Public input on this draft document is welcome. Visit or write to Policy, UGDSB, 500 Victoria Rd. N., Guelph ON N1E 6K2. Deadline is May 11, 2016. Pupil Accommodation Review Procedures Manual 305-A Category: Administered by: First Adopted: Revision History: Next Review: 1. Administration Director of Education or Designate June 2002 March 2007, September 2013, June 2016 2020-2021 School Year Definitions Attendance area A geographical area where the boundaries of which are designated by the board to provide for the educational needs of the children of the area. Average Daily Enrolment (ADE) A calculation of a schools average daily enrolment is based on the average Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolments for each school as of October 31st and March 31st of the school year. Board Staff Refers to resource staff from different board departments including but not limited to Superintendents of Education, Finance, Operations and Capital, Planning and the Principal(s) for the schools involved. Business day A calendar day that is not a weekend or statutory holiday. It also does not include calendar days that fall within school boards’ Christmas, spring, and summer breaks periods. Consolidation The reorganization of students into one or more schools within the same review area and/or into a new school. Consultation1 Public participation goal To obtain feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions. 1 International Association for Public Participation (IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation, 2007) June 2016 Page 1 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A Promise to the public We will keep you informed, listen and acknowledge concerns and aspirations, and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision. Example techniques Public comment Focus groups (i.e. PARC) Surveys Public meetings Facility Condition Index (FCI) A building condition as determined by the Ministry of Education by calculating the ratio between the five (5) year renewal needs and the replacement value of each facility which is expressed as a percentage. Long-term capital and accommodation planning A comprehensive review that considers the condition and utilization of current facilities, and possible accommodation solutions designed to enhance achievement, learning opportunities and well-being for students. On the ground (OTG) capacity Refers to the capacity of a school as determined by the Ministry of Education by loading all instructional spaces within a facility to current Ministry standards for class size requirements and room areas. OTG capacity does not include capacity in temporary facilities (i.e. portables or portapaks). Overcrowded Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolment exceeds a school’s On the Ground (OTG) capacity resulting in a utilization rate of 110% or higher. Program Refers to either Regular Track (RT) or French Immersion (FI). Pupil Accommodation Review A Ministry-mandated process undertaken by the board to determine the future of a school or group of schools. Pupil Accommodation Review Committee (PARC) A committee, established by a school board that represents the affected school(s) of a Pupil Accommodation Review, which acts as the official conduit for information shared between the school board and the affected communities. June 2016 Page 2 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A Public consultation period The public consultation period begins with the first public meeting and will last no fewer than 40 days. During this period Board Staff will hold a minimum of two (2) public meetings. Review area The attendance area of an individual school or group of schools, family of schools, municipal or any other geographic area. School Information Profile (SIP) An orientation document with point-in-time data for each school under a pupil accommodation review to help the PARC and the community understand the context surrounding the decision to include the specific school(s) in a Pupil Accommodation Review. Underutilized Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolment falls below a school’s On the Ground (OTG) capacity resulting in a utilization rate of 80% or lower. Utilization A measure of the extent to which a school is operating at full capacity. The board uses two points of reference to compare school utilization: Underutilized and Overcrowded. 2. System Expectations 2.1 Policy 305 will be implemented in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines in effect at the time of the announced decision to initiate a Pupil Accommodation Review. 2.2 Where possible, accommodation reviews will include a group of schools within a specific board review area. There may be circumstances, however, in which a single school will be reviewed. 2.3 Whenever possible, schools should only be subject to an accommodation review once in a five-year period, unless any of the conditions noted in Section 3.2 exist. 2.4 Board Staff will develop School Information Profiles (SIPs) as orientation documents to help the PARC and school communities understand the context surrounding the decision to include the specific school(s) in a Pupil Accommodation Review. Each school under review will have a SIP June 2016 Page 3 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A completed at the same point-in-time for comparison purposes prior to the commencement of an accommodation review. The SIP provides an understanding of and familiarity with the facilities under review and includes the following two considerations, as well as additional information as described in Appendix A: 3. value of the school to the student; and value of the school to the school board 2.5 Pupil Accommodation Reviews will address excess student spaces while striving to maintain or improve both programming opportunities and excellence for all Upper Grand District School Board students. 