Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1989) 39-46 39 VOL. 12 NO. A BOUNDED CONSISTENCY THEOREM FOR STRONG SUMMABILITIES C.S. CHUN and A.R. FREEDMAN Department of Mathematics and Statistics Simon Fraser University Burnaby, British Columbia Canada V5A IS6 (Received September 23, 1987) ABSTRACT. The study of R-type summability methods is continued in this paper by showing that two such methods are identical on the bounded portion of the strong summability field associated with the methods. It is shown that this "bounded consistency" applies for many non-matrix methods as well as for regular matrix methods. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Sequences Spaces, Regular Summability Methods, Zeroclass. 40D20, 40F05, 40H05. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. INTRODUCTION. In [I] a relation between densities and strong convergence fields was studied for R-type summability methods (RSM). On the space m, the space of all bounded real sequences, RSMs are equivalent to the bounded generalized limits (see [2]). In the main Theorem of [3] Freedman actually proved a consistency theorem for the strong convergence fields of generalized limits. This statement will be explained at the end of Section 2. In this paper we extend the results of [I] and [3] to obtain a Bounded Consistency Theorem for strong summability fields of RSMs. terization of RSMs in terms of zeroclasses. We will require a charac- This paper is a continuation of [2], therefore we will accept notation and definitions of [i], [2] and [3]. In particular a class X of subsets of I, the set of positive integers, is called a zeroclaI$ if the following conditions holds: (a) (b) (c) Further if x e A is finite A e X A, B X > AUB e X A c B X A X , r e R and A c I with I A infinite, then by x N we shall mean that for any e > 0 there exists n >_- N and n # A. If X is a zeroclass, then x > 0 such that {x e : x n r (A) the space of all convergent sequences. rl CS and S(x) e whenever The sequence space By a summability method we will x simply mean a real valued linear functional S defined on some spaces C call S regular if c c r for some A e X and real r} is called the space of all X-nearly convergent sequences. contains c (A) lim x for each x e c. We let s c . We shall C.S. CHUN AND A.R. FREEDIkN 40 Cs ICsl : S(x) CS: {x e : {x 0}, II Cs} and ICsl = : { o lCsl some real r}. ICsI . The set is called the strong summability field associated with the method S. A method S will be called an RSM when S is regular and (i.e., [ is solid) If S is an RSM, then are subspaces of C ([1] Proposition 4.9). S c I: S(X is an RSM, then X is a zeroclass where {A If S: 0} A) S XA is the talcs I =ICs ICsI ICS I ICs CsR characteristic function of A. For any x e We shall say that X is the zeroclass related to S. S and e > 0, let N(x) Then the class {Ne(x): {y e : sup {{x i yi{: i= 1,2,3 < x e m, e > O} forms a base for the topology } T on . For any RSM S:(Cs,Tm) 2. BOUNDED CONSISTENCY ON STRONG CONVERGENCE FIELDS. In this section we first develop a theory of strong convergence fields with the R, S is continuous ([2]). help of the zeroclass concept DEFINITION 2.1. For any zeroclass X we denote Vx V O X PROOF. e X} For any zeroclass X, (2 I) is a linear space of sequences. X V Ixil} O {x e : x-r e VX for some r e R}. X PROPOSITION 2.1. V m: For any a > 0, {i :a < {x is a subspace of V (2 2) X Suppose that x,y Vx,rl,r 2 R with x-r.,y-r.iz e V x .