Proposal 14065 (STScI Edit Number: 10, Created: Thursday, July 9, 2015 8:03:45 PM EST) - Overview 14065 - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst Cycle: 22, Proposal Category: GO/DD (Availability Mode: AVAILABLE) INVESTIGATORS Name Prof. Christian Knigge (PI) (ESA Member) (Con tact) Dr. Robert I. Hynes (CoI) Prof. Philip A. Charles (CoI) (ESA Member) Prof. Rob Fender (CoI) (ESA Member) Dr. Teo Munoz Darias (CoI) (ESA Member) Dr. Jorges Casares (CoI) (ESA Member) Dr. Diego Altamirano (CoI) (ESA Member) Dr. Erik Kuulkers (CoI) (ESA Member) Mr. James Matthews (CoI) (ESA Member) Prof. Joseph Patterson (CoI) (AdminUSPI) Mr. Juan Venancio Hernandez Santisteban (CoI) (ES A Member) Mr. Aarran Shaw (CoI) (ESA Member) Dr. Poshak Gandhi (CoI) Dr. Nick Higginbottom (CoI) (ESA Member) Prof. Tony Bird (CoI) (ESA Member) Institution University of Southampton E-Mail Louisiana State University and A & M College University of Southampton University of Oxford Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias University of Southampton Space Research Organization Netherlands University of Southampton Columbia University in the City of New York University of Southampton University of Southampton Institute of Space & Astronautical Science Southampton University University of Southampton VISITS 1 Proposal 14065 (STScI Edit Number: 10, Created: Thursday, July 9, 2015 8:03:45 PM EST) - Overview Visit Targets used in Visit Configurations used in Visit Orbits Used Last Orbit Planner Run 01 (1) V-V404-CYG COS/FUV COS/NUV 5 09-Jul-2015 21:03:26.0 OP Current with Visit? yes 1B (2) V-V404-CYG-SAFE-TARGET COS/FUV COS/NUV 5 09-Jul-2015 21:03:32.0 yes 02 (1) V-V404-CYG STIS/CCD STIS/NUV-MAMA 2 09-Jul-2015 21:03:35.0 yes 03 (1) V-V404-CYG COS/FUV COS/NUV 5 09-Jul-2015 21:03:40.0 yes 1A (1) V-V404-CYG S/C 1 09-Jul-2015 21:03:42.0 yes 3A (1) V-V404-CYG S/C 1 09-Jul-2015 21:03:42.0 yes CU (1) V-V404-CYG S/C 1 09-Jul-2015 21:03:44.0 yes 20 Total Orbits Used ABSTRACT On June 15, the accreting black hole (BH) X-ray binary V404 Cyg underwent one of its rare transitions into a high-luminosity state. There are only about 20 dynamically confirmed accreting BH systems, and V404 Cyg is one of the brightest and closest of these. Its last outburst occurred more than 25 years ago, in late May 1989, so the current eruption is being intensely monitored across the electromagnetic spectrum. However, in spite of its astrophysical importance, the far-ultraviolet (FUV) waveband is so far entirely missing from this multi-wavelength campaign. Here, we propose to rectify this omission by obtaining UV spectroscopy of V404 Cyg during the next HST visibility period (July 4 - 13). The resulting data set will allow us to (i) detect and characterize any accretion disk wind in the system; (ii) determine the broad-band SED of the outer accretion disk, which is expected to peak in the UV region; (iii) determine the evolutionary history of the system from the N and C line strengths; (iv) detect and characterize the UV variability properties and search for wavelength-dependent reprocessing lags; (v) determine the extinction towards the system, and hence its luminosity and accretion rate. Since the decay time-scale of the outburst is expected to be about 30 days, this is likely to be the only opportunity to obtain these critical UV observations. OBSERVING DESCRIPTION 2 Proposal 14065 (STScI Edit Number: 10, Created: Thursday, July 9, 2015 8:03:45 PM EST) - Overview We will visit V404 Cyg three times with HST. The first and third visit will each consist of 5 consecutive HST orbits, during which we will carry out time-resolved far-UV spectroscopy with the COS/G140L instrument/grating combination. We will use the 1105 A setting for all of these observations to achieve continuous wavelength coverage between 1121 A and 2148 A. The TIME-TAG mode of COS will provide sufficient time resolution to capture variability on the dynamical time-scale within the accretion disk. COS is preferred to STIS in the far-UV despite due to its much higher sensitivity in this waveband. The second visit will consist of 2 consecutive HST orbits, during which we will obtain time-resolved near-UV spectroscopy with the STIS/NUVMAMA/G230L instruments/detector/grating combination. This gives continuous wavelength coverage between 1570 A and 3180 A, again at a time resolution sufficient to resolve fast flickering. Recent near-UV photometry obtained by Swift/UVOT shows that F_lambda,NUV ~ 1-5 x 1e-16 erg/cm^2/ s/A. (Motta et al. 2015b), where the nearUV