<^> 'Ilk <A \ \ I / &* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/wagepricespiralOOblan DEC working paper department of economics THE WAGE PRICE SPIRAL Olivier No. 400 J. Blanchard November 1985 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 4 1986 THE WAGE PRICE SPIRAL Olivier No. 400 J. Blanchard November 1985 DEC3 THE WAGE PRICE SPIRAL' Olivier J. Blanchard November 19B5 This a much revised version of "Inflexible Relative Prices and Price Level Inertia." I thank Andrew Abel, Rudiger Dornbusch, William Nordhaus, Jeffrey Sachs and Larry Bummers for discussions, Comments by John Sutton and an anonymous referee have lead to substantial changes. thank the N5F for financial support. * I Abstract This paper rehabilitates the old wage price spiral. It shows that, lUer an increase in aggregate demand, the process of adjustment of nominal prices and nominal wages results •from attempts by workers to maintain or increase their real wage and by firms to maintain or increase their markups of prices over wages. price and wage setting, staggering of price and wage decisions, inflexible real of price level output. the process of adjustment would be instantaneous the adjustment takes time. wages and markups *re to shifts in demand, inertia, the longer Under continuous ; under The more the higher is the degree lasting are the effects of aggregate demand on For dynamics. increase in aggregate demand, An employment , would start "wage price spiral the long time, i " it was a element central of macroeconomi was argued, would increase output and leading firms to desire higher prices and workers higher wages; a c wage price spiral, which would end only this "demand pull" and when if this inflation decreased real money balances sufficiently to return the economy to steady could start from desire from workers to increase their real state. Or the spiral wages, or from firms to increase their profit margins, a sides to maintain the same wage and price in the face of these would also start through the effect of a wage price spiral, centerstage. With rational there could not be a -prices above wages). adverse supply shock an lead to "cost push" inflation on real money balances, With the advent of rational from the attempts by both or lead to or simultaneous increase The effect of dynamics 2 . left an in all real wages and all markups (of increase in aggregate demand was to increase in order to decrease The same reasoning applied to supply comeback, or the adjustment was instantaneous. this paper is that the wage price spiral more precisely that wage price spiral any economy in which not make this point, Gone were the wage price . The proposition of in 1 workers and firms had to understand that either real wages or profit margins : both had to decrease; spiral recession a expectations, workers and firms had to understand that money balances and leave output unchanged. shocks. inflation, and expectations, the wage price spiral nominal wages and prices simultaneously and instantaneously, real j all should make a dynamics 6re likely to be present price and wage decisions are taken simultaneously. the paper builds a model which is based on two main assumptions. first is monopolistic competition in the goods and labor markets ; To The monopolistic competition gives the simplest acceptable price setting environment to examine such issues. The second is staggering of price and wage decisions. These two assumptions together generate dynamics very similar to those described above this model . More precisely, in : Price level dynamics are indeed the result of attempts by workers to maintain (or increase or decrease as the case may be) (or increase or decrease) their markups. their real wage and by (iris to maintain Furthermore, there is a direct relation between the inflexibility of real wages and markups to shifts in demand and the degree of price level inertia. The smaller the effect of shifts in the demand for goods on the markup, and the smaller the effect of shifts in the demand for labor on the real the more slowly will wage, the nominal price level adjust to offset aggregate demand disturbances. As the nominal price level adjusts slowly to its equilibrium value, changes in nominal money have long lasting effects on real money and aggregate demand. movements in aggregate demand are not too large, aggregate demand determines output in a If sense to be made precise later, suppliers willingly accomodate the increased : demand for goods and labor. Finally, there is, movements. as the economy is predominantly affected by aggregate demand shocks, if first approximation, a In no relation between output and real wage response for example to an increase in nominal money, temporarily increases before returning back to its equilibrium level output | during this adjustment process, the real wage is neither systematically lower nor higher but simply oscillates around its equilibrium value. The paper the absence of dynamic effects is organised as follows. staggering. of changes suggests extensions. Section in II nominal Section 3 characterises the equilibrium in introduces staggering and characterises the money. Section III presents conclusions and I. Price Setting Hodel later staggering of price decisions, we must have a model which price decisions are not taken by an auctioneer but by economic agents. As we If in ft we are to introduce want to focus on the real we need wage, a with model labor and goods markets. We want agents to choose prices and wages, but no single agent to choose either the aggregate price or wage level ; the simplest assumption imperfect substitutes, and many types substitutes. we choose Thus, model a of is labor, to have many all of goods, all of them them also imperfect with monopolistic competition in the goods and the labor markets. 