Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 11 NO. 2 (1988) 275-284 275 SOLVABILITY OF A FOURTH ORDER BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM WITH PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS CHAITAN P. GUPTA Department of Mathematical Sciences Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115 (Received May 28, 1987 and in revised form July 16, 1987) ABSTRACT. Fourth order boundary value problems arise in the study of the equilibrium The author earlier investigated the exis- of an elastaic beam under an external load. tence and uniqueness of the solutions of the nonlinear analogues of fourth order boundary value problems that arise in the equilibrium ofanelastic beam depending on how the ends of the beam are supported. This paper concerns the existence and uniqueness of solu- tions of the fourth order boundary value problems with periodic boundary conditions. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. fourth order boundary value problem, periodic boundary conditions, linear eigenvalue problem, Leray-Schauder continuation theorem, equilibrium of an elastic beam, non-trivial kernel. AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: 34B15, 34C25 I. INTRODUCTION Fourth order boundary value problems arise in the study of the equilibrium of an elastic beam under an external load, (e.g., see [I], [2], [3]) where the existence, uniqueness and iterative methods to construct the solutions have been studied extensively. The purpose of this paper is to study the fourth order boundary value problem with periodic boundary conditions: ---+ dx d4u f(u)u’ u(O) u(2) g(x,u) e(x), u’(O) u’(2) u’"(O) where --> f- is continuous and - conditions with e [0, 2], x u"(O) u’"(2n) g" u"(2) (1.1) O, [0,2n] x R --> satisfies Caratheodory’s 1 L [0,2]. We note that the fourth order linear eigenvalue problem d4u --u, (1.2) dx u(0) has n 4 n u(2;[) u’(0) O, 1, 2 since the linear operator u’(2n) hu d4u =--. dx with u"(0) u"(2n) u"(0) u’" (2n) O, Now the problem (1.1) is at resonance D(L) {u H 3 (0,2) u(O) u(2), as eigenvalues. 276 C.P. GUPTA u"’(2)l u"(2), u’" (0) u’(2), u"(O) u’(O) has a non-tirival kernel. H3(0,2).) of this introduction for the definition of x)dx value problem (1.1) has at Ieast one solution if stant 0 > 0 g(x,u)u_.> such that 0 lul >_. 0- for (See end We shall prove that the boundary 0, and there exists a con- To prove the existence of a solution for the boundary value problem d4u dx u’(O) u(2n) u(O) u’" (0) x [0 2,t] e(x) cu’ + g(x u) 4 u’(2n) u’" (2n) u"(O) (.3) u"(2n) O, we also need to assume that g(x,u) lim sup B < I, uniformly for [0,2]. x a.e. of the linear eigenvalue problem (1.2) This is because the second eigenvalue g(x,u) in (1.3). The question of asymptotic cong(x,u) in (1.3) can interact with infinitely many interferes with the non-linearity ditions in which non-linearity eigenvalues of the eigenvalue problem (1.2) will be studied in a forthcoming paper [4]. To obtain the existence of solutions for (I.I) and (1.3), we use Mawhin’s version of Leray Schauder continuation theorem as given in [5], [6], [7]. a, f case We also show that in is a constant, any two solutions of the boundary value problem a where (I.I), (respectively, (1.3)), differ by a constant and have a unique solution when, for example, g(x,u) is strictly