UPP                     SCHO

o be reviewed
d and posted
d to school weebsite in Septtember of each year) SC
ollege Heigghts Secon
ndary Scho
September 22
2, 2014
Evveryone at C
College Heigh
hts Secondarry School is ccommitted tto making ou
ur school a ssafe, inclusivve and eq
quitable environment fo
or all. We treeat each oth
her with resp
pect and we will refuse tto tolerate in
nequities in any form att our school.. D
Bullying” means aggressiive and typiccally repeateed. A)) The behavviour is inten
nded by the pupil to havve the effect of, or the pupil ought to
o know that the behaviourr would be likely to havee the effect o
of, causing harm, fear or diistress to another individ
i) dual, includiing physical,, psychologiccal, social or academicc harm, harm
m to the indiividual’s rep
putation or h
harm to the iindividual’s p
property, or creating a negative environment at a school forr another ind
dividual, and
d ii) B) The beh
haviour occu
urs in a context where th
here is a real or perceiveed power im
mbalance bettween the pupil an
nd the indiviidual based on factors su
uch as size, sstrength, age, intelligence, peer gro
oup power, econom
mic status, so
ocial status, religion, eth
hnic origin, ssexual orienttation, family circumstan
nces, gender,, gender identity, gendeer expression
n, race, disab
bility or the receipt of sp
pecial education; (intimid
dation) Bu
ullying takes different fo
orms of contexts with agge. It can be physical, veerbal, social//emotional o
or through eleectronic means (cyber‐b
bullying). Byystanders co
ontribute to b
bullying by d
doing nothin
ng to prevent it or beecome activeely involved in supportin
ng it. E
NG •
Ganging up on someone Taunting ssomeone in a hurtful waay Using put‐‐downs, such
h as insultingg someone’ss race or maaking fun of ssomeone forr being a boyy or girl Spreading rumours ab
bout someon
ne, person to
o person or electronically Excluding someone intentionally o
or trying to gget others to
o not associaate with som
meone E
OMMITTEE (mandatory for all schools) – Noote: An existing school committee can assume this role hool Sch
Administrator: uity Rep: Equ
Teaacher(s): ___Ste
ephen Gayfeer_ ______
____________________________________________________________ A.Bouttin______________________________________________________________________ E. Rive
ers______________________________________________________________________ Support Staff: K.Dorscht_______________________________________________________________ Student Rep: (may not attend all meetings but should when _S. Clark_________________________________ appropriate) Parent: _Katherine Davidson Community Partner: (if possible) D.Warren__________________________________________________________________________
SAFE SCHOOLS COMMITTEE X Please check if same as above School Administrator: ________________________________________________________________ Equity Rep: ________________________________________________________________ Teacher(s): ________________________________________________________________ Support Staff: ________________________________________________________________ Parent: ________________________________________________________________ Community Partner: (if possible) _____________________________________________________________________________ Student Rep: (may not attend all meetings but should when appropriate) __________________________________ SCHOOL MONITORING AND REVIEW PROCESS
This Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive School Plan was developed or reviewed by our Staff on: September 8th, 2013. Our most recent school climate survey was or will be conducted on: June 2012. Our Upper Grand District School Board school climate survey is scheduled to be re‐administered every 2 years. TRAINING STRATEGIES FOR MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY
Members of our school community will receive Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive training through: X Board professional development workshops X Staff meetings X Provision of professional development materials and resources Other (please specify): PARENTS/COMMUNITY COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH STRATEGIES We will communicate our Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive strategies and initiatives by: X Including information inserts in our school newsletters and other in‐house publications X Sharing information during school assemblies and announcements X Sharing information through bulletin board postings X Sharing information at School Council and other parent meetings X Sharing information at staff meetings X Integrating Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusion into classroom instruction X Posting our Bullying Prevention Plan and Safe , Equitable and Inclusive Schools strategy on our school website X Informing parents and school volunteers of our procedures for reporting incidents of inequity X Assisting parents build awareness and knowledge so they may support our school Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive strategies BULLYING PREVENTION AND EQUITY & INCLUSIVE STRATEGIES, EDUCATION, PROGRAMS/ACTIVITITES Note: Our Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive goal(s) will be determined after we analyze the results of our anonymous school climate survey with our staff and school council. SCHOOL BULLYING PREVENTION AND EQUITY & INCLUSIVE GOALS(S): To increase student awareness of what constitutes bullying and the various forms of bullying. To build greater awareness of equity issues and promote/increase inclusive practices. BULLYING PREVENTION AND EQUITY & INCLUSIVE, EDUCATION PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES: Note: Our school currently implements or will implement the following bullying prevention and equity & inclusive education programs and activities that focus on developing healthy relationships and provide leadership opportunities for our students: Leadership Program training Stand Up to Bullying Day GSA Bullying Awareness Month Purchase of Equity and Inclusive books to enhance the library collection Equity and Inclusion presentation to staff Presentations from the OPP to Intermediates on bullying Character Education Co‐Op Program BULLYING PREVENTION AND EQUITY & INCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITIES Staff: Closely supervise students in all areas of the school and school grounds Watch for signs of bullying and stopping it when it happens Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports (Affirm, Ask, Assess, Act) Take seriously parents’ concerns about bullying incidents Assign consequences for bullying Teach students our procedures for reporting incidents of bullying Provide a safe environment for students who report bullying (protection from retaliation) Treat others respectfully Model positive ways of getting along with others Students: Treat each other respectfully Refuse to bully others Refuse to let others be bullied Refuse to watch, laugh or join in when someone is being bullied Include everyone in play, especially those who are often left out Report bullying to an adult Parents: Model positive ways of getting along with others Help their son/daughter find ways to express anger that do not involve hurting others physically or emotionally Teach problem solving skills Inform school staff if their child tells them about a bullying incident Support the schools bullying‐prevention efforts Help their son/daughter understand the value of accepting and celebrating individual differences Be alert to signs their child is being bullied or may be bullying others INTERVENTION STRATEGIES Our staff will use the following process when bullying is reported: ACKNOWLEDGE THE INCIDENT / AFFIRM • “You were right to report/get help from an adult.” • “I’m glad you asked for help with this.” GATHER INFORMATION / ASK QUESTIONS • “Tell me more about what happened.” • “Has this happened before?” • “Did anyone try to help you?” • “Are you telling me this is to get someone in trouble or to keep someone safe?” ASSESS SAFETY / MAKE A PLAN • Determine what the student needs to feel safe now • What can the student do if the bullying continues • Who the student will tell if there is another incident ACT / FOLLOW‐UP • Determine “next step” or refer the student to an administrator • Tell them what will happen next • Check with the student to determine the success of the intervention RESPONDING TO INCIDENTS OF BULLYING
We will implement strategies to support and educate those who are being bullied, those who bully others, and those who are affected by observing or encouraging bullying. Examples of these are: Regular discussions with students about what bullying is, and how to prevent/report/support and respond to inappropriate behaviour Use of collaborative problem solving and restorative justice to resolve and prevent future occurrences Use of a progressive discipline approach that includes education, early intervention, intensive intervention in cases of persistent bullying, possible referral to Board support staff and the community of social service agencies When responding to a bullying incident, our school staff uses a progressive discipline approach. Strategies may range from early intervention to more intensive intervention in cases of persistent bullying, with possible referral to board support personnel, community or social service agencies. Consequences are at the discretion of the Principal or Vice‐Principal. In the case of severe misbehaviour, our format of progressive discipline consequences may be superceded. 