1) The Price and Waoe Rules I have derived elsewhere the equilibrium of an economy with monopolistic competition in starting from utility and profit the labor and the goods markets, maximisation tBlanchard and Kiyotaki, 1 9B5 3 . I shall start here directly from the demand functions and the equilibrium price and wage rules they are sufficiently ; simple and intuitive that little is lost by not reporting the details of the deri vat i on. There are good i labor, m firms, has nominal indexed by each producing price Pi. j = l,...,n There are 3 functions for each type of good a different good, n unions, labor of type ; i j indexed by each supplying has nominal and each type of labor j a wage i = l,...,m different type W ., . The demand are given by ; of (1) Y, = Kv (M/P) (2) Nj = Kn (M/P) o (P./P) ( -a (Wj/W) ; where the price and wage indices 1-6 m - P (3) ( E P. 1_ m i = 1; ex 1 1 and P = W | l_ ( n Yi, is a prices. The elasticity of •function labor j, Nj, the demand for goods and thus on real respect to real money balances. depends on the nominal wage nominal wages. all wage is given by cr. j 1, _1_ l-o- ) money balances real of and of (M/P) which is an index of all P, is a derived demand by firms. money balances returns to scale and is thus the elasticity of 1, W f a is a 6. depends on the degree demand for labor with specific type of relative to the nominal It the inverse of the overall of The demand for j the nominal demand with respect to the relative price is given by The demand for type of index ! Z Wj j«l relative to the price level price 1 1-a n 1-6 i, > cr i 1 ire given by W 1 nominal of > _1_ ) The demand for good Pi e wage level labor W, j also which is an The elasticity of demand with respect to the relative The letters Ky and Kn are constants which depend on the parameters of technology and utility they play no important role in what follows. ; The price and wage rules are given in turn by (4) (Pi/P) = (K p (9/(6-1)) (W/P) k-1 (M/P) (5) (Wj/W) = (K„ <cr/(cr-l>) (P/W) (M/P) i 1 ) 1+eior-l) a(p-l) i = l,...,m 1 )l+cr<p-l) j«=l n . ml e Consider the pri ce function given by equation The parameter the price. price. («-l) 8 monopolist, •facing a the degree of returns to scale to labor would be the elasticity is of to an a ; and 6. firms if output supply with respect to the elasticity of demand with respect To guarantee the existence of assumed greater than or equal demand a The price rule depends on two parameters, (1). The parameter a is the inverse of acted competitively, Each fir» is first. the relative to interior maximum to profit maximisation, unity and is t» is assumed to be strictly greater than uni ty* increase in the real wage shifts the marginal An an increase the relative price. in leading under decreasing returns, for parameters (8/(6-1)) ; monopoly power elasticity existence of marginal an . Each union is also At a a of disutility of j, and a term cost and reflects the degree subject to the demand function for labor given a p and a. is (p-1) work with respect to employment. demand with respect to the relative wage. p is is the The parameter To guarantee the assumed equal to or assumed to be strictly greater than unity. given relative wage Wj/W, received by union KP monopolist, maximising labor interior maximum to utility maximisation, greater than unity, constant each firm in its market. of elasticity is the a depends on the various structural The wage rule depends on two parameters, (2). of KP the ratio of price to marginal is income minus the disutility of work, by equation Under increase in the relative price. reasons which will be clear below. Consider now the wage rule v shifts the demand curve out, The constant term has been written as the product of (8/(6-1)) of to an (M/P) the firm accomodates the increase at an unchanged relative constant returns however, price. increase in An leading to curve upward, cost Wj/P; an increase in W/P increases the real wage this increase in the real wage leads the union to want to supply more labor, thus to decrease its relative wage. decreases the relative wage labor and leads, for if p wage. An increase in in two terms parameters and the second reflects the degree its market from equations (1) a higher relative wage ; ; the same relative the first depends on of monopoly power of each . later on be interested We shall to the union supplies more labor at The constant term is again separated in increases the derived demand (M/P) under increasing disutility of work, to unity however, is equal structural uni on (Wj/W). Thus an increase in W/P and (3), in fluctuations of aggregate output. Note that, aggregate output it given by m (6) where 2) £ Y K is The Equi In E Pi i=l Y, a constant 1 i br i )/P ; K (M/P) aggregate output is proportional to real money balances. urn equilibrium, symmetry, both across price setters and wage setters, relative prices and all relative wages must be equal to unity. that all for all ( i and Wj = W for all j in equations (4) and (5) implies Using Pi = P gives r-1 (7) (P/W) = (9/(0-1)) KP (M/P) (8) (W/P) = ,j/(cr-D) K- (M/P) o(p-l) The first equation, which we shall equilibrium relation between the markup refer to as the of m arkup equation, gives the prices over wages and real money balances » %r> «— •s (j > o "~ , a> en o a> D. E o o o to O) > ^» ^_ O a u a =3 E o o ^— E — >- o o a e» o c o y •fro* the point of view of («!), an Unless firas have constant returns •firm*. s increase in real money balances increases aggregate demand and requires an increase in the markup. The second equation, which we shall the equilibrium relation between real view of unions. in Unless the marginal refer to as the real wages and rial disutility of gives wage equation, money balances from the point of work is constant (p«l), increase an money balances increases the derived demand for labor and requires an real increase in the real wage. The equilibrium is characterised graphically