JD Hogarth P.S. February 2016 Newsletter Principal’s Message February is upon us and we are finally experiencing winter! It has been great to see our students engaged in so many activities outside at recess times and during outdoor learning times. Our students are busy playing soccer, building snow forts, snow sculptures and much more. At JD, we continue to focus on supporting our students on how to play safely, include others, be respectful, be active and have fun! At times, some students become very protective of their play space and we encourage them to remember to follow our character education focus or seek assistance from an adult. Thank you to all our parents for sending your children bundled up warmly for these cold and often windy recess breaks. Although the temperatures have been inconsistent this winter season it is important to ensure that we are all dressed for the fluctuating temperatures, snow and wind. Compassion is our character education focus this month and our students are involved in demonstrating kindness and recognizing when kindness is shown by others. Our “Caught in the Act of Kindness” tickets are being completed by staff and students to recognize acts of kindness. Each Friday, a ticket from each division is drawn and students’ names are called over the morning announcements. Term One has come to an end and students will be receiving their report card on February 11, 2016. Please take time to celebrate with your child(ren) areas of success and discuss a plan to support your child with working towards his/her next steps for improvement. Page four is available to record what your child has improved upon, and how you will help your child to continuously improve their skills. As well, if you would like to discuss your child’s report card with the teacher, please check the appropriate box on page four. Ms. Barrow Principal Lunch Orders Milk, pizza & sub Orders for March & April are available to order online between February 8–24. Help Keep our Students Safe As you are aware, JD Hogarth can get very congested with vehicles during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. The UGDSB has been looking at ways to reduce traffic congestion. Recently, “No Left Turn” signs have been implemented for all vehicles exiting the school site during 8:00-9:30 a.m. and 3:00-4:00 p.m. You can help to keep students safe by: • walking your child to and from school • arranging drop off and pick up at a nearby location • driving slowly and giving pedestrians the right of way at all times • observing the traffic rules and only parking in designated parking spaces • always following the direction of the staff supervisor • being patient Thank you to all parents and community members for following traffic procedures at JD Hogarth. Kindergarten Registration 2016-2017 Kindergarten registration will be held from February 1-5, 2016. Eligible students for the Junior Kindergarten program must be four years of age on or before December 31, 2016 and students must be five years of age on or before December 31, 2016 to register for Senior Kindergarten. PLEASE NOTE: If your child already attends Junior Kindergarten at JD Hogarth, you do not need to register him/her for Senior Kindergarten. Please bring the following items when registering: - Proof of birth date (birth certificate, passport, permanent resident card) - Proof of address (driver’s license, purchase/rental agreement, utility bill) - Immunization record (yellow card) - Custody Order documentation, if applicable - Proof of date of entry to Canada, if born outside of Canada Tips for Dressing for Winter Walking • • • • • • Keep hands and head covered to prevent heat loss On really cold days wear a scarf over your face and mouth Wear warm, waterproof boots Wear a warm coat that deflects the wind Woolen clothing helps to retain the heat Wear clothing or carry knapsacks with reflective material – it’s important to be seen If possible, change wet clothes at school – tuck an extra pair of socks and mitts into knapsacks. Below -25oC is considered too cold for walking so move your walk indoors or select another day for outdoor activities or walking to school. Public input sought for draft policies The Upper Grand District School Board has adopted a new approach to the development of policies and procedures, important documents that guide the board, staff and activities of our school system. Our goal is to improve policies and procedures at the draft stage, with your help. By providing an opportunity for input from parents, the community and stakeholders we are aiming for greater openness and transparency in our governance. The first policy, procedures and guidelines to be posted for public consultation are related to “Equity and Inclusive Education”. You are invited to review the draft documents and submit online feedback at www.ugdsb.on.ca/policy. The deadline for public input is April 13, 2016. Persons without internet access may call 519-822-4420 ext. 723 to request a printed copy of the draft documents. Food and Friends Wants You to LIVE FREE!! Did you know that 1 in 10 children go to school hungry each day? On Friday March 4th our school is taking the challenge to help kids Live Free from hunger for our Food and Friends program. All students and staff are encouraged to think of something that they take for granted every day -- and make a promise to give it up for March 4th! How about chocolate or maybe the computer? Check out the video to see what it's all about! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNZjTOO1vUc A donation of just $10 provides snacks for over 11 students. Donations of $20 or more will receive charitable tax receipts and can be can be made on line here: http://www.livefreewdg.ca/donate Then click on our school J.D. Hogarth P.S. Our Food and Friends program also welcomes Corporate Donations. Or you can use our School Cash on Line to donate various amounts to our program. If you are unsure how to access this, please go to our J.D. Hogarth PS website or click here: https://ugdsb.schoolcashonline.com/ Help us reach our 2015 goal of $600!! Then on March 4th, bring in a Toonie to donate to our Food and Friends Program to make your donation of various amounts! All money raised goes directly back to the Food and Friends program at J.D. Hogarth. Used Book Drive For The Philippines On December 24th on the small Philippine island of Boracay, the Agape Academy suffered a devastating fire. Over $85,000 in damage was sustained, including the destruction of their entire library. We would like to take our compassion focus to the next level by holding a used book drive to help Agape rebuild their library collection. From February 8-19th we will be encouraging our students to donate gently used fiction and non-fiction books appropriate for kindergarten to grade 3. If you are interested in helping us with this global act of compassion, please send small book donations with your child to Mrs. Preston in our school library or drop larger donations off in our office. Thank you! Keeping Our Children and Youth Safe Online Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of reported cases of young people involved in self/peer exploitation. This is generally defined as youth creating, sending or sharing sexual images and/or videos with peers via the Internet and/or electronic devices. The Board recently purchased a resource for every elementary and secondary school called Self/Peer Exploitation, School and Family Approaches to Intervention and Prevention. The resource was created by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, which is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to promoting safety of all children. Principals and VicePrincipals also received an in-service on the guide. The following two links may assist youth and families who have been impacted by child sexual exploitation: Cybertip.ca may be used to report child sexual exploitation NeedHelpNow.ca is a website that offers some practical information for youth on how to deal with this (for example, how to get pictures removed from the internet, how to deal with peers, how to talk with someone, etc.). The Canadian Centre for Child Protection also produces several useful resources for parents that may be found using the following links: https://www.cybertip.ca/pdfs/C3P_SafetySheet_SelfPeerExploitation_en.pdf https://www.cybertip.ca/pdfs/C3P_SafetySheet_Cyberbullying_en.pdf Talking About Mental Health – It’s February, Let’s be Grateful Being grateful is a simple thing that we can do every day, but it has a powerful effect on our positive mental health. Being grateful increases positive feelings, makes us more stress resistant and increases our sense of self-worth. Here are some simple grateful exercises that you can do with your family: 1. Every night at dinner each person in the family says three things they are grateful for that day. 2. Make a February gratitude jar, every day each family member writes down one thing they are grateful for and at the end of the month, open the jar and read all the things you are grateful for. 3. Leave sticky notes for each family member to thank them for something you appreciate about them. Each family member has a different day of the week that they are in charge of making the thank you notes. 4. Think about volunteering and include your children and youth. There are lots of opportunities at your school or in your neighbourhood to help others. 