< alz Ixi+Yi- (rl+r2) o. For each i and for any a > 0, [xi-ri[-< /2 and lyi-rzl <. c. Thus {i:lxi+Yi (rl+r2) By the definition of {i: lYi-r2[ > that x+y’; V x. =/2} > a} c {i: Ixi-rll > a/2} Vx and the properties of zeroclasses e X and {i: > [xi+Y i (rl+r2)l If k e R, then for any > 0, =} E lYi-r21 {i: Ixi-rll U {i: X. Consequently /2}. > /2} we get U BOUNDED CONSISTENCY THEOREM FOR STRONG SUMMABILITIES 41 , {i: Therefore for any a a<[kxl-kr I[} a<Ikxl-krll 0, {i: 0, if k X, which implies kx e e Vx. Hence Vx is a linear space of sequences. (2.2) is obvious. PROPOSITION 2.2 Tx(x)_ defined by ..IVxI V o Vx. Then Further, X is related to T x PROOF. r when x-r e Tx is X R be the function from ,I In this proof we will write Tx as T for convenience. Vx, T(x)=rl and T(x)=r 2, (x-rl) (x-r2) (r2-rl)e If x e well defined. is a linear space, fact that for any a > 0 {i: a< and {i: a < [(r2-r l)e i[} Suppose that x, y e Vx Vx to R an RSM with domain Vx, ’IVxl Vx and Tx: Vx For any zeroclass X, let is a linear space, l(r2-rl)eil} Vx (x+y)-(rl+r2) T(x+y)fT(x)+T(y) and T(kx)ffikT(x). and I Vx e ox so that x-r I, x-r 2 X, it follows that and T(x)=r First, we show T is Vx where !. (I,I,I, e <a then, since Vx From the I=2-=iI rl=r 2. Vx T(y)nr 2. O Then x-r I, y-r e 2 o and kx-kr e for any k e R. Vx Since Therefore Hence T is a linear functional. Next we have {x: for any a VX Suppose that x 0, {i: a<[yi[} c Proposition i). For any A c XA e V v} VxO* Ivl (R)<.>-Ivl. lvl <e, and {i: a < ll lyl [xil e (i.e., X and so {ix lyll -< a X} II <lyil o e X. any i). Thus for any Thus we have y Hence T is an RSM. I, o x a<[Xi[ -: II {i: a < Hence Ivl , O, {i: > A, if 0 < a < I, , if l.<e. A(i)} if an only if A X. Thus T and X are related. IVx [ 42 C.S. CHUN AND A.R. FREEDMAN . Note that these results can be written in the following notation: v Ivl Iczl, Ivl = Icl cT, For any zeroclass X, V is closed with respect to the topological x PROPOSITION 2.3. space (,T,). PROOF. Supposed that x e suPi n Ix-xil<i/n , n xU and choose {xn} c V such that Ux x n (xn) e R. Since x converges to x as Suppose that Vx show that lim r exists. n n Irn -x[ < Clearly lrn If > c, rml i:([rn {i: -< rml e and {rn} {+/-:(I=n c)12 x [xi-=[ < <- e)/2 < I= e)12 x < 1} Irn so that I) IX, i:(irn rml_e)/2<lxi_rmlm u (: x and a contradiction. Hence [rn-rml sequence of real numbers. Now we show that x e V irn -r[ e c We + + rml Ix i rml < is a Cauchy x-xn| </3 and rml {i:(Ir then . N e I such that n,m Z NIxn-xm|m I, Suppose that n,m N. For each i > 0, there exists we have, for any c rn Tx (n > I). For any a > /3. Let lim r r e R. n 0, we choose N I such that n > N ==> For any i e I Ixi- xl + [xin-rn[ + I=.-1 < 2c/3 + [x- rn[. Therefore n)-- Since T(x r n we have {i: =/3 < .Ix i r n I} Hence x e Vx and so V x X. e is closed. For any zeroclass X, V o is a closed subset of (,T) x o PROOF. T )__ R is an RSM and so it is continuous. Thus T V x x x is closed subset of (V T). Since V is also closed in (,T) V o is closed in x X X PROPOSITION 2.4. -I(0) :(Vx,T (,T,). PROPOSITION 2.5. For any zeroclass X, with respect to the topology PROOF. of x ()r,_ U{1,2,3 Suppose that x x’ x Since x (where x denotes the closure of T). r e R and A e X with we have, for any a-0, there exist N e N}. V and {1,2,3 x(A) r. Then by the definition I such that {i: N}e X, we