Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. Ii NO. 2 (198) 365-374 365 A GENERALIZATION OF THE GLOBAL LIMIT THEOREMS OF R.P. AGNEW ANDREW ROSALSKY Department of Statistics University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 U.S.A. (Received May 21, 1987 and in revised form August 24, 1987) For distribution functions ABSTRACT. convergence of Fn to F {Fn, n > of 0 and the convergence 0}, the relationship between the weak R #(IFn-, FOI), and, dx to 0 is studied Sufficient is a nonnegative, nondecreasing function. where separately, necessary conditions are given for the latter convergence thereby generalizing the The sufficiency results so-called global limit theorems of Agnew wherein (t) Itl r. are shown to be sharp and, as a special case, yield a global version of the central limit theorem for independent random variables obeying the Liapounov condition. is characterized in terms of Moreover, weak convergence of distribution functions their almost everywhere limiting behavior with respect to Lebesgue measure on the line. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Distribution function, global limit theorem, weak convergence, complete convergence, almost everywhere convergence, uniform convergence, sums of independent random variables, central limit theorem, Liapounov condition. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. Primary 60F05; Secondary 60BlO, 60E05. I. INTRODUCTION. denote the class of all nondecreasing, left continuous functions F defined Let > lim F(x) (-(R) ) such that X+ member of satisfying lim F(x) on R 0 and xli+m F(x) < I. A distribution function is a For F, let C(F) denote the 0 and lim F(x) x+ {xcR: F is continuous at x}. A sequence of continuity set,. of F, that is, C(F) distribution functions {F n, n> I} is said to cony.erge weakly to a function FO, denoted F w_+ n FO if lim F (x) If {F n, n {Fn, n _> Fo(X) all (I.I) xeC(Fo). F O, then the sequence __> 1} and F 0 are distribution functions with c_+ I} is said to converge completely to F 0 and this is denoted by Fn Fn For distribution functions {Fn, to study the relationship between lim F (x) n n+ FO" n >__O}, R.P. Agnew [I] was apparently the first Fo(X) all xR 366 A. ROSALSKY -= /R of the integrals I n A theorem whose conclusion is of the form and the convergence to 0 as n r > O. lim where fR 0([Fn(X) F0(x) [) dx tFn (x) -Fo(X)I r dx where (1.3) 0 is a nonnegative, nondecreasing function is a so-called global limit theorem and it clearly supplements a limit theorem whose conclusion is (1.1) (or (1.2)) wherein convergence is pointwise in of convergence (1.2) and I n over C(F O) (or R). Agnew showed that the modes 0 are indeed rather closely related. Specifically, he proved the following two theorems. THEOREM A (Agnew [I]). Let fR x dF n (x) If n+=Itm Fn(X) Fo(x), 0 {Fn, n > 0} be distribution functions such that f R x2 dFn(X) all xR, then for all r lim IR [Fn(X) > F0 (x)lr n > (I 4) 0 1/2, O. dx The next theorem is a sort of converse to the preceding one. Note that condition (1.4) is not part of the hypotheses. THEOREM B (Agnew [I]). Let {Fn, n>O} be distribution functions and suppose that F 0 Is continuous and strictly increasing over R. lim IR IFn(X) Fo(X) r If for some r > 0 0, dx then lim sup n+= x R .IFn(X) Fo(x) O. Throughout, the symbol dx signifies integration with respect to Lebesgue measure on R and the abbreviation a.e. stands for almost everywhere with respect to Lebesgue measure. In this paper, we will generalize Theorems A and B by providing sufficient (Theorem I) and, separately, necessary (Theorem 3) conditions for a relation of the form (1.3). New results concerning