Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 2 (1989) 397-402 397 ON COARSE-GRAINED ENTROPY AND MIXING IN STATISTICAL MECHANICS C.G. CHAKRABARTI Department of Applied Mathematics Unlverslty of Calcutta Calcutta 700009, INDIA (Received January 7, 1985 and in revised form October 22, 1986) The object of the paper If the study the roles of non-equillbrium entropy ABSTRACT. and phases of mixing the in of characterization statistical the coarse-grained interpretatlon of the irreverslble approach to statlstlcal equlllbrlum of an isolated system. Probability space, o-algebra, observational states, sufficient KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. partition, Coarse-grained distribution, Ergodlcty, and Weak-mixing. 82A05. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. INTRODUCTION. The process of coarse-graining which is equivalent to the statistical averaging of the mlcro-states over the various phase-cells plays a significant role in the study of the macroscopic property of irreversibility from the reversibility of dynamical The coarse-grainlng cannot be done arbitrarily and Giggs entropy equations of motion. on based relaxation an arbitrary to statlstlcal does distribution coarse-grained object of The equilibrium. not always ensure the present paper is the to introduce a non-equillbrium entropy after Goldstein and Penrose [I] and to study the of importance ergodicity and mixing in the statistical characterization of the irreversible approach to statistical equilibrium of a classical isolated system. 2. DYNAMICAL SYSTEM AND OBSERVATIONAL STATES. Let us consider a classical dynamical system whose dynamical state if given by (R, T t) where R is the phase-space consisting of all possible is the family of tlme-evolutlon transformations (automorphisms) phase-points and {T . defined space other t} generated by the dynamical equation of motion in phaseLet m be the invarlant Llouvllle’s measure of phase-space and let 9 be any for all measure real t absolutely microstates p(to) is defined continuous by a to normalized m. The density probability given by the density derivative p(to) dv (to) of Radon-Nikodym (2.1) 398 C.G. CHAKRABARTI t(Tt [t consists of the family of measures The tlme-evolutlon of the measure ) defined by (). (2.2) A). (2.3) This implies that for any set A The statistical structure CA) (T (o r model) the of space (, A, {v t })where A is the o-algebra of subsets is the family of probability measures on A. and, { the by system of probability- itself, including t 0 we To determine the observational states of the system at the initial time t divide the time of observation into a countably infinite nmber of intervals of equal Considering the length of each interval as the unit of the measurement of length. time, the evolution of a subset A in the course of time is given by the series TtA (t- ...-2,-1,0,1,2...). Let us define a partition P of phase-space into sets of Two phase 0. points that are indistinguishable by an observation made at time t points ml and m2 are then observatlonally equivalent if and only if the time which lle, for every non-negatlve integer t in the same set and T t ranlates T t I t m2 In other words, from the partition P. TtP. partition I and 2 rest lle in the same set from the Let us define the o-algebra 2.4) =ffiv0 T_t T_IP, T_2P, as the smallest o-algebra which contains all the partitions P, every set in a; is the image under of some set in consists of image under T Thus that is, to say, the a-algebra T of all sets belonging to and includes (among others) all t the sets of t itself T The condition (2.5) is the (2.5) a t of condition loss of observational information and represents the asymmetry between past and future [I]. 3. IRREVERSIBILITY AND MIXING. NOS-EQUILIBRIb ENTROPY: The entropy (flne-gralned) of the classical dynamical system is defined by the functional S(t, -k The entropy S(v t’ A) A) ffi-K f log f pt() (dvt/dm) log dv pt() dm() tC). () contains full the fine gralned-denslty For observation behavior of the system such detailed defined over infromatlon about the system. (3.1) information or description about the system is not necessary. Pt For this a coarse- graining of mlcrostates is necessary [2]. Let of us pt() consider the coarse-gralned density 0 as the conditional expectation t with respect to the o-algebra t (which is the consltlonal expectation for the COARSE-GRAINED ENTROPY AND MIXING IN STATISTICAL MECHANICS 399 measure m/m()) [1]. t The entropy for E(P()Ia) state non-equilibrlum the (3.2) the coarse-gralned then defined by is entropy [I] (t’ a) -K %t f log t am(m). 