Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. ii NO. 2 (1988) 251-258 251 ON A CLASS OF FUNCTIONS UNIFYING THE CLASSES OF PAATERO, ROBERTSON AND OTHERS S. BHARGAVA and S. NANJUNDA RAO Department of Mathematics University of Mysore Manasagangothri Mysore-570 006, India (Received September 9, 1986 and in revised form November 26, 1986) %(a We study a class M 6,b,c) of analytic functions which unifies a k number of classes studied previously by Paatero, Robertson, Pinchuk, Moulis, Mocanu ABSTRACT. and others. Thus our class includes convex and starlike functions of order 6, , spirallike functions of order 6 and functions for which zf’ is spirallike of order functions of boundary rotation utmost k, a-convex functions etc. An integral representation of Paatero and a variational principle of Robertson for the class V of functions of bounded boundary rotation, yield some representation theorems k and a variational principle for our class. A consequence of these basic theorems is a theorem for this class M (a,6,b,c) which unifies some earlier results concerning V() of Moulis and those concerning the radii of convexity of functions in the class the radii of starlikeness of functions in the classes U k of Pinchuk and U2(8) of By applying an estimate of Moulis concerning functions in Vk(0) we obtain an inequality in the class M (a,8,b,c) which will contain an estimate k Robertson etc. for the Schwarzian deriative of functions in the class Vk(8) the estimate of Moulis for the Schwarzian of functions in KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. and in particular V(0). Convex functions, starlike functions, spirallike functions, functions of bounded boundary rotation, a-convex functions. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 30C45. i. INTRODUCTION. Let N denote the set of all regular functions f on the unit disc E: such that f(0) 0, f’(0) Jf(z) Jf(z) (a,b,c) and let, for such a function f, + (1- a) [i- 1c + a[1 + z f"(z) b f’(z) where a, b0 and c0 are complex numbers. Let l M(a,8,b,c) zl< z f’(z) c f ( (1.1) denote the class of all functions f in N such that 2 0 where 0 8 IRe eijf i, /2 cosE /2, z d8 k re iO (1.2) (1-6) cos 0 & r and k 2. 252 S. BHARGAVA AND S.N. RAO This class unifies and generalizes various classes studied earlier by V. Paatero [I-2], M.S. Robertson [3-4], E.J. Moulis [5-6], B. Pinchuk [7-9], K.S. Padmanabhan and R. Parvatham [i0-II], P.N. Chichra [12], M.A. Nasr [13], G. Lakshma Reddy [14] and P.T. Mocanu [15]. In particular, convex functions, convex functions of order 8, starlike functions, starlike functions of order 8, X-splrallike functions, functions f for which zf’ are X-spirallike, functions of bounded boundary rotations, functions f for which Re[e(l zf’ zf" +--) + (I-)---] > 0 are all contained in the class In this note, we study several properties of functions in the new class, thereby giving a unified approach to proving and at the same time generalizing many of - the results of the earlier authors. We use the following additional notations throughout our work. 3f (z) f (z) (,b,c) f(0) defined by continuity, with Jf(z) -I f"(z) + i- f’(z) f () b T() e z ^2 (so that Nf(z)() Nf(z)(,b,c,) f(z) Jf(z) Nf(z)(l,l,l,) is the Schwarzian of f) d(X,B) d X X f is N, let (1.3) z (I 4) complex) secX (l-B) -I iX (1.5) [(f,)/b (f/z)(l-e)/c] (e,B, b,c) Hf Hf 2. e (v: If d (1.6) SOME PRELIMINARY RESULTS. The following Lemmas are immediate from the definitions (1.1)-(1.6) above and will be used later. LEMMA 2.1. f(z) If (H) (H) 3f (0) d z + A2z2 + A3z3 + is in N, then 3f (2.1) u2A2’ J^’f (0) u3A3 uA22_ (2 2 2 where 4e u PROOF. 