Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. Ii NO. 3 (1988) 449-456 449 S-ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF DISTRIBUTIONS BOGOLJUB STANKOVlC Institute of Mathematics University of Novi Sad Yugoslavia (Received December 2, 1986 and in revised form April 28, 1987) ABSTRACT. This paper contains first a definition of the asymptotic expansion at infinity of distributions belonging to ’(Rn), named S-asymptotic expansion, as also its properties and application to partial differential equations. KEYS WORDS AND PHRASES. Convex cone, distribution, behaviour of a distribution at infinity, asymptotic expansion. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. i. Primary 41A60, Secondary 46F99. INTRODUCTION. The basic idea of the asymptotic behaviour at infinity of a distribution one can find already in the book of L. Schwartz [I]. To these days many mathematicians tried to find a good definition of the asymptotic behaviour of a distribution. We shall infinity" explored by Lavoine and Misra [2] and the "quasiasymptotic" elaborated by Vladimlrov and his pupils [3]. Brichkov [4] intro- mention only "equivalence at duced the asymptotic expansion of tempered distributions as a useful mathematical tool in quantum field theory. His investigations and definitions were turned just In [4] one can find cited literature in which asymptotic towards these applications. expansion technique, introduced by Brichkov, was used in the quantum field theory. This is a reason to study S-asymptotlc expansion. 2. DEFINITION OF THE S-ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION. In the classical analysis we say that the sequence is asymptotic if and only if n+l(t) O(n(t)), t =. {n(t)} of numerical functions The formal series nl un (t) is an asymptotic expansion of the function u(t) related to the asymptotic sequence {n(t) if k u(t) [ Un(t) n=l for every k . O(@k(t)), t (2.1) {*n(t) }, t (2.2) N and we write u(t) u n=l When for every n N n(t) Un(t) is unique, that means the numbers c Cn n(t) Cn n are complex numbers, expansion (2.2) can be determined in only one way. STANKOVI6 B. 450 n In this text F will be a convex cone with vertex at zero belonging to R and F. Notations for Z(F) the set of all real valued and positive functions c(h), h the spaces of distributions are as in the books of Schwartz [I]. DEFINITION I. the asymptotic sequence {c (h)} T(t+h) " n for n Z <T(t+h), 0(t) > < n=4 Z(F), we write it {c (h)} N and h r, llh[l n n Bn(t,h), 0 , {Cn(h)}, l[hll Un(t)Cn(h), Un(t,h) (2.3) F h if for every p(t) > i) In the special case REMARK. has the S-asymptotic expansion related to U (t,h) n=l where U (t,h) " The distribution T u , h n F (2.4) n N, we shall write s T(t+h) Z n=l [lh[l Un(t) Cn(h) (2.5) h and the given S-asymptotic expansion is unique. inRn), 2) To define the S-asymptotic expansion relation (2.4) T and U n are in" and p we have only to suppose that in in. Brichkov’s general definition is slightly different [5]. DEFINITION l’. The distribution g {@n(t)} the asymptotic sequence g(ho-t) where c (t X) n " Z n=l for X X has the asymptotic expansion related to {ho, > 0} n(t,) {0)_n..