September 14, 2015 Couling @ Tytler School Council Minutes New Business

September 14, 2015 Couling @ Tytler
School Council Minutes
New Business
Voting in of executive positions and seeing interest in committees for members at Large
Chair & Co-Chair: Lindsey, Stacy
Secretary & Co-Secretary: Maria, Julia
Treasurer: Jennifer
School Council By-laws were discussed and passed by unanimous vote.
Past Programs run by school council include:
Silver Birch Reading program: voted and not going to continue to support mostly due to
it being a grades 3-6 program. Maybe in later years when the ages warrant it.
Scientists in the Classroom: Yes we will continue to support (approximately $100/class
for all 9 classes).
Do Re Mi: Yes we will continue to support (approximately $100.class for all 9 classes).
Food Cupboard: The school currently stocks items for children who forgot their lunch.
School council will continue to support an apple basket to supplement this. Low cost
Other ideas for programs or goals that we would like to implement this school year will
be brought forward at the October meeting. All final prices on programs will be run by
the council at the October meeting as well once prices are finalized for the scientists and
Pizza & Milk programs:
Pizza and milk programs will be sent home ASAP. Council is in charge of pizza which
begins October 2nd, and runs every Friday or Thursday when there is no school on the
Friday. The school runs the milk program and hopes to send home a simplified order
form this week. Both will be offered at the 1:15 pm nutrition break.
Playground Improvements:
No permanent playground improvements will be made to the school while in the Tytler
building. Goals may be set now for implementation on the new school yard at the
Couling Crescent site. The school will be using allotted funds for outdoor play
equipment in the near future. $13,000 is there for outdoor equipment! The money
allotted for the storage bunker will wait until we are at the Couling Crescent site and the
existing outdoor storage will be used.
Principal’s Report
There are a final number of 188 students this year. This is going to allow the school to
add one more JK/SK classroom to bring class sizes down to 23 each. Any students
effected will be notified this week and classroom resources and teacher will be finalized
The open house was a great success! 144 out of 188 children attended and received a
red t-shirt. The last shirts will be handed out at the assembly on Friday September 18th
to those who have not received one. Assembly is at 10:00 am and all parents are invited
to attend.
The building is in great shape! Mr. Boyd helped move in over $35K worth of furniture
supplies etc. Everything has a fresh coat of paint. The 2nd wave of ordered resources will
be coming in. A math cart to be shared will be set up on the 2nd floor. Guided reading
resources are ordered. $3,500 in classroom reading materials to come. $1,000 donated
from Guelph Youth Basketball for gym equipment! Each classroom already has a brand
new laptop, projector, speaker and ipad. A mobile computer lab consisting of 25 chrome
books will be set up as a wireless lab as opposed to a more traditional classroom lab.
Focus will be on character building and developing little leaders out of our older
students. This will be discussed Friday at the assembly as well. It needs to be
collaborative to be successful!
Treasurer’s Report
Edward Johnson School Council set aside 33% of all funds raised from events and
fundraising efforts last year to reflect the 33% of kids leaving Edward Johnson and
coming to Couling @ Tytler. This gives us a start-up amount totalling $8380.32! This
includes a portion from the Upper Grand Learning foundation.
Fundraising ideas can be brought to the October meeting. We will be aiming on having 4
main events throughout the year. A fall movie night is in the works. Several options for a
winter evening event, spring art show and year end family night are also being
A grant writing committee has been loosely formed and always requires volunteers.
Pizza lunch requires volunteers to hand out pizza each week. Please let us know where
your interests lie and where we can use you!!
Parent Involvement Committee- First meeting is Monday September 28, 2015 at 7:00 pm. It will
take place at the Guelph Board Office (Board Room), 500 Victoria Road, Guelph, ON.
Next School Council Meeting will be October 5th (typically the first Monday of the month)