increasing in u for a.e. x in [0,2n]. We note that in addition to using the classical spaces C([0,2]), ck([o,2n]), and Lk(0,2) and L(0,2) of continuous, k-times continuously differentiable, measurable real-valued functions whose k-th power of the absolute value is Lebesgue integrable or measurable functions which are essentially-bounded on [0,2] we shall use the Sobolev H3(O,2n) defined by H3(0,2) {u: space [0,2] u’" Also for LI(0,2) u u, u’, u" aDs. cont. on [0,2], @ L2(0,2)}. we define 12 I u u(x)dx. 0 2. MAIN RESULTS Let and let X, Y H CI[0,2], Y LI(0,2) with usual X L2(0,2). Let Y2 be the subspace of Y denote the Banach spaces denote the Hilbert space norms defined by Y2 and let sum.) YI {u Ylu Y be the subspace of We note that for u(x) Y u a.e. constant such that (u(x) t)dt) / 1 for u Y. Clearly, -f 12 Q I 1 Y [0,2]I, ( YIY2. denotes the direct we can write We define the canonicaI projection operators Q(u) on /--. P: u(t)dt, x [0,21. 0 -"1; Q: 2 as folIows 2 u(t)dt, u(t)dt, 0 and the projection operators P, P where and Q I denotes the identity mapping on are continous. Now let X 2 X Y Y2" SOLVABILITY OF A FOURTH ORDER BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM X Clearly ) X X such that X. is a closed subspace of 2 X We note that 2. HI H 2 H Similarly, we obtain Let X PIX" X 277 be the closed subspace of QIX" -> X I, X and continuous projectlons -> X PII’H X are continuous. 2 -.> QIIDH H|, -> H 2 X, Y, H, P, Q, etc. Wl!l refe to Banach spaces, H11bort space and !n the tollowing, the projections as defined above and we shall not distinguish between P, PIX PIH QIH) and depend on tle context fo, poper meaning. 2 u(x)v(x)dx denote the duality Y let (u,v) Also for u X, v 0 Qu, Y where u Pu X, v pairing between X and Y. We note that for u (esp. Q, Q]X, / v Qv, Pv we have (Pu,Pv) (u,v) {u H 3 by setting u’(2), u(2), u’(O) u"(2), u’" (0) (2)} u’" (2.) D(L), u d4u Lu dx Now, for ([8]) X ->Y (0,2)lu(O) u"(O) and for D(L) L- Define a linear operator D(L) (Qu,Qv). -- we see using integration by parts and Wirtinger’s inequality D(L) u that 42.2) 4 d4u (Lu,u) 0 LEMMA 2 I" [2 u ,,2 dx udx ]0 dx For a given h and a 2 [(Pu)(x)]2dx > --30 YI i e h > O. I L (0,2) 42.3) with h O, Qh the linear boundary value problem d4u + au’ [0,21], h(x), x (2.4) dx u(x) has a unique solution with 2 i Sin Cos-- PROOF’- Let us set co 2 I/3 ( are the three cube roots of co I (x) v3(x) Then u(x) C2e C O. Qu u 2n a ]R. x h(t)dt, v2(x) e -a -al/3JxlX" v2(t)ea and the condition u For i/3 1/3 2 co [0,2], x cox I tdt, so that x (t)ea -a 1/3 - 1/3 x cox C3e-n +C4e -a CI, C2, C3, I f2 j0 C 4 u(x)dx a 2 C 3 C4 C2e-(X I/3 2 1/3 t’td t, v(x)= e -1/3x 1/3 2 co x + v(x) I x e l/3t 0 is such that v3(t)dt. Rl(u(x)) using the boundary conditions in (2.4) and O. C2, C3, C 4 are computed uniquely from the three linearly indpendent equations C coa define we 1/3 1/3 0 0 1 is a general solution of the equation (2.4). Next, we compute /Z]--, i 0 e u’" (2n), u"(2n), u’" (0) u’(2n), u"(O) u(2n), u’(O) u(O) 1/ C e -( 3 32co 1/ C4e -( 32rco2 v(2) 278 C.P. GUPTA C L0C 2 C2 2C 3 C The constant oC YI’ h C2e-@ 4 toC3 e-a II 32 2C3.e - ].I 3202 -a-I/3v’(2), o2C4e-a 2t0 32 ].13 0C4e is computed uniquely using the condition 1 i.e. LI(0,2) h with I h 12 2w z + a -2/3 v,,( 2). -02u(x)dx 1 [ u as the unique solution for (2.4). R1 