} > 0 if for every o E (t) > <g(kho-t), " on the ray < Cn(t,%), n=l h n R o (2.6) R, {n(%) }, (t) > (2.7) % Relation 2.6 can be transformed in i f(x) e << x ho>> Z n=l en(X,%) by the Fourier transform, if we take F[n(t,%)] F-l[g] (2) n Cn(X,). f(x) {@n(%)), F-l[g(t)]; (2.8) % 0(x) F-l[(t)] and We denote by F[0] the Fourier transform of 0 and by n n E Also, for x,t R x,t the inverse Fourier transform of g. xit i. i=l In his papers Brihkov considered only the asymptotic expansinons (2.8) and in one dimensional case. the whole’(Rn), We shall study the asymptotic expansion not n. not only on a ray but on a cone in R im"(R) but in Our results enlarge Brlchkov’s to be value for the elements of o’(Rn) (Corollary I), they are proved with less suppositions (Propositions 5 and 6) or give new properties of the S-asymptotic. A distribution belonging can have S-asymptotic expansion in" without to" having the same S-asymptotic expansion in distribution f ’. Such an example is the regular defined by the function f(t) H(t) exp(I/(l+t2)) exp(-t) t R S-ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF DISTRIBUTIONS 451 where I, t H(t) 0 H(t) and R+ It is easy to prove that for h (t+h) t < O. 0, 7. (I+ (t+h) (n-l)’ n=l 2 l-n exp(-t-h) l{ e-hh 2 (l-n) }, . h But U (t h) (I+ n do not belong (t+h)2) l-n to’. exp(l+ (t+h) 7. . (l+t2)) but it is not in belongs to (n-l)’ h > 0 N, defined by the function The regular distribution g(t) n exp(-t-h), exp(t), R t in’: It has S-asymptotic expansion (I + (t+h) ehh2(l-n) }, 2)l-n exp(t+h) h R+. where F PROPERTIES OF THE S-ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION. 3. Let S PROPOSITION i. T (t+h) s 7. n=l ’ U n(t,h) l (S * and T ’. {c n(h)}, If ,h llh[l F then the convolution (S,T)(t+N) n=l Un)(t,h) {Cn(h)} [[h[[ h F k 7. n=l Un(t,h)], (3.1) We know that PROOF. k <(S*T)(t+h), 0(t)> 7. n=l <S*[T(t+h) <(S*Un)(t,h), 0(t)> 0(t) > It remains only to use the continuity of the convolution. COROLLARY I. T(t+h) If _s [[h[[ {Cn(h)} U (t h) n 7. n=l F h then T (k)’" (t+h) 7. n:l where T kl (k) (Dtl D n) T untk)’" (t,h) k REMARK. kn) (k n We have only to take S PROOF {Cn(h) 6<kjZ ]]h]] N n o , (3.2) F h N :NU{ 0 o in Proposition I. Proposition i. is valued as well if we suppose that T PROPOSITION 2. Let f U (t,h) and V (t), n N and h n n n integrable functions such that for every compact set K & R f(t+h) l n=l Un(t,h) {Cn(h)}, JJhJj h r, F, t " and S be the local K . 452 STANKOVI B. and k Z n=l f(t+h) llhll and /Ck(h) Un(t,h) Vk(t), r(k,K), then for the regular distribution (t+h) Z n n=l PROOF. r h The proof is a consequence of the Lebesgue’s theorem. PROPOSITION 3. " Suppose that T and T belong to and equal over the open set 2 for every r > 0 there exists a B such that the ball o r} is in {a-h, h g B }. If which has the property: n, llxll llhll =< {x e R B(0,r) defined by f we have llhll {c (h)} n (t,h) r K, h t Z n=l T l(t+h , llhll {c n(h)}, Un(t,h) o r h then T2(t+h) Z , {Cn(h)}, llhll Un(t,h) n=l r h as well. PROOF. We have only to prove that for every < lira / [Tl(t+h)-T2(t+h)] Let supp p =B(0,r). Ck(h O(t)> Ck(h) O, 0 (3.3) Tl(t+h)-T2(t+h The distribution equals zero over -h. By the supposition there exists a B such that the ball B(0,r) is in {f-h, h o -> S }. This proves out relation (3.3). llhll o PROPOSITION 4. D t r N, h Let S S(t+h) .s m l i=l (R), f where m i--4 (t) --f O(t PROOF. f R t m V i(t,h) l i=l then O(t) If p t t t n) dt n F h Vi(t,h)]/Ck(h), o(tm)m(t) m R S(t+h) (t E < [S(t+h) lira , dt m D I, and for every o()d R k n I’} has the properties: N, h i < m {el(h)}, llhll Ui(t,h and for a 0 llhll+,h F < and for 1 {Vi(t,h), If the family i I’, > t , Vi(t,h) 0 k Ui(t,h), N 0 then {c i(h)}, l}hll Oo(tm)%m(t) , r h and + (t) where O. m Now we have the following equality <[S(t+h) k l i=l Vi(t,h)], p(t)> t k <[D t S(t+h) m F. i=l k l <[S(t+h) Ui(t+h)] f