As leaders in our educational community we will develop student learning skills; foster achievement and well-being; and create a positive and inclusive environment.
Action Step 1.1: Develop, implement, and review the BIPSA for 2015-2016 to respond to 2014-2015 secondary EQAO results and Ministry Initiatives. Ensure that SIPSAs align with the BIPSA.
Action Step 1.2: Implement, review, and revise the Board French Action Plan.
Action Step 1.3: Implement, review, and revise the Board Math Action Plan.
Action Step 1.4: Implement, review and revise the Board Special Education Plan and develop the year-end report in accordance with Ministry directives. Support SEAC in its work on behalf of students with special education needs.
Action Step 1.5: Ensure that all schools participate in the School Self-Assessment process and District Support visits as scheduled, and in accordance with goals in the
Action Step 1.6: Provide relevant research and data to assist staff with setting goals and monitoring success .
Action Step 2.1: Implement, review and revise Early Years Strategy (JK-3) to align with Ministry direction.
Action Step 2.2: Implement and review the Environmental Sustainability Action Plan.
Action Step 2.3: Implement the Learning Choices Policy and Procedures.
Action Step 2.4: Develop and implement a process to focus necessary resources to provide facilities that support student achievement.
Operational Plan 2015-2016
Action Step 2.5: Ensure that Information Technology changes (required by legislation or for business continuity, as well as software upgrades and efficiency initiatives) are addressed equitably and sustainably within established budgets.
Action Step 3.1: Develop professional learning activities for staff through the Board
Leadership and Development Strategy and the Leadership Development Program
Committee. Implement a leadership website as a resource and for succession planning.
Action Step 3.2: Develop and support networks and job-embedded opportunities for staff to work collaboratively with staff in other departments, portfolios, divisions and schools.
Action Step 3.3: Develop, implement and review job-related training programs for all staff.
Action Step 3.4: Provide in-services and other professional learning opportunities aligned with Board and Ministry initiatives and priorities.
Action Step 3.5: Develop and implement the 2015-2016 NTIP and TLLP programs.
Action Step 3.6: Review and revise hiring processes for school administrators.
Action Step 3.7: Implement the hiring processes for elementary and secondary teachers in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Action Step 4.1: Implement, review and revise the Mental Health and Addictions
Strategy and Mental Health promotion programs.
Action Step 4.2: Implement and support the Ministry document Foundations for a
Healthy School topics of Physical Activity and Healthy Eating.
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Operational Plan 2015-2016
Action Step 4.3: Continue the development of the Equity and Inclusive Education
Strategy and the implementation of the Safe Schools initiatives in accordance with the Accepting Schools Act.
Action Step 5.1: Provide programs and services to support all staff on a personal and professional level.
Action Step 5.2: Expand and implement opportunities for improved time management, workplace efficiencies and teamwork through improved communication systems. (e.g.,
Google Hangouts, the new Exchange e-mail system, UGShare.)
Action Step 5.3: Continue the implementation of a multi-year Health and Safety Plan to ensure a safe working and learning environment .
Action Step 6.1: Provide programs and services to meet the learning needs of students with Special Education needs.
Action Step 6.2: Provide programs and services to meet the learning needs of students who are “at risk” socially, emotionally and academically.
Action Step 6.3: Provide Student Success, Engagement and Re-engagement programs and services for students with varying learning needs and interests.
Action Step 6.4: Provide career and life planning programs in all schools for students from JK-12.
Action Step 6.5: Provide programs and services for international students. Continue to recruit students and agents for the program.
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Operational Plan 2015-2016
Action Step 6.6: Continue the implementation plan for the International Baccalaureate
Action Step 6.7: Provide programs and services for adult learners.
Action Step 6.8: Work collaboratively with parents and community partners to expand child-care opportunities to our students and communities . Investigate the possibility of other more affordable, alternative child care services.
Action Step 6.9: Provide equitable access to technology at the point of instruction for students and schools (e.g., infrastructure, bandwidth, wireless) to increase learning opportunities for students.
Action Step 7.1: Review, revise and implement the Energy Conservation and Demand
Management Plan in accordance with Regulations under the Ontario Green Energy Act.
Action Step 7.2: Complete all Financial Reports including the 2014-2015 Financial
Statements, 2015-2016 Revised estimates and Interim Year End and 2016-2017
Budget (estimates).
Action Step 7.3: Support the Audit Committee with Ministry reports, external auditors and the Board’s internal audit team.
Action Step 7.4: Initiate the design of Ministry approved Capital Projects and
Renovation Projects.
Action Step 7.5: Implement the 2015-2016 Renewal Plan for school facilities.
Action Step 7.6: Develop sustainable local collective agreements with employee groups and implement the central collective agreements.
Action Step 7.7: Ensure efficiency and accountability in the business operations of the
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Operational Plan 2015-2016
Action Step 7.8: Continue the management of the review and revision of current policies and the development of new policies as required.
Action Step 8.1: Complete the French Review.
Action Step 8.2: Develop an overall Long Term Accommodation Plan.
Action Step 8.3: Continue to implement the multi-year Accessibility Plan and ensure compliance with AODA Standards.
Action Step 8.4: Support the Parent Involvement Committee and School Councils in their work to facilitate parental engagement in our schools and system.
Action Step 8.5: Support system and school based collaborative partnerships with community agencies and businesses.
Action Step 8.6: Continue to promote the Community Use of Schools .
Action Step 8.7: Ensure public awareness of student achievement and staff accomplishments through the Director’s Annual Report .
Action Step 8.8: Ensure public awareness of student and staff achievements and of celebratory events through media relations/releases, the Board and school websites and social media where appropriate.
Action Step 8.9: Promote the use of the Board/school websites, Twitter, and other approved social networking sites to engage community.
Action Step 8.10
: Develop, implement and maintain a communications plan to promote the success of programs in the UGDSB.
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