Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. VOL. 12 NO. (1989) I-8 NOWHERE DENSE SETS AND REAL-VALUED FUNCTIONS WITH CLOSED GRAPHS IVAN BAGGS Department of Mathematics University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta TbG 2GI Canada (Received April 19, 1988 and in revised form May I0, 1988) ABSTRACT. Closed and nowhere dense subsets which coincide with the points of discontinuity of real-valued functions with a closed graph on spaces which are not necessarily perfectly normal are investigated. regular and normal spaces are characterized. countable connected Urysohn space X Certain It G subsets of completely is also shown that there exists a with the property that no closed and nowhere X coincides with the points of discontinuity of a real-valued X with a closed graph. dense subset of function on KEYWORDS AND HiRASES. G Real-valued functions with closed graphs, nowhere dense sets, sets and non-perfectly normal spaces. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1. INTRODUCTION. X and Let Y from X Y into The graph of {x f x[f Let denote topological spaces. the usual topology. D(f) 54CLO, 54C30, 54C50. R All spaces will be assumed to be T and denote the graph of is closed if G(f) is discontinuous at f by G(f) denote the real line with 2. Let f {(x,f(x)) is a closed subset of X x Y. be a function X x Ylx X}. Let x}. It was shown by Thompson [I] that if X is a Balre space and if a function f:X + R has G(f) closed, then D(f) is a closed and nowhere dense subset of X. It was proven by Dobbs [2] that, if X is perfectly normal, F C X is closed and of first category in X if and only if there exists a function f:X + R such that G(f) is closed and D(f) -F. Let X be a topologlcal space which is not necessarily perfectly normal. In this note we will investigate those closed and nowhere dense subsets of X which coincide with the points of discontinuity of a real-valued function with a closed graph on X. We will consider this problem when X is either a normal, a completely regular, a regular or a Urysohn space. 2 I. BAGGS In what follows we will make use of the following known PRELIMINARIES. 2. results THEOREM 2.1. D(f) then Let X If be a topological space. X is closed and of the first category in THEOREM 2.2. Let compact subset of Y f:X Y, then f f:X R / has a closed graph, (Dobbs [2]). be a function with a closed graph. -I (K) X is a closed subset of K If is a (Hamlett and Herrington [3]). PROPOSITION 2.3. h:X + Y If g:Y is a continuous function and if function with a closed graph, then Z is a has a closed graph (Thompson h g f + [ ]). PROPOSITION 2.4. G a compact F- that {x X Let subset of Xlf(x) be a completely regular topological space. X, then there exists a continuous function O (Gillman and Jerlson [4], page 43). F If f:X is R such and V c will be used to denote X, throughout the closure of V and the complement of V, respectively. [a,b] will be used to V If is a closed subset of R. denote a closed interval in 3. X IS NORMAL. We will characterize closed and nowhere dense G subsets of a 5 X in terms of the points of discontinuity of a real-valued function with a closed graph. We will first establish the following lemma. normal space Let LEMMA 3.1. a function with X F G(f) F C X which converges to X be closed and nowhere dense in D(f) -F. closed such that x F, {f(x)Is I} R be {xsl= I} in and let If for each net does not converge in f:X / R, then F is G. Case (i). PROOF: Suppose f is constant on F > Let O. For each X, let V(f(x)) denote an open interval in R of radius E and centered at f(x). Select for each x F an open neighbourhood U(x) of x such that f(U(x) -F)C [Vef(x)] (This is possible, for otherwise given VE(f(x)), there would exist for each nelghbourhood U(x) of x an element YU [U(x) -F] such / x that f(yu) would and This imply f(yu / f(x) which is VE(f(x)). YU U. C F Let F and put impossible.) Put U x ). Clearly t3FU(x x x c. vn V n in {If(x) R is a compact subset of X n. Put -i F, F C [f for each constant on follows that f(y) and for some integer F C G n for each for each -]u If(x) for each -i n -n, f(x) G n (Vn)]C [f(x) -no, no (Vn)]C [f +, f(x) + hi}, -1 and, by Theorem 2.2, f (Vn) is closed 63 U for n- 1 2,... Since f is for each positive integer ] t [f(x) + 0 Therefore n, it follows that y F G and no 63 nl y f(x) + 63 n-I G n and F