in Figure log(W/P), If p log(M/P) space so that both the markup and the real strictly greater then unity, determines the level it It 1 i wage loci br wage and the level Given equation (6), it of real linear. are i f j a i The equilibrium money balances and is determines output. Given nominal determines the price level. is useful, i A. locus is downward sloping. the markup the real of characterised by point equi drawn in the is It strictly greater than unity, the real wage locus is upward sloping is money, 1. um_ whi ch for later reference, would prevail if to compare this equilibrium with the firms and unions had the same technology and objective functions, but took prices and wages as given, that is, did not exploit their monopoly power. equilibrium. We shall refer to this equilibrium as the competitive The competitive eouilibrium is very similar to the monopol l sti cal competitive one. The equations characterising it are identical to equations (8) except for the absence of (6/(6-1)) Firms do not use their monopoly power, output. lower at in so tne first and of employment. in (7) and the second. that their mark up is lower at any level Unions do not exert their monopoly power either, any level (o7(cr-l)) 1 The competitive loci so that the real are drawn in Figure wage is 1. The of competitive equilibrium is given by point monopol i sti cal ultimate goal Our dynamic effects to better is nominal of the monopol in whether | it understand the presence and the nature money on wages, prices and output. introducing monopolistic competition i ihows the A hat higher wages is ambiguous. lower real or and B competitive equilibrium to have lower output y 1 Comparing B. 1 sti cal 1 ? In we appear way, a competitive equilibrium, y equilibrium, nominal money is still neutral, of the What have we gained by to have gained very little just as in the competitive leading to an instantaneous proportional increase in wages and prices, and leaving output unchanged. In as an in another way, we are very close to having gained something. introduction to the next section, it is to rewrite equations useful logarithmic form and to characterise the equilibrium (8) p = (10) w = cP s ( cP + a w + (l-a)m ; a £ l/«, a £ (0,1] c + b p + (l-b)m ; b s l-B(p-l) b < 1 1 og (6/ (0-1 ) ) + log(K P ))/n and The markup equation gives the nominal nominal wage and nominal returns to scale. i ncrease and (B) equations (7) become, with some reorganisation (9) where (7) the price wage space. in Denoting by lower case letters the logarithms of upper case letters, and and To see this, p gi ven money = . c = log (o7 (er-1) price as a ) + log(K-) linear combination of the The coefficient on the wage, a, is the degree of Unless firms operate under constant returns, an increase in w. m will v£ The real wage equation gives the nominal nominal price and nominal but money. not necessarily positive. is wage as a are large enough, 6 and ire close to unity, p may even require a and we shall markups and real and a value of The price rule has slope m. is useful later to give for may be reached through so that in initial Figure B. a as and a in the p, space in Figure w or equal to one. w and p, are close to b j inflexibility of to one ; if 2, b for a given positive, is The equilibrium is given by a heuristic description that real how this equilibrium Suppose that nominal money increases, A higher markup a ; higher real and the new equilibrium at given w, wage. Given p, wages and prices. B '. . These two This process prices and wages have increased in proportion to nominal money money balances ere back to their previous level in 1 Attempts by workers and firms to increase real ; desired real wages and desired markups are then again consistent and equilibrium is reached. adjustment E they want to go to they want to go to point wages and markups only lead to increases in nominal ends when both nominal of aggregate demand increases, increasing output and Workers therefore, want Firms want a equilibrium is at claims are obviously inconsistent. of both If wages respectively reflecting the degrees tatonnement process. the initial 2, values of employment. so If « If E. It point decrease in the nominal wage. a less than or equal the wage rule has slope greater than at b wage. the real in wages respectively The equilibrium is characterised point decrease a are also close to unity. b what follows refer to in less than unity is b, increase in the price level, which decreases real An shifts in demand have little effect on markups and real unity, of it linear combination of the The coefficient on the price, money balances and the demand for labor, requires and a A possible path which prices and wages adjust in turn is ABC..E in Figure 2. In this 10 the cate, less flexible real This is only a wages and mark ups, tatonnement process | we the adjustment process. the slower now see that staggering leads to shall a similar process in real time. II. Most nominal prices -and wages- tre set for discrete periods of time. price setters prefer the simplicity of such period, a Staggering and Demand Fluctuations contingent price path or even a a constant nominal price to both predetermined -but not necessarily constant- price Moreover, nominal price changes do not take place all path. rather uniformly through time. This may be partly because considerations on the part of unavoidable consequence the existence of some price setters. a is it simply the large number of uncoordinated price and of explicit contracts; they are not. experience a when they change their wage or change in their relative wage or relative price. process of adjustment to a nominal shock is a To study manageable, one must focus on one particular aspect of The actual involving changes complex one, relative wages, relative prices and real wages. example, strategic timing of More often, The implication is that wage or price setters, price, the same time but at Sometimes predetermined prices or wages are part wage setters. more often, of For each it and in keep the analysis that process. One may for concentrate on the interaction among price decisions, assuming continuous wage setting ; this was done by Akerlof interaction among wage decisions, the [1969], One may instead concentrate on the "wage wage spiral", assuming continuous price 11 as was done by Taylor setting, [1980]. Given our focus on the "wage price spiral", we focus on the staggering between wage decisions on the one hand and price decisions on the other. 