the greatest integer function. Since P has been redefined in a linear fashion for mld-range and end-range values of k, it is again geometrically clear that P^ satisfies all pre-condltlons necessary in order to apply Theorem I’. In so doing, we obtain S.M. ZEMYAN 314 where we have set [P(N)/(P(N Np P(N))]. I) For example, if we set This last inequality allows for convenient estimations. A P(k) ak + b, where P(N) a N+Np P(N I) NP(N b and N+Np ^P(k) ak + b Np + b In + a Np + b in It a < k:N+l k=N+l (N I) I)P(N), then + Hence, estimates of the form N N k=l k:l If ] + A are possible, with no explicit reference to the values of P. Also, since we have ^ P(k) -< P(k), we obtain the inequalities constructed N+Np N P(k} k k=l k=l k:l so that P(k) k=l (2.1) k=l which is significant whenever the series on the right converges. The above observations were made under the assumption that If P(N P{N) I) for all P(N I} > P{N}. P(N} > O, then the convexity condition would require that k > N. But then P(k} could never be redefined as above to be P In addition, the infinite series on the right side of Such a choice for P would diverge by comparison to the harmonic series. eventually identically zero. (2.1} would be inadmissible. Of course, every admissible choice of {2.1). 3. P yields a new inequality of the form In the next section, we present some of these choices. RESULTS. Andreev and Duren [3, p. 722] asked whether the partial sum inequality N N [ k k:! r > O. {k{2 r k <- [ kr k k=l Although they provide some supportive evidence that this that for no inequality should hold for r s I/2, they also establish [3, p. 727] holds for any N z 2 can it hold for all r < I. 315 ESTIMATES OF LOGARITHMIC COEFFICIENTS OF UNIVALENT FUNCTIONS In Theorem 2(a) below, we shall show that this Inequallty does Indeed hold if It Is not known whether the constant "1/2" Is best posslble. Wlthln the proof of Theorem 2(b), a method of estlmatlng the left-hand slde of the above Is provlded. Although Theorem 2(b) has been obtalned Inequallty when I/2 < r < elsewhere (see, for example, Mllln and Grlnshpan [3, p. 143]), our purpose here Is to show that It may be easlly obtalned from Theorem 1’. r s 1/2. Let THEOREM 2. 0 k (k 1,2 denote the logarlthmlc f. coefflcients of If S, and let f I/2, then for every r I, we have N N N (3.1) k=l k--I f(z) Equality holds if and only if (b) For each k .kl 2 r k For 0 In r I/2, the weight function defined by |r P(k} {b) If r k=1 A is convex. I}[ k k=l PROOF. z r < 1, 0 r, }z) z/(1 k, k 0 k N N+I Hence, Inequallty (3.1} follows Immedlately from Theorem 1’. < r < 1, then there exists a unlque posltlve Integer J such that 1/2 J/{j + I} < r For thls value of (j + 1)/{j + 2}. J k r, ^ P(k) (r N r -I )k + k=l Nr-I O, (N-llr), N and any k N+I k N+J+I I, we define N N+J Applylng Theorem I’, we now obtain (3.2) For 1/2 < r < 1, the left-hand side of (3. I} may now be estlmated by Ignorlng the second term on the left-hand side of {3.2}, and substltutlng the values of on the rlght. that ^ P(k} P{k} The calculations Involved in thls estlmatlon may be eased by noting r k for mld-range values of The result of part (b) k. now follows by letting the index N S.M. ZEMYAN 316 Theorem 3 to follow Is a generallzatlon of the result =! =! whlch was prevlously establlshed by Duren and Leung [5, pp. Of course, the 36-43|. Koebe functlon Is extremal for thls Inequallty, slnce Its coefflcients are preclsely In Corollary 3.1, we obtaln an estlmate on the N th partlal sums of thls serles, whlch Is valld for N 3. k I/k (k 1,2 ). THEOREM 3. Let f N + coefflclents of (a) If = > 0 f. and - S, and let , 2 N I (b} If N I s (3.3) k1/ k=l f(z} Equality holds if and only if z/(1 }z) 2 ll e > O, then I kX-lkl- s (1+e}, k k--I where 1/ denotes the Rlemann Zeta Function. PROOF. For (a) N and in this range, the welght function defined by N+I k Is convex. If Hence, N > (3.3) + I/{2 follows directly from Theorem I’. I/= I}, then there exists a unlque Integer (N 1) N P(k} (N N, j, and - c , (N 1} + (N(N-I) O, c J+l. - N k=1 (N-1)N-), k N+I k N+J+I Applylng Theorem 1’, we now obtaln N N+J k1-lkl a k--1 + N kP{k} k=N+l such that we define k (N-1)-}k J c j< For these values of N k=1 ^ P(k} (b} be the logarlthmlc 1,2 then kl-lk I k=l k (k lkl N+J + k=t k/ k k=N+l 317 ESTIMATES OF LOGARITHMIC COEFFICIENTS OF UNIVALENT FUNCTIONS A P(k) sllk Slnce = estlmates of the form are now posslble, where is defined as above. j The conclusion of part (b) N now follows by lettlng the Index d in the inequality stated above. In the following corollary, we consider the Duren-Leung conjecture which states that N for all [3, N k=l k=l Both Mllln and Grlnshpan [4, p. 144] as well as Andreev and Duren 3. 726] p. N provlde evidence supportive for thls although neither conjecture, In the event that this conjecture is false, advantageous to have an accurate estimate of the left-hand slde. provides it proof. a Let COROLLARY 3.1. coefficients of k (k S, and let f N Then, for every f. 1,2 N N- 2 1) 2N(N For N - be the logarithmic 3, we have N PROOF. would be k=l k=l ^P(k) 3, we define as In the proof of Theorem 3(b} which, after some slmpllflcatlon, becomes _-k-I A P{k) N k= l/k, k N+I k 2N-I 2N-2 1) (N O, After applying Theorem I’, we obtain N N 2N-2 k(2N N(N k--1 P(k) I/k for (2N kN(N 1) N+I k 2N-2 k 1) 1) k=N+l k=l k--N+1 A Since 2N-2 1) k (this is geometrically clear}, we may continue our estimation to conclude that N N 2N-2 k=l k=l k=N+l ..2 Flnally, an integral estimate of the term on the right flnlshes the proof. S.M. ZEMYAN 318 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wlshes to recognlze the referee for several helpful comments In his revlew of thls artlcle. REFERENCES I. DE BRANGES, L. 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