have {i: a<lxi-rl} a<lxi-rl}e X. Hence BOUNDED CONSISTENCY THEOREM FOR STRONG SUMMABILITIES x eV Therefore X V c X Since V X is closed, we have gX c VX X For each n, let {i: Suppose that xeVx and T(x)=r. ne 43 Then A n I/n<Ixi-rl}=An X. by Let us define x r if i e I-A if i n n x XA) Obviously, i n r and A e X, thus x e n An. x Since we get |x n -x[= & I/n. x by ux Replacing Ir-xil if i I-A n 0 if iA, n --. mx It follows that x o V by V x x o Hence -=V x x" and r by 0 we obtain x=Vx where Ux PROPOSITION 2.6. For any zeroclass X, PROPOSITION 2.7. (see (i] Proposition 4.10). o {xm: AX x()0}. If the zeroclass X is related to the RSM S, then o u n x ICs ’I c Vx c m (2.3) Let x PROOF. and 0. x() Since A x m (2.4) have same value on o x-XI_A c o c I%1 ([i] t. o lCs I ,a o Further . XAE ICsl < I%1 ixil (2.4) Obviously, m x n and so m Since x e m Proposition 4.9). , , o. x x{i: CsI. (2.5) Then there exists a set A nm. x X, we have E (2.3) v= I%1 S and T o X{i: < ixil ( o <e>)nm x c Thus x c I such that A and S is an RSM, x-xA + x.xI_ A X and x’XA ICs I ICs I. Ilt I%1 equivalently {i: (ICs I ( <e>)R m Icsln m. < Ix+/-l}x. also, ICsl ICsl <e> Vx (<e> Vx. (2.5) Let lCsl. Then there exists re Rsuch thatx-relCslC CS so that S(x-r)--0 or S(x)=r. By (2.3), x-r _V o. Therefore T (x)=r. x x C.S. CHUN AND A.R. FREEDHAN PROPOSITION 2.8. If X V O x 1 and X V x c I Vxl then we. have o (2.6) 2 (2 7) (2.8) XeVxl. (2.6) Suppose that a<Ixil}eX2 Then for any a>0, {i: eVx2. or x c Vx o. Then we have x-reVx r. X2, c 1 Txl Therefore, for any a>0, {i: Tx (x) I are zeroclasses with X Vx2 c Tx2 PROOF. 2 Thus a<Ixil} e XlC X2. For (2.7) and (2.8) let xe o V x-rE x 2 2 and so x e Vx VxI (x)= and T x 2 and I r=Tx (x). 2 PROPOSITION 2.9. (Bounded Consistency Theorem on Strong Convergence Fields). Let R be an RSM related with R be an RSM related with the zeroclass X1 and SI:CsI $2:Cs2 X. the zeroclass Suppose that X1 ICSll X and 2 [Cs2[ fl m c CSln m c Cs2 Then we have: (2.9) fl m, ICsl n ICe21 n $1( ICs11 n s21(ICs1 n (2.91 Ixlcs n ICs1 n (?.10) m, m m). m) o If x e PROOF. (Proposition 2.7) and m, then TXI(II) the previous proposition = 2n n x Ix] Since x 0 ICs2l n x2n n in (m,T.). e CS 2 m. Since S fl m c Tx2(X). Tx (x) I1 0. o Vx 0 II CSlO Since o x= m2n mcV s(ll) m, 0, CS, S2(II) is an RSM, S Vx2 Tx2(xn)=s2(xn Hence we have ). n T x (xn) 2 ICe2 n m sch that c =lim n I. ICs2 (2.9), ]CsI[Nm=([CsI[)<e>) ([Cs2[@<e>)fl S2(xn) S (x). 2 Therefore x e (2.10) By Tx2[[ CS [fl 2 m [Cs2[flm. and s211 Cs In mc (2.11) By Proposition 2.7 (2.5), m. TXl II Cl In TxI[VI Tx2[VI Sill Csl In By Proposition 2.8, we have By S2(xn) s2(lxl). Ix[ e o Vx thus VxI 2 On the other hand O=Tx2(X)=lim i, defined Thus is continuous. 2 Vx,, m and by Proposition 2.7 Thus we can find a sequence {xn} in 2 I1 By (2. I0) and the 45 BOUNDED CONSISTENCY THEORI FOR STRONG SUMMABILITIES fact that f m c CS1 COROLLARY I. C CSI CS2 S Let we have the result Vx1 R and $1:Cs1 and with same related zeroclass X. sl<Ics 1 I m) sl<ics 1 and Then we have ICSllam ICs21m n m). Let F be the collection of all RSHs which are related to a fixed zerois a member of F and for any RSH S:C R in F, S and T have the same x s x REMARK. class X. R be RSMs defined on the same domain $2:Cs2 Then T values on the bounded strong convergence field associated with S. Finally we look at RSHs on m. PROPOSITION 2.10. ICs lffiVx Let S:C R be an RSH