Principal’s Message: Student Accident Insurance: September 2015

Valerie Smith: Principal
Suzee Kennedy: Vice Principal
Sandi Mitchell: Office Coordinator
September 2015
Principal’s Message:
Please join me in welcoming our returning students, families and staff. I certainly hope you have had an opportunity to relax and spend some quality time
with your loved ones this summer.
I would also like to warmly welcome
those students and families who are
new to our growing community. Together we are stronger!
I would like to share a few things about
myself as I join the Glenbrook family. I
came to UGDSB after having spent 6
years teaching Secondary Schools in
Etobicoke and taking some time away
from teaching to raise my own children.
Over the next seven years, I taught a
wide variety of grades and subject areas to elementary students in UGDSB. I
spent a year as the Vice Principal at
Tottenham Public School in Simcoe
County and this past year I was the
Vice Principal at Centennial Hylands
Elementary School. I am thrilled to
have the priviledge of working for you,
as the Principal at Glenbrook!
Parent Council Meeting:
Our first Parent Council Meeting for the
2015—2016 school year will be held at
6:15 p.m. on Thursday, September
17th, 2015, in the school staff room.
Parent Council welcomes all new families to Glenbrook with a special invitation to join us for refreshments, to discuss School Council initiatives and to
learn about the great
things happening at
the school. We are
looking forward to a
new year of School
Council initiatives.
Student Accident Insurance:
The Upper Grand District School Board is empowered under the Education Act
to offer Accident and Life Insurance for students.
Information will be sent home during the week of September 14th with respect to
Student Accident Insurance offered by the Reliable Life Insurance Company.
You will receive a letter from our School Board’s Director, an Acknowledgment
to be signed by parents (and returned to the school) and an “InsureMyKids”
Insurance application form (to be mailed directly to Reliable Life). Reliable Life
Insurance Company offers a variety of options, including family rates and multiyear plans, at affordable prices. The cost must be paid by parents or guardians.
Subscription is directly through Reliable Life by mail or on line. Questions
should be directed to Reliable Life at 1-800-463-5437 or
Parent are required to sign the Acknowledgement Form and return it to
their child(ren)’s teachers indicating whether accident insurance has been
purchased. We thank parents in advance for the speedy return of these
forms to the school. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation.
New Staff at Glenbrook:
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome staff members new to
We welcome two teachers to JK/SK, Ms. Squirrell and Ms. Roantree.
These energetic teachers will fill in for Mrs. McGillivray and Mrs. Neil, both
of whom are on maternity leave.
Our JK/SK classrooms will also see two new faces in the role of E.C.E.
Ms. Johnson will be working with Ms. Squirell and Ms. Dale will be partnering with Ms. Roantree.
We also welcome Mrs. Thompson in Grade 2, filling in for Mrs. O’Connor
and Ms. Grant in Grade 7/8, filling in for Ms. Whitehouse. Mr. Ardis is also
welcomed to Grade 7/8 as he takes over for Mr. Henry while Mr. Henry is
on leave.
Ms. Balogh is welcomed to her grade 1 classroom and Mdme. Laforge is
welcomed to our Core French programme. Ms. Umpleby will be joining us
later in the fall as a Planning Time teacher and until then, Mr. Hawkins is
welcomed into this role. Finally, we welcome Mr. Long to our family as a
Grade 4/5 teacher.
We look forward to learning from these bright, talented and enthusiastic
educators. Glenbrook is fortunate to have such outstanding additions to
our staff.
Glenbrook Elementary School Phone # (519) 925—0580
2015—2016 “Tentative” School Organization:
Our current and “tentative” school organization for Glenbrook Elementary School for the 2015—2016 school year is as
indicated below.
2015-2016 Organization
Mrs. Valerie Smith
Ms. Suzee Kennedy
Office Coordinator:
Office Assistant:
Mrs. Brenda Bowler-MacKenzie & Mrs. Rhonda Bond
Ms. Ainsley Squirell & Ms. Claire Johnson
Mrs. Teszalyn Roantree & Ms. Nicole Dale
Ms. Amy Ward & Ms. Charity Hunter
Grade 1
Grade 1
Grade 1/2
Grade 2
Grade 2
Grade 2/3
Grade 3
Grade 3/4
Grade 4
Grade 4/5
Grade 5
Grade 5/6
Grade 6
Grade 7/8
Grade 7/8
Grade 7/8
Mrs. Kim Crago
Ms. Lori Balogh/Mrs. Lori Shilvock
Ms. Becky Nienhuis
Mrs. Amy Whitford
Mrs. Ruth Thompson
Mrs. Linda Eisen
Mrs. Maureen McFarlane
Ms. Heather Mavins
Mr. Cedric Grin
Mr. Brett Long
Mrs. Megan Schafer
Ms. Rebecca Calder
Ms. Pippa Gammage
Mrs. Christine Kennedy
Ms. Ashley Grant
Mr. Dan Ardis
Ms. M. J. Stewart, Mrs. Lori Shivlock
Ms. Jessie Steinberg,
Ms. Tobyn Londos, Mr. Adam Hawkins Custodians:
Ms. Sandi Mitchell
Ms. Teresa Lloyd
Mr. Todd Schooley
Mr. Chris Ainge
Ms. Danielle LaForge
Ms. M. J. Stewart
Educational Assistants:
Ms. Kate Horsley
Mrs. Tami Bye
Child & Youth Counsellor:
Mrs. Tara Bernard-McCabe
Lunch Room Supervisors:
Mrs. Astrid Hanson
Mrs. Amanjeet Grewel
Mrs. Kit Stewart
Special Education: Mrs. Karen Fernandes, Mrs. Lori Shilvock.