2.6 Program and accommodation decisions that might require school closures, consolidation, construction, boundary changes or program relocation will endeavor to take into account the needs of all students in all schools in the affected community and the board as a whole. 2.7 Pupil Accommodation Reviews will also recognize any school renewal backlogs and predicted maintenance. 2.8 Board Staff may propose accommodation options that include new capital investment; however an option requiring no capital investment will be included. 2.9 Normally, decisions to change school attendance area boundaries, to relocate programs or consolidate or close schools will be effective as of June 30th of the school year following completion of the accommodation review. The board may alter these implementation timelines. Pupil Accommodation Review Process 3.1 June 2016 The Upper Grand District School Board will prepare and update long-term capital and accommodation planning information to address the future accommodation needs of its students including: Enrolment projections School capacity/utilization Renewal needs Potential consolidations (closures) Page 4 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 3.2 Construction projects (new schools, additions, significant renovations) Qualifying Criteria to Undertake a Pupil Accommodation Review The following are specific qualifying criteria that will be reviewed when determining which school or group of schools in a review area may be recommended for a Pupil Accommodation Review: June 2016 3.2.1 A school or group of schools within a review area that have had a utilization less than 80% over the past two (2) years and are projected to remain underutilized for the next five (5) years. 3.2.2 A school or group of schools within a review area that have had a utilization greater than 110% over the past two (2) years and are projected to remain overcrowded for the next five (5) years. 3.2.3 Any school which is deemed not able to offer a viable program in terms of enrolment, class sizes and/or grade configurations. 3.2.4 Any school which is deemed to have higher than average staffing, operating and maintenance costs. 3.2.5 Secondary programs cannot be offered because of low enrolment or inadequate inventory of purpose built classrooms (e.g. tech shops, art rooms, etc.). 3.2.6 Excessive costs to deal with environmental and building issues that may exist. 3.2.7 The condition of the building, the age and design of the facility, the cost of building upgrades or a high Facility Condition Index (FCI) which result in a capital demand that is not sustainable or affects program delivery. 3.2.8 For any other reason, upon the recommendation of the Director of Education. Examples may include, but would not be limited to, the following: health, safety or environmental conditions affecting the immediate area of the school, changes in provincial funding, policy, or directives Page 5 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A request from the community, etc. 3.3 Other schools that do not meet the qualifying criteria may be included in the Pupil Accommodation Review due to their proximity to the schools recommended for a Pupil Accommodation Review to ensure a comprehensive analysis of possible accommodation options. 3.4 Initiating a Pupil Accommodation Review (process chart in Appendix C) June 2016 3.4.1 Board Staff will prepare and present an Initial Staff Report for consideration by the Board of Trustees, which identifies a school or a group of schools that satisfies qualifying criteria from Section 3.2. Included in the Initial Staff Report are the School Information Profiles which provide an understanding and familiarity with the facilities under review. Appendix B outlines the contents of the Initial Staff Report. 3.4.2 Following the date of the Board of Trustees approval to conduct a Pupil Accommodation Review, Board Staff will provide written notice of the Board of Trustees’ decision within five (5) business days to each of the following: The affected school communities in the review area. The affected lower and upper tier municipalities and other interested community partners. The Directors of Education of the coterminous school boards. The Ministry of Education through the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Financial Policy and Business Division. 3.4.3 The Initial Staff Report, School Information Profile(s) and a copy of Pupil Accommodation Review Policy 305 and Procedure 305-A will be made available to the public and posted on the board’s website following the Board of Trustees’ decision to proceed. 3.4.4 Beginning with the date of the Board of Trustees’ decision to conduct a Pupil Accommodation Review, there will be no fewer than thirty (30) business days before the first public meeting is held. Page 6 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 3.4.5 Prior to the first public meeting the board will establish a Pupil Accommodation Review Committee (PARC) and hold an orientation meeting. 3.4.6 There will be no fewer than forty (40) days between the first and final public meetings. 3.4.7 Board Staff will invite the affected lower and upper tier municipalities through the Clerk’s Department (or equivalent) and other community partners that expressed an interest prior to the Pupil Accommodation Review to a meeting to discuss and comment on the recommended option(s) in the Initial Staff Report. 