Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 3 (1989) 463-466 463 A NOTE ON RINGS WITH CERTAIN VARIABLE IDENTITIES HAZAR ABU-KHUZAM Department of Mathematical Sciences King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (Paper received on June 30, 1987 and in revised form on October 29, 1988) It ABSTRACT. is proved constraints of the form [x m that certain satisfying generalized-commutator rings n n n 0 with m and n depending on x and y, y y y mst have nll commutator ideal. KEY WDRDS AND PHRASES. Commutator ideal, periodic ring. 16A70. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. INTRODUCTION. 1. xk] 2, let [x I, x2 x y, denote 2 3 k A result of Hersteln [I] and of Anan’in and Zyabko [2] y] by [x,y] [x, y k asserts that if for any x and y in a ring R, there exist positive integers m m(x,y), n m m n n -n(x,y) such that x y then the commutator ideal of R is nil. lecently, y x Hersteln [3] proved that a ring R in which for any x, y, z R there exists positive re(x, y, z), n n(x, y, z), and q q(x, y, z) such that integers m Let [x [[x m, Bell [Xl, x2] denote x Xk_ I], x k]. For yn] [4] zq] 0 raised x 2 x 2 xl, and for k x and x x ) x must have nil commutator ideal. the More recently Klein, Nada and follwlng conjecture which arises naturally from the above mentioned work. Let k CONJECTURE. Ix m, > I. If for each x, y R, there exists positive integers m and yn] k 0, then the commutator ideal of R is nil. In [4], Klein, Nada and Bell proved the conjecture for rings with identity I. n such that Given the complexity of is in sight. [I] and [3], it would appear that no proof of this conjecture Our objective is to prove the conjecture for certain classes of rings and to generalize a result of Hersteln in [3] and some results in [4] and [5]. A ring R is called periodic if for each x in R, there exists distinct positive n m In preparation for the proofs of our main -x theorems, we start with the following lemma which is known [5] and we omit its proof. integers m and n for which x 464 H. ABU-KHUZAM LEMMA I. If R is a periodic ring, then for each x in R, there exists a positive k integer k--k(x) such that x is idempotent. 2. MAIN RESULTS. The following theorem shows that the conjecture is true for Artlnian rings THEOREM I. Let k > I, and let R be an Artinian ring such that for each x, y in R, there exists positive integers m and n such that [x, Y]k 0. Then the commutator ideal of R is nil. PROOF To prove that the commutator ideal of R is nil it is enough to show that if R has no nonzero nll ideals then it is commutative. nonzero nil ideals So J Since R is Artinian, So we suppose that R has no the Jacobson radical J of R is nilpotent. 0, and hence R is semisimple Artinian. This implies that R has an identity element and now, R is commutative by Theorem 3 of [4]. Next, we prove Theorem 2 which shows that the conjecture is true for periodic This result generalizes a result of Bell in [5]. THEOREM 2. Let k > and let R be a periodic ring such that for each x, y in R rings. there exists positive integers m and n such that [x m yn] k --O. Then the commutator ideal of R is nil. PROOF If k-- 2, then the result follows by the theorem in [I]. So asse k > 2 and let x be any element of R and let e be any idempotent of R. By hypothesis, there m m exists integers m and n such that [x 0 This implies that [x 0 and e] k hence m m [x e[x e en]k e]k_l e]k_l m e Multiplying by e from the right and using the fact that e[x 0 we m m m m obtain [x O. Hence 0 e ([x e] k-2 e e[x )e [x e] e] e. k-2 k-2 m m m 0 which implies that x e e]e Continuing this way we get [x ex e. Similarily, m m we can get ex ex e. This implies that m m ex x e x R, e any idempotent and m re(x, e). (2.1) e]k_ elk_ Let y be any element of R. for some positive integer p Since R is periodic, Lemma p(y). implies that yP is idempotent So (2I) implies that for each x, y in R there exists positive integers m and p such that xm yPxm Now, the result follows by the well-known theorem in [I] or [2]. THEOREM 