Ms. Suzee Kennedy
Mrs. Rebecca Calder
Ms. Pat Chafe
Mrs. Lisa Charbonneau
Mrs. Alice Crossley
School Organization:
Schools have built class lists based on their tentative organizations. Changes may be necessary at your
child(ren)’s school in order that our Board remain compliant with Ministry parameters. Any changes
would be implemented by Monday, September 21st. Principals do not have the option of changing the
school organization that is set by the District Staffing Committee of the Board. If changes affect your
child(ren), you will be informed by the school.
Win a Glenbrook Grizzly Bear:
After your family has read this newsletter, please sign and detach this coupon. “Our family” must include at least one parent/
guardian who has read the newsletter. This coupon must be placed in the draw box in the front foyer at the school. A ballot will be
drawn from the yellow mailbox each month indicating the winning family for the month. This month’s draw will be held on Friday,
September 25th, 2015. If you read the newsletter by email, please send a fax or hand written note to the school indicating your
have read the newsletter and this will be entered into the draw.
Our family has read the newsletter corresponding to this draw.
Family Name:
___________________________Parent’s Signature:
Attendance and Safe Arrival Policy:
Parents and guardians are asked to call the school (519) 925-0580 (ext. 100) before 8:30 a.m. if your child is going to
be absent or late for school. If for any reason you need to pick your child up before the end of the regular school day, it
is very important that you contact the office to let us know of this arrangement.
We do have a “Safe Arrival Policy.” When students are absent and we have not been informed as to the
reason, we attempt to contact parents / guardians to determine the reason for the absence. If we are unsuccessful in reaching a parent, guardian or an emergency contact we contact the police to report missing
students if we believe a child could be at risk. We thank you for helping us keep
our students safe.
Student Information
School Photos:
Edge Imaging photographers will be coming to our
school on Thursday, October 9th, to take class and individual student pictures. Students will be bringing home
further information regarding school photos prior to this
event taking place.
Our photo retake day is scheduled for Monday, November 10th, 2014.
U.G.D.S.B. Parent Involvement Committee:
The Board’s Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is always looking for new
participants. The term of office for members of this committee is one or two
years. You don’t need to be on School Council to be selected for this committee. Please fill in an application form from the Board’s website: Then, bring the application to the first Parent
Involvement Committee meeting which is open to all parents,
not just for those who want to apply for a position.
The first committee meeting will take place on
Monday, September 28th at 7:00 p.m. at the Guelph Board
Office. Join P.I.C. for dessert and the first meeting of the
school year and find out how you can make a difference in
education at the Board level!
Your child will be bringing home a
Student Information Sheet.
sheet contains information about
your current address, phone number,
work numbers and emergency contact information. We ask that you
carefully review the information contained on this form and update information that is no longer correct. It is
extremely important that addresses,
and phone numbers are accurate so
that school staff may contact parents
in the case of an emergency.
After revising this form, please sign
and date the form at the bottom
(indicating that you have seen it and
have made the appropriate revisions) and have your child return the
Student Information Sheet to Glenbrook. We appreciate your efforts to
return them to the school as quickly
as possible.
Bring Your Own Device: Personal Technology Use
Medication at School:
The Upper Grand D.S.B. welcomes and supports the responsible use of personal technology in all classrooms. We recognize the increasingly important
role technology plays in the daily lives of our staff and students. By providing
access to reliable Wifi in all classrooms, we support teachers and students to
realize the potential of digital devices to transform instructional practice and
engage in learning.
If a child must take medication at
school, parents are required to complete a form and submit all medication to the main office where it will be
administered under the supervision of
school personnel. Medication must
be in it’s original labeled container
with the dosage authorized by the
doctor clearly visible. Please inform
the office should you require a medication administration form.
