January 2012 Dear Parents and Guardians:

January 2012
Dear Parents and Guardians:
We look forward to working with your son or daughter in Science classes this semester. Each student taking
a science course at CDDHS will receive an outline of the course providing details of the units in the class and
how marks will be earned. The second page of this letter outlines the evaluation and assessment policies of
the department in accordance with the Upper Grand assessment documents, and the procedures to be
followed in case of absence from an evaluation. Each student will also receive safety instructions and will be
required to follow safe practices in the lab.
We would like to stress the importance of regular attendance and punctuality in a student’s successful
progress. Students and parents are partners with the responsibility to clear every absence with a phone call to
the school at 519-925-3834, or a note the student will present at the office before, or after classes. A note
addressed to the teacher specifically explaining absence from a test or major assignment may be required. A
doctor’s note may be required in exceptional circumstances. Unexplained absences on “drop dead” deadline
dates or test days will adversely affect a student’s marks. Detentions will be served for skipped classes and
accumulated lateness to class. The automated attendance system will notify parents of student absence on a
daily basis.
Please help us to encourage your child to act in a manner consistent with these requirements. The school as a
whole is promoting Respect, Responsibility and Success within the school community. We welcome your
help in fostering these attitudes in our students. Please read the evaluation policy on the next page.
Thank you for your help. Should you have any questions or concerns, we would be pleased to hear from you.
Interim report cards will be issued on March 8th and we look forward to seeing you on Parents’ Night,
March 22nd. Students will receive an appointment booking sheet the week prior to Parents’ Night so that
you can arrange a convenient interview with subject teachers.
We are trying to reduce our environmental impact and would appreciate if you would respond to this first day
letter electronically on the school web site. You can go to the science department response site at
http://www.ugdsb.on.ca/cddhs/form.aspx?ekfrm=20249 to submit information directly. Please include your
child’s name and their science teacher’s name in your e-mail response. If you do not have internet access,
your child will have brought a copy home so that you can sign below, and have your child return the bottom
portion to the classroom teacher.
Yours truly, on behalf of the Science Department,
Steve Stewart
------------------------ Please respond electronically or detach, sign and return ------------------------------Student Name: ______________________________________________________
Science Teacher’s Name: ____________________________________
Parent’s Signature: __________________________________________________________
Centre Dufferin District High School
Science Department
Examination, Testing, Assignment, and Experiment Policy
Excerpts from UGDSB Assessment and Evaluation Policy 606
Each student must complete a summative evaluation totaling 30% of the final mark. Summative
evaluations usually include final exams, practical and written projects and presentations near the
end of the semester. Completing the summative assignment is a requirement of demonstrating
mastery of the overall objectives of every science course in order to earn a credit.
Student learning will be assessed and evaluated in a balanced manner with respect to the four
categories: Knowledge/Understanding, Thinking, Communication and Application. Specific
curriculum expectations will be used to assess and evaluate each student’s mastery of the overall
expectations in science courses.
A final date for submission will be clearly stated for all major assignments. Students are
responsible for providing evidence of their learning within established timelines. A pattern of not
completing work or submitting work late will jeopardize the granting of a credit as a student will
not demonstrate mastery of the overall expectations.
If a student is legitimately absent on the date of a test, or on the due date of an assignment, it will
be the student’s responsibility, on the first class day he or she returns to school, to submit the
assignment or make arrangements to write a similar test for credit. If the student fails to make
arrangements on the first day back to school, or to follow through with the arrangements made, no
credit will be given for the missed test or assignment. A student must present a note specifically
explaining any absence on a test or assignment date, in order to be allowed to earn credit for the
test or assignment.
If a student is present at school for part of the day of an assignment deadline, the student will
submit the assignment before leaving from, or after returning to, school on the assigned day.
Students present at school for part of the day of a test will arrange to write the test before leaving
or after returning on the assigned day. Students may not be absent from tests or assignments due
to school-related activities unless arrangements have been made in advance. Students who have
been at school, but did not fulfill their academic obligations will not be given credit for tests or
Assessment and evaluation will be on going, varied in nature and administrated over a period of
time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning.
Assignments will include small evaluations of specific expectations over a short term and more
involved tasks which involve evaluation of specific and overall curriculum expectations.
Directly or indirectly using the work of others as original work is a serious offense and will result
in academic penalties and possible disciplinary action. Students who have plagiarized or
improperly referenced sources will not be given credit for having completed the assignment.
Students are responsible for returning all assigned texts and materials in their original condition.
Any materials not returned, or damaged while assigned, will be replaced by the student.
Textbook replacement costs range from $80 to $110.
Safety is a critical part of the school science program. Students will be instructed in safe practices
and will be expected to conduct all lab work in the safest manner.