3.3) Since the measure m used in defining the entropy is invariant, we have, (t’ S 6) From (2.5), we have T -t [ S (v, , C (t > T_t. (3.4) (3.5) 0). As a consequence of (3.5), it is easy to prove that S (v, T -t or by a) > (v,a) (3.6) (3.4), we have S > S (,a), (t,a) (t > O) (3.7) which proves the non-decreasing property of the entropy S (v t’ ) with time; that is, the H-theorem. The (3.7) in equality corresponds the to equilibrium of the system at the initial time t the measure-preserving automorphism T stationary 0. state of statistical Mathematically this holds for t (3.8) or (3.6), which Also the equality in is a consequence of the relation (3.5), holds for . the invariance relation: T a -t (3.9) Thus the inequality in (3.7) for statistical equilibrium at the initial time t corresponds to the invariance of the o-algebra a under 0 measure-preserving automorphism T The equality that is, to the condition of ergodicity of the system. t has also an important statistical significance. This, in fact corresponds to the sufficiency of the o-algebra or to the sufficient partitioning of mitt.states (or phase-space) into equivalent class of macrostates of the system [3.4]. The oalgebra a is sufficient for the family of probability measures if the conditional expectation of any dynamical variable, say Hamlltonian X(m) given the o-algebra that {vt {X()I} is is, if E algebCa a implies density E{p()la} the same the which for {t all time-variance by definition of is [3]. the our The , sufficiency conditional coarse-grained of the o- probability density under 400 C.G. CHAKRABARTI consideration. The different non-null atoms of the sufficient o-algebra t represent the different macrostates of statistical equilibria of the system at the initial time 0. t In an earlier paper [4], we have in fact shown This is a significant result. that the sufficiency of the o-algebra a for statistical equilibrium results from the ergodicity of the system. The non-decreasing property of the entropy S (v to ensure a) is . however, not sufficient the relaxation to equilibrium over the phase-space (energy-shell) For this a more broad assumption, namely the assumptlonof mixing of phases is necessary. That the coarse-grained distribution generated by the o-algebra a corresponds to the process of mixing results from the relatlon: measure-preservlng automorphlsm Tt, increasing sequence of o-algebra and let a =tV=0 be its limit in the sense that T Ttt {Tta} sequence the Ttc D forms . a For monotonically where (3.10) t + t(R). Tt Note the t being the smallest n-algebra . 0,1,2...) is, therefore, equal to the oalgebra {@,l}, consisting of the null-set @ and the phase-space (ergodlc set) Then by Doob’s convergence theorem [5] [A Tta} lim (3.11) {AI} which includes all sets belonging to (t which is the condition of weak-mlxlng or relaxation to statistical equilibrium [6]. To express it in a more familiar form we note that the o-algebra to- {,} comprises of all sets of measure 0 and m(). The mixing condition (3.11), then implies the convergence of the coarse-grainded density Pt the to statistical equilibrium (mlcrocanonical) density I/m(): llm Pt lira S (3.12) i/m() or (t,a) K log m() (3.13) where the r.h.s is the thermodynamic equilibrium entropy. Thus, while the ergodiclty corresponds to the states of statistical equilibria over the various phase-cells (nonnullatoms of t 0, the mixing of phases ensures the limiting at the initial time t case of relaxation of the system to statistical equilibrium over the whole of phaseof the system. space 4. CONCLUSIONS. The paper aims mixing in the to stress coarse-gralned statistical equilibrium. the importance of interpretation measure-preserving the irreversible approach to The analysis is based on a measure of entropy defined for the non-equillbrium states of an isolated system. under the properties of ergodicity and of automorphism T The invarlance of the o-algebra t corresponds the statistical equilibria over the various phase-cells (including the whole phase-space R also) at the initial time t 0. The sufflclency-a reduction principle of statistics, plays a significant role in the statistical characterlzatlon of statistical equilibria at the initial t to In the case of initial non-equilibrium distribution, it is, however, the assumption of phase-mixlng which ensures the relaxation to statistical equilibrium over the whole of phase-space [4]. time. COARSE-GRAINED ENTROPY AND MIXING IN STATISTICAL MECHANICS 401 REFERENCES 1. 2. GOLDSTEIN, S. and PENROSE, C. J. Star. Phys. 24(1981), 325. 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