1) Price and Wage Rules Under Stagge r ing This leads us to formalize the staggering of decisions in the -following rather mechanical but convenient way Time is discrete. The economy is described in the same way as before for price and wage setting*". Thus, times. : All , except price decisions are taken every two periods, at even nominal prices are set at time for periods t t and t+1, and so on. decisions are taken every two periods, at odd times, thus at t-1 for t-1 and so on. The unit period should be thought as fairly short, month, so that after two months all The length of revised. the order of say of price and wage decisions have all and a been freely the period during which prices and wages are fixed exogenous and so is the staggering structure 7 t, Wage is taken as . Firms and workers are assumed to satisfy demand at the quoted prices and wages return to this assumption below and characterize the conditions under which we shall it indeed optimal is As all price. (11) pt It = is them to do so. for firms take price decisions at the same time, choose the same they all given by (l/2)[(a wt-i + (l-a)mt) +(a E<w**».lt) + ( 1-a) E (nu , , ! t ) ) ] | E 12 where the constant term is ignored for notational expectation of a wage chosen at time t-1 prevailing at time for t-1 Equation t. price is the nominal t for t and t and (11) is is t+1 the optimal price for t+1, money for time t+l and nominal denotes the which the nominal e . price is fixed, p t denotes therefore the nominal wage still extension of (9)| states that it price for time the optimal of t. similarly Wt-i denotes the nominal | the natural weighted average a and depends on the current nominal wage and current nominal value of It) variable conditional on information available at time price chosen at time the nominal simplicity. E( t, which money, and of the expected which depends on expectations of the nominal Equation (11) wage implies that for each interval during the expected average markup is non decreasing a function of expected average aggregate demand. wage Betters decide about wages at the same time, As all In a way similar to prices, all wages trt the same. wage chosen at time t-1 for example is given the nominal by (12) wt-i (l/2)E(b = p t -2 +(l-b)m t _,) +(b E(p t !t-1) + 1 ( -b where the constant term is again ignored, for notational chosen at time t-1 depends on at pt -2, time t-1, and level and nominal implies that, average real for is weighted average the price level (2) of still of (1) t ! t-1 ) ] simplicity. the optimal the expected optimal wage for at time t, each period during which the nominal a <m The nominal wage for time t-1, wage which prevailing at time t-1, and on nominal money money expected to prevail wage is demand for labor. a ) non decreasing function of t, which depends on the price as of time t-1. wage is fixed, Equation (12) the expected the expected average aggregate 13 The dynamic behavior of the economy if now characterised by equation! and (12), specification a of procen. I solve the system for the text, I focus on the effects of an the money process for money in the appendix; unanticipated permanent increase in nominal in money. It is a The Adjustment of appropriate normalisation). money increases at time t«0, The intuition. the system. from zero to dm ? (12) gives in this case dm = Pt = At time t=0, 1 and (11) po ( and easy to derive unoer static expectations and helps develop the is Using general increase is both unanticipated and permanent. What are its effects on prices over time The answer of and The Price Level Starting from steady state, nominal (by a counterf actual unexciting experiment but one which shows most clearly the dynamics 2) (11) -a) (13) ab p t -2 + (l-ab)dm | t= 2,4,... after the increase in money, wages have not yet increased : firms increase their nominal price only to the extent they want to increase their markup to supply the higher level time t=0 as a=l. because, labor. At unless b=l, time t=2, We can if it Thus, is At of output. time t=l, a Under constant returns, wages increase both because prices are higher and higher real wage is required to supply think of the coefficient on higher level ab p t -r as the degree of price level of inertia nominal prices adjust slowly to an increase in nominal under static expectations there is inertia, a prices adjust again and so on. close to one, price level there is no increase at , a direct relation between the degree and the inflexibility of mark ups and real wages, as ; money. of 1 ( . 