Operational Plan 2015-2016


Operational Plan 2015-2016

As leaders in our educational community we will develop student learning skills; foster achievement and well-being; and create a positive and inclusive environment.

Goal: Achieve Excellence

Action Plan 1- Board Improvement Planning For Student Achievement

Action Step 1.1: Develop, implement, and review the BIPSA for 2015-2016 to respond to 2014-2015 secondary EQAO results and Ministry Initiatives. Ensure that SIPSAs align with the BIPSA.

Action Step 1.2: Implement, review, and revise the Board French Action Plan.

Action Step 1.3: Implement, review, and revise the Board Math Action Plan.

Action Step 1.4: Implement, review and revise the Board Special Education Plan and develop the year-end report in accordance with Ministry directives. Support SEAC in its work on behalf of students with special education needs.

Action Step 1.5: Ensure that all schools participate in the School Self-Assessment process and District Support visits as scheduled, and in accordance with goals in the


Action Step 1.6: Provide relevant research and data to assist staff with setting goals and monitoring success .

Action Plan 2- Prioritizing Initiatives and Resources

Action Step 2.1: Implement, review and revise Early Years Strategy (JK-3) to align with Ministry direction.

Action Step 2.2: Implement and review the Environmental Sustainability Action Plan.

Action Step 2.3: Implement the Learning Choices Policy and Procedures.

Action Step 2.4: Develop and implement a process to focus necessary resources to provide facilities that support student achievement.

Operational Plan 2015-2016

Action Step 2.5: Ensure that Information Technology changes (required by legislation or for business continuity, as well as software upgrades and efficiency initiatives) are addressed equitably and sustainably within established budgets.

Action Plan 3- Supporting and Developing Staff

Action Step 3.1: Develop professional learning activities for staff through the Board

Leadership and Development Strategy and the Leadership Development Program

Committee. Implement a leadership website as a resource and for succession planning.

Action Step 3.2: Develop and support networks and job-embedded opportunities for staff to work collaboratively with staff in other departments, portfolios, divisions and schools.

Action Step 3.3: Develop, implement and review job-related training programs for all staff.

Action Step 3.4: Provide in-services and other professional learning opportunities aligned with Board and Ministry initiatives and priorities.

Action Step 3.5: Develop and implement the 2015-2016 NTIP and TLLP programs.

Action Step 3.6: Review and revise hiring processes for school administrators.

Action Step 3.7: Implement the hiring processes for elementary and secondary teachers in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Goal: Promote Well-Being

Action Plan 4 – Supporting Well-Being of Students

Action Step 4.1: Implement, review and revise the Mental Health and Addictions

Strategy and Mental Health promotion programs.

Action Step 4.2: Implement and support the Ministry document Foundations for a

Healthy School topics of Physical Activity and Healthy Eating.

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Operational Plan 2015-2016

Action Step 4.3: Continue the development of the Equity and Inclusive Education

Strategy and the implementation of the Safe Schools initiatives in accordance with the Accepting Schools Act.

Auction Plan 5 - Supporting Well-Being of Staff

Action Step 5.1: Provide programs and services to support all staff on a personal and professional level.

Action Step 5.2: Expand and implement opportunities for improved time management, workplace efficiencies and teamwork through improved communication systems. (e.g.,

Google Hangouts, the new Exchange e-mail system, UGShare.)

Action Step 5.3: Continue the implementation of a multi-year Health and Safety Plan to ensure a safe working and learning environment .

Goal: Ensure Equity of Access and Opportunity

Action Plan 6 – Providing a Variety of Programs and Services for Student


Action Step 6.1: Provide programs and services to meet the learning needs of students with Special Education needs.

Action Step 6.2: Provide programs and services to meet the learning needs of students who are “at risk” socially, emotionally and academically.

Action Step 6.3: Provide Student Success, Engagement and Re-engagement programs and services for students with varying learning needs and interests.

Action Step 6.4: Provide career and life planning programs in all schools for students from JK-12.

Action Step 6.5: Provide programs and services for international students. Continue to recruit students and agents for the program.

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Operational Plan 2015-2016

Action Step 6.6: Continue the implementation plan for the International Baccalaureate


Action Step 6.7: Provide programs and services for adult learners.

Action Step 6.8: Work collaboratively with parents and community partners to expand child-care opportunities to our students and communities . Investigate the possibility of other more affordable, alternative child care services.

Action Step 6.9: Provide equitable access to technology at the point of instruction for students and schools (e.g., infrastructure, bandwidth, wireless) to increase learning opportunities for students.

Goal: Enhance Public Confidence

Action Play 7- Ensuring Accountability, and Transparency

Action Step 7.1: Review, revise and implement the Energy Conservation and Demand

Management Plan in accordance with Regulations under the Ontario Green Energy Act.

Action Step 7.2: Complete all Financial Reports including the 2014-2015 Financial

Statements, 2015-2016 Revised estimates and Interim Year End and 2016-2017

Budget (estimates).

Action Step 7.3: Support the Audit Committee with Ministry reports, external auditors and the Board’s internal audit team.

Action Step 7.4: Initiate the design of Ministry approved Capital Projects and

Renovation Projects.

Action Step 7.5: Implement the 2015-2016 Renewal Plan for school facilities.

Action Step 7.6: Develop sustainable local collective agreements with employee groups and implement the central collective agreements.

Action Step 7.7: Ensure efficiency and accountability in the business operations of the


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Operational Plan 2015-2016

Action Step 7.8: Continue the management of the review and revision of current policies and the development of new policies as required.

Action Plan 8 – Engaging the Community

Action Step 8.1: Complete the French Review.

Action Step 8.2: Develop an overall Long Term Accommodation Plan.

Action Step 8.3: Continue to implement the multi-year Accessibility Plan and ensure compliance with AODA Standards.

Action Step 8.4: Support the Parent Involvement Committee and School Councils in their work to facilitate parental engagement in our schools and system.

Action Step 8.5: Support system and school based collaborative partnerships with community agencies and businesses.

Action Step 8.6: Continue to promote the Community Use of Schools .

Action Step 8.7: Ensure public awareness of student achievement and staff accomplishments through the Director’s Annual Report .

Action Step 8.8: Ensure public awareness of student and staff achievements and of celebratory events through media relations/releases, the Board and school websites and social media where appropriate.

Action Step 8.9: Promote the use of the Board/school websites, Twitter, and other approved social networking sites to engage community.

Action Step 8.10

: Develop, implement and maintain a communications plan to promote the success of programs in the UGDSB.

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