Invcstmcnt Sense 7}'usting sop/zistica/edjinancial IIY ,\IAHSIIALL models is tempting and dangemits • .JAFFE Model Behavior and Real World Hangovers H AVE YOU EVER BEEN IN A CAR and consistent returns. The LTCM not fail because mistake or any of the other dramatic send you the wrong way up in finance, including two Nobel laure- reasons that normally lead to 'Vall Street !lame-outs. \Vhatmade LTCM's make frustrating circles around your destination? \Ve all have had similar experiences, because our ates. The sophisticated and complex mathematical models they have created principals give them what appears to be an WlSur- methodical GPS stand out was their quiet, and totally academic meanor. They de- believed in was using a map that dido't their models, and did not quite correlate \\;th the reality deviate them; on the street. Even those who jf markets from moved rely completely on their CPS against for getting from one place to kept investing. another know that they can them, even severely they quietly It always worked.And that never be 100% perfect. was their undoing. Theirquiet Yet there is a disconnect confidence led them to make between how sensibly we manage the valuable but imperfect GPS in our normal lives, and our inability to apply the same common sense to the a simple, avoidable and rather mundane oversight: confused their models They \\-;th real life. The LTCM partners were valuable and imperfect tools iebritimate geniuses, in our investment might forgive them for think- lives. That and we siruation has led investors to consider- passable edge versus the competition ing that maybe they were just a bit able griefin the past, and continues in finding and exploiting smarter than anyone else aJ?dtherefore to t~reaten us today. It is April 1998 and Long-Term Capital i\lanagement stands alone on the summit of the invesonent u trader's partners are among the sharpest minds a one-way street, or leading you to , of a rogue with a CPS that is trying to world. opportunities. investment Yet four months later their models were that much bener as they are history, after nearly taking well. In fuct their models Wert a lot bet- down the financial system \\;th what ter than anyone else's; but at the end rums out to be a collection of massively of the day they were just models; that It is the most famous and successful overleveraged and illiquid invesonents. is, they were abstract representati.ons hedge fund firm on the planet, with a LTCM did not fail because of the hubris or greed of the partners. It did of the real w;'r1d. Long-Term Capital Management four-year track record of outstanding RESEARCH MAGAZINE JULY 2013 45 SENSE INVESTMENT Stay Grounded Models are wonderful tools that make might still he in existence today had there been posted throughout its offices this wonderful piece of wisdom from George E.P. Box: "All models are wrong, but some are useflll." our lives easier and more productive. Their magic is achieved by reducing the enormous complexity world into a manageable standable form, A map is a kind of modeL And while I doubt there is Still Overconfident Fifteen years after the LTCM disaster the invesunent world is not merely ignoring the lesson, it is promoting the mistake. Conventional v.isciom today is that investment success is directly related to finding and sticking to a successful model; and the more successful the model, ~e more you need to rely on it (and only it) as a guide for your invesunent of the real and under- anyone who would of New York with the actual place, there confuse is a rich history a map of investors who regularly made that mistake with their models.,;,.....and, as we see, some of them were among brightest the smartest, and most successful inves- tors of their time. But they ended up making choices decisions. that, in retrospect, had little relation- The model of choice over the last 30 years has been modern ship to the facts on the ground-which portfolio reminds me of an old joke: theory and its most popular iteration: the mixing and matching of asset classes. Asset class investing has proven itself as all the asset class securities now available almost endless? Yes, yes, and yes. After drinking most of the night a man staggers out of a bar, He walks a useful and effective tool for creating But that model universe pales next to towards a light pole, gets down on his and managing portfolio risK. Yct even as the ,'eal world universe of an investor's hands and knees and begins to exam- choices: tens of thousands ofinvesonem ine the sidewalk A pedestrian stops choices, whether individual securities and asks, "Do you need some help?" or funds, dozens well furso long helping im'estors diversify by correlation, byvolatiliry, by holding period, by valuation, by concentration, The drunk looks up and says, "I lost my car keys in the parking lot," The other guy says, "If you lost your keys in the parking lo~ why aren't you looking for them there?"The drunk says, "The that even its failure during the market even to invest or not to invest. I could light is better here." meltdO\\11of2008 has heen discounted go on and on. The choices are limited as an aberr-Jtion. On the surface, it ap- only by our imagination. All models are flawed in some waytbat is tbeir1Jomre. That doesn't mean its starns in academic circles is diminish- ing, asset class investing continues to be the de facto standard in the mainstream of investment phi- investment world-recommendations losophies, strategies and their varia- for its use can be found e\'efY\"'herc. tions; diversification by type, by asset, Asset class investing has worked so pears to he he\\-ing quite reasonably to and wide ac- we shouldn't continue to benefit from of the asset class model, in their use; but our trust in even the .The great success the old adage "'Don't put your eggs in ceptance one basket." But I'm not so sure of that. combination with the rise and popu- Asset class investing; driven by modem larity of ETFs, pertfolio theory,definesexaetlywhatthose baskets are and what goes in them. As increasingly of diversification-offsetting the very been, Keeping one foot in the real world a result, the very nature of what diver- benefits they are seeking. The invest- will make things a little messier and sification means, and how it should be ment industry benefits from deliv~ring less certain-but used, isdriven solely by modem pertfolio similar messages because they play to less likely that we make foolish choices theory's vision of the world. our normally useful instincts that con- at critical moments-whether clude, "If everyone world-famous hedge fund managers, or just poor drunks, (D Aren't new asset class securities appearing regularly? expanding universe And isn't the of asset choices creating more possibilities for diversi- has led investors pursue similar patterns is doing when everyone that an investor to make irrational choices. ADvtSQRONE.COM conceived or how successful they have it will also make it we arc does the same thing, the result is herding-which market efficiency 46 it, they all can't be wrong." But, in investing; fication? And aren't the permutations could create among to best of them can never be total-no matter how brilliantly they have been reduces and leads investors Marshall Jaffe is managing partner of Jaffe Asset lvlnnage11lmt, an investment advisory firm in Beverly Hilis, Calif.