u(x) In this way we get For 32 2C4 C2e-a + 3 O. H h(x)dx O; let Kh u be 0 the unique solution of the problem d4u dx h(x) 4 such that -> YI K" u / u(t)dt 0 Now define a X. u r g for each [0,2]. such that , --> [0,2] g: [0,2hi (x,u) --> g(x,u) g(x,.) is and u Assume, moreoever, that for each Ig(x u) < (x) for a.e. x [0,2] r f(u(x)) u’(x) g(x,u(x)), x e [0,2n], It follows easily from Arzela-Ascoli theorem that e(x) (2.5) will be said to satisfy Caratheodory’s conditions. a well-defined compact mapping and For (KP(u), P(u)) > O. -> Y by setting X N: el(0,2) Such a (Nu)(x) for x c for almost each [-r,r]. u P(u), and is measurable on there exists an and all Y, u be continuous and let g(.,u) continuous on > It is immediate that the linear mapping D(L), LK P(u) --> f: be such that r O. 0 is bounded and for XI u"’(2n), u"(2n), u’"(O) 2 KP(u) Let u’(2n), u"(O) u(2n), u’(O) u(O) 1 [0 2n] x Ll(0,2n), Y QN: X -> X 2 KPN" X -> X 1 is is bounded. the boundary value probelm (1.1) now reduces to the functional equation Lu + Nu in X with (2.6) e, Y, given. e e THEOREM 2.2"- Let -> f" be continuous and let and R with a < A and r < < R 0 g" -> [0,2n] Assume that there exist real numbers satisfy Caratheodory’s conditions. a, A, r such that g(x,u) > A, for a.e. x [0,2] (2.7) and all u < R; and g(x,u) < a, for a.e. x [0,2n] (2.8) and all < u least one solution for each given a < PROOF’- Define e I L (0,2) by e < Then the boundary value problem (1.1) has at e 1 L (0,2n) with A. gl: el(x) - r. [0,2] x ]R-> e(x) I (a by A), gl(x,u) so that, for g(x,u) a.e. x (2.9) (a A) [0,2], and SOLVABILITY OF A FOURTH ORDER BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM (2.7), (2.8), (2.9) using gl(x’u) we have I (A > 1 gl(x,u) _< 279 (a a) > 0 if u >_ R, (2.1o) A) _< 0 if u _< r, (2.11) and I <71 <- (A A) a (2.12) a). Clearly, the boundary value problem (I.I) is equivalent to d4u dx Y X N" for X. u QN" l(x) [0,2] x (2.13) u"’(2n). u"(2n), u’"(O) be defined by (Nu)(x) ’mapping. e u’(2n), u"(O) u(2), u’(O) u(O) Let u(x)) gl(x f(u)u’ 4 gl(x,u(x)), f(u(x))u’(x) KPN" We then see, as above, that X -> X -> (2.14) [0,2I], x X is a well-defined compact 1 is bounded and the boundary value problem (2.13) is X 2 equivalent to the functional equation, Lu Nu (2.15) el, Y. Setting, e KPe, we see that to solve the functional with e in X I I equation (2.15) it suffices to solve the system of equations Pu + KPNu eI QNu u X. Indeed, if is a solution of (2.16) then X u (2.16) el, LKPNu Lu PNu QNu e Qel, which gives on adding that Lu LPu I Le Nu D(L) u and Pe I, I e I Now, (2.16) is clearly equivalent to the single equation Pu QNu KPNu e I + (2.17) el, which has the form of a compact perturbation of the Fredholm operator zero. We can therefore apply the version given in [6] [5] (Theorem IV.4) or [7] P of index (Theorem I, Corollary I) or of the Leray-Schauder Continuation theorem which ensures the existence of a solution for (2.17) if the set of solutions of the family of equations, Pu (I-lu is, a priori, bounded in X IQNu %KPNu I I’ e by a constant independent of (0,I), I. Notice that (2.18) (2.18) is equivalent to the system of equations, Pu %e I, %KPNu (l-%)Qu + %QNu Let for (0,I), u% X (2.19) l el, (0,I). be a solution of (2.19) so that 280 C.P. GUPTA Pu AKPNu A (l-),)Qu Ael, A AQNu A Ae A (2.20) 1 The second equation in (2.20) can now be written as (l-)t) uX(x) _.