weak and uniform convergence of distribution functions are obtained in the process. The sharpness of Theorem is established via an example. Agnew [I] applied Theorem A to the case where F 0 is the N(0,1) distribution function and is the distribution function of E n > where {X n > l} n Fn nj=1Xj/Cn, .... are independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables with mean variance (CLT). O, and obtained what he terms a global version of the central limit theorem This will be discussed and extended in Section 3. Some global limit theorems were obtained by Kruglov [2] in the cases where (i) F is the distribution function of the row sum of a double array of rowwise independent random variables and (ii) F n is the distribution function of a suitably normed and centered sum of i.i.d, random variables. Although in the current work GENERALIZATION OF THE GLOBAL LIMIT THEOREMS 367 none of tl]ose results will be applied or extended, the author takes great pleasure to acknowledge that it is Professor Kruglov’s article which helped him formulate some of the results herein and taught him some of the general techniques which are employed to establish them. },kA I N ST REAM. 2. Theorem It is a generalizat[on of Theorem A and this may now be established. is perhaps most apparent from Corollary 2. THEOREM I. {Fn, Let n > I} be distribution functions and suppose that there [0, ) satisfying exists a continuous function g on < 0 < g(x)/ as 0 (2.1) x/ and sup n>l Let fR g(Ix[) [0,=) be a nondecreasing function on > (x) Fn . (2.2) which is continuous at 0 with #(0)> 0, O, some x, and such that Ill,m) (g--x)) If dFn(X) < w_.+ F0 for some F0 dx < c_ F , all C > (2.3) 0. then F n (2 4) 0 and lim PROOF. > dx (2.5) O. Note at the outset that (2.3) and the monotonicity of necessarily 0(0) 0(x O) F0(x) I) fR ,({Vn(X) It will be shown firstly that g(x)/, as O. < , dx _>/tt,(R)) *(o Now if g(x)/B 0 for some x 0. x/,. ensure that By hypothesis, then Bx 0 Itt,) ,(g-) which contradicts (2.3). Next, note that for n Thus > g(x)/. and a > 0 fR g(Ixl)dFn(X) f[Ixl>a] g(Ixl)dFn(X) + f[Ixl<a] > g(a)f lxI_> l dFn(X) implying via (2.2) and g(x)/== that sup n>! lira sup a+ n> ftixl>a g(lxl) dFn(x) dFn(X) < lira a+ fR g(Ixl) ’g(a O whence (see, e.g., Chow and Teicher [3, p. 253]) relation (2.4) obtains. 368 A. ROSALSKY It will now be shown that fR g([x[) dF0(x) < < For arbitrary a and b in C(F O) with a (2.6) b, it follows from the Helly-Bray lemma (see, e.g., Chow and Teicher [3, p. 251]) and the monotone convergence theorem that fR g(Ixl) lim inf > dF (x) n lim inf f[a b) g(Ixl) dF (x) n a fR glxl glx] dFo(x) f[a,b) dF0(x) and so (2.6) follows recalling (2.2). < Hence, in view of (2.2) and (2.6), a number M dFn(X) _< M, fR g(]x[) Let {Xn, > 0} n (2.7), inequality, and Fn, n > Eg(]Xnl > < Eg(IXo[) + and x >__ Hence for n > + g(x) (,P) such that the , the Markov <__-I < x}) 2H > < (P(g(]Xnl) > g(x)) Eg(lXn[) and x x} + P{X0 ([Fn(X) F0(x) l) ([I-P{Xn Z x} ,( (2.7) 0. Using the monotonicity of 0. it follows that for n (IFn(X) Fo(x)l _< (P{Xn i _> be random variables on some probability space distribution function of X is n and that for n n may be chosen so that (I-P{X 0 Z x})[) e[g(lX0]) > g(x))) + Eg(IXol) .) i I, I (1),2M (g(Ixl))’ I[F n (x)- Ixl (2.3). which is Lebesgue integrable over R by (2.4) (see Theorem 2). Ix] < >_ ]Fn FO] Now is continuous at 0 and Then since 0 a.e. in view of (0) 0, (]F n F]) a.e. and so (2.5) then follows via the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem. The following corollary follows immediately from Theorem COROLLARY I. Let {Fn, n> D I. I} be distribution functions and suppose that there exists a continuous function g on f[l,(R)) 0 [0,) satisfying (2.1), (2.2), and dx (g(x))r < , some r > 0. (2.8) GENERALIZATION OF THE GLOBAL LIMIT THEOREMS for some FOe, lim then (2.4) obtains and f tF n (x)- F 0 (x)[ r 0 dx [4] in the case p The next corollary was obtained by Nishimura Fn(O) >_. O. O, n 369 However, Nishimura’s argument > I, r I, is incomplete in that it was not shown that f[o,**) COROLLARY 2. Let {Fn, n> If F n u.