Let n. I f(x) n- is G n C U. G, y no] U -F. for x It F Since since G n is open n. F be fixed. Define Case (ii). Suppose f is not constant on F. Let x I f(x) otherwise. It follows that F and g(x) f(x I) if x g:X + R by g(x) G(E) is closed since G(f) is closed and g satisfies the hypothesis of the NOWHERE DENSE SETS AND REAL-VALUED FUNCTIONS WITH CLOSED GRAPHS Now by Case (i), lemma. F G is and the lemma is established. [3] gave an example (Example 1.6.1) Hamlett and Herrington 3 X to show that if is the space of all ordinals less than or equal to the first uncountable ordinal, R, then there does not exist a function D( {}. X. dense in G(f) X Let THEOREM 3.2. F {f(xa)la F PROOF: {xls and for every net C X- F R / such that which converges to R. does not converge in - I} f:X To show necessity It follows that there exists a continuous function h:X R (urao., [], page 4). n : by Xlh(x) O} , G. is {x sch ha O, g(O) be closed and nowhere Sufficiency follows from the proceeding lemma. F suppose I} e F C X if and only if there exists a function is closed, D(f) x e F, with a closed graph such that be a normal space and let G6 is R f:X g(x) that the graph of Put otherwise. Is closed. f f- g Clearly It follows from Prosltlon 2.3 h. has the required properties. f In Example 4.1 it will be shown that ’normal’ cannot be replaced by ’completely regular’ in Theorem 3.2. First we will establish two lemmas which will be used in this example. LEMMA 3.3. x, x Let f(y) has a closed graph and if X, then there {(,)l" and PROOF: and R f:X If nowhere dense in x} y= generality that D(f) for all U For each open neighbourhood [D(f)] c any net in f(Y(u) converge f(x), to f, g:X R Let XI exists a dense subset Suppose PROOF: {xeIs I} If {xla C [D(f)] I} C X1 x Ya Y(U) U Xs(u) Such an and Y(U)’ R. f x such that f U exists for each X, and, f(ys(u) 8) then either Clearly [D(f)] U X(u) (u) and + x if then and is ys(u) 8 f(ys(u)) f(x (u) is closed, it follows that lXl glXl, s. c or does f(x (u) If there D(f) -D(g). By Lemma 3.3 there exists a net D(f). x c such that be two functions with closed graphs. X of X in We may assume without loss of and that > If(x) + I for all Since the graph of R. LEMMA 3.4. R. which is nowhere dense in has no convergent subnet in not is such that R. x, select -c. which converges to has no convergent subnet in [D(f>] c C If(ys)l s of If(X(U)) _> If(ys(u)) Ys(U) since Ys(U) D(f) such that each {ya} There exists some net has no convergent subnet in D(f) D(f), where x I} has no convergent subnet in D(f). x {xa]a exists a net xs then clearly x such that / x f(xs) and has no convergent subnet in R. {xla D(g). If e I} C X [X1 U V(f>] D, then D U D(f) is nowhere dense in X. It can be shown as in Lemma 3.3 that there exists a net has no J} C [D U D(f)]cc X 1 such that x 8 x and for all 8 e J, it follows that convergent subnet in R. Since f(x g(x x D(g). {x818 f(xs) 8) 4. X IS COMPLETELY REGULAR. valued functions on respectively. Let X (X) Let C(X) 8) and G(X) denote the families of all real which are continuous and which have a closed graph, denote the family of all subsets of X. If A C X, let I. BAGGS 4 AI A. denote the cardinality of The next example shows that Theorem 3.2 does not hold for completely regular spaces. EXAMPLE 4.1: Let (X,T) with the tangent disc topology R21y-- 0. I(x,y) L restricted to P disc in P Put denote the upper half of the euclidean plane (y > O) 2 Let Namely, put p I( x y) R Y > X P t3 L. Let T be the topology on X such that 0. is the usual euclidean topology. L tangent to (Stein and Seeback [6], page i00). (L) F continuum, and each 2 fJ D L) M j there exists c, where c D(g). D(f) and /C (X) c, it follows that if (L) exists a family REMARK 4.2: X Let X L) G(X) G D(f) -F U l(L)l II l)(L)l U U X f R g F and F Therefore, there c. F there does L be a closed and nowhere X. If F U F, there does not F F , x be a compact X. To show sufficiency, note that F is of first category since is of first is compact and hence a Baire space. is nowhere dense in I of with a closed graph such that is of first category in g(x) be defined by f lJ/l < and for every f:X + R is of second category since h, then G(X) gl(X L) L). Since f,g is completely regular. exists, by Lemma 2.4 a continuous function g:R gl(X and for every The necessity follows from Theorem 2.1. category. L) L) be a