The Meeting of the Hope November 3, 2009

The Meeting of the Hope College Alcor Chapter of Mortar Board
November 3, 2009
The Alcor Chapter of Mortar Board met at 10pm in room 237 of the Martha Miller Center.
Those present: Rachel Austin, Bethany Braaksma, Shirley Bradley, Ashley Carter, Ki Chang, Andrea
Conklin, Evan Dawson, Meghann Deerling, Andrea Eddy, Meghan Fore, Caitlin Gardner, Haleigh
Gokey, Abigal Gowman, Katie Haines, Tara Hamming, Allison Hartley, Rachel Hashimoto, Colin
Hoogerwerf, Meghan Katner, Colleen Leikert, Lillie Lodge, Jeff Minkus, Lauren Moak, Marni Nixon,
Anna Park, Carrie Powers, Camille Riddering, Erica Smith, Sally VanderPloeg, Dr. Portfleet, and Mrs.
Those excused: Jon VanDenend, Jeff Vredenburg, Andi Springett, and Kurt Goldsby.
Absent: Conrad Tobert, Daniel Toren, and Chris Ploch.
The meeting was called to order by Jeff Minkus at 10:02pm.
Last Lecture Series – Next date DECEMBER 3
Last week went well. Good community involvement.
Suggestions for next lecture:
o More distributed
o List of places for people to cover with flyers – Main Places
Sign up via google doc
o Dr. Portfleet will put the flyers in all faculty boxes
o Word of mouth
o Switch days because of night classes
o Send emails to everyone in your contact list
Dr. Ageheana next week “The Western World: Vagaries of History and Faith”
o History and Religion
o He gave Dr. Portfleet ideas about what images to advertise with
o Advertisements should go out before Thanksgiving but printed before Thanksgiving –
November 24th flyers will be passed out at the meeting
Pumpkin Carving Update
Tara and Katie reported on the success of the CASA pumpkin carving
Three thank you notes got passed around to sign
o Pumpkin donor
o Mr. Hamming – pumpkin storage and delivery
o Meijer
Book Drive Update
We won again for the month of October!!! (3 months in a row!)
November 16th is the end
Meghan dropped off the books to Pine Creek and was warmly welcomed. Pine Creek really
appreciated the book.
In the spring semester we can go and read with the students there
International Student Thanksgiving Diner – Sunday, November 22 6-8PM
Anna reported on the status of the event
A sign up sheet went around to help with the event and socialize at the event
Anna proposed having a bit more structure to the event
o Volunteer to have someone pray and introduce the event – Jeff Minkus
o Please let Anna know if you are interested
Christmas Stocking Stuffing – Date to be Determined
We will know the date next week
As a group we will decorate and stuff the stockings at a board meeting
Volunteers needed for:
o Volunteers to pass out the stockings at CASA
o 3-5 volunteers with good handwriting to write names on stockings
Relay for Life – Friday, November 13 7PM-7AM
Lauren reported on Relay for Life
Apple selling made around $20. Traffic was a little bit slow.
She passed out handouts about what Relay for Life is
Sign up online
Online fundraising should be done by the night of Relay for Life but if done after it will still go
to the fund
Haleigh passed out walker packets
A sign up went around for shifts. It will be more fun with the more of us there! ☺
Luminaries were passed around to be decorated. Teams will read the names at the event.
Take it upon yourself to raise $10. As a group we should each be able to raise $10 and that
would get up $370.
Theme: DISNEY … Ideas???
o Animal Safari – Animal Kingdom as Disney World
Tree of Life
• Dress as trees
• Fabric of different animal skin scarves
• Wear shades of green and accent with animal prints
• Caitlin can bring animal print blankets and pillows
• Bring entertainment/food
o Wii or Gaming system to fundraise?
o TV
o Anything you want
o Dr. Portfleet will bring a canopy
Decoration ideas for the canopy?
• Vines on canopy
o Cardboard car needs to be made for the car race that will happen at the event
Rachel has a lot of cardboard at her house
We could make it the night of
Dance Marathon DGR Volunteers – March 12/13 2010
Attend DGR meetings about every two weeks
Organize Mortar Board’s involvement with Dance Marathon
Gives Mortar Board information
The Zimmerman’s in Holland are our family
DGR organizes one or two events per semester with family
o Idea of having the family come into Cook for a dinner and we pay for the family
o Andrea Conklin
o Lillie Lodge
We would like to donate money as a group
Marni reported that there is no one in the education department right now
o Do we want to wait until something in the education sector opens up
o We have the money to sponsor someone
o The executive board will discuss how much we can donate
Upcoming Meetings
General Board 11.10.09 10PM
o Executive Board 11.10.09 9:15PM
Executive Board 11.18.09 9:45PM
General Board 11.24.09 10PM
General Board 12.1.09 10PM Tentative
Executive Board 12.9.09 9:45PM Tentative
Meeting was dismissed at 10:42PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Leikert, Secretary