> So, if " R for 0 we have, using (2.10), (2.12) that [0,2n] x gl(X’u/t(x))dx u)t(x)dx 0 0 < (1 A) R /’(A- a)_!-ff 0 < (1 A) R < O, (A- a), i.e. uA(x) Similarly if exists a T A r Now, for for r [0,2] x < a contradiction. [0,2] x leads to a contradiction. Hence, there such that < uk(T A) (2.21) R. [0,2] we have u),(x) u(),) x / u (s)ds, so that (R,-r) max 1/z (u (s))Zds) (2)1/2( 0 (R,-r) max (u(s))2ds) 1/2 (2)I/2( 0 since u% D(L), Wirtinger’s inequality applies. CI, for some constants C 2 independent of Thus, (2.22) . Next, the first equation in (2.20) gives that LPux ALKPNu% %Lel, i.e. Lu A + APNu A APe (2.23) 1 From (2.23) and the second equation in (LUA,PU A) (2.20), we get A(PNUA,PU A) A(PeI,PUA) (I-A)(QUA,QU A) + A(QNUA,QU A) A(’I, QUA). + We next note that our assumptions on constant C3, indpendent of (Nu,u) and (LuA,Pu A) _> A gl and such that for (2.24) (2.10), (2.12) imply that u there is a X, -C 3, (LuA,uA) (u)2 llull H 0 get on adding the equations in (2.24) that 2 since (2.3) holds. Using this we 281 SOLVABILITY OF A FOURTH ORDER BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM -< (Lu%,u%) (l-%)(Qu,Qu%) k(Nu%,u%) 3 %(Pel,PU %) _< C where C4C lllull H C4C 2, is a constant independent of 4 independent of %, %(el,QU %) + Accordingly, there is a constant %. C 5, such that % H-- 5’ which implies, using (2.22) that c2 Iluxllx ClC fi m C. We have thus proved that the set of solutions of the family of equations (2.18) is bounded in X REMARK 2.3:- If we take (0,I). X by a constant independent of A a Hence the theorem. H in Theorem 2.2, then we immediately obtain the 0 assertion made in the introduction concernlng the boundary value problem (I.I). Now, to study the boundary value problem (1.3) we define, for a given ’linear D(L L operator H3(0,2) {u D(L a X Y a u"(2), u’(2), u"(O) u(2), u’(0) u(0) (2.25) u’"(2)) u’"(O) and for , a by setting D(L ), u d4u L u a dx + 4 (2.26) au’ It follows, using integration by parts and Wirtinger’s inequality, ([8]), that 12 --d4u u) (L u a 0 2 dx [2n u’u dx 0 (u")2dx > 12 (d4u)2 dx 0 0 >- a udx 4 4 (2.27) dx 2 IILull. We, next, use lemma 2.1 to define a bounded linear mapping u K h for a given h where Yl’ u X (so that u K Qu "YI X by setting O) is the unique solution of the boundary value problem d4u dx eu’ 4 [0, 2], (2.28) u(2n), u’(O) u(O) h(x), x The bounded linear mapping u’(2n), u"(0) Ka Y1 X u"(2n), u’"(O) u’"(Zn). defined in this way has the following properties" (i) for u Y, KaP(u) D(La), LaKaP(u) (K P(u), P(u)) a (ii) if g [0, 2] is defined by setting > ,,,,lleull H2 P(u) and (in view of (2.27))" satisfies Caratheodory’s conditions and (2.29) N X Y C.P. GUPTA 282 g(x,u(x)), x (Nu)(x) KPN then X Theorem 2.4- < < R 0 is a well-defined compact mapping and e Let be given and [0, 2] g QN X X is 2 bounded. satisfy Caratheodory’s x a, A, r, R Assume that there exist real numbers conditions. r X [0, 2l with a < A, and such that g(x, u) > A, for a.e. [0, 2], x (2.30) and all _> u R; nd g(x, u) < a, for a.e. [0, 2], x and all uniformly for a.e. least one solution for each given Pr.oof-- - < < e Su-ppose, further, that r. 8 < (2.32) Then the boundary value problem (1.3) has at [0, 2]. x < u ’’Ig(x’u)l lim sup a (2.31) 2 L [0, 2] e (2.33) A. As in the proof of Theorem 2.2, define (a