completely regular space and let is any open subset of Therefore fl(X and D(f) -F. such that X. h:X Since R F is compact -i such that h G, there F. Let (0) O. By Proposition 2.3, if It follows that D(f) -F. O, and g(O) has a closed graph It follows from Example 4.1 that the condition ’let F be compact’ cannot be omitted in Theorem 4.3. Example 1.6.1 by Hamlett and Herrington It will be shown in [3] shows that Theorem 4.3 does not hold if F is not 5. X IS REGULAR. G. Example 5.2 that Theorem 4.3 does not hold in general for regular spaces. The topology on the space presented in Example 5.2 will be a refinement of the topology on a nice example of a regular space which is not completely regular that was constructed by Thomas [7]. An outline of Thomas’ example follows. See [7] for further details and a geometric interpretation. EXAMPLE 5.1 [(2n, y) p(2n- R21t (THOMAS): 0,+1,+2,+3,..., put L(2n) 0,+I,+2,+_3,..., and k 2,3,4,..., put 2 R and put T(2n- i, k) [(2n- i + t,l and b be two points at ’infinity’. Put If R2 I0 < y < 1/2t If l,k) i(2n- I, I -kI-) (0, i- ]. Let a x is closed D(f) -F. There exists a function if and only if PROOF: if X Let X. fl(X Since be a topological space and let such that THEOREM 4.3. L has that property that for every II such that The following results hold when subset of is any open containing it follows from Lemma 3.4 that there exists a family f exist a function X Let X. which is relatively discrete as a subspace of (L)l > IC(X- L)l elements of G(X) D and is the cardinality of the D(f) --M, then such that such that f not exist a function dense subset of G(X) f L x is completely regular and are both continuous, it follows from Lemma 3.4 that IC(X- If is an open set in is closed and nowhere dense in D(f) C L, D(g) C L such that (X,) I(L)I (X,). and nowhere dense in {x x, then at n n t- 1 ) NOWHERE DENSE SETS AND REAL-VALUED FUNCTIONS WITH CLOSED GRAPHS X L(2n)} U n X U U n-- [T(2n- U l,k)]} l,k)U p(2n- 5 U x e T(2n- l,k) for n 0,+1,+2,..., and a then p(2nx nelghbourhood of x l,k), contains all but finitely many points of T(2n-l,k). If x (2n,y) L(2n), then Topologize 2,3,..., k as follows. If If then x is open. a nelghbourhood of x consists of all but finitely many points of y-coordlnate and with x-coordlnate that differs from and > y-coordinate c X Let D (X,) For the space X a x and b is a real c X < is regular and if In the following example a topology (X,’) is regular but not completely X such that {x} is there will exist an x such that G (X,’) but there will not exist a function EXAMPLE 5.2: Let (X,) 1,2,...}, where G(X) f D(f) such that be the space of Example 5.1. let the nelghbourhood base at {xill x be the space of Example 5.1. will be constructed on regular. A If a. It was shown by Thomas [7] that R is continuous, then f(a) f(b). f:X If which consists of all points with y-coordlnate b. an open set containing with the same which consists of all points with is an open set containing number, then a subset of ’ X is a real number, then a subset of c X by less than I. 2n x x i If X x and x Let x a i, be a sequence in X which be as defined in Example 5.1. # a for all a, and let is discrete in (X,), then put converges to a in (X,). If for fixed i, x i S for some n and k, put If for fixed i, x p(2n-l,k) i i t} T(2n- l,k). S If x (2n,YO) L(2n) for some i and n, then put i i S {(X, Yo) Xl2n- I < x < 2n + I}. For each basic open nelghbourhood U of a {xl}. {xi} i in (X,) and each sequence to be an open set containing A a. converging to Let and by the new nelghbourhood base of ’ containing k. Also V a contains (X,) in define Ui-I ’ be the topology on Clearly a. T(2n- l,k) a t) ’ p(2n -l,k) D X generated by and every open set for countably many contains all but countably many elements of t] L(2n). n V in and It follows (X,T’) is regular. (X,T’) is not completely regular since it can be shown as in [7], that if f:(X,’) + R is continuous, f(a) f(b). There does not exist a function g: (X,T’) + R with G(E) closed such {a} is that D(g) {a}. For let g:(X,z’) + R be any function with a closed graph which c, a is continuous on X- {a}. It can be shown as by Thomas [7] that g(x) from the construction that G. {a}. Since a is a cluster constant, for all but countably many elements of X it follows that any net x in (X,’), sequence any of not but point of (X,’) a in X which converges to a in r’ has the property that g(x) / c. Since the graph of g is closed it follows that g(a) -c Therefore Theorem 4.3 does not hold when X and g is continuous at a. is regular. In this section it will be shown that there exists a countable Urysohn space X (Example 6.3) with the property that if F is any non-empty, closed and nowhere dense subset of X, there does not exist a function F (Proposition 6.6). The space X will R such that G(f) is closed and D(f) f:X be essentially the countable connected Urysohn space constructed by Roy [8]. 