2 u+uu2 -- - - Nf(0)(v) u 3 (A + I- u uA2), 3 2 2 I+ --c (2.3) u3 and u 6a 3 + 2 (I-) c 3f (0) Differentiating (1.6) logarithmically we have (2.1). are respectively the constant term and the coefficient of expansion of (2.4) 0f(z) power series for z and 3f(0) in the power series and to obtain this power series it is enough to substitute the f Thus (2.2) follows. in (1.3). Substituting (2.2) in (1.4) we have (2.3). LEMMA 2.2. If f(z) z + A2z2 + A3z3 + and g(z) z + Az 2 + Az 3 + are in N, then HfX(,B,b,c) H A’ g (a’,B’,b’,c’) (2.5) if and only if d 3f(a,b,c) d’3 g (e’,b,’c’), d’ d’(X’,8’). (2.6) CLASS OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS and f Further, if satisfy (2.5) or (2.6), then g see %(e il Re 8 cos %) Jf v I-8 v’ and 6’ and 3 if’ 8’ cos J $ (2.7) l-B’ (2.8) g (A uA) d(u3A3 fiA) 3 d’u 3 ’/d’, /d are complex numbers satisfying du 6 %’(e d’N (a’,b’,c’,’) du2A 2 d’u2A2 where see Re dNf(a,b,c,) where 253 d’(u3A 3 u A 2 (2.9) fi’A ,2 (A (2.10) 2 are complex numbers satisfying a’u Here u’, u 2’ PROOF. and u are as given by (2.4) with a,b,c replaced by a’,b’,c’ respectively. 3’ Equivalence of (2.5) and (2.6) are immediate from (2.1). parts in (2.8) and using (1.3) we have (2.7). and using (1.4). On taking real We get (2.8) on differentiating (2.6) Again from (2.6) and (2.2) we have (2.9). Finally (2.10) is obtained on using (2.3) in (2.8). LEMMA 2.3. If H z+___a where f and g are in %’ (’ 8’ b’,c’) g al N and if (I + Constant z) -2 (2.11) Hf() (a,8,b,c) < i, then l+az d 2 + d(l-lal 2) 3 l+z +z 2 g (2.12) $ la12) 2 Nf()(,b,c,) d’Ng(z)(’,b’ ,CW, (I+ az)4_ d(l- + 2 ad(l _ 2 /d) 2 (I- a(l + az) /d where PROOF. ’/d’. lal 2) a]f () + a d az Logarithmic differentiation of (2.11) yields (2.12). (2 13) Differentiating (2.12) and subtracting from the resulting equation ’/d’ times the square of (2.12) and simplifying we get (2.13). Let B (k 2) denote the set of all real valued functions m(t) of bounded k variation on [0,2] such that 2 2 f dm(t) 2 and 0 f Idm(t) (2.14) k. 0 The following is a result of Paatero [I] reformulated in terms of our notations. LEMMA 2.4. exists A function g m(t) in B k such that is in (i,0,i,I) (=V k) if and only if there 254 S. BHARGAVA AND S.N. RAO H(l,O,l,l) g SOME BASIC RESULTS IN log (l-ze -it) dm(t) f exp (2.15) 0 X(a b c) k The following representation theorem is a simple consequence of the definition of 3. the class M X( Bb c) k THEOREM 3.1. Let (%,,B,b,c), (%’,’,8’,b’,c’) and and if g g f If be given. is in X’ (a’,’,b’,c’) Hf(,B,b,c) g (e’,B’,b’,c’). is in PROOF. k is defined by H then M The hypothesis implies (2.7). (2.7) and integrating with respect to Taking absolute values on both sides of between 0 and 2, we have the result 8 immediately. The above theorem contains as special cases (i) Theorem 3 in [5] concerning the V (1,O,l,1), (ii) Theorem 5 in [lI] concerning the ciass Vk(g), k (iii) Lemmas 2, 3 and 4 in [6] concerning the class and (iv) Lemmas 2,3,4,5,6 class V(B,b) and 9 in [14] concerning the classes COROLLARY 3. i. If f X(a M k is in ,Id]f(0) with equality for f _-< V(13) U(B). and B,b c) then (3.1) k satisfying k Hf%(a,B,b,c) (1-Z)k-+i (l+z) PROOF. holds with (I,0,I,I) for which (2.6) V By Theorem 3.1, there exists a g in k %’ I. (3.1) now follows from (2.2) and (2.9) and on b’ B’ 0, ’ IA2’I using the Pick’s estimate [16] namely side of (3.2) and Theorem 3.1, f (3.2) 2 f g(O) 0, then k/2. V is in (3.2) is in by given g k g’ Now, if (I,0,I,I) <(,B,b,c). is given by the right [6] and therefore, by That (3.1) is equality for this follows easily. The following representation theorem is a direct consequence of Paatero’s Lemma stated in Lemma 2.4 above. THEOREM 3.2. If f