14 measured by The more inflexible markups and real and b. a the higher the inertia. degree of price level Under rational expectations, Appendix wages, path is instead given by the price level (see ) -1 po (1 pt X - ( 1/2) pt-2 + where X - [1 a <l/4)ab(l+X)D >dm, (l-X)dm t«2,4, | . < pc 1-X < . (14) X The initial < ab jump degree of price level 1 ( | X in -/ ( - -ab if ) ab nominal ) / «= l+/( 1-ab 0, - 1 ) if and X has the following properties ab - 1 prices is larger than under static expectations. inertia is now given by function of ab, but is smaller than ab. rational X ) expectations is obvious i at X rather than by ab. X is The increasing an That the adjustment should be faster under time t»0 for example, price setters take into account not only the increase in demand but the forthcoming increase in nominal wages at time t=l. and current price and wage setters take account of current demand Along the path, prices and wages, but also of expected increases in prices and wages. Although the adjustment is faster under rational expectations, there is stitl direct relation between the inflexibility of markups and real and b, and the degree of price level adjustment is well described as a inertia, measured by X*. wage price spiral in wages, a measured by a The process of which the speed of the spiral depends on the desire of workers and firms to increase or maintain their real wages and markups in response to the increase in demand. A 0.99. numerical example of a path of adjustment is given in table 1, for a b = Tibli Increaie in Honey on Relative and Nominal Pricei, 1 The Effect* o-f an Time avenge w-p real 0.133 0.0 -0. 133 0.677 144 .677 Mage* average mark up** •0.076 0.009 133 .247 2 .346 .247 -. 100 .654 3 .346 .432 .065 ,654 4 .50B .432 -.076 .492 5 .50B .572 .064 .492 6 .629 .572 -.057 .371 7 .629 .67B .049 .371 E .721 .676 -.043 .279 9 .721 .757 .036 .279 10 .790 .757 -.033 .210 11 .790 .617 .027 .210 12 .B42 .617 -.025 .156 1 . . .007 .007 .005 .006 .003 004 .003 .003 .002 .003 .001 .002 0.99 All numbers in the table should be multiplied by dm The "average real wage" is the average value of the real wage for the two period interval during which the nominal wage is fixed. ** The "average mark up" is the average value of the mark up during the two period interval during which the nominal price is fixed. + 15 3) wages during the adjustment process Real start with We a higher markup, wage setters fail to take After the increase puzzle. a price setters desire money, in both sides Under static expectations, higher rial wage. a into account future movements in either prices or wages and »re systematically disappointed. This cannot happen however under rational expectations in particular, as there is no unanticipated movement expectation path is, after t"0, (12) hold for actual wage ; during which nominal firms on the other hand must also, prices are fixed, Table appendix). 1 obtain a higher markup. for it Thus, equations as wages are fixed, obtain every interval during which nominal ? (the algebra is given in the They can be consistent because the two intervals described above do not : there is then paradoxical path is the result a path of increases of the assumption of rational of a prices and wages nominal in wage are higher relevant result is not the paradox, but the existence in that there is no persistent deviation of the real This turn. expectations j the expectation path. rational The other and directly related characteristic of the process of is and higher real a How can these be consistent such that the average markup and the average real It (11) must be the case that workers shows that they can be indeed be consistent coincide but overlap the real the rational money after t"0, perfect foresight path. values of prices and wages, for every interval must, a in | adjustment is wage from its equilibrium value i wage simply oscillates around this value as output returns to equilibrium 10 the very nature of the process of adjustment under staggering of . wage and price decisions which implies that there be no systematic relation between real wages and output in response to demand shocks. The two paths of represented in Figure adjustment, under static and rational expectations are 3, the static expectation path by the ootted line, the rational L K^or^ 3 J 16 expectation path by the thick line. Note that the average nominal Mage, denoted by is price, denoted by is u, always on locus. the plw) 4) the average nominal locus, always on the w(p) u Aggregate Demand and Output now we have assumed that firms and workers satisfy demand, Until adjustment, output and employment are proportional the path of balances. This may not be the case i even after either supplying or rationing demand. the option of determines the outcome, we must return to Figure to real monopolist has set a 1 To see when along so that a money price, it has aggregate demand which is redrawn for convenience as Figure 4. The labor market equilibrium condition under monopolistic competition, gives real wages as an increasing function of real money, is drawn as LL j which the goods market equilibrium condition, which gives markups as an increasing function of real money, is is drawn as GG. given by ABC...E prices, : The path of adjustment following an increase in nominal after an increase of nominal increasing markups and decreasing real goes to point B ; in the following period, money money, price setters increase money balances, so that the economy wage setters take the economy to point C and so on. Let us now draw the equilibrium loci under perfect competition, firms nor unions exert their monopoly power drawn as L'L', implying a lower real equilibrium is drawn as G'G', Consider now point mark up at a F on given level of demand ; a of output, lower markup at any level which gives the monopol we can neither The labor market equilibrium locus is wage at any level implying the GG locus, . i.e if i the goods market output. of sti cal 1 y competitive ask by how much we can decrease the o o 17 markup, and still have firms willing to supply this given level that we can decrease the markup until price equals marginal is precisely on the competitive equilibrium locus, at point F'. firms will ration demand. markup further, any level of of demand. cost In we decrease the If The same reasoning applies to workers employment we can decrease the real wage until this shaded region, Thus, entirely If demand will will i stical 1 y region ; general the degree of determines the degree of of the change in nominal of real know that the we leave the path of adjustment entirely within the depend in money will in substitution between goods and between labor types, as this monopoly power and the size money and the parameters a of oscillations of the real the region, and b, wage movements during the process of adjustment. unity imply small as and and cr Values of wage and the markup, increase the amount the monopoly power increase the size of of on the size they determine the size and a and b close to thus make it more likely that the path of adjustment remains outside the shaded region. 