Policy Management Procedures Manual 100-A Category: Administered by: First adopted: Revision history: Next review: 1. Administration Director of Education February 1998 February 2001, April 2013, February 2016 April 2018 General This procedure outlines the process for Policy Development and Review. 2. Terms and Definitions Policy A policy is a statement of intent or position adopted by the Board that provides a framework for the operation of the system. It is a commitment by which the Board is held accountable to the public. Board policy is recommended by the Policy Management Committee for approval by the Board. Procedure Procedures govern the implementation of a policy. They are issued by the Director of Education and control aspects of the system’s operations. Procedures are provided to the Policy Management Committee and the Board for information and review. Form A form is a document used by staff to collect data for the operation of the system. Forms may be revised by staff at any time as required. Forms are provided to the Policy Management Committee and the Board for information and review. Handbook A handbook is a “how-to” document that provides staff with specific information on the implementation process for policy and procedures. Handbooks may be revised by staff at any time as required. February 2016 Page 1 of 6 POLICY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES MANUAL 100-A Protocol A protocol sets out the operating norms for an interaction between the Board and its external public. Protocols are provided to the Policy Management Committee and the Board for information and review. A protocol is developed or reviewed in the same way as a policy. Senior Administration Senior Administration includes the Director of Education, Superintendents and Senior Officers/Managers. Senior Administration is also referred to as Executive Council. Leadership Team The Leadership Team includes the Senior Administration, two elementary and three secondary principals or vice-principals from each Family of Schools, the Human Resources Services Team Manager and the Communications and Community Engagement Officer. Policy Work Team A Policy Work Team is an ad hoc team established, as required, for the development and review of policies and procedures. Members may include senior administrators, principals and vice principals, trustees, staff members with specific areas of expertise, and representatives of outside agencies. Policy Work Teams are dissolved when the policy is approved by the Board. 3. Responsibilities 3.1 The Policy Management Committee will: 3.1.1 meet on a regular basis at least five times per year 3.1.2 receive information at each meeting on the status of policies to be developed and reviewed 3.1.3 review and recommend to the Board all new and revised policies prior to final approval by the Board 3.1.4 ensure, with the Director of Education, that the format of policy writing and the development and review of all policies is in accordance with these procedures February 2016 Page 2 of 6 POLICY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES MANUAL 100-A 3.2 The Director of Education will: 3.2.1 hold the primary responsibility for overseeing the development and review of all policy and procedures 3.2.2 assign the day-to-day management and coordination of policies and procedures to the Policy Manager 3.2.3 assign a Senior Administrator to oversee the development and review of policies and procedures based on his/her area of responsibility 3.2.4 ensure that a policy review schedule is established to determine whether policy revisions are appropriate or required 3.2.5 ensure that all policies and procedures are maintained in the public domain (on the Board’s website) 3.3 The Policy Manager will: 3.3.1 develop a Policy Development and Review Schedule for the Director of Education and Senior Administration by the end of May of each year 3.3.2 maintain an up-to-date list of all policies, procedures and protocols including development date and review dates in the following categories: February 2016 • Governance (100) • Community Relations (200) • Administration (300) • Human Resources (400) • Students (500) • Program (600) • Finance (700) Page 3 of 6 POLICY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES MANUAL 100-A 4. Policy Development Process 4.1 Policies and procedures will be readily understood by the intended audience. Jargon and language unfamiliar to the intended audience should be avoided as much as possible. Abbreviations and acronyms will be explained under Terms and Definitions. 4.2 Policy proposals may originate from: 4.3 • The Board and/or Standing Committees of the Board • Policy Management Committee • Individual trustees • Director of Education • Senior Administration • Leadership Team • School administrations • Legislation (Ministry of Education other Ontario Ministries) • Ministry of Education memoranda or directives, or directives from other Ontario ministries • Public or community The Senior Administrator assigned will: 4.3.1 establish an ad hoc Policy Work Team, if required, to develop policy and procedures 4.3.2 provide direction and input to the policy development process 4.4 February 2016 The Policy Work Team will seek input and feedback from stakeholders, as required in the policy development process, which may include: • Senior Administration • Leadership Team • Principals and vice-principals • Managers and supervisors Page 4 of 6 POLICY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES MANUAL 100-A • Union representatives and employee groups • Parents (Parent Involvement Committee, School Councils) • Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) • Students (Upper Grand Student Senate) • Outside agencies • Legal counsel and/or professional consultants • The general public 4.5 The Policy Work Team will develop policies, procedures, forms, handbooks and implementation strategies, as required. 4.6 The Policy Work Team and Senior Administrator in consultation with the Director of Education may seek input from all trustees prior to seeking input and feedback on the final draft. 4.7 The final draft will be presented to the Policy Management Committee who may refer the draft back for further refinement or revision. 4.7.1 When satisfied with the final draft the Policy Management Committee will recommend to the Board release of the final draft for consultation in accordance with the communication process described in the Policy Management Handbook. 4.8 The Policy Management Committee will receive a report from the Policy Work Team summarizing the outcomes of the communication process and describing any modifications to the final draft. When satisfied with the policy, the Policy Management Committee will recommend its approval to the Board. 4.9 The Board may refer the policy back to the Policy Management Committee for further refinement or revision by the Policy Work Team. 4.10 Except for reasons of security or to protect the Board’s legal or negotiating interests, procedures will be available in the public domain (Board website). 4.11 Forms and Handbooks will be available to Board staff. February 2016 Page 5 of 6 POLICY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES MANUAL 100-A 5. Policy Review Process 5.1 The normal period for review will be five (5) years unless required sooner due to legislation or other requirements. 5.2 By the end of May of each year a list of policies to be reviewed in the upcoming year will be provided to the Director of Education by the Policy Manager. 5.3 The Director, with input from the Senior Administration, will review the list of policies to be reviewed and select those that will be recommended for review. 5.4 The Policy Management Committee will be provided with the list of policies for review. 5.5 The Director of Education will delegate responsibility for a policy review to a member of the Senior Administration. 5.6 The Senior Administrator will oversee the review and revisions as necessary. 5.7 Once the revisions are prepared, steps 4.6 to 4.11 in the policy development process will be followed. February 2016 Page 6 of 6