+ FO for some lira Let r > some p (R), > (2.9) 0. then (2.4) obtains and for all r FO n- PROOF. I} be distribution functions and suppose that xlp dFn(X) < fR sup xp dFo(X) < " fR I/p and F (x)n set F (x)l = O g(x) and moreover (2.8) holds since pr > x I. p, x dx > > I/p (2.10) O. O. Now (2.9) is tantamount to (2.2) Corollary 2 then follows from Corollary I. The following example shows that Theorem and Corollary 2 are sharp or best possible results in the sense that (2.5) (resp. (2.10)) can fail if (2.3) is < dispensed with (resp. if r EXAMPLE. Define distribution functions F 0 and Fo(x) Then Fn c_ I/p). and > I, x FO" 0 Set (x) x Fn(X) r, x ._> 0, (n-l)/n, I, where r then the integral of (2.3) diverges for all C >_. I, IFn FOI n-II(0,n] f ,(IFn() On the other hand if r fR (ln (x) > I, by 0 < > x <_ x n. Now if g(x) > **, 0 1, r < r o(x)l < I. I, then (2.3) obtains and o(X) dx-- fR Vo(X)l r dx-- It is well known (see, e.g., Loeve [5, p. 181]) that if Fn(x) F0(x) nl-r+ O. {Fn, >_ n l} are then the weak convergence of F n to F 0 is equivalent for all x in some dense subset of R. The following theorem, which distribution functions and to n x, x __> O, I. But if r n 1, dFn(X) 0 and both (2.5) and (2.10) fail O. f IFn(X) [ >_. implying o(x)l) n l-r n fR Ixl then (2.2) and (2.9) (with p=l) obtain since since for n > Fn, F0E will be used to prove a converse to Theorem I, characterizes weak convergence of distribution functions in terms of their almost everywhere limiting behavior with respect to Lebesgue measure and may be of independent interest. THEOREM 2. Let {Fn, following are equivalent: n >_. l} be distribution functions and let FO . Then the 370 A. ROSALSKY (t) F ([i) F w_+ F n F n 0 0 a.e. For every integer subsequeuce n(k)/, (iii) 0 a.e. ,IFnkl- Folv. lim inf. k+m PROOF. points of FO, (i) = (ii) =@ (iii). (iii) (ii). This implication is evident since the set of discontinuity being countable, is of Lebesgue measure O. (i). This implication is obvious. It will be shown that (iii) also fails. Assume that (i) fails. Since (i) fails, there exists a point x 0 in number e > 0 such that either F0(x O) > e, Fn(k)(xo) a subsequence n(k) /, and a C(Fo) all k > (2.11) or Fn(k)(xo) Since x in [x 0 C(Fo) 0 is in 6, x 0 + 6]. Fn(k)(X) Fo(x O) < there exists 6 If (2.|I) > IF0(x) Fo(xo) 0 such that holds, then for all x in F0(x) >_ Fn(k)(X O) > El2 (2.12) e, all k_.> I. (F0(x0 Fo(x O) [Xo, x <e/2 for all x + 6] and all k > 0 + 6) Fo(xo) el2 implying IFn(k)(X) Fo(X) > /2. (2.13) On the other hand if (2.12) holds, then for all x in [x -6, x 0 Fn(k)(X) F0(x) and again (2.13) holds. Fn(k)(X 0) ) and all k >__ Fo(xo) Thus, if (2.11) prevails, then (2.13) ensures that lim inf k+ [Xo, (F0(x0 F0(x O) O] .IFn(k) F01. > 0 (2.14) x0 + 6] whereas if (2.12) prevails, then (2.13) ensures (2.14) on 6, Xo]. Since [Xo, x 0 + ] and [x 0 6, Xo] each have positive Lebesgue measure, (2.14) guarantees the failure of (iii). on [x 0 Eisenberg and Shixin [6] obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for uniform convergence of distribution functions thereby strengthening a result of Dyson [7] (see, also, Kawata [8, p. 349]) which asserts that if characteristic functions converge uniformly (necessarily to a characteristic function ), then the GENERALIZATION OF THE GLOBAL LIMIT THEOREMS . 