3.4.8 The Final Staff Report (Appendix B) will be presented to the Board of Trustees for information and posted on the board’s website no fewer than ten (10) business days after the final public meeting. 3.4.9 The Board of Trustees may decide to schedule Pupil Accommodation Review delegation special board meeting(s). From the presentation of the Final Staff Report, there will be no fewer than ten (10) business days before the first delegation special board meeting. 3.4.10 Board Staff will compile the feedback presented at the delegation special board meeting(s) which will be submitted to the Board of Trustees as an addendum to the Final Staff Report. 3.4.11 There will be no fewer than ten (10) business days between the last delegation special board meeting and the final decision of the Board of Trustees. 3.5 June 2016 Transition Planning 3.5.1 If the Board of Trustees decides to consolidate and/or close a school, a School Transition Planning Team will be established to address the transition. This team will work in consultation with parents/guardians, the Principal(s) of the affected schools and Board Staff and will communicate the transition plan including timelines to all affected school communities. 3.5.2 The purpose of the School Transition Planning Team is to develop a plan that gives consideration to: Page 7 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A supporting students and families in the transition ensuring the availability of adequate resources to support teaching and learning building the school community and acknowledgement of established school climates/culture 3.5.3 The School Transition Planning Team will ensure the followthrough of the plan and report on the progress of the transition plan following implementation. 3.5.4 The School Transition Planning Team will include the following: 3.5.5 4. Superintendent of Education Principal(s) of the affected schools up to two (2) parents/guardians from each affected school chosen by their respective school councils, representing the program composition of the school two (2) school Staff from each affected school up to two (2) students from each affected secondary school other Board Staff as appropriate The Superintendent of Education will act as the Chair of the School Transition Planning Team and will also formulate the Terms of Reference for the School Transition Planning Team. Pupil Accommodation Review Committee (PARC) 4.1 Upon the Board of Trustees approval to commence a Pupil Accommodation Review, Upper Grand District School Board will establish a Pupil Accommodation Review Committee (PARC) to act as a conduit for information shared between the board and the affected school communities. 4.2 The Director of Education will appoint the Superintendent of Education from the affected family of schools or designate (i.e. external facilitator) to act as PARC Chair to undertake the Pupil Accommodation Review. 4.3 The PARC will be disbanded after the final public meeting. June 2016 Page 8 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 4.4 Membership 4.4.1 4.5 June 2016 The PARC may be comprised of the following members: two (2) parents/guardians from each affected school chosen by their respective School Councils and representing the program composition of the school up to two (2) students from each affected secondary school Trustees (as ad hoc members) 4.4.2 Board Staff from various areas of responsibility may be assigned to act as resources to the PARC. This includes the Superintendent of Education and Principal(s) for the affected schools, Finance, Facilities and Planning Staff members as well as Staff from Service de transport de Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services (STWDSTS). 4.4.3 The Superintendent of Education for the affected schools will act as Chair of the PARC. 4.4.3 Board Staff will plan committee meetings to accommodate the majority of PARC members’ schedules. The PARC will be deemed to be properly constituted whether or not all the listed members participate at meetings and no act or duty performed by the PARC will be deemed invalid by reason only of absence of any member(s). A quorum is not required to properly constitute a working meeting of the PARC. PARC Meetings 4.5.1 An orientation meeting will be held for the PARC members prior to the first public meeting. At this session the PARC Chair will provide and review this policy and describe the mandate, roles and responsibilities and procedures of the PARC. Formal discussion of the School Information Profiles (SIPs) will not take place until the first public meeting. 4.5.2 The PARC will meet to review materials presented by Board Staff. The PARC may hold as many working meetings as is deemed necessary within the timelines established by this policy. Page 9 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 4.5.3 4.6 4.7 4.8 June 2016 PARC working meetings are open to the public as observers only. Roles and Responsibilities 4.6.1 The PARC will assume an advisory role. The PARC will act as a conduit for information shared between the board and the school communities. 4.6.2 The PARC may comment on the Initial Staff Report and may, throughout the Pupil Accommodation Review process, seek clarification of the Initial Staff Report. 4.6.3 The PARC may seek clarification about information in the School Information Profiles (SIPs) but does not approve the SIPs. 4.6.4 The PARC may choose to provide accommodation options other than those included in the Initial Staff Report; however, supporting rationale for any such option(s) must also be provided to Board Staff. 