K(a,B,b,c) is in that 2 HfX( m(t) Conversely, given PROOF. If f f exp log(l-ze -it m(t) in Bk such (3 3) dm(t) 0 B k and if (,,b,c) H(I g Then, by Theorem 3.1, g B,b c) in is in then there exists 0,I i) is in f let us define X Hf(a,B,b,c). (l,0,l,l). when read with (3.4) yields (3.3). is defined by g (3.3), then f is in by (3.4) Hence by Lemma 2.4 we get (2.15) which CLASS OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS g satisfy (3.4) for f implies that B m(t) in Conversely, given and g V as in (3.3), we have by Lemma 2.4 that f and k in 255 By Theorem 3.1, (3.4) given by (2.15). k (a,B,b,c). is in The above Theorem contains various integral representation theorems obtained and the integral representation in Corollary 4 in previously, for example, Theorem [11], Theorem M(a) class and 5 in [14]. [6], Theorems in Mo(a 0,1,1) 2 [15] f’ (f/z) is in the Mocanu f Further, if then we have the representation 2 I- log(l-ze -it) din(t) for f exp- m(t) in B 0 ’ THEOREM 3.3. (l,l,bl,Cl) Hf PROOF. 1,2,3 j and fj Then be given. k in Mj fl is in (aj,Bj,bj,cj) and (a I’ Hf%2 (a2’ B2’b2’c2) (k+2)/4 2 g ,b c l’ 3 Hf 3 (3’ B 3 (k-2)/4 b 3’ c 3 The Theorem follows immediately from Theorem 3.2 on using the representa- tion (Brannan k (Xj,aj,gj,bj,cj), 2,3 such that X, B Let if and only if there are functions 2. ml(t) [17]) that and ((k+2)/4)ml(t) m(t) m2(t) ((k-2)/4)m2(t) where m(t) is in B 2. are in Special cases of the above theorem are Theorem 4 in [5] and its corollary, Corollary in [Ii], Theorem 2 in [6] and Theorem 2 in [14]. Theorem 6 in [14] is also a special case of the above theorem on using the fact that the functions and zitS(z) are together starlike of order COROLLARY 3.2. If f is in (l-r)(k-2)/2 (k+2)/2 (1+r) (a,,b,c), iHf( larg Hf(a,B,b PROOF. B ,b,c) if k sin is real. then (l+r)(k-2)/2 (l-r) c) t b,c) (3.5) (k+2)/2 -I r. Theorem (3.3) gives that there are convex functions Hf%(a S(z) (3.6) g and h such that (g,)(k+2)/4 (h’)(k-2)/4 Using in this, well known distorsion and rotation theorems concerning convex functions namely (i+r)-2 larg we immediately have l’(z)l ’(z) 2 _-< (l_r) -2 sin-lr, (3.5) and (3.6). One can easily check that (3.5) becomes equality on taking the function defined by (3.2) and then putting z +r and z -r respectively. Inequalities (3.5) contain as special cases some of the known distorsion and rotation theorems. For example those found in [8], [9], [ii], and [14]. 256 4. S. BHARGAVA AND S.N. RAO A VARIATIONAL FORMULA AND TWO MAIN INEQUALITIES. (,B,b,c). F(z) Then F(O) is in M k H%F 0, (z+a)/(l+z), (z) and Izl I. < Let f be in defined by (z) Hf() (ct, B,b,c) (a’ ,8 ,b ,c ’) (4.1) Hf(a)(a,B,b,c) (l+az) (a’,8’,b’,c’). G(z) g By Theorem 3.1, there exists PROOF. Let lal Let THEOREM 4.1. <(I,0,I,I) in V k given by (3.4). be defined by G(0) g((z)) G(z) 0, (l-lal 2) g(a) g’(a) (4.2) Then by a variational principle of Robertson [4], G(z) F(z) again, there exists V is in k. By Theorem 3.1 (a’,g’,b’,c’) such that in , ,, HF,z, (a’ ,8’ ,b’ ,c’) HG,z. G’. (z). (1,0,1,1) Using (4.2) and then (3.4) in this gives (4.1). As special cases, the above Theorem contains Lemma 3 of [II], Theorem 6 of [5], Lemma 5 of [6] and Lemma 7 of [14]. The following Theorem contains as special cases many earlier results concerning radii of convexity and those concerning radii of starlikeness. THEOREM 4.2. f If Mk(=,8,b,c), then is in zf(z)- Izlmd-ll [(I- Izl 2) 2 k [zd-ll (4.3) and for any nonzero complex number Re when r Izl a 2 > (4.4) 0 2 air + a2r kld-ll, a -I) 2 Re(d 2 a -I and /a 4a 2a IR= k PROOF. r < R, where Q(r) with q(r) Jf(z)(a’b/’c/) 2 2 Re(d # (4.6) -I 2 Re(d a -I 2 We get (4.3) on choosing