9 4. competitive equilibrium lies strictly inside that region, so that whether this is the case for larger movements on | adjustment lies This is the case for the path drawn in Figure enough increases in money will small ration demand the path of if there is some monopoly power in both goods and labor markets, monopol either L'L' or of both satisfy it. determine output and employment the non shaded region. in at | reaches its it either firms or workers or both outside of this region, they will this happens | competitive equilibrium value. Let us shade the region to the right G'G'. The answer Small values of firms and workers respectively, the non shaded region and thus also make demand determination of output more likely. Note that monopolistic competition plays an important role here than provide a convenient price setting environment. To aet and does more demand determination of le output to both decreases and increases in demand, needs to start from an equilibrium in which, cost and the wage exceeds marginal marginal •for at least within some bounds, one whatever reason, price exceeds utility of leisure. This is what monopolistic competition provides here. To summarize the results of initial pair of prices and wages, and its inverse, too low : in money, the markup). firms desire a this section, movements money create, desired changes in relative prices After an increase in money, higher markup, unions they are both too high. in a As workers and If movement of nominal prices is slow. aggregate demand, monotoni cal 1 y to if (the real wage higher real wage | after a decrease firms reestablish in turn their aggregate demand relative prices are relatively inflexible, the During the process of adjustment, oscillates around its equilibrium value. in the both relative prices are desired relative prices, nominal prices and wages adjust until returns to its equilibrium value. at During the process they are not too large, its equilibrium value. of the real wage adjustment, movements determine output which returns 19 Cone us on III. the process of that We have seen 1 1 aggregate demand is well described as demand, adjustment a of nominal wage price spiral. a general increase back to its equilibrium value. in nominal richer menu of The model the higher the degree of is of if at a : we allow for Suppose for example that, output by partially accomodating the increase in nominal the higher the degree of longer lasting the wage price spiral. maintain output at higher level accomodation, the stronger and the The monetary authority is indeed able to for a longer period of time but at the cost of increase in prices and a longer period of a does not easily generate however the rate of is an inflation and then decreases over is price increases, a What the model In the example largest at the beginning, when output and in real wages and mark ups are largest, time as output returns to normal. accomodation goes to unity, inflation. accelerating wage price spiral. employment are highest and desired increases nominal inertia. increase in nominal money, the monetary authority attempts to this case, , is presented in this section generates more interesting wage price dynamics maintain the higher level sketched above price level shocks, monetary policies and staggering structures after the initial higher initial output relatively straightforward and involves looking monetary policy to respond to wage and price developments. In wages and mark prices and wages which last until There are at least two directions in which the model The first change in The smaller the desired increase in relative prices, the slower the wage price spiral, should be extended. a After an increase in attempts by workers and by firms to maintain or increase real ups lead to prices. prices to As the degree of is as the monetary authority accomodates one for one the result is not that high inflation but an infinite value of 20 the price level the initial the time 0+ at Learning by agents over increase in money. time 0* the goals of the monetary authority it needed to generate accelerating inflation. We have focused only on demand shocks. can be used to look at the The model effects of supply shocks instead, be they technological other shocks to labor supply. the real wage and a decrease An and mark ups are inconsistent. At This starts the initial a , a union cost push or shock requires adverse technological output. in shocks level of wage price spiral a output, real wages which stops when real money balances and output have decreased to the new equilibrium level. efforts by the monetary authority to slow the decrease decrease in Here again, output lead to more in inflation along the path of adjustment. Finally, one would want to study the effects of structures, and in particular to relax the assumption and simultaneous wage decisions. of Staggering Staggering of of demand with respect to relative wages will adjustment of the price level' now affect the also affect the speed of 1 . extensions is more difficult and more important. The second set of presented here to generate large and prolonged effects aggregate demand, both supply more output at a price decisions implies wage decisions implies that the elasticity more labor at of demand with respect to relative prices will speed of adjustment of the price level. For the model