and let X=X Suppose that C s tim. Then s s for any S(x)ffiTx(X) By Proposition 2.7, we have m. Let x V rim. Since xm PROOF. V X xl%l. 0m and is the closure of to x in (,T(R)) (,T). Thus which means c IC S which converges 0 ICsl and S(x)ffir. Since s(xn)ffirn and S is ,Ixn-rnl*Ix-r in (,Z). Note that xm. Thus is also in m, which is the domain of S. s<l-l)=0, x n} Suppose that x -rn e rnr in R. ClCslC Vx we can find a sequence {x n continuous we have Ix-rl X in Since S is continuous and xIC s I" In the main Theorem of [3], Freedman proved (in the terminology of this paper) the following: TttEORI. S 2 on m with is a zeroclass, then x e If c Xsl Suppose that S2(x Xs2 Sl(x c Si:mR, Xi=l,2) V m if and only if for any two RSNs S 1, satisfy the hypothesi of Proposition 2.9, we show that the above Theorem implies that the conclusion of Proposition 2.9 also holds for S 1, S 3. 2. If x e ICSl then x e VXl It is clear that m. Sl(X)=S2(x) since X 1 c X2 RSMs WITH A RELATED ULTRAZEROCLASS. For a regular matrix A, we define for any x E C A The ordinary Bounded In [2] we studied RSMs induced from matrices. the linear functional fA: CAR by fA(x) llmnAx Consistency Theorem {BCT) (see, e.g. [4]) says that for any regular matrices A,B with C A m c CB, fA(x)ffifB(x for any x e C A m. We can easily see that the BCT for strong convergence fields (Proposition 9) is included in the ordinary BCT for matrices when the RSMs are induced from regular matrices. Therefore we would llke to find examples of summabilities such that the bounded consistency in the strong convergence fields of these summabilltles is not implied by the matrix BCT. An ultrazeroclass on I is a zeroclass X such that there is no zeroclass on I which is strictly finer than X. DEFINITION 3.1. C.S. CHUN AND A.R. FREEDMAN 46 I, PROPOSITION 3.1. Let X be an ultrazeroclass on I. Then for any A2 AX or I-AX. Then F is an ultrafilter. Thus for any AE2 AEF or {AE21:I-AEX}. PROOF. Let F I, I-AF. PROPOSITION 3.2. PROOF. equivalently, AVx It follows that (,T(R)), m O X is an ultrazeroclass if and only if mcV Suppose that X is an ultrazeroclass. that is Since V V A m c V (I_A)Vx, or X AeVx or Then for any A2 AmX or I-AEX, I-AeVx- is linear space, m X I, c 0 V X Since V X is closed in X A21 AX Suppose that X is not an ultrazeroclass, then there exists such that and Assume that Then there exists reR such that {i:<lA(1)-rl} for X x. I-AX. XAeV any e>0. {i:I/2<IXA(1)-rl} I-AX. {i:I/2<IXA(i)-rl}ffiAX. If r=l, then If r=0, then r#{0,1}, If then This is a contradiction. PROPOSITION 3.3. matrix A such that PROOF. fA Hence e XA m-Vx If X is an ultrazeroclass then there does not exist a regular N m C N m. is an RSM and IVxl A Since X is an ultrazeroclass, m c the other hand, for any regular matrix A, m- C Vx and thus IVxl N m Vx m m. On A It follows from the above and Proposition 2.9 that the value of any RSM, S, on its bounded strong convergence field is determined by any ultrazeroclass containing the zeroclass related to S. REFERENCES FREEDMAN, A.R. and SEMBER, J.J. Densities and Summability, Pacific J. Math., 95 (1981), 293-305. 2. CHUN, C.S. and FREEDMAN, A.R. (To appear). 3. FREEDMAN, A.R. Generalized limits and sequence spaces, Bull. London Math. Soc., 1_/3 (1981), 224-228. RUCKLE, W.H. The bounded consistency theorem, Amer. Math. Monthly 8_6 (1979), 4. 566-571. Theorems and Examples for R-type Summability Methods