4.6.5 Members of the PARC may delegate the Board in accordance with Section 5.3. Decision Making and Organizational Structure 4.7.1 The PARC will be chaired by the Superintendent of Education of the affected school(s) or designate (i.e. external facilitator). 4.7.2 The PARC members do not provide recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Members do not need to achieve consensus regarding the information provided to the Board of Trustees. Terms of Reference 4.8.1 Board Staff will provide the PARC with a Terms of Reference that describes its mandate. The mandate will refer to the board’s education and accommodation objectives for undertaking the Pupil Accommodation Review and reflect the board’s strategy for enhancing the learning opportunities and well-being for students. 4.8.2 The Terms of Reference will provide a clear outline of the board’s expectations of the roles, responsibilities and procedures of the PARC and outline the minimum number of working meetings of the PARC. Page 10 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 4.8.3 5. At a minimum, the PARC will provide feedback to Board Staff on the Initial Staff Report option(s). Consultation 5.1 5.2 June 2016 Municipal and Community Partners Meeting 5.1.1 Following the date of the Board of Trustees decision to conduct a Pupil Accommodation Review, Board Staff will provide written notice of the Board of Trustees’ decision to each of the affected lower and upper tier municipalities through the Clerks Department (or equivalent) and to other community partners that expressed an interest prior to the Pupil Accommodation Review and invite them to a meeting to discuss and comment on the recommended option(s) in the Initial Staff Report. 5.1.2 The affected lower and upper tier municipalities, as well as other community partners are to provide their comments on the recommended option(s) contained in the Initial Staff Report before the final public meeting. 5.1.3 Board Staff will document their efforts to meet with the affected lower and upper tier municipalities, as well as other community partners and provide any relevant information from this meeting(s) as part of the Final Staff Report. Public Meetings 5.2.1 Once the Board of Trustees has received an Initial Staff Report and has approved the initiation of a Pupil Accommodation Review, Board Staff will arrange to hold a minimum of two (2) public meetings for broader community consultation on the Initial Staff Report. 5.2.2 Public meetings will be facilitated by Board Staff to get community feedback on the recommended options contained in the Initial Staff Report. 5.2.3 Public meetings will be announced and advertised through an appropriate range of media as determined by Board Staff. 5.2.4 At a minimum, the first public meeting must include an overview of the PARC orientation meeting, presentation of the Initial Staff Page 11 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A Report with recommended option(s) and a formal presentation of the SIP(s). 5.2.5 5.3 The final public meeting marks the end of the Public Consultation Period. Pupil Accommodation Review Delegation Opportunities 5.3.1 Pupil Accommodation Review delegations wishing to appear before the Board of Trustees at either a standing committee meeting or at a regular board meeting may do so in accordance with the board’s Procedural By-law. 5.3.2 A Pupil Accommodation Review delegation special board meeting may also be scheduled following submission of the Final Staff Report to the Board of Trustees. Members of the public who wish to delegate at a delegation special meeting will have the opportunity to do as follows: A delegation special board meeting may be scheduled no fewer than 10 business days from the date of the board meeting where the Final Staff Report was presented to the Board of Trustees. June 2016 The intent of this meeting is to receive delegations pertaining to the Pupil Accommodation Review. No decisions will be made at this meeting. Requests to be a delegation are to be submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the board with a copy of the delegation presentation by 12:00 p.m., five (5) business days before the meeting. A delegation special board meeting will hear up to 20 delegations at one meeting. If more than 20 delegation requests are received, the Chair, Vice-Chair and Director of Education (or designate) will review the submissions and will reserve the right to minimize the duplication of topics. Those requesting to be delegations will be consulted if the need to minimize is identified. Coordination of topics through Page 12 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A the school council(s) involved is recommended for delegations. A second delegation special board meeting may be considered for those delegations that could not be heard, provided that the meeting can be scheduled in the time allowed within the Ministry guidelines. Registration will be confirmed with delegations by the Board Secretary. The length of time for each delegation will be a total of twenty (20) minutes, comprised of ten (10) minutes for presentation and ten (10) minutes for Trustee questions. A delegation must be comprised of no more than two (2) speakers within the ten (10) minute presentation time allotment. Delegations made to the board will be received as information, and input will be compiled to be submitted to the Board of Trustees as an addendum to the Final Staff Report. 