i=l Vi(t,h)] Polm(t)> m (t It remains only to use the limit in it and Corollary I. u m t n) du > m S-ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF DISTRIBUTIONS m is fixed, 1 _-< m -<- ’, r Suppose that S PROPOSITION 5. n, {h R m,...,0)}, (0,...,h h where n and (D t S)(t+h) l i=l m Vi(t,h), If there exists i(h) Ui(t,h), DhmVi(t,h) i(u) r N and if i ci(h), i N are m , {i(h)}, llhll Vi(t,h) h h as then l i=l , {ci(h)}, llhll Ui(t,h) local integrable in h m and such that hm du c f m S(t+h) 453 r h By L’Hospital’s rule with the Stolz’s improvement we have for every PROOF. N and k k < I V i=l <S(t+h), p(t)> lim h/, h r p(t)> i(t,h), k (h) k <(DtmS) < I (t+h), O(t)> U i(t,h), 0(t)> i=l lim h+,hF Ck(h) These five propositions give how is related the S-asymptotic with convolution, derivative, classical expansion and the primitive of a distribution. proposition gives the analytical expression of PROPOSITION 6. Suppose that T Z T(t+h) u (t) n n=l If u m # 0, N, then u m m u (t) m where a (a k k every t i, i PROOF. m P(t tn) l(t+ho) h exp(<<a k m N (3.4) the power of them less of k in and our supposition T(t+h)/c l(h) u d(h o) u l(t) l(t) 0 lim I[ h ]].+=o,h F c (3.5) satisfies the equation h O F (3 6) where d(h o interior, r t>>), m Pkn are polynomials, <<x,t >> =i xit i. From relation (3.5) follows that u u Un(t) Cn(h). has the form By Definition lim Un(t,h) F with nonempty llhll Cn(h) Z k=l k n ,a f R and n l,...,n: ’, The next l(h+ho)/c (h) 454 B. STANKOVIC n is such element from R k coordinates equal zero except the k-th which is 1. Then If ho is an interior point of F and e u l(t+ho+eek) Hence the existence of D t k u [d(ee k) l(t+ho) a and Ul(t+ho), k-- Dhkd(h)h= Ul(t+h o) a k d(0)]u l(t+ho). (3.7) n. We know that all the solutions of equation (3.7) are of the form where C The following limit gives u 2 <u l(t),O(t)> c l(h) <T(t+h),0(t)> lim Ilhll+,hF By Corollary follows for i lim ,n ali)T(t+h),0(t)> i llhil/-,hr 2(t) C 2 (Dtl-al) a) If exp(<<al,t>>). b) If (D t <(Dr i c2(h) Two cases are possible, u <u2,0> c2(h) <(D t # 0 for some -ai)u 2 Ul(t)=Clexp(<<al,t>>), an). (a is a constant and a for which all the then (D i (<<al,t>>) u O, i=l 2 t ali)u2(t),0(t) > n, then -ai)u2(t) c exp(<<a2,t >>) and u 2 has ex is a polynomial of exp(<<a ,t>>) where + P (t 2 the power less of 2 in every t i, i=l,...,n. In the same way we prove for every um. n PROPOSITION 7. Let T ’and fl R be an open set with the property: for every the form C r > 0 there exists a 8 r tn) P2 such that the ball B(h,r)= for all h F, llhll > 8r Suppose m T(t+h) 7. n=l {Cl(h),...,Cm(h)}, Un(t+h) m for any function c (h) from E(F), then T m PROOF. n=l n The statement of this Proposition can be obtained from a proposition proved in [6]. However, for completeness, we shall give the proof on the whole. First we shall prove that if for every c (h) m m n__E1 Un(t+h) T(t+h) < lim Ilhll+,hCF C m O(t)> (3.8) 0 (h) then there exists a 8(0) such that m <[T(t+h) Z U (t+h)] n n=l Suppose the opposite. <[T(t+hn then we choose m l n=l Cm(h) O(t)> 0 h We would have a sequence h Un(t+hn)], 0(t)> in such a way that Pn # 0, Cm(hn) n Pn n F llhn I such that N and relation (3.8) would be false. 