5. Have fun together as a family. Play a game, watch a movie, eat a meal, go for a walk, read a book together. Be grateful for time together and creating new, happy memories. Wishing everyone a great and grateful February. Dr. Lynn Woodford, Psychologist, is the Mental Health and Addiction Lead for Upper Grand District School Board Follow me on twitter: @drlynnwoodford February’s Environmental Theme: ENERGY CONSERVATION Because many of our energy sources cause pollution and damage our Earth, energy conservation is about finding ways to reduce or eliminate unnecessary energy usage. We all know to turn off the lights when not in the room, turn down the heating or cooling and buy energy efficient appliances. But do you know about Energy Vampires? Energy Vampires are electronics that use energy even when you think they are turned off. Many "Vampires" have LED lights, clocks or digital displays that are powered continually. Cell phone chargers, TVs, DVD players and gaming devices all draw current even when not in use. We can unplug these or plug them into smart power strips that stop idle energy currents. But what about the future? What types of energy can we use that are renewable energy sources that don't damage the planet? Let's put solar energy to work! When it is sunny outside, let your laundry dry on a clothesline. Or open the curtains in the winter and let the sun heat your home naturally. Or, let's be Eco-Smart in our choices. Design new houses that are angled to use the maximum warmth and light from the sun's rays in the winter and have a roof overhang designed to decrease sun penetration in the summer. Install lights that only turn on by using a sensor that monitors brightness. Plant trees to strategically provide shade. In your community, ask local governments to support more solar panels and more wind turbines in Ontario. We can use these great ideas ourselves to slow down Global Warming and keep our planet healthy. Slogan of the month: Conserve our energy - we are using more of it than you think! Help Stop The Spread Of Germs And Stay Well Wash your hands: There are no vaccines to protect us from the common cold or a stomach virus that is easily spread to others. Teaching children to wash their hands properly can reduce the chances of getting sick. Everyone should wash their hands before eating, after using the bathroom, coughing and after blowing their nose. Wash your hands before preparing food. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available. Cover your cough and sneezes: Teach children to cover their cough and sneezes to stop the spread of different illnesses such as colds and the flu. Use a tissue or arm to cover the mouth and nose. Stay home when you are sick: When many people are close together as in schools and classrooms it’s easy for illnesses to spread. Children should not be in school with a fever, undiagnosed rashes, vomiting or diarrhea. Children should recover completely before returning to school. When children have vomiting and diarrhea they should stay home at least 24 hours following the end of symptoms. Dates to Remember February 1-5 February 1 February 2 February 2 February 3 February 5 February 5 February 8 February 9 February 11 February 12 February 12 February 15 February 18 February 19 February 26 February 26 February 29 JK/SK Kindergarten Registration Dental Screening JK\SK Vision Screening Grade 8 Grad Photos Winter Walk to School Day 45D & F45E classes go Curling Intermediate Volleyball trip to U of G Intermediate Basketball Tournament @ Erin PS School Council Meeting Term One Reports go home 100th Day of School 45D, F45E, 56C & 6B classes go Curling Family Day Holiday Intermediate Basketball Tournament at U of G 56A, 6B classes go Curling Twin/Triplets Day 56A goes Curling Intermediate Blue Mountain trip School Council Corner Hello JD Families! If you are looking for a way to stay in touch with what’s happening with School Council but can’t make our meetings, check out our new Facebook group JD Hogarth Community. It’s an easy and up-to-date way to keep tabs on what we’re doing at the school, how to get involved, and ultimately how to make our community stronger. You can also reach us by email at jdhogarth.ps@ugdsb.on.ca. Thanks to your fundraising efforts so far this year, we have been able to support our school’s snack program/salad days, as well as allocate $5 per student to be used towards a class trip. It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we work together. Mark your calendars for our next meeting on February 9th at 6:45 in the school library. Everyone is welcome! We have lots of exciting things cooking, so stay tuned for more info! Public input sought for draft policies The Upper Grand District School Board has adopted a new approach to the development of policies and procedures, important documents that guide the board, staff and activities of our school system. Our goal is to improve policies and procedures at the draft stage, with your help. By providing an opportunity for input from parents, the community and stakeholders we are aiming for greater openness and transparency in our governance. The first policy, procedures and guidelines to be posted for public consultation are related to “Equity and Inclusive Education”. You are invited to review the draft documents and submit online feedback at www.ugdsb.on.ca/policy. The deadline for public input is April 13, 2016. Persons without internet access may call 519-822-4420 ext. 723 to request a printed copy of the draft documents.