6. Staff Reports, Information and Access 6.1 There are two (2) Board Staff Reports to be completed during the Pupil Accommodation Review process that are outlined in more detail in Appendix B. 6.1.1 June 2016 The Initial Staff Report to Trustees will be presented before undertaking a Pupil Accommodation Review. It will contain one or more options, including a recommended option with supporting rationale for each option. If new capital investment is required as a result of the recommended option, the report will detail how the school board intends to fund this, as well as a proposal on how students would be accommodated if Ministry funding does not become available. This report will also include information on actions taken by Board Staff prior to establishing a Pupil Accommodation Review process. Page 13 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 6.1.2 7. The Final Staff Report is prepared at the end of the Public Consultation period and will include a community consultation section that contains information and comments from the PARC (non-modified process), public, municipalities and community organizations. It also includes a recommended option(s) which may be amended from the Initial Staff Report. 6.2 Minutes of all meetings will be recorded by Board Staff. 6.3 Board Staff will issue a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document as needed to respond to queries and input received. 6.4 Minutes, FAQ(s) and documentation presented at meetings will be posted on the board’s website and provided in hard copy. Modified Accommodation Review Process 7.1 In certain circumstances, where the potential accommodation options are deemed by the board to be limited or less complex, the board may find it appropriate to undertake a Modified Accommodation Review process. 7.2 Even when the conditions for a Modified Accommodation Review are met, the board may choose to follow the standard Pupil Accommodation Review process. 7.3 A Modified Accommodation Review is conducted when the school board is proposing the relocation (in any school year or over a number of school years) of students or grades, in which the number of students or enrolment of the grades is equal to or more than 50% of the school’s enrolment, or when proposing to relocate an entire program. This calculation is based on the enrolment at the time of the relocation, or the first phase of relocation carried over a number of school years. 7.4. Additionally, two (2) or more of the following conditions might allow a Modified Accommodation Review process to be considered: June 2016 7.4.1 Distance to the nearest available accommodation is less than 10 km (elementary) or less than 20 km (secondary). 7.4.2 Utilization rate of the facility; equal to or below 50%. 7.4.3 Number of students enrolled at the school is less than 150 ADE and projected to remain below for the next five (5) years in Page 14 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A elementary, or less than 200 ADE and projected to remain below for next five (5) years in secondary. 7.5 June 2016 7.4.4 Facility Condition Index (FCI) of over 80%. 7.4.5 When for any other reason upon the recommendation of the Director of Education. Examples may include, but would not be limited to, the following: health, safety or environmental conditions affecting the immediate area of the school changes in provincial funding, policy, or directives request from the community, etc. Implementing the Modified Accommodation Review Process (process chart in Appendix D) 7.5.1 The formation of a PARC is not required under the modified accommodation review process. 7.5.2 Board Staff will prepare and present an Initial Staff Report for consideration by the Board of Trustees, which identifies a school or a group of schools that satisfies the conditions for conducting a Modified Accommodation Review process in Sections 7.3 and 7.4. The Initial Staff Report will explain the rationale for exempting the school(s) from the standard Pupil Accommodation Review process, in accordance with this procedure. Appendix B outlines the contents of the Initial Staff Report. 7.5.3 Following the date of the Board of Trustees’ approval to conduct a Modified Accommodation Review, Board Staff will provide written notice of the Board of Trustees’ decision within five (5) business days to each of the following: The affected school communities in the review area. The affected lower and upper tier municipalities and other interested community partners. The Directors of Education of the coterminous school boards. Page 15 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A The Ministry of Education through the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Financial Policy and Business Division. 7.5.4 The Initial Staff Report, School Information Profile(s) and a copy of Pupil Accommodation Review Policy 305 and Procedure 305-A will be made available to the public and posted on the board’s website following the Board of Trustees decision to proceed. 7.5.5 Beginning with the date of the Board of Trustees’ approval to conduct a Pupil Accommodation Review, there will be no fewer than thirty (30) business days before one public meeting is held. 7.5.6 The public meeting will be announced and advertised through an appropriate range of media as determined by Board Staff. 7.5.7 Board Staff will invite the affected lower and upper tier municipalities through the Clerk’s Department (or equivalent) and other community partners that expressed an interest prior to the Pupil Accommodation Review to a meeting to discuss and comment on the recommended option(s) in the Initial Staff Report. 7.5.8 Municipalities and community partners must provide their responses, if any, to the recommended option(s) before the public meeting (or, if more than one public meeting is convened, prior to the final public meeting). 7.5.9 The Final Staff Report will be presented to the Board of Trustees for information and posted on the Upper Grand District School Board website no fewer than ten (10) business days after the public meeting. 