simultaneous price decisions This can be done by extending the continuous staggering structure suggested by Calvo C19B2], that the elasticity of more realistic staggering a a and p must be close to unity : of firms must be willing to slightly higher markup, and unions must be willing to supply slightly higher real wage. This seems indeed to be true : 21 mi croeconomi evidence on markups suggest that they respond weakly to shifts in the c demand for goods and evidence on real and slowly to shifts in demand for wages suggest that real labor. wages respond weakly there are serious issues in reconciling But this observed behavior with what we know about technology and tastes cost not In our model, is constant constant constant desired markup (o"l). But !) (a indeed justified is overtime payments, our model, disutility a costs of changing production incurred because of costs of changing the number constant desired real wage employment is constant of equally shared among workers, and if (p«l) . (b»l) is justified of This suggests two directions of research, be smaller research, which has than individual is p's. long a There is substantial mi croeconomi The second, to study the role of (p-1) both aimed at explaining why tradition, contracts is b of the level if If this real the paper c large. may be close p may which is now the subject of active in labor markets, contracts take for example the form of is to explain why the unions' and to see whether contracts can explain why real wages seem to respond little to movements employment. labor the individual evidence however that this elasticity is small, that the individual The first, the marginal unions maximize the utility of their supply elasticity with respect to the real wage. to unity. if fluctuations in employment ire If representative members, then p-1 corresponds to the inverse and cost it workers employed, point to increasing short run marginal cost CBils 19833. In of marginal if there is much evidence that short run marginal inventory behavior points to substantial i [Blanchard 19B33, of a i of in free determination by the firm employment subject to an agreed upon real wage employment schedule, wage employment schedule is relatively flat, 6re likely tc go through 11 . the qualitative results x ) 22 Append i the Price Level l)The Behavior of The behavior of prices is first derived for then for the specific process described Using equation for both t-1 (12) expectations and replacing in where zt ab [p t -2 taking E(w t *ilt) t+1, using iterated gives E(pt!t-1) + process for money, and + p E(p t *alt)] + t + (l/4)z t given by is z t (1/4) = pt (10) general the text. in and a = a(l-b)tiH-, + E(mtlt-l) 2(l-a)[m t + E(m e .i It)] + EUfilt) + EUtoalt)] (Al) + Equation the second for (Al) pt . must be solved in two steps. Denote by a star the expectation of information available at time t-1. on a is to solve for E(p t lt-1), variable conditional on Then taking expectations of both sides conditional information available at time t-1 and rearranging gives (2ab-4) p* be the smallest root of ab (A2) Let The first X \ p* t -2 = (1 - + /(1-ab) )/ (1 t + abX + ab 2 p* t + * 3 = -z* t (2ab-4U /(1-ab) + ab = 0, so that 23 This root is an increasing •function of ab, equal ab B Solving l. by factorization, (A2) for ab-0 and to to subject to the constraint that for 1 does not pt explode, gives « p*t (A3) p«t-j X + (X/ab> i E X i-0 z* t * 2 » i i so that E(ptlt-l) X pt- 2 (X/ab) + E E(lt* 2 ilt-1) X i-0 The second step is to solve for E(p** 2 tt) and E(p t lt-1) in p gives (Al) t . Deriving E(pt»slt) from p t i » <4-ab(l+X) I )p t ab(l+X)p = to dm holds for actual » p*+= ; i E X i-0 [E (Zt* si I t-i +E <z** 2 i ) *2 1 1) ] increases at m the increase in unanticipated and permanent. values of p note that for t>0, and z there is no uncertainty and thus rather than for their expectations. Note also = i Zt* 2 E X 1=0 X pt + i = (l-X)dm, (l-X)dm This gives in particular, provides, I X for t>0 (X/ab) E (p 2 + z t the price path, To solve for that, + now consider the specific path of money described in the text, time t=0 from (A3) t _2 and replacing (A3) 0) =p 2 for , t = 0, we have for so that t > for t=0, p2 as a function another relation between po and p2 . of p . Equation Noting that E ( p ! (Al) - 1 ) in =0 and turn 24 (l-(lM)ab) po (l/4)ab - Solving the two equations in path the price level [i-« +(l/2)a(l-b) Ddm + p2 and p gives the following characterization of p2 i -1 2) po - (1 p t X (l/2)« - p*-2 (l-X)dm + The Behavior of x t .*, wage at time = Wo - po c - = wt*, - pt = C a,b Kf2 < w t *, 5 - ab 1 + (1 (l/2)b(l+(l/X) so that a = < 1 = • (1 /(1-ab) (l/2)b (1+(1/X) 1/2) b ) ) - ) - from equation ; (12) at time t-1 and prices, d+X)-l] 1 - (p t dm) * »,., < > 13(pt* 2 - - dm) we have + /(l-ab))/(l = b/(l (l/2)b(l+(l/X) - < t [Q/2)b(l+(l/X>) = pt *2 From the definition of X, (1+(1/X)) ( po (l/2)b(l+X) t 1 )dm ] Wage the above characterization of Xo + X) for t»2,4,... the Real Let Xt be the real •from (l/4)ab(l - CI / (1 1 > ) + (1 Massachusetts Institute - /(1-ab) + of >= 2/(1 - /( 1-ab) ) /(1-ab)) ab/(l > /(1-ab)) - /(1-ab)) - ) * /(1-ab)) -1 Technology = /(1-ab) > => x** 2 < t + 1, and . . , 25 References "Relative Wages and the Rate Akerlof, George, Economics LXXXIII , (anc j ( 1 969 ), Janet Yellen, 353-74 "A Inflation," Quarterly Journal of of . Near Rational Model Wage and Price Inertia," Quarterly Journal of of the Business Cycle, Economics with forthcoming LXXXIII , (19B5) Bils, Mark, August "The Production and Industry," Journal __»______, ( "p r i Simonsen, eds . ( of Political Economy in (Cambridge an[ j an , Martin, : Calvo, Thesis, Ph.D. MIT, Noouhiro Kiyotaki of Indexati on Inertia," in Rudiger Dornbusch and Mario "Monopolistic Competition, Aggregate Demanc Nominal and Franklyn Holtzman, I the American Automobile 365-400. 