using (3.1) and finally changing (4.5) g to Jf(z) (a,b/,c/) -1 1. (2.11) putting z Now, we have from (1.3) to satisfy z. + zf(z)(a,b,c), 0 in (2.12), # 0 and therefore, Re Jf(z)(a’b/’c/) + Re zf(z)(a,b,c) which yields the first part of (4.4) on using (4.3). The second part of (4.4) follows from the standard result for positivity of a quadratic form in r. Lastly, it is easy CLASS OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS to check that the property R 2 Re(d -I) 257 is equivalent to + a kld-ll a 2 which is true. REMARKS 4.2. (i) The sharp radius of convexity of f V2(81 in given by Theorem 2 of [12] is a special case of (4.6). The radius of convexity of Vk(8,b) I, (l,,b,l) given by (4.6) with in Theorem 3 of [14]. (4.5) and a 21d-ll 2 (r) In fact, Q(r) + I, the a ’r 2 alr radius of positivity of 2 -al + /a + 4 a f in is better than the one found b 2 where (r) is as in a being 2 2a which gives the result of Theorem 3 of Q(r) radius of positlvity of convexity of f b Vk(B) in given by (3.2) and f of starlikeness of Putting f b. -I d (O,,l,c) R z is positive real. provided Uk(,c) in 0 is given by k (= b O, b 2, in (4.6). c O, c. (iv) We can M(u 0,I,I) 2 (vl Inequality (4.3) contains get the radius of "s-convexity" of functions in the Mocanu class on putting (iii) The radius (4.6) with further, we get an improvement over Theorem 7 of [14]. c Clearly the (ii) The Sharp radius of found in Theorem 3 of [II] is given by (4.6) with Jf(z)(,b/,c/) Re for I, (rl. In fact, more generally, it is easy to see in (4.4) that 0. and [14] on putting is bigger than that of M() I) Theorem 3 of [6]. In proving the inequality (4.7) below, we use an estimate of Moulls [5] for ,- 2/3, I3-QA.I (I,0,I,I) Q > V k more general class f(z) related to functions z + A2z2 + A3z3 + in the class and thereby obtain a corresponding estimate for functions in the (,8,b,c). The inequality (4.7) is then applied to obtain the estimate (4.9) which contains as special cases Moulis’s estimate [5] for the Schwarzianderivative of functions in LEMMA 4.1. If f is in INf(0)(,b,c,) J(%,k,) where (Theorem 4 of [II]). Vk(8) (,8,b,c) then 2 (,k,(l+(l-811, 6(1-81 (>01 (4.7) is (in slightly different notation) the J-function of Moulis given by (I/3)cos % {(3-21(k2cos%)/4 + (k/21 ](%,k,@) ’ have cos}, k> 4/(3-21 (4.81 (I/3)cos % {(k-l) cos %+ (k/2) PROOF. By Theorem 3.1 we can find b’ ’ I, Isin% I- % and 8’ INf(o)(,b,c,) 0. g in Isinl }, k4/(3Q-2) (I,0,I,I) such that (2.5) holds with Thus by (2.8) of Lemma 2.2 and 2.3 of Lemma 2.1, we (I 6(1 ) 8) INg(o)(l,l,l,(l liA3, ,A2’21 ’ 8))I (213)(I+(I-8)) 258 S. BHARGAVA AND S.N. RAO [5] namely, which gives (4.7) on using Moulis’s result IA where J fi’A ’21 (,k fi’) fi’ > 2/3 2 is as in (4.8). THEOREM 4.3. ,INf(z)(a,b,c,)l 0 where PROOF. If f <= 6(I-B) is in M(a,B,b,c), then (%,k,(2/3)(I+(I-B))),, Iz12) (I- J and + 2[z/dll 1-2/dl (4.9) 2 is as given by (4.8) above. From (4.3) we easily have I(I Using this in (2.13) with a21 la12) aJf(a) z 0, %’ using Lemma 4.1 and finally replacing d %, B’ a by lad-ll B, a’ z (k + a, b’ we have b, c’ c and then (4.9). REFERENCES I. PAATERO, V. 2. PAATERO, V. Uber Gebiete von beschrankter Randdrehung, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. A37, (1933), 1-20. 3. ROBERTSON, M.S. 374-408. 4. ROBERTSON, M.S. Coefficients of Functions with Bounded Boundary Rotation, Canad. J. Math. 21 (1969), 1477-1482. 5. MOULIS, E.J. 6. MOULIS, E.J. Generalization of the Robertson Functions, Pacific J. Maths. 81 (1979), 169-174. PINCHUK, B. Functions with Bounded Boundary Rotation, Israel J. Math. I0 (1971), 7-16. 7. 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