7.5.10 Following the presentation of the Final Staff Report, the Board of Trustees may decide to schedule a Pupil Accommodation Review delegation special board meeting(s) in accordance with Section 5.3. 7.6 June 2016 A transition plan will be put in place following the Board of Trustees decision to consolidate, close or move a school or students in accordance with Section 3.5. Page 16 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 8. Exemptions to the Pupil Accommodation Review Process 8.1 8.2 The following are circumstances where the Upper Grand District School Board is not obligated to undertake a Pupil Accommodation Review in accordance with the Ministry of Education Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines and board policy: 8.1.1 Where a replacement school is to be built by the board on the existing site, or built or acquired within the existing school attendance boundary as identified through the board’s policy. 8.1.2 Where a replacement school is to be built by the board on the existing site, or built or acquired within the existing school attendance boundary and the school community must be temporarily relocated to ensure the safety of student and school Staff during the reconstruction, as identified through the board’s policy. 8.1.3 When a lease for a school is terminated. 8.1.5 When a board is repairing or renovating a school and the school community must be temporarily relocated to ensure the safety of students during the renovations; 8.1.6 Where a facility has been serving as a holding school for a school community whose permanent school is over-capacity and/or is under construction or repair; 8.1.7 Where there are no students enrolled at the school at any time throughout the school year. In lieu of the Pupil Accommodation Review process, it is necessary for the board to undertake reviews in accordance with School Boundary Review Policy 320 in the following circumstance, given none of the conditions in 8.1 are present: 8.2.1 When the school board is proposing the relocation (in any school year or over a number of school years) of students or grades, in which the number of students or enrolment of the grades is less than 50% of the school’s enrolment, or when an entire program is not being proposed for relocation. This calculation is based on the June 2016 Page 17 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A enrolment at the time of the relocation, or the first phase of relocation carried over a number of school years. 8.3 In circumstances where the board is not obligated to undertake a Pupil Accommodation Review or School Boundary Review, school communities will be informed about proposed accommodation plans for students prior to a decision being made by the Board of Trustees to consolidate, close or move a school or students. 8.4 As appropriate, no fewer than five (5) business days after the Board of Trustees make a decision that such exemption applies, written notice will also be provided to: 8.5 9. 8.4.1 The affected lower and upper tier municipalities and other interested community partners. 8.4.2 The Directors of Education of the coterminous school boards. 8.4.3 The Ministry of Education through the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Financial Policy and Business Division. A transition plan will be put in place following the Board of Trustees decision to consolidate, close or move a school or students in accordance with this section. Ministry of Education Administrative Review of Pupil Accommodation Review Process 9.1. A review of a board’s Pupil Accommodation Review process may be sought if the following conditions are met. 9.1.1 June 2016 An individual or individuals must: Submit a copy of the board’s Pupil Accommodation Review Policy highlighting how the Accommodation Review process was not compliant with the board’s Pupil Accommodation Review Policy. Demonstrate the support of a portion of the school community through the completion of a petition signed by a number of supporters equal to at least 30% of the affected school’s or schools’ student headcount (e.g. if the headcount is 150, then 45 signatures would be Page 18 of 19 PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A required). Parents/guardians of students and/or other individuals that participated in the Pupil Accommodation Review process are eligible to sign the petition. 9.1.2 9.2 June 2016 The petition should clearly provide a space for individuals to print and sign their name; address (street name and postal code); and to indicate whether they are a parent/guardian of a student attending the school subject to the Pupil Accommodation Review, or an individual who has participated in the review process. Submit the petition and justification to the board and the Minister of Education within 30 days of the board’s closure resolution. The board would be required to: Confirm to the Minister of Education that the names on the petition are parents/guardians of students enrolled at the affected school and/or individuals who participated in the review process. Prepare a response to the individual’s or individuals’ submission regarding the process and forward the board’s response to the Minister of Education within 30 days of receiving the petition. If the conditions set out above have been met, the Ministry of Education would be required to undertake a review by appointing a facilitator to determine whether the board’s Pupil Accommodation Review Process was undertaken in a manner consistent with the board’s Pupil Accommodation Review Policy 305 within 30 days of receiving the board’s response. Page 19 of 19