The use of technology in classrooms is always at the discretion of the teacher
and school administration. All users of technology are required to follow the
Board Acceptable Use Policy 318, and the School Code of Conduct.
Personal technology will be confiscated should students not adhere to these
expectations. This equipment will be returned to students by having students
pick these items up in the office at the end of the day. Use of cell phones,
and cameras, is not allowed on the yard, in washrooms or in change rooms.
Photographs at school are only to be taken under the direct supervision of
school staff. We appreciate your support regarding this matter.
Please contact the school if your
child suffers from a condition that
may be life-threatening unless medication is administered immediately.
A plan will be developed with
school staff to best meet the
needs of these students.
New Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum
In September the new Health and Physical Education curriculum will be fully implemented in Ontario schools. For elementary schools, the new curriculum has existed for several years, but will now include an updated portion of its ‘Healthy Living’ component to include Human Development and Sexual Health. The document
as a whole aims to educate children to understand themselves and others, think critically to make healthy choices, develop and maintain healthy relationships, be safe
physically and emotionally, and to be physically active for life. The curriculum is
available on the Ministry of Education’s website.
The Human Development and Sexual Health component of the curriculum had not been updated since 1998.
Since then much has changed and kids need to know more to keep themselves healthy and safe. This education starts with children learning about themselves, their feelings, their bodies and about showing respect for
themselves and others in a reliable and accurate way. This learning is most effective when parents and
schools work together. Parents help their children form values about relationships and their behaviours.
Teachers will endeavour to communicate upcoming topics from the Human Development and Sexual Health
units to families. Open and honest conversations at home about body parts, their functions, physical changes,
healthy relationships and effective living habits help children connect learning and lets them know they have
someone to talk to about questions they might have. Questions about topics can always be directed to the
teacher or school principal.
As mentioned above, Human Development and Sexual Health is one sub-component of the curriculum. The
document also focuses on skills related to Active Living, which involves physical fitness, safety and active
participation; Movement, which teaches specific movement and physical activity skills and tactics; and
Healthy Living, which focuses on understanding health concepts, making healthy choices and making connections to healthy living.
There are plenty of ways you can support your children’s learning from the Health and Physical Education
curriculum. Consider what you and your child can do together that is fun and healthy. Enjoying physical activity or making meals together is a great start. Ask your child and their teacher about what is being taught
and have discussions where you provide factual, straightforward answers to your child`s questions. Finally,
learn how to be safe online and use that information to guide your child’s use of any device that connects to
the internet. There are plenty of resources available for parents to support the learning from the HPE curriculum. The best place to start is the Ministry of Education’s website:
elementary/health.html or at
International Walk to School month (IWALK) is an
annual global event taking place
each October. It celebrates active
transportation and its benefits such
as: increasing physical activity,
decreasing traffic congestion, improving safety, developing a sense
of community, promoting social
interaction, and preserving the environment.
International Walk to School Day October 7th
IWALK week is October 5-9 or
Walk/wheel to school all month!
It is important to keep your child’s immunization records up-to-date with Public
Health. Students who do not have up-todate immunization records, may be suspended from school.
Please report your child’s immunizations to
Public Health by calling 1-800-265-7293
S e p te m be r 20 1 5
Labour Day
(No School)
First Day of
Newsletter Draw
School Council
Meeting (6:15
Open House
Parent Volunteers:
Our school promotes the use of a student
agenda. This is an important organizational tool and ensures that regular communication between home and school is
maintained. Students in Grade 1 to 8 are
asked to purchase an agenda from the
school as staff will be using them this
year. Agendas cost $6.00. Please forward the payment to the school..
The staff at Glenbrook acknowledges the value of volunteers in our
school in improving student learning and we encourage parents to join
our team. We appreciate the many hours that parents and community
members provide in order to work with students and assist with many
fundraising events at the school. If you wish to volunteer on a regular
basis, we require parents and guardians to provide a recent Criminal
Reference Check (no more than 6 months old), a confidentiality statement, and an information form. We ask that all volunteers report to the
office and sign the “volunteer book,” upon arrival and sign out when
leaving the school. We look forward to having many parent volunteers
assisting in our school again this year!
Noon Hour Supervisors:
We currently have three Nutrition Break Supervisors who come to the school during our nutrition
breaks to supervise students in their classrooms while they eat their snacks. These adults then supervise students on the yard for
the remaining 20 minutes of the break. This is a paid position. Occasionally we require replacement supervisors when a supervisor
is unable to fulfill his/her duties due to illness or another commitment. If you are available during school hours (10:30—11:10 and
12:50—1:30) and would be willing to take on these supervision duties, please contact the school office at your earliest convenience
(519) 925-0580. We will be establishing an occasional Nutrition Break Supervisor list during the month of September. A Criminal
Reference Check is required for this position. We appreciate any assistance that you can provide.