g(x,u) x [0,2], A) and L2(O, e with 2w) [0, Z] gl gl(x,u) by x (a +A). e(x) el(x) by Then for a.e. gl(x,u) > (A a) > 0 if u _> R, (2.34) gl(x,u) _< (a A) _< 0 if u_< r, (2.35) lim sup gl(x’u) lul*= u 8 < I, (2.36) a) (2 .37) uniformly, and 1 (a A) 71 < < (A Also the boundary value problem (1.3) d4u dx (u’ 4 N u(2n), u’(O) X Y for u E X. [0, 2], u’(2), u"(0) u"(2), u’"(0) gl(x,u(x)), > Choosing, now, 0 x e C(e) > 0 such that 8 X. is bounded. Also, < I, we see, using the fact that (2.35), (2.36), that there exists such that (Nu,u) u u’"(2n). [0, satisfies Caratheodory’s conditions and (2.34), a constant for x e be defined by Nu(x) g, el(x) (2.38) u(O) Next, let gl(x,u) is equivalent to K PN 2 I --e IINull H X X, (2.39) C(E), is a well-defined compact mapping and QN X X 2 SOLVABILITY OF A FOURTH ORDER BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM 283 Again, we see as in tae proof of Theorem 2.2, that the boundary value problem (2.38) is equivalent to the system of equations Pu $ K PNu & KaPe (2.40) "’1" QNu Further, it suffices to prove that the set of solutions of the family of equations %K PNu a Pu (I -%)Qu is, a priori, bounded in Let, now, for X Pu (I- (2.41) I’ %QNu (0,I) by a constant independent of (0,I), % he e X u% kKaPNu I X)Qu% (0,I). % be a solution of (2.41) so that kel, (2.42) -I" %QNu% It, now, follows from the second equation in (2.42), in a manner similar to deriving the estimate (2.22) in the proof of Theorem 2.2, that lieu xll+/-llu xll x_< for some constants C I, C C IlLau.JJ c2 (2.43) (0,I). independent of 2 . Also, we have from (2.42) that (Pu k, x) PNu k) (i, PNuk )’ X(KaPNuk, PNu%) I qu x II 2 k(71, qu k). x(qu x, QNu k) These equations then give us, in view of (2.29) and S+--7 (2.39), that 2 c(e) _< (Nux,u x) IINuXlIH2 IIPNuxlIH- --< (I’ IIPvll H _< llvll H Using, now, the facts that these exist constants C 3, C 4 for independent of %(K(PNux, PNu%) PNux) X, v (0,i) % 1/2 IlNu xll _< c 3 Ilq x II C (-I’ and QuA )" + e < I, we see that such that (2.44) 4 Now, the first equation in (2.42) gives that Lauk PNu kPel, k so that IILaux II H i X IlPe ! i Iletl] H 3llquxll PNu x I1 +/- IIPe ]l H IIPNux II H IINuxll H 1/2 C 4 IIPelll H" (2.43) and (2.45) now imply that there exist a constant such that C5, independent of (0,I), C.P. GUPTA 284 and llul[I X < CIC 3 CIC 4 C II[Pe III H C2 C. This completes the proof of the theorem //. in (1.3) is replaced by The analogue of Theorem 2.4 when Remark 2.5:- f(u), where is a given continuous function will be treated in a forthcoming paper [4]. f Remark 2.6:for a.e If , f(u) [0, 2] x exactly one solution. is a B < I, in x g(x,u) is strictly increasing in u Similarly if g(x,u) is strictly increasing in u and there such that (g(x,u for a.e. given and then it is easy to see that the boundary value problem (1.1) has Remark 2.7:- I) u2 > g(x,u2))(Ul B(g(x,u I) g(x,u2))2, [0, 2], then the boundary value problem (1.3) has exactly If we take a A 0 one solution. in Theorem 2.4, we immediately obtain the assertion concerning the boundary value problem (1.3) in the introduction. cknowledgement:references The author is grateful to the referee for his suggestions to add [I], [2], [3] to the bibliography and for editorial improvement of this paper. REFERENCES I. AGARWAL, R.P. 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