6. X IS A URYSOHN SPACE. I. BAGGS 6 The following proposition will be useful later: Let PROPOSITION 6.1. U F G n--2 F’s where the n G Let PROOF: G--. x F X 0 Since for R f:X G F and 1,2,3,... n G(f) with G. G I F each f f:X subnet of n. n’s, and does not converge in -. D(f) and x x=I {x Is For each ( Fn X x # X Let X, then there n, for n Let X, there does not contain a R. be a countable connected f:X exists a function R T f Therefore Ix and for each net f(x) COROLLARY 6.2. f(Fn) X- G. for infinitely many f(x) x, it is easily seen that either has no convergence subnet in R. Therefore I} subset of Fn and + x which converges to {f(xa)la by is closed and nowhere dense in exists a net {xl= I in G {xl I for each If(x)l I is unbounded R / is continuous on n such that continuous at X, D(f) -G. closed and Define X- G, is constant on f Since If are mutually disjoint, closed and nowhere dense in n then there exists a function 0,1,2,... X. be an open subset of a topological space G(f) X or is closed. G If space. 2 such that is not in G(f) is an open is closed and G. D(f) PROOF: Follows immediately from the preceding proposition. EXAMPLE 6.3: .|Cnn’+ Let be a countable collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of the rational numbers indexed by the set of positive and negative integers C such that is dense in n n 0,+I,+2,...} y 0,+1,+2,+3,..., U {m}. R for each > O. < s- c C x If Y x < s Let p N (p) {(x,y) e c is odd put N (p) {(x,y) Xl + }. s s If < x n < s + }. X be the topology generated on > O. {(x,n) Ix X as follows. p If m, put p and or n- 1, }. Let T / [8]. (X,) is a R such that F, then D(f) is a nowhere dense Note that since F is nowhere dense in X, F (3 for each integer n and every interval I C R. Also, for each I N C2n_l is closed and nowhere dense in X. In what follows Vc(f(x)) denotes an C2n C2n open neighbourhood of PROPOSITION 6.4. f(x) Let of radius (X,) closed and nowhere dense and let F, then for every integer restricted to the subspace subset of PROOF: I y It wlll be established in X. f:X #. subset of D(f) C n, x by the neighbourhood system defined above for all Proposition 6.6 that if there exists a function n, For each p X, X and let (s,n) Xly- n, n + 1 No(p) {(x,y) X]y > countable connected Urysohn space. Let F be a closed and nowhere dense subset of F m. is essentially the space constructed by P. Roy (X,T) Cn, as being ’lines’ in the plane through is even or zero, put n and X together with a point at ’infinity’, define a neighbourhood system for g Let n. We may visualize I ( C2n_ I I ( s in R. be the space of Example 6.3, let f:X n C2n_l / R be a function with C2n_l) G(f) and for every open interval be closed. I C R, If f is discontinuous on at most a nowhere dense with the relative topology. Suppose on the contrary that for some C R, f l(l N I. I F C X n and some open interval is discontinuous on a dense subset of the subspace NOWHERE DENSE SETS AND REAL-VALUED FUNCTIONS WITH CLOSED GRAPHS I N 7 such X, we may select x I 1 N 0, choose > 0 such that and f(N(x)) C V(f(x)). Select s II N(x) C (I I C2n_l such that that is at such every discontinuous s and U(s) of s neighbourhood C2n_l in (X,T) has the property that U(s) for small sufficiently N(x) 1 that C2n_l. f D(f) Since is nowhere dense in Let x. is continuous at C2n > e C2n flll C2nC nelghbourhoods of s. 1,2,...) Sklk- sequence f Since l(l I C2n_l) such that s k is discontinuous at I1 C2n_l for all s, there exists a k, s k / s, and, {f(Sk)Ik- 1,2,...) has no limit point in R. Select such that f(Sm V(f(x)). Then there exists a sequence Sm {Sklk- 1,2,...} {xnln 1,2,...} C N(x) where Xn + Sm and {f(x n) In 1,2,...