measurement corresponds to the UVW1 or UVW2 filters, which have central wavelength of 2600 A and 1900 A, respectively. Since the intrinsic SED is likely to be blue, but subject to considerable reddening, far-UV and near-UV fluxes will probably be comparable. Based on these numbers, and allowing for overheads, we then estimate that 10 HST orbits of far-UV spectroscopy will yield a combined spectrum with S/N ~ 5-15 per resolution element at 1500 A. Similarly, our 2 orbits of near-UV spectroscopy will yield a combined spectrum with S/N ~ 5-15 per resolution element at 2800 A. There are no safety concerns for the COS or STIS detectors. In the near-UV, the existing Swift/UVOT observations show that the system is nowhere near bright enough to threaten detector damage. No empirical data exists so far in the far-UV, but even the most extreme plausible extrapolation from the near-UV to the far-UV -- assuming that both near-UV and far-UV emission lie on the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of the disk spectrum (F_lambda ~ lambda^{-4}) -- yields local and global count rates that remain well below the bright object limits. We will use an imaging target acquisition with Mirror B as the best compromise between efficiency and instrument safety. With this set-up, a 1 min ACQ/IMAGE target acquisition exposure yields S/N ~ 30-60 depending on the detailed SED shape, and the count rate in the brightest pixel never exceeds 8 c/s, well below the bright object limit. The observations should ideally take place as soon as possible, in order to ensure that we catch the system before it decays too much. We therefore request that the observations should be scheduled in the next available scheduling window (July 4-13) and preferably near the start of this window. 3 Proposal 14065 (STScI Edit Number: 10, Created: Thursday, July 9, 2015 8:03:45 PM EST) - Overview We also request that the near-UV visit should take place between the two far-UV visits and that all three visits should take place as close in time as possible. This will allow us to construct a near-simultaneous global SED. Several of us are leaders/members of ongoing monitoring campaigns at other wavelengths, so we can rely on existing/approved programs to obtain (near-)simultaneous coverage across the entire frequency range. In order to facilitate the scheduling of the HST program, we are not requesting any of these auxiliary observations to be formally linked to the HST observations. Instead, we will simply make a best effort to achieve obtain the widest possible range of auxiliary observations as close as possible to the time of the HST observations. We finally note that, given the strong variability currently seen at all wavelengths and on all time-scales (e.g. Ferrigno et al. 2015; Motte et al. 2015ab; Hynes et al. 2015; Hardy et al. 2015; Tetarenko et al. 2015), it is impossible to predict with certainty whether the system is likely to be detectable in the far-UV in early July. We are therefore happy to work with STScI to mitigate the risk of a non-detection. For example, it may be possible to implement a ``dead-man's switch'', whereby the HST observations will only be executed if Swift/UVOT near-UV photometry closer to the HST scheduling window indicates a significant likelihood of success. 4 Visit Proposal 14065 - FUV-1 (01) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst Proposal 14065, FUV-1 (01), withdrawn Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: COS/NUV, COS/FUV Special Requirements: ORIENT 172D TO 225 D Comments: This should be scheduled in evening-local time. Flags need to be cleared during the work day. Fri Jul 10 01:03:46 GMT 2015 As discussed with Beth Perriello, we have not explicitly linked our 3 visits in order to provide maximum scheduling flexibility. However, we do have some important preferences/constraints: 1) it is not necessary to schedule all 3 visits as closely as possible, but the NUV visit should be spaced as closely as possible to *one* of the FUV visits; Fixed Targets Diagnostics 2) the remaining FUV visit should be executed as early as possible in the visibility window; 3) the FUV+NUV set should also execute as early as possible, to the extent permitted by (1) above. (FUV-1 (01)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS (FUV-1 (01)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS (FUV-1 (01)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS # (1) Name V-V404-CYG Target Coordinates RA: 20 24 3.8213 (306.0159221d) Dec: +33 52 1.90 (33.86719d) Equinox: J2000 Targ. Coord. Corrections Fluxes Proper Motion RA: -5.04 mas/yr V=12.7 Proper Motion Dec: -7.64 mas/yr Parallax: 0.000418" Epoch of Position: 2007.6 Comments: Position, proper motion and parallax are from Miller-Jones et al. (2009). They are all based on radio/VLBI measurements and should be on the ICRF. Extended=NO 5 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Proposal 14065 - FUV-1 (01) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst # 1 Exposures 2 3 4 5 Label Target (ETC Run) FUV1-TAR (1) V-V404-CYG G-ACQ (COS.ta.714 196) FUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG (COS.sp.714 170) FUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG (COS.sp.714 170) FUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG (COS.sp.714 170) FUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG (COS.sp.714 170) Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. COS/NUV, ACQ/IMAGE, PSA MIRRORB COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A Opt. Params. Special Reqs. USE OFFSET V01S AF BUFFER-TIME=30 USE OFFSET V01S 00; AF FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES BUFFER-TIME=30 USE OFFSET V01S 00; AF FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES BUFFER-TIME=30 USE OFFSET V01S 00; AF FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES BUFFER-TIME=30 USE OFFSET V01S 00; AF FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES 6 Groups Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 1200 Secs (1200 Secs) [==>] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] Orbit [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Orbit Structure Proposal 14065 - FUV-1 (01) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 7 Proposal 14065 - FUV-1 (01) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 8 Proposal 14065 - FUV-1 (01) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 9 Diagnostics Visit Proposal 14065 - SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst Proposal 14065, SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B), withdrawn Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: COS/NUV, COS/FUV Special Requirements: ORIENT 172D TO 225 D Comments: This visit is for BOP checking the safe target only and should not execute onboard HST. (SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS (SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS (SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS (SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS Fixed Targets # (1) Name V-V404-CYG Target Coordinates RA: 20 24 3.8213 (306.0159221d) Dec: +33 52 1.90 (33.86719d) Equinox: J2000 Targ. Coord. Corrections Fluxes Proper Motion RA: -5.04 mas/yr V=12.7 Proper Motion Dec: -7.64 mas/yr Parallax: 0.000418" Epoch of Position: 2007.6 Comments: Position, proper motion and parallax are from Miller-Jones et al. (2009). They are all based on radio/VLBI measurements and should be on the ICRF. Extended=NO (2) V-V404-CYG-SAFEOffset from V-V404-CYG V=12.7 TARGET RA Offset: -0.76 Secs Dec Offset: 2.319 Arcsec Comments: This target is a blank piece of sky which is the bright object safe pointing and is 9.755 arcseconds away at a PA 283.8 degrees from V-V404-CYG. Extended=NO 10 Fri Jul 10 01:03:46 GMT 2015 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Offset Position (V-V404-CYG-SAFETARGET) Proposal 14065 - SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst # 1 2 Exposures 3 4 5 6 Label (ETC Run) FUV1-TAR G-ACQ (COS.ta.714 196) FUV1-SCI (COS.sp.714 170) Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. (2) V-V404-CYG-S AFE-TARGET COS/NUV, ACQ/IMAGE, PSA MIRRORB (2) V-V404-CYG-S AFE-TARGET FUV1-SCI (2) V-V404-CYG-S (COS.sp.714 AFE-TARGET 170) FUV1-SCI (2) V-V404-CYG-S (COS.sp.714 AFE-TARGET 170) FUV1-SCI (2) V-V404-CYG-S (COS.sp.714 AFE-TARGET 170) FUV1-SCI (2) V-V404-CYG-S (COS.sp.714 AFE-TARGET 170) COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 1200 Secs (1200 Secs) [==>] BUFFER-TIME=30 00; FP-POS=3 BUFFER-TIME=30 00; FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES BUFFER-TIME=30 00; FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES BUFFER-TIME=30 00; FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES BUFFER-TIME=30 00; FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES 11 60 Secs (186 Secs) [==>186.0 Secs ] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] Orbit [1] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Orbit Structure Proposal 14065 - SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 12 Proposal 14065 - SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 13 Proposal 14065 - SCIENCETARGET-BOP-ONLY (1B) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 14 Visit Proposal 14065 - NUV-1 (02) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst Proposal 14065, NUV-1 (02), withdrawn Fri Jul 10 01:03:47 GMT 2015 Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: STIS/CCD, STIS/NUV-MAMA Special Requirements: (none) Comments: As discussed with Beth Perriello, we have not explicitly linked our 3 visits in order to provide maximum scheduling flexibility. However, we do have some important preferences/constraints: 1) it is not necessary to schedule all 3 visits as closely as possible, but the NUV visit should be spaced as closely as possible to *one* of the FUV visits; Exposures Fixed Targets 2) the remaining FUV visit should be executed as early as possible in the visibility window; 3) the FUV+NUV set should also execute as early as possible, to the extent permitted by (1) above. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections Fluxes (1) V-V404-CYG RA: 20 24 3.8213 (306.0159221d) Proper Motion RA: -5.04 mas/yr V=12.7 Dec: +33 52 1.90 (33.86719d) Proper Motion Dec: -7.64 mas/yr Equinox: J2000 Parallax: 0.000418" Epoch of Position: 2007.6 Comments: Position, proper motion and parallax are from Miller-Jones et al. (2009). They are all based on radio/VLBI measurements and should be on the ICRF. Extended=NO # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups (ETC Run) 1 NUV1-TAR (1) V-V404-CYG STIS/CCD, ACQ, F25ND3 MIRROR G-ACQ (STIS.ta.714 179) 2 NUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG STIS/NUV-MAMA, TIME-TAG, G230L BUFFER-TIME=50 (STIS.sp.71 52X0.2 0 2376 A 4180) 3 NUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG (STIS.sp.71 4180) STIS/NUV-MAMA, TIME-TAG, 52X0.2 G230L 2376 A BUFFER-TIME=50 0 15 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 60 Secs (60 Secs) [==>] Orbit [1] 3000 Secs (2079 Secs) [==>2079.0 Secs ] [1] 3000 Secs (2995 Secs) [==>2995.0 Secs ] [2] Orbit Structure Proposal 14065 - NUV-1 (02) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 16 Visit Proposal 14065 - FUV-2 (03) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst Proposal 14065, FUV-2 (03), withdrawn Fri Jul 10 01:03:47 GMT 2015 Diagnostic Status: Warning Scientific Instruments: COS/NUV, COS/FUV Special Requirements: ORIENT 172D TO 225 D Comments: This should be scheduled in evening-local time. Flags need to be cleared during the work day. As discussed with Beth Perriello, we have not explicitly linked our 3 visits in order to provide maximum scheduling flexibility. However, we do have some important preferences/constraints: 1) it is not necessary to schedule all 3 visits as closely as possible, but the NUV visit should be spaced as closely as possible to *one* of the FUV visits; Fixed Targets Diagnostics 2) the remaining FUV visit should be executed as early as possible in the visibility window; 3) the FUV+NUV set should also execute as early as possible, to the extent permitted by (1) above. (FUV-2 (03)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS (FUV-2 (03)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS (FUV-2 (03)) Warning (Orbit Planner): INEFFICIENT ORDERING OF FP-POS POSITIONS # (1) Name V-V404-CYG Target Coordinates RA: 20 24 3.8213 (306.0159221d) Dec: +33 52 1.90 (33.86719d) Equinox: J2000 Targ. Coord. Corrections Fluxes Proper Motion RA: -5.04 mas/yr V=12.7 Proper Motion Dec: -7.64 mas/yr Parallax: 0.000418" Epoch of Position: 2007.6 Comments: Position, proper motion and parallax are from Miller-Jones et al. (2009). They are all based on radio/VLBI measurements and should be on the ICRF. Extended=NO 17 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Proposal 14065 - FUV-2 (03) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst # 1 Exposures 2 3 4 5 Label Target (ETC Run) FUV1-TAR (1) V-V404-CYG G-ACQ (COS.ta.714 196) FUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG (COS.sp.714 170) FUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG (COS.sp.714 170) FUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG (COS.sp.714 170) FUV1-SCI (1) V-V404-CYG (COS.sp.714 170) Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. COS/NUV, ACQ/IMAGE, PSA MIRRORB COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG, PSA G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A G140L 1105 A Opt. Params. Special Reqs. USE OFFSET V03S AF BUFFER-TIME=30 USE OFFSET V03S 00; AF FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES BUFFER-TIME=30 USE OFFSET V03S 00; AF FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES BUFFER-TIME=30 USE OFFSET V03S 00; AF FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES BUFFER-TIME=30 USE OFFSET V03S 00; AF FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES 18 Groups Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 1200 Secs (1200 Secs) [==>] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] 300 Secs (2612 Secs) [==>653.0 Secs (Split 1)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 2)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 3)] [==>653.0 Secs (Split 4)] Orbit [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Orbit Structure Proposal 14065 - FUV-2 (03) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 19 Proposal 14065 - FUV-2 (03) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 20 Proposal 14065 - FUV-2 (03) - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 21 Proposal 14065, Visit 1A, completed Fri Jul 10 01:03:47 GMT 2015 Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: S/C Special Requirements: ORIENT 172D TO 225 D Comments: This visit allocates and sets up the safe position offset slot for visit 01 which will use that slot. This S/C visits should go earlier in the week while visit 01 will be at least 3 days later. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections Fluxes Miscellaneous (1) V-V404-CYG RA: 20 24 3.8213 (306.0159221d) Proper Motion RA: -5.04 mas/yr V=12.7 Reference Frame: ICRS Dec: +33 52 1.90 (33.86719d) Proper Motion Dec: -7.64 mas/yr Equinox: J2000 Parallax: 0.000418" Epoch of Position: 2007.6 Comments: Position, proper motion and parallax are from Miller-Jones et al. (2009). They are all based on radio/VLBI measurements and should be on the ICRF. Extended=NO # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] Orbit 1 (1) V-V404-CYG S/C, DATA, V1 POS TARG 232.723, 5 Secs (5 Secs) -237.515; [==>] SAVE OFFSET V01 SAF; SPEC COM INSTR ECSLOTSET; [1] QESIPARM ANGL E 283.8; QESIPARM DIST 9. 755 Orbit Structure Exposures Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 14065 - Visit 1A - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 22 Proposal 14065, Visit 3A, scheduled Fri Jul 10 01:03:47 GMT 2015 Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: S/C Special Requirements: ORIENT 172D TO 225 D Comments: This visit allocates and sets up the safe position offset slot for visit 03 which will use that slot. This S/C visit should go earlier in the week while visit 03 will be at least 3 days later. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections Fluxes Miscellaneous (1) V-V404-CYG RA: 20 24 3.8213 (306.0159221d) Proper Motion RA: -5.04 mas/yr V=12.7 Reference Frame: ICRS Dec: +33 52 1.90 (33.86719d) Proper Motion Dec: -7.64 mas/yr Equinox: J2000 Parallax: 0.000418" Epoch of Position: 2007.6 Comments: Position, proper motion and parallax are from Miller-Jones et al. (2009). They are all based on radio/VLBI measurements and should be on the ICRF. Extended=NO # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] Orbit 1 (1) V-V404-CYG S/C, DATA, V1 POS TARG 232.723, 5 Secs (5 Secs) -237.515; [==>] SAVE OFFSET V03 SAF; SPEC COM INSTR ECSLOTSET; [1] QESIPARM ANGL E 283.8; QESIPARM DIST 9. 755 Orbit Structure Exposures Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 14065 - Visit 3A - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 23 Proposal 14065, Visit CU, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: S/C Special Requirements: (none) Comments: This visit will clear the slot. # Name Target Coordinates (1) V-V404-CYG RA: 20 24 3.8213 (306.0159221d) Dec: +33 52 1.90 (33.86719d) Equinox: J2000 Fri Jul 10 01:03:47 GMT 2015 Targ. Coord. Corrections Fluxes Proper Motion RA: -5.04 mas/yr V=12.7 Proper Motion Dec: -7.64 mas/yr Parallax: 0.000418" Epoch of Position: 2007.6 Comments: Position, proper motion and parallax are from Miller-Jones et al. (2009). They are all based on radio/VLBI measurements and should be on the ICRF. Extended=NO # Label Target Config,Mode,Aperture Spectral Els. Opt. Params. Special Reqs. Groups 1 (1) V-V404-CYG S/C, POINTING, V1 USE OFFSET V01S AF 2 (1) V-V404-CYG S/C, POINTING, V1 USE OFFSET V03S AF Orbit Structure Exposures Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 14065 - Visit CU - Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Transient V404 Cygni in Outburst 24 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 1 Secs (1 Secs) [==>] 5 Secs (5 Secs) [==>] Orbit [1] [1]