455 S-ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION OF DISTRIBUTIONS We denote by 8o(p) sequence {hk}, h , llhkl k P (t)> <T(t+hk), 8o(#k) there exist {h k} {ak#0 Ak, p p=k for every Z T=T- k} and such that n=l U n Let can be the following. #k k6 is a strict monotone sequence which tends to infinity, then F and e k N such that > 0, k 8o(#k_ I) +ek {p(t)}, p 0, p#k la p=k k, , in such a way that It is easy to see that <T(t+h k) ek" The numbers l we can find <T(t+hk), p(t)> a Ak,p-l Ak, l-’" p(t)> 8o(#k) 0, k > p. and k i=l,...,p-I so that for k=l,...,p-i <T(t+hk), k(t)> For a fixed p and k < p we can find llhkll for which we have p(t) %l(t)-...-IPp_l#p_l(t), p > i. p(t) satisfies the sought property. p(t) 4} m p < k 0 <T(t+hk) p(t)> 0 {#k(t)}, #k 6 and the sequence Now, we shall construct the sequence Let p Let us suppose the opposite; then there exists a The constructio of the sequence {h be such that {8o(p), We shall prove that the set infB(p). n compact set K C R is bounded. Ak,p-i p-I Hence ...+xPp-i ,p-I + As k=l,...,p-l, p > I. Ak,p # 0 for every k, this system has always a solution. We introduce now a sequence of numbers {b b k ,k sup{2klo k(i) (t) k} i < k} Then the function (t) K p(t)/bp Z p=l and this series converges <T(t+hk),@(t)> inK, Z p=l thus in <T(t+hk), p(t)/bp> If we choose c(h) such that c(h llhll converge to zero when /, h 6 k) F. for every compact set K there exists a h F, # (t) 4. K" That means that JJhJJ 0 over B(h,r), as well. ak/b k akJb then <[T(t+h)/c(h)l,(t) does not k This is in contradiction with (3.8). Hence, 8o(K) (t+h) 8(r), h With this <(t+h),(t)> such that 0 over B(0,r), llhll 8(r), h 0,11hll a 8o(K), 6 F and F. APPLICATION OF THE S-ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSION TO PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. As we mentioned in [4], one can find cited literature in which asymptotic expansion technique theory. (in" and in one dimensional case) was used in the quantum field We show how the S-asymptotic expansion in can be applied to solutions of partial differential equations. PROPOSITION 8. L(D) such that Suppose that E is a fundamental solution of the operator l aaD a, aa R, (NQ0) n; L(D) 0 456 B. E(t+h) Z n=l u (t,h) n STANKOVI Ilhll {c (h)} n (4.2) ic h Then there exists a solution X of the equation L(D) X G, G " (4.3) which has S-asymptotic expansion X(t+h) . Z n=l (G * un(t,h)) {c n(h)}, [[h[[ , r. h The well-known Malgrange-Ehrenpreis theorem (see for example [7], p. 212) PROOF. asserts that there exists a fundamental solution of the operator (4.1) belonging to X The solution of equation (4.3) exists and can be expressed by the formula E G. To find the S-asymptotic of X we have only to apply Propostition I. REMARKS. convolution E in , If we denote by A(L(D),E) the collection of those T * T and L(D)6 E * T exist " then the solution X for which the E * G is unique in the class A(L(D),E) ([7], p. 87). We can enlarge the space to which belongs G ([7], p. 216). The fundamental solutions are known for the most important operators L(D). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This material is based on work supported by the U.S.-Yugoslavia Joint Fund for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, in cooperation with the NSF under Grant (JFP) 544. REFERENCES Thorie des distributions, T. I, II, Herman, Paris, 1957-1951. I. SCHWARTZ, L. 2. LAVOINE, J. and MISRA, O.Po Thormes Ablians pour la transformation de Stieltjes des distributions, C,R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sdr. I Math. T. 279 (1974), 99-102. 3. VLADIMIROV, V.S., DROZZINOV, Yu.N., and ZAVJALOV, B.I. Multidimensional Theorems of Tauberian Type for Generalized Functions, Moskva, "Nauka", 1986. 4. BRICHKOV, Yu.A. 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