} converges to a since G(f) is closed, point p VE(f(x)). graph of f nowhere dense subset of integer p @ Clearly is closed. This contradicts the fact that the C2n_l) Therefore f (I N I for every open interval C2n_l is discontinuous on at most a I C R and every n. PROPOSITION 6.5. Let (X,T) (f) -F, then for each integer a subinterval 12n_ I PROOF: N 12n_l C I F C X be the space of Example 6.3, let f:X + R closed and nowhere dense and let x f(Sm). be G(f) closed. If and for each open interval I C R there exists n such that f be a function with is continuous at x for each C2n_ I. I Let be an open interval in R. For each integer n, there exists, 12n_l C I such that fl(12n_l N C2n_l) is 12n_l C2n_l with the relative topology. Since F is nowhere dense in I C2n and I C2n_2 for each integer n, we may assume without loss of generality that 12n_l has been chosen for each n such that f is continuous at each point of (12n_l C2n)t) (12n_l N C2n_2). Let x let and 1,2,...) be a sequence in X which 12n_l C2n_l IXnln 1 2,... converges to x. We may assume without loss of generality that {x In N or or is eventually in either 12n_l 12n_l C2n 12n_l C2n_2. If C2n_l then it follows is from the way in eventually {x n In 1,2,...) 12n_l C2n_l 12n_l was selected that f(x n) f(x). Suppose {XnJn 1,2,...} is eventually in 12n_l N C2n. Let > O. Since f is continuous on 12n_l C2n, for each y 12n_l C2n there exists a > 0 such that f(N(y)) C V (f(y)). Select some y e 12n_l C2n such that for all sufficiently small nelghbourhoods N(x) of x, N(x) C2nC N(y). {Xnln- 1,2,...) will eventually be in N(y). Since f(N(y)) C VE(f(y)), it follows that {f(Xn) In- 1,2,...) is eventually in by Proposition 6.4, an open interval continuous on the subspace / V (f(y)) f of eventually in each x e f(x). f(xn)+ I2n_l N C2n_2 f(Xn) 12n_ 1 Let (X,) closed and nowhere dense and let F, then F PROOF: 1 2,...) converges. Similarly it follows that if + f(x). Therefore f Since the graph {Xn In 1,2,...} is for x is continuous at C2n_ I. PROPOSITION 6.6. D(f) f(Xn) In and we may assume that is closed Suppose be the space of Example 6.3, let f:X / R be a function with G(f) F C X be If closed. #. F is a non-empty, closed and nowhere dense subset of that there exists a function f:X / R with G(f) closed such that D(f) X and F. If 8 f I. BAGGS continuous on X -F y y X- F, it follows that is constant on f is constant on We may assume therefore that X. > and let > there exists a f(N(y)) C V(f(y)). N6(y C (I N C2n_l) U 0 0 such that f N6(y) and a neighbourhood and hence X -F. is not constant on V(fy)). f() X Since of y f Let is continuous at such that We may assume without loss of generality that t) (I (I N C2n_2 for some interval I C R C2n and some It now follows from repeated applications of Proposition 6.5 and the definition of open sets in (X,T) that for each m > 2n, there exists an interval C I such that f(l Cm) C (f(y)). For each m > 2n, select Ym (Ira Cm)" m Then and f(ym V(f(y)), for m 2n + I, 2n + 2,... Since integer n. Im V Ym f() V (f(y)) this would contradict the fact that the graph of f is closed. The proposition follows. In contrast to the results of Dobbs [2] and Thompson [I] for perfectly normal spaces, it now follows that if X satisfies only the Urysohn separation axiom it is possible that there may exist a function D(f) F if and only if F f:X R is a closed subset of with a closed graph such that X with a non-empty interior. That this is true for the space given in Example 6.3 follows immediately from Proposition 6.6 and Corollary 6.2. REMARK 6.7: Proposition 6.6 does not hold for all countable connected Urysohn spaces although it does hold for the countable connected spaces constructed by Kannan [9] and Martin [I0]. It is possible to redefine the topology on the space in Example 6.3 such that the space remains connected and Urysohn and F is closed and nowhere dense and there does exist a function R G(f) is closed and f:X C CO I such that C_I D(f) --F. REFERENCES i. 2. 3. 4. Characterizing Certain Sets with Functions Having a Closed THOMPSON, T. Graph, Boil. del U.M.I. (4__) 12(1975), 327-329. DOBBS, J. On the Set of Points of Discontinuity for Functions with Closed Graphs, Cas. Pst. Mat. IIO(1985), 60-68. HAMLETT, T.R. and HERRINGTON, L.L. The Closed Graph and P-Closed Graph Properties in General Topology, Vol. 3, Contemporary Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, Rhode Island, 1980. 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