3. Let k > I. If R is a prime ring having a nonzero idempotent element such that for each x, y in R there exists positive integers m and n such that yn] k 0. Then R is commutative. [x m PROOF. The argument used in Theorem 2 to reach statement (2.1) in the proof shows m that a ring satisfying the generalized commutator constraint [x yn] k 0 must have its idempotent elements in the center. For let e and e be idempotent elements in 2 R. (2.1) implies that e e e e and hence the idempotents of R commute. This 2 2 implies that the idempotents of R are central in R [6, Remark 2]. Let e be a nonzero RINGS WITH CERTAIN VARIABLE IDENTITIES idempotent of R. 465 Then e is a nonzero central idempotent in the prime ring R. is an identity element of R since it can not be a zero divisor Hence e Now R is eommmtative by Theorem 3 of [4]. The proof of Theorem 4 below was done by Kezlan in the proof of his main theorem in [7] So we omit its proof here. THEOREM 4. > Let k I. If R is a prime ring with a nontrivial center such that for each x, y in R there exists positive integers m and n such that [x m, yn] k 0, then R is commutative. The following result generalizes Theorem of [4]. THEOREM 5. Let R be a ring and let M be a fixed positive integer for each x, y E R there exist positive integers m--re(x, y) M and n that [x m, y n PROOF yn] belongs to the center of R. [x m, y we suppose that R has no nil ideals and hence R is a subdirect Again, Let Z be the center of R. yn] n(x, y) such Then the commutator ideal of R is nil. product of prime rings satisfying the above hypothesis of R. is prime. n Suppose that 0 where m re(x, y) So we may assume that R If Z 0, then for each x, y R, M, and n n(x, y) This implies that R is of [4]. So we may assume that R has a nontrivial center, and Hence R is comnmtatlve by Theorem 4 above commutative by Theorem The following result generalizes Theorem 8 in [3]. z R, there exists positive q q(x, y, z) such that [x y ]n ,z belongs to the center of R. Then the commutator ideal of R is nil. PROOF Again, we may assume that R is a prime ring satisfying the above hypothesis Let Z be the center of R. If Z 0, then for each x, y, z R, yn], zq _-0, where m re(x, y, z), n n(x, y, z) and q q(x, y, z). This [[x implies that R is commutative by Theorem 8 of [3]. So we may assume that R has a nontrivial center For any x, y in R, [x m Z where m, n, q are each ], yq] THEOREM 6. integers m Let R be a ring in which, for each x, y, re(x, y, z) n m, n(x, y, z) and q m, yn yn yq m functions of the variables x and y. So [[ [x ], ], y] 0, which implies m ynq] ynq] ynq] 0 Hence R is commutative by Theorem 4 above that [[ [x REMARK. The result in Theorem 6 can be generalized as follows. R, there exists positive integers m n q(x,y,z) such that [xm,y r I, r 2 in R. Then the commutator ideal of R is nil. such that for each x, y, z n(x,y,z) and elements r zq q r k by induction on k and using the argument in Theorem 6. ..... Let R be a ring re(x, y, z), n r k] 0 for all This can be done We omit the details of the proof A(XNOWLEDGEMENT. Minerals. This research is supported by King Fahd University of Petroleum and H. ABU- KHUZAM 466 REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. HERSTEIN, I.N., A Comutatlvlty Theorem, J. Algebra, 38(1976), 112-118. ANAN’IN, A.Z. & ZYA(O, E.M., On a Question of Faith, Algebra i Loica 13(1974), 125-131. J. AI e br.a HERSTEIN, I.N., On Rings with a Particular Variable Identity, 62(1980), 346-357. Bull. KLEIN, A., NADA, I. & BELL, H., Some Commutatlvlty Results for Rings, Austral. Math. Soc., 22(1980), 285-289. Acta Math. Acad. BELL, H.E., Some Commutatlvlty Results for Periodic Rings, Scl. Hungar., 28(197 6), 279-283. HIRANO, Y., TOMINAGA, H. & YAQUB, A., On Rings Satisfying the Identity 2 (n) + xn (x + x 0, Math. J. Okaama Unlv. 25(1983), 13-18. KEZLAN, T.P., On Generalized Commutators and Nil Commutator Ideals, Arch. Math. 43(1984), 21-24. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, HERSTEIN, I.N., Rins with Involution, 1976.