91-3, , of pp. 3-24. MIT Press) Surveys of Economic Theory Vol 196B) , Inflationary World Externalities, and Real Effects Bronf enbrenner Inventory Behavior ce Asynchronization and Price Level Contracting and Debt , Cost and Price", of 19B5. Blanchard, Olivier, __. Behavior "Essays on the Cyclical "A Money," mimeo MIT, November Survey of 19B5. Inflation Theory," (American Economic Association: in MacMillan, pp. 46-107. Guillermo, "On the Mi crof oundat l ons of Staggered Nominal Contracts i a First Approximation," mimeo, Columbia University, January 19B2. Fellner, William, "Demand Inflation, Cost The Public Stake in Union Power , Inflation and Collective Bargaining," P. Bradley ed ., (Char 1 ottesvi 1 1 e: 1 in 959 pp ) 26 225-54. Fethke, Gary and Andrew Policano, Aggregate Implications Monetary Economics Taylor, John, of XIV the Pattern of , LX X XV 1 1 1 (19B4), (19B0), 151-71. Governors the Federal of Overview Price Determination of of of Political 1-24. "The Wage Price Mechanismi Econometrics Negotiation and Alternative Contract Structure*," Journal "Aggregate Dynamics and Staggered Contracts," Journal Economy Tobin, James, , "wage Contingencies, , 0. Reserve System, of the Conference," Eckstein, ed., 1970). in The (Washingtoni Board of . 27 Footnotes See for example written in 2 "A Inflation Theory," by M. Brof enbrenner and This point was in fact made many years before the rational The model W. Fellner (1959, pp expectation 235-236). agnostic as to whether unions are maximising the utility is representative member, or maximising some other objective function. affects the interpretation and the likely value of the parameter issue to which we shall * the fixed cost of of a their This however below, raising an firms as given, we do not need to introduce explicitly The analysis in the text faced by each firm. such p of return later. As we take the number presence Holtzman, F. 1965. "revolution" by 3 Survey of fixed cost. is consistent with the Thus while we rule out decreasing marginal cost, we do not rule out decreasing average cost. Whenever we refer to the nominal relevant, the logarithm of and nominal * In period, the reader price, the nominal price. is to understand, whenever The same applies to the nominal wage money. the absence of is the staggered price and wage setting, the equilibrium, each equilibrium described in Section only from the presence of I. Thus, dynamics arise staggered price and wage setting. this model in Eliminating all sources of dynamics allows to focus more simply on the dynamic effects of other price and wage stagger ng i The staggering structure we consider that it would not survive endogeni the interest of z at l on is particularly vulnerable to the criticism of staggering decisions. It firms to coordinate price chanoes with wage chanaes. is clearly in Replacing the 2B decisions would be more attractive aloebra substantially. Fethke and Policano e Equation (11) the rule which comes out of expected profit maximisation by not subject to the constraint that the nominal the equilibrium condition that all and to compare may be useful It would however complicate the It further discussion and work on endogenous staggering, see and t+1, t same in both periods, to one. this respect. (1984) is firms over periods For in price be the relative prices be equal the two rules in the simple case of constant returns to scale. Under constant returns, Pt (1/2) = (wt-i E(w**i + reduces to (11) It) i ) whereas the price obtained from explicit profit maximisation is, discount factor on second period profit to be equal to not Pt 1 = ogari thms) KP p (letters now denote levels, : [(M*/(Mt+pE(M t *iit))Wt + (pE(Nt*iH«*s It) /(Nt+pE(M«*i It)) Comparing the two expressions shows three main differences. of the discount rate. The third is that P t and t+1. An assuming the The second is an is the presence of arithmetic rather than a 3 The first is the covariance of M geometric average of the presence and W W at time other way of stating the differences between the two rules is that, the correct rule, the price is an average of t+1. at t under current and expected wages, with weights which depend on current money and the joint disribution of future money and future nominal If wages. the unit then (11) 1= period is short, a oood so that p is close to one and E(Mt-nlt) approximation to the correct Drice rule. Our is close to Mr, reason for using 29 that the approx mat 1 on i 9 it not the tource of the results Me locus on. This suggests that explaining the behavior of relative prices, nominal quite apart from rigidities should be high on the research agenda. This appears indeed to have been the approach 'followed in the 1960s (as summarized by Tobin [1970] lor example). Research was focused on documenting and explaining the slow and small wages to unemployment, inflexibility of the slope of mark ups. Nominal the short run Phillips curve, or reaction of the price and wage inertia were then obtained not from staggering but from assumptions about expectations. 10 use. The oscillations are partly the result of For more complex structures, wage decisions, 11 the aggregate real the simple staggering structure we such as continuous uniform staggering of price and wage may not oscillate at all. One can also allow for an n-step (rather than one-step as in the text) production process and allow for staggering of price decisiosn along the production process. This has two relevant implications. It increases tne degree of price level inertia and may generate systematic movements in the structure of relative prices in response to changes in nominal money. See Blanchard [19B3D. Akerlof and Yellen C19B5] have recently constructed these lines ; a macroeconomi c model along they formalize the labor market as characterized by efficiency wages. ^353 0/5 MIT 3 ^ 60 UBJWUfS M* 476 3 ^ Date Due 5 '89 AG 0EC2 81989J 12 MAR mi H 19 OlK fa Q\