371 ft,,iction corre-;londing distribution f,t,lctions converge ttn[formty to the distribution corresponding to O} be distribution functions and for each n _> O, let u n denote the Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure determined by F n and let @n denote the COROLLARY 3. Let {Fn, ,_> Then the following are equivalent: corresponding characteristic function. Vn(X) Fo(x) and Fn(X+) F0(x+), F n(x+) lira F (y) n > O. n (i) all xR, where y}x (ii) tim sup n+ xeR (iii) (iv) IVn(X) F0(x)l, Condition (iii) of Theorem 2 a,d lira Z n+ xR (On({X}) o({X} >)2 O. Theorem 2 a,d lira sup n+ x R "ln([XI) o({X} )I’ O. Condition (iii) (v) .)t Condition (iii))f Theorem 2 a,,d lira (vi) - un({}) U0({x}), all ER. Condition (iii) ,f Theorem 2 a,d lira lira PROOF. = (ii) 0. (i) = (ii). fl_T -ln(t) @0 (t)12 T) 0. dt [3, p.260]. Ths implication is proved in Chow and Teicher (iii) and (ii) (vi). These implications follow from Theorem 2 and the Eisenberg-Shixin theorem [6]. (iii) ==> (vi) (v). (iv) and (iv) These implications are obvious. This impl[cation follows from Theorem 2, the (ii). Lvy continuity theorem, and the Eisenberg-Shixin theorem [6]. (v) (i). This implication follows from Theorem 2 and the fact (proved by Eisenberg [9]) that F c__+ FO n REMARK. and lira n/ n 0 ({x}) ({x}) all xER =.> (2.15) (i). Eisenberg’s proof of (2.15) uses Theorem 8.1.3 of Chow and Teicher [3, p. 255 ]. The next theorem generalizes Theorem B and is a version of a converse to Theorem I. Note, however, that there are no assumptions concerning a function g as in Theorem I. THEOREM 3. Let {Fn, n> I} be distribution functions and let # be a nondecreasing function defined on for some [0,I] with (0) > 0 and (x) > 0 for 0 < x < I. If F0 lira n+ fR +([Fn(X) F0(x){) 0, dx (2.16) then Fn Moreover, lira sup n/ xR c_+ ’.IF (x) n (2.17) F0" Fo(X) 0 2 18) A. ROSALSKY 372 lira whre n I 0 ({}) ({x}) is the Lebesgue-StiItjes measure deter,ined by Un (2 19) all R Fn, n > O. Note at the outset that (2.16) and the monotonicity of # ensure that PROOF. necessarily 4(0) O. It follows immediately fro,, Theorem 2 and Corollary 3 that (2.17) guarantees the equivalence between (2.18) and (2.19). It will be shown firstly that V Let n(k)/. w_ (2.20) FO" n In view of Theorem 2, it suffices to show that lim inf .[Fn(k) FO{. (2.21) 0 a.e. Now by Fatou’s lemma and (2. ]6), j’ z.,. .n: ,(iFn()(:) mo(X) i) k+ < dx ].,,, k+(R) rm <(OF.(k (x) F O(x)l dx 0 whence lira inf k+ (IFn(k). F0i). which, taking cognizance of the conditions on 0 a.e. , implies (2.21) thereby proving (2.20). lim X+--oo It remains to show that F is a distribution function. Otherwise, either 0 Fo(x) > 0 or lim Fo(x < I. Now if lim Fo(x) > 0 then X+-’ X-Io .q and hence > 0 Vn _> 2[Xn < ,(IFn(x) 0 Vx _< Xn, ,IFn(X) Fo(x) I) >,() > o contradicting (2.16). implying Fo(X) < The case lim Fo(X)l_ _> e fR *(IFn (x) FO()I) dx and is handled similarly. It is well known (see, e.g., Chow and Teicher [3, p. 260]) that (2.17) REMARK. _ and F 0 continuous imply (2.18). Alternatively, it is easy to directly verify that (2.17) and F 0 continuous imply (2.19). 3. GLOBAL VERSIONS OF THE CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM. I} be independent random variables defined Throughout this section, let {Xn, n I. rite O, 0 < on a probability space (,,P) and suppose that EXn < Sn ;=I XjI, Sn/Sn, 82n n that if {Xn, and n nj=l EX , n I, and let F n denote the distribution functio of denote that of the N(0,1) distribution. Now it is well known EX n I} are also identically distributed, then they obey the CLT Sn/S n d_+ N(0,1), (3 1) that is, F c__+ (3 2) n which is indeed tantamount to lim sup n+ x R IF (x) n (x) 0 GENERALIZATION OF THE GLOBAL LIMIT THEOREMS 373 By alptying Theorem A, Agnew [I] shows under the same ,assumptions of i.i.d. [Xn, n _3 I} that since # is continuous. r fR ]Fn(X) (x)[ lim > for all dx (3.3) 0 Agnew refers to this as a global versioo of the CLT. I/2. [I0] to the case where the random di:;trbutions provided that they obey the different have can I} > then (3.3) holds for (3.1) prevails, if Specifically, Eseen proved that This result was generalized by Esseen variables {X n, n CLT (3.1). It may be noted that Agnew’s global version of the CLT and Esseen’s 2) generalizatio, of it can also be obtained directly from Corollary 2 (with p > all r 1/2. since S sup n> Moreover, if {Xn, fR ,IF x n (x) sup n> 2 L(#), < **. I} obeys the classical Lindeberg condition (which is stronger n (3.1)), then, for all r > I/2, (3.3) followq readily from Lemma 4 of Embrechts and Maejima [11] which gives a nonuniform bound on the error in the CLT. than In Theorem 4 below, conditions are given which ensure (3.3) for particular values of r in (0, I/2]. (3.3). Of course, the smaller the value of r > O, the stronger is The proof of Theorem 4 utilizes a famous theorem of Bernstein [12] asserting that if {X n, n > I} obeys the Liapounov condition n r. for some p > EIXj p (3.4) o(s n) 2, then (3.5) An alternative proof of Bernstein’s theorem, using characteristic functions, was discovered by Brown [13]. < p< 3, Theorem 4 can be obtained from an inequality of Bikyalis [14] [15, p. 132]. Theorem 4 was proved by Bhattacharya [16] I, n > I. Moreover, Theorem 4 can also be proved using in the case p > 3 and EX2n v Bernstein’s theorem and an i,equality of Kolodyazn3rl [17]. This inequality may also When 2 which also appears in Petrov be found in Petrov [15, Theorem 9, p. 121]. THEOREM 4. If {Xn, n >__ I} obeys the Liapounov condition (3.4) for some p then the global version (3.3) of the CLT obtains for all r PROOF. with p > > > 2, I/p. It is well known (see, e.g., Chow and Teicher [3, p. 293]) that (3.4) 2 ensures (3.2). Now (3.5) obtains by Bernstein’s theorem and hence S n n> n> lnl s n p <-. The conclusion then follows immediately from Corollary 2. The next corollary has, in essence, been obtained by de Acosta and EIX II p < > Gin [18]. 3, the corollary follows readily from an inequality of Osipov [19] which also appears in Petrov [15, Theorem 13, p. 125]. Furthermore, if for some p 374 A. ROSALSKY COROLLARY 4. EIXII < E.= Xj/(nmX)I/2 p p < 0 for some p n 1 X! E < Let {X n, for all p > 0 be i.i.d, random variables with EX and let F n denote the distribution function of I/p. Moreover, if Then (3.3) obtains for all r > then (3 3) obtains for all r To prove the first assertion, let r PROOF. 0, >_.2 I. n n> I} > > I/p. 0. If p 2, then (3.3) holds by the Agnew global CLT [I] or by Corollary 2 as already discussed, whence it will be assumed that p > 2. Since condition (3.4) is then automatic, (3.3) follows directly from Theorem 4. To prove the last assertion, let r > O, choose p> 2 large enough so that r > D I/p, and simply apply the portion of the corollary already proved. The author expresses great appreciation to Professor Bennett Eisenberg of Lehigh University for informing him that (2.15) is true and in fact proving it. The author also thanks Professor Walter Smith of the University of North ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Carolina for some helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. REFERENCES I. AGNEW, R.P. 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